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US Border Crisis

Has there been a more physical federal/state challenge since the 101st Airborne was used to integrate Birmingham, AL schools at bayonet point?

At this point, Texas quite literally holds the ground, by means of military force. What are the Feds going to do? Send in an FBI swat team? Federalize troops and counter-attack? Write stronkly worded letters? Arrest State officials? Cut off budget streams? Maybe I'm overthinking this, but there are very rough Ruby Ridge themes playing in my head - with the Feds feeling compelled to flex muscles on Texas (Fed v State as opposed to Fed v Individual).

If there's one thing the USG doesn't like, it is having any level of authority below it issuing a challenge. This is causing many Dem heads to explode quietly. If Texas holds firm, what's to keep the nine lefty states mentioned above from blocking busloads of refugees at their state border, or some such unilateral action? On and on such questions.

It'll probably all fizzle away with some backroom deal. The invaders will be allowed full passage elsewhere. Hell, the USG might even ship them to crossing points in other states at US expense. That'd be how .gov likes to solve things. Avoid the issue, spend fed bucks for int'l causes, work around, declare victory.

Abbott just called the bluff, for now:

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Blackpill nonsense... okay... let's just wait and see what happens. I honestly hope you're right but, if you remember my contributions on the Roosh forum, thus far every single of my predictions on this issue in the U.S. as well as in Europe have turned out to be correct.

You could very well turn out correct, however, the idea that the outcome of an overwhelmed USA being inevitable is nonsense. Nothing is written in stone and only God knows what is in store.

As for recent SCOTUS case: Does anyone have the actual text to the decision? Seems pretty hard to get a rundown on what actually happened.
You could very well turn out correct, however, the idea that the outcome of an overwhelmed USA being inevitable is nonsense. Nothing is written in stone and only God knows what is in store.

As for recent SCOTUS case: Does anyone have the actual text to the decision? Seems pretty hard to get a rundown on what actually happened.

You're speaking in hypotheticals, while I’m offering probabilities based on prior precedent and the ongoing trend. The SCOTUS ruling is just one among a myriad of evidence supporting my views. Meanwhile, while we are debating the issue, tens of thousands of illegal migrants are entering the United States every single day with the help of the federal government. Most of them will never leave. The country‘s demographics habe changed irrevocably, and there’s no turning back the clock. Everyone reading this needs to embrace the reality of the situation and plan accordingly.
You're speaking in hypotheticals, while I’m offering probabilities based on prior precedent and the ongoing trend. The SCOTUS ruling is just one among a myriad of evidence supporting my views. Meanwhile, while we are debating the issue, tens of thousands of illegal migrants are entering the United States every single day with the help of the federal government. Most of them will never leave. The country‘s demographics habe changed irrevocably, and there’s no turning back the clock. Everyone reading this needs to embrace the reality of the situation and plan accordingly.

This SC ruling is 100% grade a Dog Shyte. As a Texan, this is particularly disgusting to me.
As for recent SCOTUS case: Does anyone have the actual text to the decision? Seems pretty hard to get a rundown on what actually happened.

Closest I can find is summaries

“ Jan 22 (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday agreed to temporarily let U.S. Border Patrol agents cut or remove razor-wire fencing that Texas officials placed along part of the Republican-governed state's border with Mexico to deter illegal border crossings.”

Closest I can find is summaries

“ Jan 22 (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday agreed to temporarily let U.S. Border Patrol agents cut or remove razor-wire fencing that Texas officials placed along part of the Republican-governed state's border with Mexico to deter illegal border crossings.”

Temporarily? Mmmhhh... does the ruling define a time window? I didn't read it but would bet good money that there is none, which makes it permanent until SCOTUS reverses it. Which will be never. Nothing is ever temporary when it comes to major decisions like this, because measures which are convenient/useful to the ruling class become permanent due to neglet and the boiled frog phenomenon.

Anyway, my point stands. Tens of thousands of people entering the U.S. daily through the Southern border would have been a reason to declare war on Mexico only half a century ago. But the entire system now has become so subverted and infiltrated by anti-White extremists that there is no means for pushback, let alone any measure to reverse the flow.

Ayn Rand — 'We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.'
Can anyone please explain to me like I'm 5 how we can (politically) stop this? I was watching a thing today where a guy was saying something like "at the border they are doing catch and release, we need Trump in office because he will do catch and deport", my question is, why can't we do that now? Does the Biden administration really have that much control over border policy that they can flood the country like this? Is there anything that can be done politically, now, or God forbid during a second Biden term, to put an end to this?

This is obviously a major crisis and it's shocking watching it happen, what has to happen for us to stack the border with armed border patrol agents who essentially stiff arm people back into Mexico. NO ONE GETS IN. I don't care if the images on international TV are grim, this is our country and we wont allow an invasion. That needs to be the stance. Is there anything the states can do, the senate, the house, the Supreme Court? I don't know enough about politics, but what I do know is a whole lot of damage has been done and it's sickening to watch it continue.
The only thing I can think of, is that average citizens make life as difficult and uncomfortable for the illegals, as possible. Don't let them shop in your stores, don't give them jobs, don't help them, insist they only speak English, etc. You get my point. No, it's not my nature to act like that, but it may be all that is left, short of violence, which no one wants. I see the natives in EE, Italy, and several other countries doing this, and the illegal migrants usually move on and self-deport.
At this point, Texas quite literally holds the ground, by means of military force. What are the Feds going to do? Send in an FBI swat team? Federalize troops and counter-attack? Write stronkly worded letters? Arrest State officials? Cut off budget streams? Maybe I'm overthinking this, but there are very rough Ruby Ridge themes playing in my head - with the Feds feeling compelled to flex muscles on Texas (Fed v State as opposed to Fed v Individual).
The satanic elites will cut off all funding for Texas politicians and even threaten to expose their blackmail material on them. This is WAY more powerful than sending the military. So, Texas isn't going to do anything other than comply and put up a typical GOP theatrical fight of "well, not next time".

I am loving this ruling. Trumps supreme court let us down when we needed it the most. The "vote GOP for based judges" is know a complete lie. And the number of young men who realize this, who have to live it, who can't escape it, is going to be huge and the reaction is going to push more of them into the extreme right wing.

This was going to happen, and it is now here, so let the real battle between good and evil begin. No more "buys us more time" and no more "maybe we can find compromise with the satanic left", and no more wasting time trying to analyze the "most based GOP candidate". They are all sellouts and frauds.
Can anyone please explain to me like I'm 5 how we can (politically) stop this? I was watching a thing today where a guy was saying something like "at the border they are doing catch and release, we need Trump in office because he will do catch and deport", my question is, why can't we do that now? Does the Biden administration really have that much control over border policy that they can flood the country like this? Is there anything that can be done politically, now, or God forbid during a second Biden term, to put an end to this?

That was in 1995, when I was in college, and that was how *Clinton* sounded. Here we are nearly thirty years later and look at the state of our country and border. Unfortunately I believe @holgerdanske is right. The people in charge never do anything meaningful to stem the tide and will fight back against anyone who does. The black pill in all of this is even if we did shut down the border tomorrow it doesn't change the fact that the white majority in this country is aging out. If you're white and you've got children under the age of 15 then they're already growing up in a country where they'll be a minority.


Jack Donovan made the same point back in 2016 right before Trump ended up being elected.

If Trump builds a wall, it may keep new illegal immigrants out, but it’s far too late to turn the demographic tide. Mexican immigration to America didn’t start during the Obama presidency. It started generations ago. The majority of the growth in the hispanic population comes from births within the United States — not from the aquathoners of the Rio Grande. Hispanics are already the majority in New Mexico and California, and nationwide, non-hispanic white births are now officially a minority.

No matter what he does, Donald Trump is never going to make America white again.

Non-hispanic whites will be a minority in any future version of the United States.

My hope is that something like #texit or the American Redoubt movement will provide an alternative intentional community because after watching the last eight election cycles play out I've got zero faith that anyone at the federal level is going to turn this around.

That was in 1995, when I was in college, and that was how *Clinton* sounded. Here we are nearly thirty years later and look at the state of our country and border. Unfortunately I believe @holgerdanske is right. The people in charge never do anything meaningful to stem the tide and will fight back against anyone who does. The black pill in all of this is even if we did shut down the border tomorrow it doesn't change the fact that the white majority in this country is aging out. If you're white and you've got children under the age of 15 then they're already growing up in a country where they'll be a minority.


Jack Donovan made the same point back in 2016 right before Trump ended up being elected.

My hope is that something like #texit or the American Redoubt movement will provide an alternative intentional community because after watching the last eight election cycles play out I've got zero faith that anyone at the federal level is going to turn this around.

And, at least in my area, we've gotten very many Eastern European (lots of Ukrainian refugees) and Central Asian (generally all former USSR territory) migrants. To the point where we now have stores with signs in cyrillic and the local blacks have learned the Russian word for "black." All of these people, Ukrainian, Kazakh, Chechen, are all going in as "White." If we're talking about White Americans, it's got to only be half of the "Whites" in my region.

When I take my son to any of the playgrounds near us, I'm just as likely or more likely to hear a Slavic language than English, not to mention Arabic and Asian languages getting thrown in there. We've gotten a lot of Indian immigrants, which are harmless as long as you're not an unarmed woman traveling alone and you can stand the smell of their incense and food (I can't, they live below me and the smell wafts into our bathroom and smells worse than whatever I'm depositing in the toilet).
I forgot about this post, that is why I called Tucker a "Fed" in the Patriot Front thread. He is egging on average men to go to prison for life, while he sits in his ivory tower and does his goofy face and voice act that has grown stale.

That's hardly a call to action... It's a journalistic statement.

Only an idiot would read that and go "oh yeah let me go do some illegal stuff?"

This is really low bar stuff to be calling people feds over. Might be time to go touch grass.
That's hardly a call to action... It's a journalistic statement.

Only an idiot would read that and go "oh yeah let me go do some illegal stuff?"

This is really low bar stuff to be calling people feds over. Might be time to go touch grass.
So, you go as far as to defend him when he says "where are the men of Texas at? Why aren't they protecting their state and the nation?"

If he wasn't either a controlled op fraud or a coward, whichever it doesn't matter, he would correctly point out who is doing this to his millions of followers and real-world results would take place almost immediately. Instead, he runs cover for them and then asks regular men with no power and everything to lose to do the dirty work and end up in prison. Or he is gaslighting these men, which is nearly as bad.

Islamic terrorist entering the country in broad daylight.
You beat me to it.

Info on the guy.

Samadov has been supportive of Iran's right to nuclear energy and claims that Azerbaijan's foreign policy is too pro-Israel.
Definitely a terrorist.
So, you go as far as to defend him when he says "where are the men of Texas at? Why aren't they protecting their state and the nation?"

If he wasn't either a controlled op fraud or a coward, whichever it doesn't matter, he would correctly point out who is doing this to his millions of followers and real-world results would take place almost immediately. Instead, he runs cover for them and then asks regular men with no power and everything to lose to do the dirty work and end up in prison. Or he is gaslighting these men, which is nearly as bad.
I think a little journalistic statement of outrage is ok. Shocking a journalist might use a rhetorical device or an edgy comment.... I know that's not how Patriot Front works... But it's fairly common for most political commentators (imagine that?)

Not every statement is a literal call to action. Only someone trying to promote others to do things would read this that way...

Seriously, do you think people are so gullable that they'd read that and go "hmm I need to shoot me some beaners!" Like we are watching the movie machete?
I think a little journalistic statement of outrage is ok. Shocking a journalist might use a rhetorical device or an edgy comment.... I know that's not how Patriot Front works... But it's fairly common for most political commentators (imagine that?)

Not every statement is a literal call to action. Only someone trying to promote others to do things would read this that way...

Seriously, do you think people are so gullable that they'd read that and go "hmm I need to shoot me some beaners!" Like we are watching the movie machete?
Then he should use his bully pulpit to point out who is funding this, and who supports it, and who benefits from it.

Yes, there are probably mentally deranged individuals, mostly caused by this sick society, who could potentially do it. It sure wouldn't be the first time it has happened.