Why Voting Is Worth It

Sam there is no party in Europe that will do a damn thing for my people in the long run. They never had much of a choice with anything that would have overturned the Kalergi agenda. A good percentage of Europeans have adapted to living as talmudic serfs that they can't comprehend an existence outside of modern EU politics. Coincidentally, these are the older ones. That is changing. Where some didn't take a stand for political parties being corrupted they are definitely taking a stand to their Church, neighborhood, and personal space being violated by blasphemous jewish proxies and savage invaders. There was a time when voting was worth it, but that time is gone.

Euro-boomers and American boomers had a bit of a different timeline and mentality. The new European youth knows nothing but being the object of intense hatred, brainwashing, and the recipient of subhuman violence. It is magnified there in ways that rural children in America are blessed to be ignorant of. Americans have a chance with of draining the sewer with their guns if they put their willpower where their trigger finger is and make the DOJ/DOS see how good they are at carrying out their little civil war simulations they've ran through thousands of times. That is the domino that will trigger a lot of change worldwide. If the USA backs off of Europe and removes its military, then things will change over here very quickly. There will be a tenable peace with Russia, the perverts and faggots will be barred from every Church, and these fat EU/UN bureaucrats will be swiftly hung by the Nationalists who would take over the streets.

@TruckDriver9 The solution is the same across the pond. The steps to get there may differ for both sides. Going dark in urban Europe is one of the only ways to get past Interpol who are working overtime to prevent any opposition to the assisted invasion and genocide. They are obsessed with keeping their little wretched tin pot economy. What the German courts are doing to people who resist even in the slightest is now on par with Soviet level of uniparty lockstep and clownery. The last time a plebiscite was legitimately held was in Austria in 1945 before the end of the war. There have been zero referendums since, just choices made by those with the guns lording over those without. The Europeans had no choice, the war generation was conquered by force.

For others it was different. The South Africans held on longer, but now they are in a much more dire situation also facing extinction. The Rhodesians were ambitious but they too were defeated by the war machine of the west. The Canadians caved in to Frankfurt communist influence after JFK and they went full gulag on their people. Australians were deceived into de-arming by jews and soothsayers in their own government and they have been fighting the same genocidal jewish-police state ever since. The vast amount of land space in America makes it difficult for a totalitarian jewish anti-White anti-Christian regime to operate effectively, hence why they are so hellbent on building web upon web of control, and saturating it with their biological weapons to quicken the process.

I hope that those of you who vote are also willing to make preparations beyond that and understand your position in this inverted system that you choose to partake in. Our only economy is our utility to the system, and when that ceases, then our lives are obsolete. The solution people seek now by voting are, at best, a temporary stall, but a detonator fuse can only burn a spark for so long before it either fizzles out or reaches the box and finally goes off. One change begets another, one series of events precedes another, escalation happens the most while our brains are trying to make sense of something currently happening, that we do not see the gap being bridged from past to future. Make your preparations accordingly. Tribe and train, whether you vote or not.

There is little else I can say here.

You are completely wrong on every level, but even if you were correct, it still would not result in the conclusion not to vote. Voting is always an important thing to do both on a spiritual and practical level. You have not fundamentally addressed any of these practical or theological arguments in the thread, all you do is rant.

Fact is, in Germany and France, the challenging party gets bigger every election. Sinners like yourself who refuse to vote aren't helping them grow, even when they are on the cusp of a great victory. There is no reason not to vote other than demonic influence in one's mind.
I promise you every single hierarch votes.
Depends on the countries I guess, this time around I didnt vote in my country, all the major political parties are all left wing, then there are like a hundred other small little niche political parties, Im also not convinced the elections are honest, I took the day off and went to church and had lunch at the restaurant with my godfather.
You are completely wrong on every level, but even if you were correct, it still would not result in the conclusion not to vote. Voting is always an important thing to do both on a spiritual and practical level. You have not fundamentally addressed any of these practical or theological arguments in the thread, all you do is rant.

Fact is, in Germany and France, the challenging party gets bigger every election. Sinners like yourself who refuse to vote aren't helping them grow, even when they are on the cusp of a great victory. There is no reason not to vote other than demonic influence in one's mind.
Quite frankly every significant dissident party in France and Germany, specifically since you mentioned them, has strayed far from their original political inclinations and reactionary reforms, Le Pen and AfD are two examples of this. They both are hounded by the leftists, and now by everyone who is not in their parties, which yes is unfair, smearing, cheap shots, etc, but even if they were in power and were able to attempt to drastically reduce the leftist rot in Europe they would face the same difficulties that the American right would. It is debatable what would happen if they were in power, because we have not seen this yet. We could have potentially seen this with the recent elections in France, but I can fruitlessly postulate all day about what Le Pen would do once they were in charge and it doesn't matter because they were cheated once more by a corrupted voting system. The jews also have a careful watch over these parties and are not on any of their radars so they don't feel threatened by them in the slightest. The issue with all these right-wing parties allegorically comes down to removing the water in your sinking ship without plugging the hole.

The argument could be made for the alternative, that to cast one's vote into a ballot box for one among a number of candidates for mayoral, gubernatorial, senatorial, congressional, or presidential elections one is adhering to and acknowledging the right of said system to exist. If your family had traditionally come from a Monarchic country, where voting was introduced after some kind of secular and bloody rebellion, the practice would seem strange to you. The blend of monarchic and parliamentarian politics as seen in England and in the first state duma of the late Russian Empire ultimately undermined the Christian ethos of these nations, where though things were not perfect beforehand, they were kept in a proper spiritual balance, which always precedes a physical survival of the people.

You have no spiritual authority calling those of us who do not vote to be under demonic influence. We all bend the knee and confess with our tongue our sins to the King of Kings here. I do not call you under demonic influence because you choose to vote and advocate voting for others. We do not know the hardships others do not speak of. I do not advocate for some actual heretical doctrine like the JW's who do not vote nor participate in their country's legal process and then continue to live as a parasite entity, I advocate for whoever chooses not to vote to also plan for their posterity with active goals and thorough logistical plans, since they like to chart their own course instead of having it drawn for them.

At this point in the game, voting is only a somewhat effective tool in localized communities that have not been rotted to the communists yet, like what TruckDriver mentions for rural America, and in some areas of rural Europe where people have successfully pushed back against invasive species setting up "asylums" in villages where the invaders would outnumber the local population. Usually in the latter, voting and referendums are ignored so the people have to protest, riot, and cause a clamor. It takes a bit more than voting to solve these issues, which is why if you are going to advocate voting, you should also advocate a clear line of communication from the representatives during their tenure in office to their constituents, this usually does not happen once they are in because of the miasma of political infighting which takes place among the elected party, though this clear line of communication has taken place in the past to the benefit of the people as it did in NS Germany, where many little changes took place due to constant communication between the workers, farmers, and the authorities.

I am not against the concept of voting historically, but the practicality of it now in these major elections is moot,. For farsighted planners and strategists who have an agenda outside the system, which may be righteous or fevered, they may vote or they may not, but they are on the same level as it ultimately does not matter and they continue their plans knowing this truth. There is a point where the peaceful revolution is denied that nothing else is on the table except reactionary separation to geographical distant land where the system has fewer enforcers and/or violence against the system to weaken it intently.

If you can provide a sequential logical chain of events from the past 79 years in America or a European country of how voting was specifically the tool used to change things for the better, or stall the incoming change for the worse, I would read every word of it. Voting was the jews greatest enemy at one time, but now it is in their dirty palms., hence why they have focused so much on corrupting it.

I would most certainly consider voting if there was a single electable candidate out there who is openly economically anti-semïtic and would focus on banking reform and removing the power that these banking cartels have as well as abolish interest rates, but not a single one touches this. Again, the electable dissidents focus on the issue that jews cause, never the source of the problem. Yes, they likely would be "killed" for even running on such a platform, but such is the reality of this world. I am not voting in any jewish scheme and neither are millions of others who see the long con. More and more people every year check out, it's only a matter of time before bold and determined leaders outside the judeo-masonic paradigm combine their resources and lead the disgruntled populaces to truly cause problems for the system and its talmudic status quo.

Are you willing to at least tolerate an ideological differentiation to your political beliefs? I am not the only one here who isn't voting and hasn't been voting for some time, but that doesn't mean my political activity has ceased.
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You are completely wrong on every level, but even if you were correct, it still would not result in the conclusion not to vote. Voting is always an important thing to do both on a spiritual and practical level. You have not fundamentally addressed any of these practical or theological arguments in the thread, all you do is rant.

Fact is, in Germany and France, the challenging party gets bigger every election. Sinners like yourself who refuse to vote aren't helping them grow, even when they are on the cusp of a great victory. There is no reason not to vote other than demonic influence in one's mind.
Anyone thinking he can defeat satan playing by his rules within his paradigm is delusional beyond imagination. Jesus is a King, not a democrat.
You are completely wrong on every level, but even if you were correct, it still would not result in the conclusion not to vote. Voting is always an important thing to do both on a spiritual and practical level. You have not fundamentally addressed any of these practical or theological arguments in the thread, all you do is rant.

Fact is, in Germany and France, the challenging party gets bigger every election. Sinners like yourself who refuse to vote aren't helping them grow, even when they are on the cusp of a great victory. There is no reason not to vote other than demonic influence in one's mind.
What is your justification for making the exercise of democracy (especially in the form the US has it, which is born of the Satanic Enlightenment) an expression of Christian spiritual responsibility?
Voting is always an important thing to do both on a spiritual and practical level.

Self opinion and pride is good on a spiritual level? From my understanding obedience is important. St Paul teaches the importance of each in their own place in 1 Corinthians 12:12-31. You hear Psalm 145 every week at Liturgy "Trust ye not in princes in the sons of men, in whom there is no salvation". Do these words not sink in? Look at this thread and what passions and hostility has been stirred up, what good comes from it, does not the enemy of mankind rejoice when he sees it?

At what level does one participate with the system? Voting is a ritual to try to bind a group of people together under one system to give it legitimacy, no different from sacrificing to the gods in the pagan world, but without a larger participation as Raskolnikov outlined very well, it's fairly meaningless. However if you are voting, since you're legitimizing the system, you're in part responsible for who gets in and the decisions they make. (Care to tell me who voted in favor of homosexual unions and child sex changes?, if voting really matters could you also tell me why some corporations/influential people fund both parties?) And if you really believe voting matters, you should be acting appropriately when the rules aren't followed. What did those that vote do about the 2020 steal? How much support did Trump show to the J6 protestors, and what has he done for them since then? If you're not doing things to try to prevent election fraud, then you don't actually believe that voting is important. Guys like you seem to be trying to hold the status quo as is, maybe out of thankfulness for what they have, maybe out of fear of the violence of instability, maybe because they know deep down they need to be bound to everyone around them. Who knows?

Those who believe the system is failing and illegitimate and opt to act outside that system the best they can have no reason to vote, but they do have to work toward whatever world they're envisioning, otherwise it's just laziness and despondency. Once they pit themselves against the society at large, how do they ever envision this to be a tenable solution? What do they do about this alienation from society at large? Do they think that self interest is the way to go? Then why any condemnation of the current system? After all, the politicians are just following self-interest, (or rather perhaps the interests of those that pay them the most). It's easy to have ideals in your head if you don't actually live by them. While you guys are right about one thing, that voting is an irrational act, Samseau is correct in the sense that it is the job of the Christian to be the light of the world.

People first need to find what binds them together, because the root of the problem is alienation from one another, because (note my hypocrisy here) they'd rather pay attention to a screen or some other device than to God or their neighbour.
Christians are called to work with the system we are given by God, not the one we want. God gives what is good in His infinite wisdom. See the Apostle Paul on how governments are ordained by God.
Not all governments are ordained by God. Were the Aztek rulers ordained by God? That is blasphemy.
St Paul was talking specifically about the Roman Empire. The preceeding empires were also ordained by God and an argument could be made about the succeeding euro-monarchies. Democracies are NOT ordained by God. It says so in your constitution that you worship: "government by the people, for the people". And that's in the best case scenario that it is actually working as designed, which it clearly does not.
I think it is ultimately down to the individual. There is no moral imperative for or against voting. If someone sees it as being a worthwhile thing then fair enough, if someone doesn't then it's up to them.

I think there can be a tendency to over-emphasise voting as some kind of duty, I don't think that is the case really. You can put forth certain arguments in favour of it, sure, but I think some advocates of it tend to try to frame it as a moral imperative, but I don't think it is.
Not all governments are ordained by God. Were the Aztek rulers ordained by God? That is blasphemy.
St Paul was talking specifically about the Roman Empire. The preceeding empires were also ordained by God and an argument could be made about the succeeding euro-monarchies. Democracies are NOT ordained by God. It says so in your constitution that you worship: "government by the people, for the people". And that's in the best case scenario that it is actually working as designed, which it clearly does not.
I've literally heard Bishop Isiah tout The Constitution in a sermon he gave before COVID.

So I am more inclined to say maybe God has ordained this system for us, however we often chose rulers who are not Godly.

Voter turnout refers to the proportion of eligible voters who cast a ballot in an election. Women have registered and voted at higher rates than men in every presidential election since 1980, with the turnout gap between women and men growing slightly larger with each successive presidential election.

Perhaps sometimes men can be too smart for their own good.
You have no spiritual authority calling those of us who do not vote to be under demonic influence. We all bend the knee and confess with our tongue our sins to the King of Kings here. I do not call you under demonic influence because you choose to vote and advocate voting for others. We do not know the hardships others do not speak of. I do not advocate for some actual heretical doctrine like the JW's who do not vote nor participate in their country's legal process and then continue to live as a parasite entity, I advocate for whoever chooses not to vote to also plan for their posterity with active goals and thorough logistical plans, since they like to chart their own course instead of having it drawn for them.

Anyone thinking he can defeat satan playing by his rules within his paradigm is delusional beyond imagination. Jesus is a King, not a democrat.

What is your justification for making the exercise of democracy (especially in the form the US has it, which is born of the Satanic Enlightenment) an expression of Christian spiritual responsibility?

None of you are following the King if you do not follow his commandments. At least you guys should admit you are sinners who fail to obey.

The theology is already explained in this thread here: https://christisking.cc/threads/why-voting-is-worth-it.938/page-2#post-49614

If you refuse to accept the wisdom of Priests, Bishops, and Saints, who understand Christ 10,000x more than you, then it is further proof of pride and demonic corruption in your souls.

I say this with utmost love and humility, for I am a sinner as well. 😞

It's fine to admit you cannot follow Christ's perfect commands on this if you are willing to repent, and forgive others so that you may be forgiven.

Self opinion and pride is good on a spiritual level? From my understanding obedience is important. St Paul teaches the importance of each in their own place in 1 Corinthians 12:12-31. You hear Psalm 145 every week at Liturgy "Trust ye not in princes in the sons of men, in whom there is no salvation". Do these words not sink in? Look at this thread and what passions and hostility has been stirred up, what good comes from it, does not the enemy of mankind rejoice when he sees it?

At what level does one participate with the system? Voting is a ritual to try to bind a group of people together under one system to give it legitimacy, no different from sacrificing to the gods in the pagan world, but without a larger participation as Raskolnikov outlined very well, it's fairly meaningless. However if you are voting, since you're legitimizing the system, you're in part responsible for who gets in and the decisions they make. (Care to tell me who voted in favor of homosexual unions and child sex changes?, if voting really matters could you also tell me why some corporations/influential people fund both parties?) And if you really believe voting matters, you should be acting appropriately when the rules aren't followed. What did those that vote do about the 2020 steal? How much support did Trump show to the J6 protestors, and what has he done for them since then? If you're not doing things to try to prevent election fraud, then you don't actually believe that voting is important. Guys like you seem to be trying to hold the status quo as is, maybe out of thankfulness for what they have, maybe out of fear of the violence of instability, maybe because they know deep down they need to be bound to everyone around them. Who knows?

Those who believe the system is failing and illegitimate and opt to act outside that system the best they can have no reason to vote, but they do have to work toward whatever world they're envisioning, otherwise it's just laziness and despondency. Once they pit themselves against the society at large, how do they ever envision this to be a tenable solution? What do they do about this alienation from society at large? Do they think that self interest is the way to go? Then why any condemnation of the current system? After all, the politicians are just following self-interest, (or rather perhaps the interests of those that pay them the most). It's easy to have ideals in your head if you don't actually live by them. While you guys are right about one thing, that voting is an irrational act, Samseau is correct in the sense that it is the job of the Christian to be the light of the world.

People first need to find what binds them together, because the root of the problem is alienation from one another, because (note my hypocrisy here) they'd rather pay attention to a screen or some other device than to God or their neighbour.

All of your questions were already answered here: https://christisking.cc/threads/why-voting-is-worth-it.938/page-2#post-49519

Paul told us to obey our governments, which means voting in today's age.

Legitimacy and power are two different things and it does not matter if you vote or not, whoever wins the vote is enshrined regardless. Legitimacy is fundamentally an emotional word with absolutely no bearing on power politics.

I urge you to think rationally and not emotionally, and to have faith in the Spirit and not give into your sins.

Not all governments are ordained by God. Were the Aztek rulers ordained by God? That is blasphemy.
St Paul was talking specifically about the Roman Empire. The preceeding empires were also ordained by God and an argument could be made about the succeeding euro-monarchies. Democracies are NOT ordained by God. It says so in your constitution that you worship: "government by the people, for the people". And that's in the best case scenario that it is actually working as designed, which it clearly does not.

What you are doing is blasphemy, which is denying the Word of God through His Apostle, in this case Apostle Paul, who taught us that all governments are ordained by God, which includes the Aztecs. Deny Paul's word at your own peril.

Also, it is easy to see how the Aztecs were part of God's will; they tortured the people enough so that they were ready for Christ when Cortez showed up. The tyranny of the Aztecs made the ground fertile for the Word of God, which was demonstrated by the rapid and enduring conversion in South America. It's still one of the most Christian parts of the world today.

Such a transformation would not have been possible without the demonic pagan Aztec rule in the first place. Just because you are incapable of perceiving God's Will across time and space does not mean you know better than God.

I think it is ultimately down to the individual. There is no moral imperative for or against voting. If someone sees it as being a worthwhile thing then fair enough, if someone doesn't then it's up to them.

I think there can be a tendency to over-emphasise voting as some kind of duty, I don't think that is the case really. You can put forth certain arguments in favour of it, sure, but I think some advocates of it tend to try to frame it as a moral imperative, but I don't think it is.

There absolutely is a moral imperative as logically implied by the scriptures, which I expounded upon in page 2 (link above).

Love thy country, and obey the laws of man insomuch they aren't blatantly evil. Voting shows love to one's fatherland, and there is nothing even remotely evil about voting so it's a law that must be obeyed.
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Nah, that's a "don't go out to do stupid sh#t" advice.

I genuinely am, well was to be perfectly honest. I still work in the freight industry (in a broad sense) but I no longer have to drive.
And that wasn't the perfect analogy on Your part - safety regulations exist for a reason, and while they are indeed enforced arbitrarily, it's still better than allowing people to play it fast and loose.

But as long as You live in a mainstream society, You do have to rely on authorities. If You're living up in the boonies, and You know You can trust in Your neighbors, then it isn't a problem to deal with a would be home invader quietly, without the law ever knowing what happened. But if You live in a city/suburbs and You're ever forced to use deadly force to defend Yourself and Your loved ones, You won't be able to hide it. And if that's the case, You'll better be living in a place where the authorities (sheriff that you elect, DA that You elect, ect.) are still on Your side.
Realistically it’s better to have a lot of money and live in a safe location and be ready to pack up and move to another country if be then to have to defend yourself.
None of you are following the King if you do not follow his commandments. At least you guys should admit you are sinners who fail to obey.

The theology is already explained in this thread here: https://christisking.cc/threads/why-voting-is-worth-it.938/page-2#post-49614

If you refuse to accept the wisdom of Priests, Bishops, and Saints, who understand Christ 10,000x more than you, then it is further proof of pride and demonic corruption in your souls.

I say this with utmost love and humility, for I am a sinner as well. 😞

It's find to admit you cannot follow Christ's perfect commands on this if you are willing to repent, and forgive others so that you may be forgiven.

All of your questions were already answered here: https://christisking.cc/threads/why-voting-is-worth-it.938/page-2#post-49519

Paul told us to obey our governments, which means voting in today's age.

Legitimacy and power are two different things and it does not matter if you vote or not, whoever wins the vote is enshrined regardless. Legitimacy is fundamentally an emotional word with absolutely no bearing on power politics.

I urge you to think rationally and not emotionally, and to have faith in the Spirit and not give into your sins.

What you are doing is blasphemy, which is denying the Word of God through His Apostle, in this case Apostle Paul, who taught us that all governments are ordained by God, which includes the Aztecs. Deny Paul's word at your own peril.

Also, it is easy to see how the Aztecs were part of God's will; they tortured the people enough so that they were ready for Christ when Cortez showed up. The tyranny of the Aztecs made the ground fertile for the Word of God, which was demonstrated by the rapid and enduring conversion in South America. It's still one of the most Christian parts of the world today.

Such a transformation would not have been possible without the demonic pagan Aztec rule in the first place. Just because you are incapable of perceiving God's Will across time and space does not mean you know better than God.

There absolutely is a moral imperative as logically implied by the scriptures, which I expounded upon in page 2 (link above).

Love thy country, and obey the laws of man insomuch they aren't blatantly evil. Voting shows love to one's fatherland, and there is nothing even remotely evil about voting so it's a law that must be obeyed.
How is the government ordained by God if a democratic government is the "will of people"? Does God pick the candidates?

How is "legitimacy" an emotional word when the government can fail it's duties or in the case of democracy go against the will of the people?

You're using scripture to make logically inconsistent arguments. If you're trying to make thr argument we shouldn't care about anything but obeying God then I fail to see how it matters if Trump is elected. It doesn't mean you can't vote, it means that it doesn't matter who gets elected and anyone is in their right to vote for Kamala if they feel she will do more moral good.
How is the government ordained by God if a democratic government is the "will of people"? Does God pick the candidates?

God ordained our Republic, which has since degenerated into a Democracy. It's still the Will of God since nothing happens unless God allows it.

God may or may not pick the candidates, it does not matter. It doesn't matter what God does, His Will is far above ours and it is not for us to question, all we need to do is focus on our salvation. And that salvation includes loving our country, which means voting (among many other things).

How is "legitimacy" an emotional word when the government can fail it's duties or in the case of democracy go against the will of the people?

Because emotional words do not dictate outcomes. Did Constantine care about "legitimacy" when he slaughtered his own family members and became Emperor?

No government is legit, it's all power. The only legitimate King is Christ, everything else is vanity and sin. Thus there is no sense looking for legitimacy, the best we will ever do in this fallen world is mitigate sufferings by choosing the least evil rulers offered to us by God.

You're using scripture to make logically inconsistent arguments. If you're trying to make thr argument we shouldn't care about anything but obeying God then I fail to see how it matters if Trump is elected. It doesn't mean you can't vote, it means that it doesn't matter who gets elected and anyone is in their right to vote for Kamala if they feel she will do more moral good.

There's nothing inconsistent about my arguments because they are all from scripture, and I've quoted relevant Priests and Saints in this thread to show how they've been understood for thousands of years.

Just because you are incapable of understanding scripture does not make scripture inconsistent. Be humble, it's okay if you don't understand. Just admit you don't understand. This is a difficult topic to comprehend and I do not blame you at all if you cannot grasp it.

Finally, the idea that voting for Kamala, who isn't Christian, is the more righteous thing to do, than voting for Trump, who confesses Christ, is absurd. Yes, voting for the non-Christian candidate is the Christian thing to do!
None of you are following the King if you do not follow his commandments. At least you guys should admit you are sinners who fail to obey.

The theology is already explained in this thread here: https://christisking.cc/threads/why-voting-is-worth-it.938/page-2#post-49614

If you refuse to accept the wisdom of Priests, Bishops, and Saints, who understand Christ 10,000x more than you, then it is further proof of pride and demonic corruption in your souls.

I say this with utmost love and humility, for I am a sinner as well. 😞

It's fine to admit you cannot follow Christ's perfect commands on this if you are willing to repent, and forgive others so that you may be forgiven.

All of your questions were already answered here: https://christisking.cc/threads/why-voting-is-worth-it.938/page-2#post-49519

Paul told us to obey our governments, which means voting in today's age.

Legitimacy and power are two different things and it does not matter if you vote or not, whoever wins the vote is enshrined regardless. Legitimacy is fundamentally an emotional word with absolutely no bearing on power politics.

I urge you to think rationally and not emotionally, and to have faith in the Spirit and not give into your sins.

What you are doing is blasphemy, which is denying the Word of God through His Apostle, in this case Apostle Paul, who taught us that all governments are ordained by God, which includes the Aztecs. Deny Paul's word at your own peril.

Also, it is easy to see how the Aztecs were part of God's will; they tortured the people enough so that they were ready for Christ when Cortez showed up. The tyranny of the Aztecs made the ground fertile for the Word of God, which was demonstrated by the rapid and enduring conversion in South America. It's still one of the most Christian parts of the world today.

Such a transformation would not have been possible without the demonic pagan Aztec rule in the first place. Just because you are incapable of perceiving God's Will across time and space does not mean you know better than God.

There absolutely is a moral imperative as logically implied by the scriptures, which I expounded upon in page 2 (link above).

Love thy country, and obey the laws of man insomuch they aren't blatantly evil. Voting shows love to one's fatherland, and there is nothing even remotely evil about voting so it's a law that must be obeyed.
You've made up your own blasphemous theology and you think not voting is a sin. Expecially not voting your preferred canditate.

You are in a cult at this point. Your degenerate god-king is nothing more than another puppet of the devil. Through his love of money, sex and power, he has wholy subjugated himself to evil. Which makes voting for him consenting to the continuation of an evil regime. I hope you will begin understanding this during his second term in theater... sorry I meant in offfice.
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There absolutely is a moral imperative as logically implied by the scriptures, which I expounded upon in page 2 (link above).

Love thy country, and obey the laws of man insomuch they aren't blatantly evil. Voting shows love to one's fatherland, and there is nothing even remotely evil about voting so it's a law that must be obeyed.

My Bishop said pretty clearly that if you want to vote its up to you, if you don't it's up to you. The Church doesn't tell people what to do in this regard. If it was an imperative from the Christian standpoint, our clergy would advocate for it.

Voting is not enforced by law. Not voting doesn't entail hating your own country.
My Bishop said pretty clearly that if you want to vote its up to you, if you don't it's up to you. The Church doesn't tell people what to do in this regard. If it was an imperative from the Christian standpoint, our clergy would advocate for it.

Voting is not enforced by law. Not voting doesn't entail hating your own country.
It's my understanding that not voting is actually against the law in Australia but yeah, not in the US. I've never heard of any other countries where it's illegal, so I think it's only Australia.
It's my understanding that not voting is actually against the law in Australia but yeah, not in the US. I've never heard of any other countries where it's illegal, so I think it's only Australia.
Yes Australia has compulsory voting but it’s only compulsory to turn up it’s not compulsory to vote for anybody. It’s legal to enter a blank ballot (i.e non-vote) into the box. Also there are many loopholes regarding the enforcement of voting. There are ways that people avoid even turning up to vote and manage to evade the fine.

Also the fine for not voting is fairly modest (a fraction of what you pay for a parking violation) so people can just choose to pay the fine rather than attend the voting station.