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Search results

  1. aero

    Moving Abroad Before the Collapse

    Just for some background, this girl met these guys on snapchat and snuck out to go party with them, got drunk and they had sex with her in a car while she drifted in and out of consciousness. "Sutton agreed that there was no evidence in this case of any force or coercion, but indicated that the...
  2. aero


    A couple summers ago I was hiking up Belknap Mountain in the beautiful Lakes Region, going up the trail in the afternoon, all of a sudden I hear a loud rustling up ahead in the bush and it's coming towards me fast. I looked around and saw no other hikers, and if it were another person at this...
  3. aero

    Have You Ever Been Set Up On A Date?

    Are these would be match makers actual friends of yours that you spend time with or are these just acquaintances you exchange pleasantries with who happen to know you are a single guy? If they were actual friends of yours who you spent time with you would have already been introduced to their...
  4. aero


    Man, if you've got all these pests on your farm, I see a perfect opportunity for some fun/training. I'd get a thermal monocular, observe them as they approach, then throw on NV and pick them off with an AR.
  5. aero

    US Border Crisis

    A black tranny looking creature, an Indian, an Asian woman, another Indian, a white tranny looking creature, and a fat Asian woman. Welcome to America.
  6. aero

    USA Secession / Balkanization

    The blue states and the men in them are increasingly anti masculinity and anti gun, the men that aren't I'd bet are overwhelmingly the minority of men who lean right. It is a shyt show and there's no way to predict how anything will likely go.
  7. aero

    USA Secession / Balkanization

    Obesity won't matter because nowhere near the majority of men fight in war. WV is the fattest state at 40% obesity among men, that still leaves you with around 1 million men who aren't obese in just one state.
  8. aero

    Game-like tactics for Christian Relationships?

    Tried to watch it but it was verbal diarrhea. I guess the argument he's making is that you shouldn't sleep with a girl you are dating, and you should be the ideal masculine stalwart, and that's going to make her fall in love with you... because you are rejecting lust and denying her deviant...
  9. aero

    US Border Crisis

    New York City is 30% white, with a (underreported) 36% foreign born population. It's not our America anymore, it's gone. It's actually hostile towards american history as you can see by them removing statues of the founding fathers. Gen z urbanites will do nothing to meaningfully oppose the...
  10. aero

    Lifter's Lounge

    I did calisthenics focused workouts (with some dumbell work mixed in for stuff like side delts and biceps) for 3-4 years and made great progress, but really after 1 and definitely 2 years I should have shifted into weight training in the gym. My goal from the beginning was adding as much lean...
  11. aero

    US Border Crisis

    We aren't going to vote our way out of this. Voting might buy you more time, but what's done is done. The country as we've known it all our lives is past the point of return.
  12. aero

    Moving Abroad Before the Collapse

    Depends on the area. I've met plenty of white, blonde/light brown hair, blue/green eyed locals in Latin America. Where whites exist they don't stick out like a sore thumb. It's not like Asia where yes you stick out like a sore thumb, it's all eyes on you and it's obvious from 100 feet away that...
  13. aero

    US Border Crisis

    Can anyone please explain to me like I'm 5 how we can (politically) stop this? I was watching a thing today where a guy was saying something like "at the border they are doing catch and release, we need Trump in office because he will do catch and deport", my question is, why can't we do that...
  14. aero

    Moving Abroad Before the Collapse

    It would be wise to stop searching for the perfect place (I'm pretty sure you've been fumbling about this process for years ignoring good advice from forum members) and just go do a tour of the main countries/cities that interest you. For instance, you're talking about not liking Italy because...
  15. aero

    Coffee Thread

    I've been drinking coffee every morning for 20 years. The best thing I ever did was switch completely to black coffee about 10 years ago. It's not something I ever plan to give up. Coffee for life.
  16. aero

    Good States to Live in the United States

    I plan to move back to the US early next year, and over the last few years have done a bit of research and found a few places I plan to check out based on my requirements. I'd love to live on 10+ acres in the mountains and ideally that's where I'll end up, but initially, for me personally a...
  17. aero

    Texas, New Mexico and Arizona Thread

    Do you know that to be a fact?
  18. aero

    Destabilization of US Cities: Crime, Homelessness, Liberalism

    I agree it's 100% intentional, but I think we are just at the end of this systems life cycle and we are witnessing the failure/collapse. The people pulling the strings have no interest in cleaning up the streets or restoring true justice, this is the new reality if you live in certain cities...
  19. aero

    Shooting in Maine

    And the thing is, the govt saved no one, as usual, they aren't coming to protect or save anyone. They'll show up with all the stuff eventually but it will be too late and it will all be for show. These events are strictly used to disarm the populace to give them less power to resist future...