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Figured since there isn't anything on this right now, might as well start a Thread.

Living in the country, misguided folks drop their animals out here to give em a chance to live... Unfortunately for us whom love out here...but results in nuisance pests.

I've got 20 chickens and ducks and other farm animals and now there's an epidemic of cats that I've got to terminate.

I've got American Bulldogs that do a good job of chasing the cats/Coyotes off, but I'm getting to the point that I need to start whacking them and can't just trap em...we've had raccoons, coyotes and bobcats on my game cameras.

Being a Marine and a country boy at heart I've got a lot of fire arms, but i purchased another 22LR today that's very lightweight so my old lady can carry it as round when she's out doing chores and feeding the chickens.

I'm pretty stoked. Think I'll probably be able to kill 2 cats this week.
Man, if you've got all these pests on your farm, I see a perfect opportunity for some fun/training. I'd get a thermal monocular, observe them as they approach, then throw on NV and pick them off with an AR.
I want to buy a 12g shotgun for hunting (no rifles allowed in my state) and I have my eye on Winchester SX4 with the cantilever base.
Anyone with experience with this shotgun? It has good reviews but also some bad ones. I 'm going to be shooting slugs mostly.
I'm planning to start making free camping trips, stealth-type, with very few items and food. Almost homeless style, but in nature, not in the city.

I would like to have the ability to survive and be content with almost nothing to wear and eat, as I see among indigenous and locals here in Latam. (Klaus Schwab, if you are reading this, then I'm not talking about your creepy idea)

They are not dependent on or bothered by the System in the slightest. The business of the day is just catching one fish in the muddy stream, and the night entertainment is provided by the songs of the birds under the incredible night sky.
They live in materially less sufficient conditions than my dog, but they are equally happy.

And even though I'm not ready yet for a total hermit lifestyle, I realize that my reliance on an air-conditioned car and recently updated smartphone is mostly just mental.

I never liked that barefoot own nothing weird lifestyle, which reminds me of the crazy '60s, but the truth is that Jesus is warning us not to worry about what to wear and eat.
And I wasted a lot of my time worrying about exactly that.

Because that would be the core of the deal with anti-Christ. Give me your soul if you want to buy, sell, and live comfortably.
That's why the system wants to control these things.
And people without Christ fall for it because, otherwise, there is no alternative if they want to preserve the body alive.
And when one thinks he is just a body, then he has nothing to lose with such a deal.

Maybe we are the last generation to tell people about Christ before the great impostor comes on the scene.
I want to buy a 12g shotgun for hunting (no rifles allowed in my state) and I have my eye on Winchester SX4 with the cantilever base.
Anyone with experience with this shotgun? It has good reviews but also some bad ones. I 'm going to be shooting slugs mostly.
No experience with the sx4 but I’ve had a couple winchester sxp (pump). They have nice soft recoil pads that come standard and the pumps are very quick and smooth.
Semi auto shotguns can be fussy due to the differences in back pressure between heavy or light loads. You can’t go wrong with a pump.
For a first gun I’d say save yourself some money and get a mossberg 500 combo that comes with a long hunting barrel plus a short defence barrel. You can’t beat the versatility of a 12 gauge shotgun with a short barrel and 00 buckshot for close range defence… and a long barrel and an assortment of birdshot and slugs for hunting everything from deer to squirrels.
I want to buy a 12g shotgun for hunting (no rifles allowed in my state) and I have my eye on Winchester SX4 with the cantilever base.
Anyone with experience with this shotgun? It has good reviews but also some bad ones. I 'm going to be shooting slugs mostly.
I've had a Remington 870 for years. But no experience with the Winchester.

Why that gun over a Remington 1100?
No experience with the sx4 but I’ve had a couple winchester sxp (pump). They have nice soft recoil pads that come standard and the pumps are very quick and smooth.
Semi auto shotguns can be fussy due to the differences in back pressure between heavy or light loads. You can’t go wrong with a pump.
For a first gun I’d say save yourself some money and get a mossberg 500 combo that comes with a long hunting barrel plus a short defence barrel. You can’t beat the versatility of a 12 gauge shotgun with a short barrel and 00 buckshot for close range defence… and a long barrel and an assortment of birdshot and slugs for hunting everything from deer to squirrels.
100% correct about the semi-auto shotguns. I have a nice Beretta made in the 70's, and it will not discharge shells with cheaper target loads. Which sucks, because sometimes you just wanna blast a bunch of rounds off without spending a lot of money.
I've had a Remington 870 for years. But no experience with the Winchester.

Why that gun over a Remington 1100?
Honestly? Because of the cantilever base. The scope is not attached to the receiver but the barrel, which offers better aim at 100yds.

If I was to get a pump-action shotgun (which I am considering at the moment), I'd go for the Remington 870.
I also briefly considered Mossberg 590. I don't know, too many good choices.
Paul Harrell is my favorite youtuber when it comes to guns. He’s what you call a professional.
Unfortunately he has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and has stopped making his funny and informative videos.
Let us pray for him.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on Paul.
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Paul Harrell is my favorite youtuber when it comes to guns. He’s what you call a professional.
Unfortunately he has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and has stopped making his funny and informative videos.
Let us pray for him.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on Paul.

Dude in the video is right about dogs. Numero Uno line of home defense.

I actually dont like a shotgun for the home. At the point where you're dealing with Buck or Slug, you've got a lot of overpenetration (as bad or worse than rifle) and less capacity. Totally ok if someone wants to go that route... just think there's better stuff out there for the task.

For home defense I like an AR-15. Being former military I've got thousands and thousands of reps with the controls and the weapon.. And....Something that has a sling on your body makes it hard to take off your person. Also a 16 inch barrel with a light and a red dot makes it pretty hard to beat when things go bump in the middle of the night.
Figured since there isn't anything on this right now, might as well start a Thread.

Living in the country, misguided folks drop their animals out here to give em a chance to live... Unfortunately for us whom love out here...but results in nuisance pests.

I've got 20 chickens and ducks and other farm animals and now there's an epidemic of cats that I've got to terminate.

I've got American Bulldogs that do a good job of chasing the cats/Coyotes off, but I'm getting to the point that I need to start whacking them and can't just trap em...we've had raccoons, coyotes and bobcats on my game cameras.

Being a Marine and a country boy at heart I've got a lot of fire arms, but i purchased another 22LR today that's very lightweight so my old lady can carry it as round when she's out doing chores and feeding the chickens.

I'm pretty stoked. Think I'll probably be able to kill 2 cats this week
An old friend of mine, his mother used to bury dead dogs and cats that she found on the road, road kill, next to her peach trees, she said it made the peaches sweet, so start collecting those cats and make rugs out of their fur!
Live Free or Die State Arms and Ammo update... We used to be a Christian Live Free (or Die) conservative state when I moved here for a tech job with the old DEC digital corp., my first job out of the US Navy Submarine Force. Since then we have been invaded by Massachusetts liberals a.k.a. "Massholes" (ironically many LGBTQ+++ Lesbos for the live and let live freedom here but of course they brought their Pride Flags and Pride Parades and man hating aggressive militant assertiveness training here with them). Also, many NY Yankees Hats now here (In Red Sox Country!!!) mostly Latinos from NYC by way of Dominican Republica, Central & South America. The Latino radio stations teach them how to use their minority status to secure Section 8 housing which is anywhere from 50% to 90% Rental Subsidy plus WIC, EBT, SSDI, Utility (Heat) Subsidies and Food Pantries that get donations from the Major Grocery Chains and Trader Joes etc. So now the Live Free or Die State is a Latino Magnet. When I first moved here after I received my Honorable Discharge from the Nuke Boats Base in New London CT it was a Bilingual State being English and French Canadien - being equi-distant between NYC and Montreal. Now it is Bi-Lingual English Spanish. Of course, the liberal Gov Lesbos and Gimme-grints have turned the state from solid Conservative at supersonic speed passed liberal passed Raindow all the way to Commie Pinko.

The one thing our previous Teacher cum Governess Taxing Maggie Hassen did was veto the State Senate and House Passed Constitutional Concealed Carry Bills with prodding from the Michael Bloomberg with a Blank Multi-Million Dollar Check for her Senate Campaign PAC. Fortunately it backfired on Bloomberg when Haggie Maggie won one of our two Senate seats it left the Governorship open and was filled by a GOP Chris Sunnunu - a Bush Never Trump Globalist Rino. Well progress not perfection - First thing Young Gov Chris did was sign the countries best Constitutional Concealed Carry bill into law. Being next to hunting states Vermont and Maine all long time Constitutional (No Permit) Concealed Carry States... New Hampshire had time to review all similar states constitutional concealed carry laws... Hunting states earn significant revenue from out of state hunting and fishing licenses and fees (Tags, Guide License Fees, Business fees, Hotels and Meals Taxes etc etc.).

Well when hunting Coyotes, Bears, Moose, rabid raccoons and varmints you have your main rifle or shotgun and then a large bore sidearm, 9/10mm, .357 or .44 Magnum or larger to ensure a Bear or Moose etc., is in fact killed so it can't still maul or impale you. Having a sidearm to finish off a wounded animal and put it out of its misery is a key safety tool when hunting. Thus, hunting states make it easy for both out of state and in state folks to conceal carry without extra CC Permit paperwork as they are already gaffing er ah um profiting off of out of state sportsmen to begin with. Our woods can get pretty wild with a lot of territorial animals that let you know by stalking and growling that they do not want you in their territory where they raise their young including Coyotes, Red Fox, Gray Fox, Lynx, Bobcats, and Black Bears especially at night. Plenty of rabies in the northeast as well with insane rabid raccoons, skunks, opossums, New Jork Jankees Fans, etc - so sidearms in the wild are a must.

Turns out New Hampshire did not like the Maine and Vermont requirements to inform LEOs that you are carrying during a traffic stop etc., which tends to make young male and especially female Cops very jumpy and creates tense sometimes life-threatening situations. So, in NH if you are stopped for a traffic or vehicle safety (Taillight out etc) you are not required to inform NH LEOs you are carrying a firearm. This makes sense as law abiding citizens with no convictions are granted the right to keep and bear arms including concealed carry in the Constitution. I tend to befriend local LEOs - A good cigar is an icebreaker that most LEOs will enjoy especially SWAT team Types. When the Nuke SHTF good to let LEOs know you have their backs.

To determine which compact sidearms I wanted to EDC concealed carry I purchased several side arms to carry and a range of ammo to target practice with.

Will do a follow up review of what arms/ammo I purchased and Pros and Cons.

Live Free or Die.
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Honestly? Because of the cantilever base. The scope is not attached to the receiver but the barrel, which offers better aim at 100yds.

If I was to get a pump-action shotgun (which I am considering at the moment), I'd go for the Remington 870.
I also briefly considered Mossberg 590. I don't know, too many good choices.

Just wanted to second @BeatUpTruck's recommendation for the Mossberg 500 combo. I see them on sale with scope combos every year at Bass Pro. When I first got into hunting I bought a dedicated slug/sabot gun (Savage 220) thinking I'd only ever be interested in deer. Later, I got into turkey and waterfowl so I had to buy a separate shotgun (Benelli Nova). In retrospect it would have been cheaper and easier to go with something like the 500 where you can just swap out barrels depending on what you're chasing. Like he mentioned, throw in a couple of chokes and you're basically set for most game.
Our woods can get pretty wild with a lot of territorial animals that let you know by stalking and growling that they do not want you in their territory where they raise their young including Coyotes, Red Fox, Gray Fox, Lynx, Bobcats, and Black Bears especially at night. Plenty of rabies in the northeast as well with insane rabid raccoons, skunks, opossums, New Jork Jankees Fans, etc - so sidearms in the wild are a must.
That sounds more extreme than Europe but not as bad as Africa..

I heard wild pigs are a dangerous one to hunt for what they can do to you if you don't get them first.
That sounds more extreme than Europe but not as bad as Africa..

I heard wild pigs are a dangerous one to hunt for what they can do to you if you don't get them first.
Lots of people hunt hogs here with dogs.

It's very common in East Texas (where I hail from) and the old South in/ Georgia, Arkansas, Florida

You use black mouth curs or other baying dogs to chase the pig and corner it, then the Bulldog comes in as the "catch dog" and bites the pigs ear and holds it.

The hog gets worn out then you walk up and stab it behind the shoulder blade, in the lungs/heart and it dies quick.

You need a bulldog that's no bigger than 85-90 lbs for this or they are too bulky to avoid getting a tusk wound.

Many people put kevlar on their dogs to protect them from the boar tusks.

Here's a great video with a bulldog and curs demonstrating. A little graphic.

It's a whole lot of fun, but my Bulldogs are way to large right now until I breed some smaller stock..
So for now it's just AR-15 shooting.

Eta... I am not one of the gentlemen in this video ;)
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That sounds more extreme than Europe but not as bad as Africa..

I heard wild pigs are a dangerous one to hunt for what they can do to you if you don't get them first.
Some years back, there was an article in the UK press about a Peccary, weighing about 50 lbs, that escaped from a children's zoo. It came across a guy out walking his dogs, a Dobermann, a Rottweiler, and an Alsatian, who thought it would be funny to let the dogs loose, so that they could chase piggy. Piggy was frightened and ran off, but was cornered by the dogs, and had no choice but to make a stand.

The dogs survived, but the photos looked like they'd had a run-in with Freddy Kruger.
Easiest way to deal with 4 legged pests is a live trap, a can of tuna fish with a few holes punched into the top, and a long barreled 22 revolver.
Lots of people hunt hogs here with dogs.

It's very common in East Texas (where I hail from) and the old South in/ Georgia, Arkansas, Florida

You use black mouth curs or other baying dogs to chase the pig and corner it, then the Bulldog comes in as the "catch dog" and bites the pigs ear and holds it.

The hog gets worn out then you walk up and stab it behind the shoulder blade, in the lungs/heart and it dies quick.

You need a bulldog that's no bigger than 85-90 lbs for this or they are too bulky to avoid getting a tusk wound.

Many people put kevlar on their dogs to protect them from the boar tusks.

Here's a great video with a bulldog and curs demonstrating. A little graphic.

It's a whole lot of fun, but my Bulldogs are way to large right now until I breed some smaller stock..
So for now it's just AR-15 shooting.

Eta... I am not one of the gentlemen in this video ;)

I watched that, the stabbing did seem like a minimal thing with it exhausted like that. No guns involved..

A few weeks ago I had a pasta dish with wild boar. Also whenever it is available in hamburger form I get it.

Has a pleasant and unique taste, at least the European one does.

Will do my first hunting experience hopefully this year with something that is not likely to fight back, rabbit or deer.. I have caught some fish in the last years but someone else killed it on that occasion, was not hard to do though. I cooked it though and several of us ate it.. Was a one-off fishing experience had not done it for a very long time.