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US Border Crisis

Liberal politicians recently increased calls for people to open their houses to migrants, and leftie well-to-dos are feeling the pressure:

Many red pills will be issued. The question is whether or not these people are able to learn.
At this late stage, if you haven't figured it out, you might never be able to do so. Some whites indeed suffer from "pathological altruism" or "messiah complex."

If something bad (and to some extent it will unfortunately, whether it's physical harm or simply draining their resources to the limit) happens to this couple it will be covered up and thrown under the rug.

Twitter really seems to be the only place constantly hosting this sort of news and events happening. But even then it isnt an effective enough. Theres too many distractions and information to process for what you just read or watched to properly sink. Attention spans are already short enough as it is. Top that with the fact that people today are such huge babies that they can't handle anything negative that shatters their fantasy worldview. They'll just immediately swipe or scroll to the next thing rather than deal with the reality of things and having to put in the work and risk to achieve change.

Facebook and instagram will block or delete this sort of content. Other alt social sites like telegram, Gab, Parlor, etc suffer from twitters same problem.

Unless this stuff gets honest coverage on tv news no American will ever get fed up enough to take drastic action, which is the only method that will make anything change.

Even then it may not be enough.

Full text
Must Watch: FBI Warns Nat’l Sheriff Assoc. of Imminent Terrorist Threats and local law enforcement begins training civilians to prepare for when the disaster hits.

The FBI is now seeing more red flags than before 9/11” due to the border crisis.

“I can’t tell you everything (that the FBI said), but I want the public to know we are in a terrible way right now,”

Sheriff Jones of Butler County Ohio holds press conference after returning from the National Sheriffs Association in Washington D.C. where he was briefed by FBI Director Chris Wray regarding the imminent terrorist attacks Americans are about to face.

Jones says he's now training civilians to help when the disaster strikes and equipping every sheriff's department vehicle with a rifle and a "go bag," which has extra magazines for the rifles, etc.

Additional Quotes & Key Takeaways :

—“The United States is on the defense and we have no offense.”

—The President of the United States is refuses to meet with nation’s Sheriffs and refuses to meet with the nation’s Police Chiefs.

—“(FBI Director) said these are people that want to kill us and harm us now”

—Reports that there are already multiple Chinese, Russian and Iranian cyber attacks underway trying to hurt the systems Americans rely on—including our phone systems.

Press Conference for Butler County, Ohio Sheriff’s Dept. on Feb 7, 2024

Full text

Here's the real question though, are there actually operatives from other countries or is this all just priming the narrative? Even the fact that we have to consider the possibility of alphabet bois using this as cover, shows how far along things are.
Do they really think another 9/11 style event will unite Americans?
Press X to doubt...
A black tranny looking creature, an Indian, an Asian woman, another Indian, a white tranny looking creature, and a fat Asian woman. Welcome to America.

The picture represents an inversion of America. So much out of place and topsy turvy. Almost as if it is planned symbolism meant to humiliate and and generate feelings of powerlessness. It's as if satan is mocking America.
Meanwhile, after the teleprompters were turned off,

The Senate passed a $95 billion national security supplemental package to assist Ukraine, Israel and the Indo-Pacific after a tedious procedural process that came to an end early Tuesday morning.

The final vote was 70 to 29

The supplemental package does not include any border security provisions and comes as the national debt soars above $34 trillion.

Team Red was supposedly fighting Team Blue, and wasn't going to give any more money to overseas interests unless Team Blue also plugged a tiny hole in the border wall. Instead, the bill overwhelmingly passed with no immigration spending.

$95 billion, and not a penny for the supposed border crisis.
The House will probably stop it, but who knows. It's another middle finger in the face of heritage Americans, regardless of race. Senate happy.

Doesn't it have a spending provision that takes it past the next inauguration? It effectively ties the next President to the mess. Trump (if they don't get him first) will be cast as the "President who lost Ukraine." They'll love that.
The House will probably stop it, but who knows. It's another middle finger in the face of heritage Americans, regardless of race. Senate happy.

Doesn't it have a spending provision that takes it past the next inauguration? It effectively ties the next President to the mess. Trump (if they don't get him first) will be cast as the "President who lost Ukraine." They'll love that.
Yeah speaker Johnson has indicated that also.

But let's be real... There is no telling with these crooks what's they'll do or how they'll sell us out.
If there is no border, there is no country. If there is no country, any election is null and void.

Without sovereignty, we're all just playing Make Believe when we vote.

The conversation and talking points of 'both sides of the aisle' on this issue are so far out of date that it shows the complete detachment from reality that 99% of Americans are living in.
Myself, my father, his father, his father, up to my 7th great grandfather, were all born in this country, all within two counties of each other, centered around a major East Coast city from the records I've seen.

It is a supremely depressing thought to think I might have to leave my ancestral homeland for the safety of my family. The place where my paternal line has been born going back to 1724.

It's just getting so dangerous, foreign, and expensive here. A mortgage for the median house costs double what it did 4 years ago.

Who benefits from this? The people who control the financial system and real estate, and the invaders themselves. So Jews and brown people.

Myself and my people are not represented. In fact, we are being genocided. This is a fact. Such an evil act is rare throughout history. This is far worse than the several hundred thousand Jews who died of starvation and disease in work camps during World War 2 as a result of Allied efforts destroying supply lines and civilian population centers like Dresden. When the Hebrews were brought into captivity in the bible, they were given a new homeland. We aren't being given anything, except for my cousins up in Canada who are being offered medically assisted suicide.

This is intolerable. This cannot last much longer.
Meanwhile, after the teleprompters were turned off,

The Senate passed a $95 billion national security supplemental package to assist Ukraine, Israel and the Indo-Pacific after a tedious procedural process that came to an end early Tuesday morning.

The final vote was 70 to 29

The supplemental package does not include any border security provisions and comes as the national debt soars above $34 trillion.

Team Red was supposedly fighting Team Blue, and wasn't going to give any more money to overseas interests unless Team Blue also plugged a tiny hole in the border wall. Instead, the bill overwhelmingly passed with no immigration spending.

$95 billion, and not a penny for the supposed border crisis.
Ukraine is just a slush fund.

Imagine how much money these politicians are making off this via laundering to push this crap thru time and again.

I told a few boomers a year ago Ukraine was just a proxy war meant to launder money. All they would say is we have to teach Putin a lesson before he invades the continent. SMH.

If anyone wonders how boomers gutted the future of this country just ask them about Ukraine or COVID. Even the most conservative boomers are double jabbed, Zelensky romantics.

Exceptions of course but truth to every generalization.
On a 350 mile drive, I saw 3 different (supposedly) African men backpacking along rural highways. They didn't look at all like the AA men in this region (very dark skinned), were attired in newish clothes, were either thin/fit, and two had nice backpacks (much better than the average homeless/hobo types usually have).

So what? I've driven this road about 100 times in the last 2 decades and cannot recall once seeing a hitchhiker/backpacker that looked like these men, let alone 3 in one trip. The abnormality is even worse given that they were all in rural areas, where hitchikers are pretty rare and usually the hardluck or adventurous young guy types, mostly white or hispanic around here. I have a feeling they've done their time in colder climes and took a bus to warmer territories, even though nights are still plenty cool here.
Meanwhile, after the teleprompters were turned off,

The Senate passed a $95 billion national security supplemental package to assist Ukraine, Israel and the Indo-Pacific after a tedious procedural process that came to an end early Tuesday morning.

The final vote was 70 to 29

The supplemental package does not include any border security provisions and comes as the national debt soars above $34 trillion.

Team Red was supposedly fighting Team Blue, and wasn't going to give any more money to overseas interests unless Team Blue also plugged a tiny hole in the border wall. Instead, the bill overwhelmingly passed with no immigration spending.

$95 billion, and not a penny for the supposed border crisis.
Was this the original "border security" bill with border security taken out?

The large margin of Republicans for it can only be described as a major case of TDS, especially in McConnell!
The Easy Mammon to live well at the Expense of Your Blood Kin is too Tempting since this is A Dollar Democracy. Nobody is fighting for Us. They are in bed with the Tribe.

When Your So Called Natural Blood Elite become enthralled in the Economic System of Usury it's just a Race to The Bottom of Low Wages for the Common Man. Thus the need for a New Import of Wage Slaves.

Boomers really got snookered into this Capitalism vs Socialism thing, ignoring the Fact that Vulture Capitalism only serves the Well Connected Elite, until the Insolvent Nature of it Implodes...they were so Self Absorbed into Believing they had done the Right Thing and to focus on the Welfare Queen as the Sole Problem. All the While average jobs lost benefits and earning power for the next Generation.

Heck if people were too oblivious 40 years ago to see this degradation of the Middle Class no wonder they ignored the Racial Replacement.
Myself, my father, his father, his father, up to my 7th great grandfather, were all born in this country, all within two counties of each other, centered around a major East Coast city from the records I've seen.

It is a supremely depressing thought to think I might have to leave my ancestral homeland for the safety of my family. The place where my paternal line has been born going back to 1724.
Same here. I still have my elementary school family tree research project I did with my dad showing our family’s paternal line dating back to pre-revolutionary times. I’m saving it for my son. I’m trying to learn to focus the anger and depression into something positive and productive.