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US Border Crisis

This is intentionally being done and I personally believe the long term goal is to establish one party rule in the US. The majority of these illegal immigrants will be dependent on government benefits and at some point, they will be given amnesty. Once that happens they will probably be allowed to vote in elections. Once this happens, they will vote for democrat, liberal and far left progressives.

No Republican or conservative candidates will ever have a chance at winning, this despite the fact that so called conservatives talk a good game about doing something about illegal immigration but really do nothing but hold useless committee hearings in the Congress and Senate. These hearings look good on the surface, but in the end nothing changes and they just bark a lot of hot air.

This will change the demographics of the country forever and we will see Latin American style corruption and incompetence on a level never seen before. I, personally, am very concerned about the direction this is going and I’m starting to give serious thought to moving elsewhere at some point.

Well, first of all, Christianity was ruined politically awhile ago when they gave women the vote and killed off the clergy of France. Probably those two events sealed the fate for the White man.

However, I wouldn't say that things are "hopeless." The fact is these invaders will want their free stuff, and won't get it once the money runs out. US Gov will go bankrupt and the people will starve. At that point, all it takes is one clever Spanish speaking politician to blame the chews and start agitating to take their money in the name of social welfare. I don't think the "rich" really understand what the conclusion of the direction they are taking the country in.
Just watching FOX News right now and seeing this mob of illegals in NYC that were attacking two cops on Saturday (at least one of the attackers was a woman). Two of the culprits just got released and one of them was flipping the bird to the cameras and the other was smiling and mocking the whole process. Both of these young "men" were dressed to the nines in hip skinny jeans, nike sweatshirts, $200 Polo down puffer jackets, Jordan sneakers, and covered in hundreds of dollars in tattoos.

Gen Z Americans are going to have to result to violence to get these "poor" illegal animals under control. These belligerent illegals need to start receiving heavy beat downs. Unfortunately, I am too old and lack the political passion of my youth to get anywhere near this mess. And I fear that American Gen Z'ers lack the skill set, seriousness, and political/historical education to understand how to deal with this increasingly volatile situation. Instead of feeling anger towards these people, Gen Z'ers have been brainwashed by the ZOG public education system to have "compassion" for those that hate them. JQ mission accomplished. Game over. Enjoy the decline.
New York City is 30% white, with a (underreported) 36% foreign born population. It's not our America anymore, it's gone. It's actually hostile towards american history as you can see by them removing statues of the founding fathers. Gen z urbanites will do nothing to meaningfully oppose the change, they will fall in line or migrate out of the city.
America is still a great place when you're around white people and in a small city or town. But the changing demographics and chaos in large cities will absolutely trickle down. And it's maddening that a lot of Christians and "conservatives" lack the balls to admit what's happening. Or maybe they're too brainwashed just like the idiotic left.

Sometimes I wish the less populated, right-wing areas could just break away and be left alone. Who knows if that would even solve anything. It would take some serious change to prevent this from happening again, and I don't think most Republicans have it in them. Maybe they'll wake up as we become more and more like Weimar.
It's been a near complete 360° Indoctrination by the Tribe on White People not too mention the Consolidation of The Economic sector to move people around like pawns. So people became economic drones getting that money and losing their Ethnic Identity and many times theie belief in a higher power and Authority.

The Question is now was a Multi Ethnic European Republic ever a feasible workable reality, especially when the Tribe of Esau evidently carried grudge for millenia where they could sneak in and Subvert and Get Complete Control?

Getting folks to buy into the JQ is the 64K dollar question. Nearly everyone I talk to above 40 still believe it has something to do with China or Iran or Russia, meaning whose behind the Complete Destruction of the Nation. I wish I had a well thought out cliff note or "JQ for Normies"! ;)
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New York City is 30% white, with a (underreported) 36% foreign born population. It's not our America anymore, it's gone. It's actually hostile towards american history as you can see by them removing statues of the founding fathers. Gen z urbanites will do nothing to meaningfully oppose the change, they will fall in line or migrate out of the city.

Honestly this is just a flash in a pan driven by government policy. Once the money dries up, and it will before 2050 guarenteed, these cities will shrivel up and blow away. We'll see who is still sticking around in America after that, I have a feeling it will still be like 60% White, collapsing demographics and all, simply because of how many will be forced to leave.

The whole "look at these huuuuge immigration numbers" headline is the regular math scam of projecting a current trend indefinitely into the future. These immigration numbers are a bubble, pure and simple, and will probably collapse as quickly as they rose. Immigration was zero during the pandemic, then Biden gets in and immigration immediately goes to record numbers. 100% artificial political mandate, therefore not sustainable.

Of course the country will go bankrupt in the process, life will be hard, but once the low hanging fruit is gone I'd wager about 80% of the migrants will realize it was easier in warmer climates.

371k were CAUGHT crossing December. I'm personally noticing my neighborhood change. Can't stress that enough. I see so many hijabs out and about now. Meanwhile White women are going crazy over Stanley cups. Never should have been allowed to vote. Feel like I'm losing my mind.

What do you mean about white women going crazy over Stanley Cups? You mean like butch lesbian hockey fans or what?
What do you mean about white women going crazy over Stanley Cups? You mean like butch lesbian hockey fans or what?
Recently White women of ages I think 12-30 have been paying like 250 dollars for a single Stanley tumbler (which has lead in it), perfectly encapsulating the folly of materialism and the herd mentality of women.


Looks like prices are coming down a bit, so I'm guessing the fad is fading.

For 40 bucks you can get a 40 ounce thermos which is watertight and will last decades.
Recently White women of ages I think 12-30 have been paying like 250 dollars for a single Stanley tumbler (which has lead in it), perfectly encapsulating the folly of materialism and the herd mentality of women.


Looks like prices are coming down a bit, so I'm guessing the fad is fading.

For 40 bucks you can get a 40 ounce thermos which is watertight and will last decades.
I've seen those Yeti thermos cups which cost $40. I think they are insanely overpriced already. A high quality thermos cup ought to cost about $10, and that's enough to allow for retail markup levels and some level of markup due to branding.

I imagine a high quality thermos cup is actually manufactured for about $1.90, and a cheap quality thermos cup can be made for about $0.75.

Seeing that Stanley is actually showing up Yeti in the insanely overpriced thermos cup market is very depressing.
Honestly this is just a flash in a pan driven by government policy. Once the money dries up, and it will before 2050 guarenteed, these cities will shrivel up and blow away. We'll see who is still sticking around in America after that, I have a feeling it will still be like 60% White, collapsing demographics and all, simply because of how many will be forced to leave.

The whole "look at these huuuuge immigration numbers" headline is the regular math scam of projecting a current trend indefinitely into the future. These immigration numbers are a bubble, pure and simple, and will probably collapse as quickly as they rose. Immigration was zero during the pandemic, then Biden gets in and immigration immediately goes to record numbers. 100% artificial political mandate, therefore not sustainable.

Of course the country will go bankrupt in the process, life will be hard, but once the low hanging fruit is gone I'd wager about 80% of the migrants will realize it was easier in warmer climates.

I really hope you're right. New York City is a basket case of mental illness and demonic attack. I've been going back and forth from NY to DC for a year now visiting my gf. This weekend I'm flying one way and moving her and her stuff out of there permanently. The city was in big trouble before the migrant crisis made its way there, now I don't see it recovering. The feminization of American politics emabled this invasion.
I really hope you're right. New York City is a basket case of mental illness and demonic attack. I've been going back and forth from NY to DC for a year now visiting my gf. This weekend I'm flying one way and moving her and her stuff out of there permanently. The city was in big trouble before the migrant crisis made its way there, now I don't see it recovering. The feminization of American politics emabled this invasion.

Brother, we've all seen it happen. Look at Detroit. 70 years ago it was #1 city in the world. Take away the money and everything dies.
Brother, we've all seen it happen. Look at Detroit. 70 years ago it was #1 city in the world. Take away the money and everything dies.
Everything dies, but the blame still ends falling on whitey.

Samseau, I like your optimism about whites still being ~60% of the population in 30 years but I dont think they're 60% of the population now.

The old values and culture of the US is still being kept alive by the old guard. But the old guard weakens day by day with each death of our red blooded American ancestors. And with their deaths go their teachings, influence, and life experiences. Things that directly pose a threat to the illusion and false safety of today's inverted and perverted lifestyles. And the layers of lies, brainwashing, corruption, and depravity grow stronger and more complicated each year.

A high priority is still the emascution of anyone of European heritage.

Weakening the males physically and mentally. Shaming any pride in their heritage. Instilling fear of complete physical or social destruction should they show any significant backbone. Making it harder for them to find employment due to state and socially approved discriminatory practices.

Socially conditioning the women to perceive their white counterparts as weak and undesirable in comparison to every other race. Encouraging them to ignore every 6th sense in regards to safety for fear of being racist. Making them vulnerable to malicious lesbians and faggots. Teaching them in indulge their every desire and shaming self restraint. Shaming Christ and any Christian values while encouraging new age satanic teachings. And to top it off, instilling the illusion that they can be passed around like a used towel in their youth but still deserve to have a man to be loyal and raise a family with.

White people can learn a few things from Hispanics. For reference Im talking about the ones with their values from their old country, not the brainwashed western ones or the recent invaders that the US govt is displaying treacherous favoritsm towards.

Heres what whites need to start doing to improve the birthrate and the future of their children but wont:

-Being less picky about a potential mate and getting rid of the idea that they should get a better deal.

-More accepting of the flaws that their spouses might have.

-Have more children if financially feasible, but definitely have children. Stop adopting virtue signalling toys. Hispanics breed often and breed young. Strength in numbers.

-Have better comminication, even at the expense of forgoing daily distractions (tv, video games, social media, etc)

-Form more organizations and outreach to others with the same other similar ethnic backgrounds.

- Stop secular beliefs and lifestyles and start going to church and forming relationships with other church members

-Embracing their parents cultures.

-Be more involved in their kids lives

-Stop considering blue collar work as low class. Caucasians gained an inflated sense of importance and self worth to the point that having a white collar job is the epitome of success even if the pay is crap. To them the thought of not working in a suit or getting dirty on a job is akin to failing at life, even if the pay is good. Your average hispanic working construction likely has no formal eduaction or barely a grade school equivalent yet likely earn better than some college grads.

-Most important of all: network and help each other out when needed. Defend each other ferociously when threatened even to the point of getting extremely physical or vocal.

A house divided against itself cannot stand.