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Moving Abroad Before the Collapse

You must be trolling when you say European women are worse than American women.

European women with the exception of the English speaking Euro countries (England, Ireland, Soctland and Wales) are far superior to American women on average. There really is no comparison.

Sure a Dutch or Norwegian girl is just as typically just as entitled and feminist as an American girl but at least they are thin and beautiful and most likely speak a few languages, read some books and would go for a hike with you if you were dating. And that's not even mentioning the countries in Europe chock full of high quality women (at least on a relative basis) such as Serbia or Belarus, Slovenia, etc And trying to compare obesity to American girls. Sure British girls might be just as fat but if you are telling me a typical Polish or Spanish or French woman is anywhere near as fat a a typical American girl that is just next level trolling.
I haven't seen a normal looking American woman in terms of weight in forever. May be some skinny vegan hippie chicks and fitness influencers. It's the food. If someone eats food from almost any US grocery store, even in moderation, they will get a layer of fat. Outside big cities natural food stores there are no healthy foods to buy or they cost crazy. What's considered lean here is fat to me, just a smaller fat layer. Women (and men) used to look completely different. Men are also all overweight here, it's not just women. Sometimes I see normal looking women online and I can correctly guess they are from EE, by them looking healthy/lean, I guess food isn't corrupted there yet.
Stats say average US woman weights 170lbs.
That's a lot. In EE mostly in the 150s, but the thing about EE is that lean women often let themselves go once they get married. In Russia it's only 132lbs and this is skewed by its Asian population who are short and small. Food had changed in entire world, processed grains.
BMI is a better metric, over 25 is overweight.
For women, Europe is right there around 25 cutoff
Stats say average US woman weights 170lbs.
That's a lot. In EE mostly in the 150s, but the thing about EE is that lean women often let themselves go once they get married. In Russia it's only 132lbs and this is skewed by its Asian population who are short and small. Food had changed in entire world, processed grains.
BMI is a better metric, over 25 is overweight.
For women, Europe is right there around 25 cutoff
The outlier with BMI is it cannot account for muscle mass. Body builders, or even well-toned fitness people would be considered "overweight" or "obese". In my prime, when I had lots of muscle and low body fat, I was around 27 or 28 BMI.
The outlier with BMI is it cannot account for muscle mass. Body builders, or even well-toned fitness people would be considered "overweight" or "obese". In my prime, when I had lots of muscle and low body fat, I was around 27 or 28 BMI.
Yes, but most women don't have much muscle so BMI is pretty accurate for them usually.
Well toned lean person who is not a bodybuilder usually stays under 25 BMI. People can store plenty of fat in the muscles so sometimes what they think is a big muscle is part fat
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Yes, but most women don't have much muscle so BMI is pretty accurate for them usually.
Well toned lean person who is not a bodybuilder usually stays under 25 BMI. People can store plenty of fat in the muscles so sometimes what they think is a big muscle is part fat
Yes, for men it's more about how you look and how your clothes fit. For women it's almost purely based on a number, and it's based on age, the only 2 things that really matter.
In the East, cities are more than one hour from public forests, and there is also a lot of traffic to fight to get out, one can safely double any time from google maps.

Also, in the East forests are heavily infested with disease carrying ticks and sometines heavy mosquitoes. They are hot and humid in summer very uncomfortable for hiking, and mostly got jungle-like undergrouth so one can't get off trail without collecting million of ticks.
Most trees are small/young because they logged it all. More crowded, as these small forests draw lots of people from densely populated Eastern states. I found Eastern forests to be very disappointing. They got some bigger trees in Northern Minnesota and Michigan but mosquitoes are really bad there.

No compatison to giant stunning forests in the West. Hardly any bugs, mostly, except mosquitoes in parts of Montana and WY. In the West, the biggest trees are in the Northwestern California, by the way.
I grew up within 2 minute walk from old growth public forest, hard to accept any other life.
Fair enough. I was really impressed with the Blue Ridge Mountains in TN/NC and the forests of northern Michigan. But aside from that, you're right that most of the Eastern states can't compare with the West. I hate the bugs too, but more arid climates also have their downsides. Somewhere like the Balkans has a good balance. Dry enough to not feel like a sauna in the summer or promote tons of undergrowth and bugs, humid enough to have good green vegetation and consistent rainfall.

Stats say average US woman weights 170lbs.
That's a lot. In EE mostly in the 150s, but the thing about EE is that lean women often let themselves go once they get married. In Russia it's only 132lbs and this is skewed by its Asian population who are short and small. Food had changed in entire world, processed grains.
BMI is a better metric, over 25 is overweight.
For women, Europe is right there around 25 cutoff
While I've seen plenty of overweight people in Europe, especially older ones, I've almost never seen the grotesquely obese types you occasionally find in the States. They definitely push up our average significantly.
Gringos are seen from a mile away by the gangsters
A white can blend into a white area such as EE but not into most places in LatAm
While this is true of certain regions and countries, such as Nicaragua (which is basically just one big Indian ethnic enclave) or El Chocó (which is 99% black, and yes, that's the actual official name of the place), I don't think it's hard to blend into most of LatAm. Most Latin American countries have a fairly large native white population. Most Colombian cities, for example, are something like 30-40% white European (hard to find actual stats, because the census people for some retarded reason lump in whites and mestizos into a single population group despite properly counting all the other ethnicities), and in places like El Poblado or Santa Rosa de Osos it's probably much whiter than that. You mostly just have to not prance around in a downtown area looking like this:


Or this:

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Stats say average US woman weights 170lbs.
That's a lot. In EE mostly in the 150s, but the thing about EE is that lean women often let themselves go once they get married. In Russia it's only 132lbs and this is skewed by its Asian population who are short and small. Food had changed in entire world, processed grains.
BMI is a better metric, over 25 is overweight.
For women, Europe is right there around 25 cutoff
Most women in the countries we'd move to have a BMI of over 25. The majority of women below that range are Asians and starving blacks in Africa.

It's upsetting though that American women are at 28.8 and are the fattest of the crop of Western women.
Somewhere like the Balkans has a good balance.
Speaking of...has anyone here been to Croatia? I know they have a nomad visa available but I heard it's a pain to get and you can't extend it. So basically, after 1 year you'd have to move somewhere else for 6 months and then reapply again to go back 6 months later. Kind of a bummer as I was considering going there before I learned that little fact. Maybe if I was younger I could put up with that red tape, but at this place in my life, I need something where I can land and start planting roots.
Brazil, as a whole, is not a great place.
However, if you were forced to spend 3 months ANYWHERE in one of Eastern Europe's post-Communist hellholes...you couldn't wait to get back to Brazil. Beleive me on that. If your only chocies are Brazil or Eastern Europe - Brazil would win, hands down.
Where do you come up with this nonsense.
Most women in the countries we'd move to have a BMI of over 25. The majority of women below that range are Asians and starving blacks in Africa.

It's upsetting though that American women are at 28.8 and are the fattest of the crop of Western women.
In EE a lot of younger women still got BMI 20 and less. They often do blow up after they get older and marry, though. Traditional diet got lots of bread, sweet pastries, grains, smoked meats, butter, all the fattening stuff. For women to stay lean into old age it's mostly Asians who pull this off. Some vegans too.
In EE a lot of younger women still got BMI 20 and less. They often do blow up after they get older and marry, though. Traditional diet got lots of bread, sweet pastries, grains, smoked meats, butter, all the fattening stuff. For women to stay lean into old age it's mostly Asians who pull this off. Some vegans too.
I'd rather take an EE woman who has a little stuffing on her, than a boney vegan, thanks. I remember when I lived in Russia, seeing tough husky women literally dragging their drunk husbands home through the streets by their collar, on my way to work in the morning.
In EE a lot of younger women still got BMI 20 and less. They often do blow up after they get older and marry, though. Traditional diet got lots of bread, sweet pastries, grains, smoked meats, butter, all the fattening stuff. For women to stay lean into old age it's mostly Asians who pull this off. Some vegans too.

I don't know guys... having been to Russia all I can say is that I was stunned by the high percentage of beautiful slim and, most importantly, intelligent and friendly women. If you learn the language finding a traditional wife there is fairly easy, assuming you are in decent/good shape, and are able to secure a reliable income. Of course your mileage always varies, so I can only speak for myself. Anyway, I can't say any of that about most women over in the West.
I remember that one Korean girl who was 35, would never guess she was older than 20, even though she was very tall. A combination of mostly vegal diet (they don't have much milk stuff in Korea so their vegetarians are often vegans), generally healthier Korean groceries and local genetics seemed to make her not subject to aging
I don't know guys... having been to Russia all I can say is that I was stunned by the high percentage of beautiful slim and, most importantly, intelligent and friendly women. If you learn the language finding a traditional wife there is fairly easy, assuming you are in decent/good shape, and are able to secure a reliable income. Of course your mileage always varies, so I can only speak for myself. Anyway, I can't say any of that about most women over in the West.
Czech women are almost as fat as American according to stats. Serbian are on the heavier side too. But younger women avoid getting fat in EE. Its after marriage when they let go, Russian too, especially after 30-35. It "improved" in Russia due to losses of male population, though. Many perished or left in the 90s, plus Chechen wars, made it more competitive for women, now there is another war and many left the country again, will get even more competitive to find a man
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While this is true of certain regions and countries, such as Nicaragua (which is basically just one big Indian ethnic enclave) or El Chocó (which is 99% black, and yes, that's the actual official name of the place), I don't think it's hard to blend into most of LatAm. Most Latin American countries have a fairly large native white population. Most Colombian cities, for example, are something like 30-40% white European (hard to find actual stats, because the census people for some retarded reason lump in whites and mestizos into a single population group despite properly counting all the other ethnicities), and in places like El Poblado or Santa Rosa de Osos it's probably much whiter than that. You mostly just have to not prance around in a downtown area looking like this:


Or this:

One with nordic appearance can not blend into LatAm, not even remotely. Will be always sticking out as sore thumb. Same for Latino areas in the States.
Colombian cities might have some Spanish stock in them but a Nordic looking person have equal chance of blending in there as in Uganda. (anyway wouldn't want to bend with Colombian gangastas)
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Czech women are almost as fat as American according to stats. Serbian are on the heavier side too. But younger women avoid getting fat in EE. Its after marriage when they let go, Russian too, especially after 30-35. It "improved" in Russia due to losses of male population, though. Many perished or left in the 90s, plus Chechen wars, made it more competitive for women, now there is another war and many left the country again, will get even more competitive to find a man
I've lived in the CR, I speak the language, and I visit there on a regular basis. This stat is totally false. Czech women are NOT anywhere near as fat as American women of equal age.
One with nordic appearance can not blend into LatAm, not even remotely. Will be always sticking out as sore thumb. Same for Latino areas in the States.
Colombian cities might have some Spanish stock in them but a Nordic looking person have equal chance of blending in there as in Uganda. (anyway wouldn't want to bend with Colombian gangastas)

Depends on the area. I've met plenty of white, blonde/light brown hair, blue/green eyed locals in Latin America. Where whites exist they don't stick out like a sore thumb. It's not like Asia where yes you stick out like a sore thumb, it's all eyes on you and it's obvious from 100 feet away that you're a foreigner.

I've lived in the CR, I speak the language, and I visit there on a regular basis. This stat is totally false. Czech women are NOT anywhere near as fat as American women of equal age.
I guess that stat is wrong, I saw a different stat in Russian showing them being lighter. But Eastern European women are known to get heavy with age. Not as hideously fat as some American though, GMO stuff and corn syrup really do a number on people.
One with nordic appearance can not blend into LatAm, not even remotely. Will be always sticking out as sore thumb. Same for Latino areas in the States.
Colombian cities might have some Spanish stock in them but a Nordic looking person have equal chance of blending in there as in Uganda. (anyway wouldn't want to bend with Colombian gangastas)
Well SA is off my list then. I look like Ernest Hemingway but with a longer white beard. You'd think I fell off a Norwegian fishing vessel.
