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US Border Crisis

The only thing I can think of, is that average citizens make life as difficult and uncomfortable for the illegals, as possible. Don't let them shop in your stores, don't give them jobs, don't help them, insist they only speak English, etc. You get my point. No, it's not my nature to act like that, but it may be all that is left, short of violence, which no one wants. I see the natives in EE, Italy, and several other countries doing this, and the illegal migrants usually move on and self-deport.
Not going to work. There’s too many of them at this point and they are already building their own cities.
With the help of jewish funding of course ;)

But yeah.... there's not a lot we can do until a robust federal enforcement mechanism is enacted.

The rules on the books have to be enforced.

Which means at least another year of unbridled invasion, which in turn means at least another 5 million additional illegal migrants. If you add them all up over the term of the Biden administration I'd say we can easily assume a total of 20 - 25 million illegals (with tens of thousands of criminals and potential terrorists) that have entered the United States. How do you reverse all this unless you control all media channels and social media East Germany style?

As an analogy, hiring a bunch of security personnel and equipping your store with the latest anti-theft devices doesn't do you any good if it's been completely cleaned out already. Too little too late. The left knows it and it also knows that it has won the long con in terms of sheer demographics. White majority American is history now, never to return.

Unless there's a civil war I don't see any way back to the old powerful and prosperous USA that we all remember. Now a civil war or perhaps secession of various states is not impossible, but I would not get my hopes up or plan my future around it, especially if I were a young buck.

I for one saw the reading on the wall a long time ago (over a decade ago) and put myself in a position of safety and tranquility, which works well for me now. It's not a permanent solution but it will serve me for a few more years until I'm ready to move on to greener pastures which will also offer better opportunities.
The Republican party exists to keep Whites under control while their replacement proceeds unabated. The bioleninist left would prefer that the republicans exist as a pressure relief valve. We're being slow boiled.

Under the governance of the silent and baby boomer generations, White Americans went from about 90% to what is probably less than 50% today (many Whites according to the census bureau being in reality latino, North African, Central Asian, or else don't have parents born here.)

The Republican party WILL NOT stop this. If that was even a possibility, the current rhetoric of the GOP would be whether it's better to build a wall and deport or else militarize the border, shooting everyone who attempts to cross and arresting the NGO leaders responsible for this. The current rhetoric is between whether we should build a strong fence or simply vote Biden out, assuming the problem might not be as bad, basically returning to the status quo of just 1 or 2 million coming across illegally per year.

Thinking "the party" will fix this is the most unhinged, unfounded conspiracy theory I've ever heard. There's a chance Trump might actually build a wall, but what is that worth if he brings in more legal immigrants than ever, like he's said he wants to do - and high performing Brahmin and Asian immigrants at that with strong in group preferences who will ensure young Whites don't get good jobs.
The Republican party exists to keep Whites under control while their replacement proceeds unabated. The bioleninist left would prefer that the republicans exist as a pressure relief valve. We're being slow boiled.

Under the governance of the silent and baby boomer generations, White Americans went from about 90% to what is probably less than 50% today (many Whites according to the census bureau being in reality latino, North African, Central Asian, or else don't have parents born here.)

The Republican party WILL NOT stop this. If that was even a possibility, the current rhetoric of the GOP would be whether it's better to build a wall and deport or else militarize the border, shooting everyone who attempts to cross and arresting the NGO leaders responsible for this. The current rhetoric is between whether we should build a strong fence or simply vote Biden out, assuming the problem might not be as bad, basically returning to the status quo of just 1 or 2 million coming across illegally per year.

Thinking "the party" will fix this is the most unhinged, unfounded conspiracy theory I've ever heard. There's a chance Trump might actually build a wall, but what is that worth if he brings in more legal immigrants than ever, like he's said he wants to do - and high performing Brahmin and Asian immigrants at that with strong in group preferences who will ensure young Whites don't get good jobs.
Well we've seen how ridiculous it is when there is no border security. We aren't letting in 2-5 million H1Bs in per year.

One bit of the elephant at a time my friend....

So lets start there then we can address visas and H1b and all of that.

If you don't even have a border...then there's not much use fooling with legal immigration one way or another.
If you don't even have a border...then there's not much use fooling with legal immigration one way or another.
Well that's exactly the point of what I'm saying. If the American people put enough pressure on the GOP, they may shut down the border in some manner (temporarily), but they absolutely will not reduce overall immigration to the point where the native born White percentage in this country remains level or increases.

The platform of both parties is replace Whitey, the only difference is how fast they do it, and how gay they are when they do it.
Abbott declaring Texas law supersedes federal law, as Texas is under invasion and the Feds have broken the deal already:

Ball is back in the Fed's court.

The supreme court said that the Border Patrol could cut the wire.

They didnt say TX cant put it up. They didnt say TX has to assist them. They didnt say TX has to allow them access to the locations of the wire.

So I listened to AG Ken Paxton on Bannon this afternoon. He siad he doensn't give a wet fart, that they will continue doing what they are doing and they will not assist the Fed gov.... he also said in March they are going to do deportations on their own regardless of what the Fed Gov does.
Regardless of your opinion on US political parties, it should be written into law that any registered Democrat that voted for Biden in 2020 has to take mandatory care of at least 3 of these mongrels on their own dime as well as give them housing under their own roof. Failure to comply should result in jail time.

That's what anyone supporting this deserves.

Just wondering, is there a list somewhere of the actual organizations that are known to be going to these Centeal and South American countries and assisting them to come to the US? It smells of Soros Open Society Foundation (or whatever it’s called) but I don’t want speculations or theories, there has to be actual evidence somewhere.

We aren't going to vote our way out of this. Voting might buy you more time, but what's done is done. The country as we've known it all our lives is past the point of return.

“Three quarters... are single males." Unbelievable.

I live in a suburb of a major city. A few minutes away there's a lot of farmland and fields that are being developed into housing. Except for the senior living places, it's just brown people moving in. That's it. And it's gotten really noticeable.
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Along with the HIAS, the US Government also laundered a lot of funds through Catholic and Protestant Charities doing the same migrant aid thing. Just sayin’ the corruption runs pretty deep and widespread as usual.
HIAS and other non-Christian groups are a much larger share of the funding/work. And then look at who those Catholics are on the board of these groups.
I decided to scan the headlines of the major news networks for the border story. There basically is nothing out there. Headlines are mostly Trump in the courts and some blips on how great our economy is (up 3.3%!).

Things like this make me wonder sometimes if this is just being used as catnip for us. There is a whole new alternative news ecosystem that has formed and sometimes it seems it's just a new show for profit too.

Either they are a little worried and don't want to talk about it, or don't care because it's curated.
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