Why Voting Is Worth It

“Before he was president, Donald Trump liked Kamala Harris enough that he donated twice to her campaigns, records show. Trump gave a total of $6,000 in 2011 and 2013 to California Attorney General Kamala Harris. “

That's just greasing the wheels of political machinery. You keep politicians on your payroll, in exchange for favours in legislation, or for turning a blind eye - like in this case, when Kamala was a state AG.
Despicable aspect of our politics for sure (de facto legalised corruption), but there's nothing unusual with Trump doing it.
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The only concern that anyone in the west should prioritize, be it the USA, Europe, or Oceania, is being able to organize and outmaneuver the pigs they send to hunt you and your family down in the coming years for whatever looney charges they concoct on the spot.

Voting or not voting, it ultimately doesn't matter. Kinetic warfare is the only decisive factor in the future for those who are to be and those who are not to be. The side that wants all White Christians and all good-souled non-Whites to "not to be" knows this, and if less of us people vote, then it means they will know we are more committed to a permanent solution that consists of lead exchanges and tightening nooses. At that point, who dares, wins.

The Irish are burning it all down, and they won't back off. They are the closest example of a country where this escalation will reach military-intervention on behalf of globohomo to suppress the people because the Kalergi plan won't be able to be implemented unless the people are stopped. They may or may not have voted in their elections, but all their limp-wristed political parties do is pay lip service to globalist swine. If America was like Ireland in that it did not have a kosher conservative decoy party, which is now morphing into the uniparty with all the commie turds coming over from the left, then the American people too would be burning it all down and forcing the hand of globohomo to a physical series of showdowns.
In this case voting actually matters.
Your ability to defend Yourself (gun carry laws, stand your ground/shoot first laws), and what happens next (will the AG charge You, will the courts take/dismiss the case) both depend on Your local elected officials. You choose to "vote with Your feet" and You might be up for rude awakening.
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“Before he was president, Donald Trump liked Kamala Harris enough that he donated twice to her campaigns, records show. Trump gave a total of $6,000 in 2011 and 2013 to California Attorney General Kamala Harris. “

Because Trump and guys like him have no core values or values that are easily changed. It’s all based on money, image, and manipulation. Them and the people around them are no different than whores who sell themselves to the highest bidder (Kamala) and guys who pimp them out (Trump). This is the pimp and ho game on a bigger level.

Many people in business are like this, money and winning is all that matters, not having ethics.
Because Trump and guys like him have no core values or values that are easily changed. It’s all based on money, image, and manipulation. Them and the people around them are no different than whores who sell themselves to the highest bidder (Kamala) and guys who pimp them out (Trump). This is the pimp and ho game on a bigger level.

Many people in business are like this, money and winning is all that matters, not having ethics.
Yes, it's probably fair to call Trump a power hungry narcissist, but then again there probably aren't many politicians you couldn't say that about.

I'll add that I'm reading through the prophets in the OT right now and it's been interesting to see how often the Lord calls Nebuchadnezzar "my servant." This is repeated many, many times. Trump is certainly no worse than Nebuchadnezzar.
Because Trump and guys like him have no core values or values that are easily changed. It’s all based on money, image, and manipulation. Them and the people around them are no different than whores who sell themselves to the highest bidder (Kamala) and guys who pimp them out (Trump). This is the pimp and ho game on a bigger level.

Many people in business are like this, money and winning is all that matters, not having ethics.

What about You ?
If You had the money to grease the AG to turn a blind eye, or at least give You a heads-up warning, when / if Your name comes across his desk, wouldn't You do it ?
What about You ?
If You had the money to grease the AG to turn a blind eye, or at least give You a heads-up warning, when / if Your name comes across his desk, wouldn't You do it ?

No. There’s no point to do that unless I was being prosecuted for a crime. Since I’m not a criminal, there’s no point to bribe or pay off anyone. Trump can’t even claim he did this to preempt political prosecution since he wasn’t even in politics at this point.

Yes I know that’s how all this works. Our system is full of corruption on all levels, and unscrupulous people pay others off to get away with things.
In this case voting actually matters.
Your ability to defend Yourself (gun carry laws, stand your ground/shoot first laws), and what happens next (will the AG charge You, will the courts take/dismiss the case) both depend on Your local elected officials. You choose to "vote with Your feet" and You might be up for rude awakening.
I do not believe so, and I will explain why. I moved past voting with my feet a long time ago, and now I operate differently.

I'm not in a tenable position to vote in the USA anymore so I can't particularly comment on the ability to do so, but when I was I never did. I saw through the gimmick decades ago. Its a phony jew vs jew, through and through.

At this stage in the game, whatever semblance of laws once existed no longer matter because of the unholy alliance between jews and non-whites. Voting is no different than following laws because "thats what good law-abiding White citizens do," while their dark burdens and jewish masters do not.

My ability to defend myself does not depend on whether or not it is legal to, it depends on me knowing the system and outwitting it. It depends on being a better "criminal" than the cops and the feds, even giving the jews a run for their money in duping the system.

If you are confronted and have to shoot someone, you do not do it unless absolutely necessary, and after you take them out (assuming you've had adequate training to shoot a target) you go for the cameras first. You immediately destroy any cell phone or GPS-emitting device you find on the body of your would-be killer or killers.

I would recommend anyone skeptical of this system get into this mindset going forward, especially when violent confrontations with the scholars, commies, and jackboots is more common:

-Have multiple cell phones. Leave one at home as an alibi in case a federal agency blasts a stingray to capture SIGINT from the time of any significant event. Federal courts have 180 days to enact 24 hour surveillance and agents working a case can petition for an additional 180 days afterwards.
-Have multiple spare license plates corresponding to different vehicles of the same make and model. You can acquire them at junkyards for free basically. This will fool the camera systems in place when you leave "the scene of a crime" where you defended your life from being taken.
-Carry your sidearm with you everywhere. If it's not registered there are ways to travel with it that cops won't find if they pull you over or inspect you.
-If you are in Europe there are ways to acquire this with avoiding Interpol. In the USA, avoiding the feds is much simpler. In Canada I haven't figured out a solution yet nor do I care to. In Australia there are other solutions forming but I have not been there in some time to visualize a method.
-Carry several spoofs with you to trick out any biometrics nearby. A change of clothes, a hat, a wig, different sized shoes, an old man mask from a halloween store that you bought several years ago in cash. I call this the bacon bluff kit.

The entire goal is to live outside the system, and to have layers of defenses between you and law enforcement. This is taxing on the mind, and often creates more paranoia than necessary for those not willing to live like it or understand the cause they are fighting for.

There's an old adage from the street that comes with its brutal worldview: "if you get bogged down, you die." If you get caught or trapped, you're basically as good as dead. There's no way around that now.

Where the police and the feds come in is countered by where tribe up train up comes in. Blacks and Hispanics have their ethnic conclaves that police don't go to, and many extremely violent murderers still live among their own people protected by kin. Whites are beginning to do the same now. You can't live alone, you need to have people with you, and this group needs to be growing. The National Socialists in Australia are recruiting more men every week than Victoria police at the moment. Everything comes down to being able to be more violent than the state.

In short, it's not just voting, but the entire system that is illegitimate and everyone needs to recognize they are only living in a "lawful" society if they get caught and detained by the biggest gang currently running the streets: the government. The only difference between being caught by the feds in the USA or a demonic cartel in Mexico is that the prior will likely not make a snuff film of your demise and post it to the internet (although who knows these days, they definitely have been doing that with kids for the politicians and bankers in satanic rituals).

I understand your point of view, but I do not live within your framework. At some point, there is a "no going back" moment in every man's life. You just continue surviving by any means. Whatever anus pus is "in charge" of the lay of the law doesn't matter. Until the jewish masters are removed from power, I do not participate, and if I was truly spiteful of them, I would be working on replacing their system with my own. That is what they hate. People who don't vote and stop there should already be checking out in every other way they can, but most of them don't.
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On the contrary, Trump strongly dislikes Netanyahu. Notice, Jared Kushner was not at the RNC (who is Bibi's best friend). A Trump victory will spell the downfall of Netanyahu. For Trump, it's personal, because Netanyahu did not back up Trump in the 2020 fraud elections. Thus Trump is going to throw him under the bus.

Trump has already called to get rid of Netanyahu when the war first started, Trump simply wants revenge on him.

Once Netanyahu is out of the picture, peace in the Middle East becomes far more achievable.

And since peace is in Israel's interest, Trump can then claim he's the best friend for Israel. That's how Trump is going to match his rhetoric to reality.
Kushner was there.

And what strings do you think came with Miriam Adelson's giant donation to Trump?
The idea that Republicans start wars is flatly contradicted by history, and in particular, Trump is the most anti-War President we've ever seen.
I agree that Trump is the least pro war president USA has had for a long time. However it’s absurd to say Republicans don’t start wars. The military industrial complex is very powerful. George Bush certainly started wars.
Kushner was there.

And what strings do you think came with Miriam Adelson's giant donation to Trump?
The last Adelson donation came with a request to move the embassy to Jerusalem. This was a primary cause of Oct 7th and the fallout thereafter. We have a good idea of the stipulations of this much larger donation this go around.

I agree that Trump is the least pro war president USA has had for a long time. However it’s absurd to say Republicans don’t start wars. The military industrial complex is very powerful. George Bush certainly started wars.
The MIC is controlled by Wall Street. The most powerful man on Wall Street is Larry Fink. That name just came up as well.
I do not believe so, and I will explain why. I moved past voting with my feet a long time ago, and now I operate differently.

I'm not in a tenable position to vote in the USA anymore so I can't particularly comment on the ability to do so, but when I was I never did. I saw through the gimmick decades ago. Its a phony jew vs jew, through and through.

At this stage in the game, whatever semblance of laws once existed no longer matter because of the unholy alliance between jews and non-whites. Voting is no different than following laws because "thats what good law-abiding White citizens do," while their dark burdens and jewish masters do not.

My ability to defend myself does not depend on whether or not it is legal to, it depends on me knowing the system and outwitting it. It depends on being a better "criminal" than the cops and the feds, even giving the jews a run for their money in duping the system.

If you are confronted and have to shoot someone, you do not do it unless absolutely necessary, and after you take them out (assuming you've had adequate training to shoot a target) you go for the cameras first. You immediately destroy any cell phone or GPS-emitting device you find on the body of your would-be killer or killers.

I would recommend anyone skeptical of this system get into this mindset going forward, especially when violent confrontations with the scholars, commies, and jackboots is more common:

-Have multiple cell phones. Leave one at home as an alibi in case a federal agency blasts a stingray to capture SIGINT from the time of any significant event. Federal courts have 180 days to enact 24 hour surveillance and agents working a case can petition for an additional 180 days afterwards.
-Have multiple spare license plates corresponding to different vehicles of the same make and model. You can acquire them at junkyards for free basically. This will fool the camera systems in place when you leave "the scene of a crime" where you defended your life from being taken.
-Carry your sidearm with you everywhere. If it's not registered there are ways to travel with it that cops won't find if they pull you over or inspect you.
-If you are in Europe there are ways to acquire this with avoiding Interpol. In the USA, avoiding the feds is much simpler. In Canada I haven't figured out a solution yet nor do I care to. In Australia there are other solutions forming but I have not been there in some time to visualize a method.
-Carry several spoofs with you to trick out any biometrics nearby. A change of clothes, a hat, a wig, different sized shoes, an old man mask from a halloween store that you bought several years ago in cash. I call this the bacon bluff kit.

The entire goal is to live outside the system, and to have layers of defenses between you and law enforcement. This is taxing on the mind, and often creates more paranoia than necessary for those not willing to live like it or understand the cause they are fighting for.

There's an old adage from the street that comes with its brutal worldview: "if you get bogged down, you die." If you get caught or trapped, you're basically as good as dead. There's no way around that now.

Where the police and the feds come in is countered by where tribe up train up comes in. Blacks and Hispanics have their ethnic conclaves that police don't go to, and many extremely violent murderers still live among their own people protected by kin. Whites are beginning to do the same now. You can't live alone, you need to have people with you, and this group needs to be growing. The National Socialists in Australia are recruiting more men every week than Victoria police at the moment. Everything comes down to being able to be more violent than the state.

In short, it's not just voting, but the entire system that is illegitimate and everyone needs to recognize they are only living in a "lawful" society if they get caught and detained by the biggest gang currently running the streets: the government. The only difference between being caught by the feds in the USA or a demonic cartel in Mexico is that the prior will likely not make a snuff film of your demise and post it to the internet (although who knows these days, they definitely have been doing that with kids for the politicians and bankers in satanic rituals).

I understand your point of view, but I do not live within your framework. At some point, there is a "no going back" moment in every man's life. You just continue surviving by any means. Whatever anus pus is "in charge" of the lay of the law doesn't matter. Until the jewish masters are removed from power, I do not participate, and if I was truly spiteful of them, I would be working on replacing their system with my own. That is what they hate. People who don't vote and stop there should already be checking out in every other way they can, but most of them don't.

I genuinely hope this is just Your online persona talking, because if You truly believe in this gray man fanfiction in real life, I might have to worry about You. Lord forbid, You're ever in a defensive gun use situation, even if it's justified, even if the perp survives, You're in for a legal rollercoaster ride of Your life - the harshness of which, does depend on where You live, and who holds the office. Look at the Kyle Rittenhouse shooting, a clear-cut case of self defense, in a normal state the kid wouldn't be charged, and yet a prosecutor with an agenda tried to nail him. I guess, maybe if he was wearing a fake nose / mustache combo they would never got him, right ? I'm sorry. I mean no disrespect, but You can prep Yourself for a racial guerilla warfare as much as You like, but then the most mundane thing might happen and You'll get jumped by a crackhead outside the 7/11. And what then ? Gonna tripple tap him, silence all witnesses, remove all the CCTV footage, jump in Your getaway car (unregistered and with fake plates, of course) and drive into the sunset ? You try to do that in real life and You're done - You won't be a rebel fighting against the jew-regime, You'll be a murder suspect on the run. Good luck with that.
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I genuinely hope this is just Your online persona talking, because if You truly believe in this gray man fanfiction in real life, I might have to worry about You. Lord forbid, You're ever in a defensive gun use situation, even if it's justified, even if the perp survives, You're in for a legal rollercoaster ride of Your life - the harshness of which, does depend on where You live, and who holds the office. Look at the Kyle Rittenhouse shooting, a clear-cut case of self defense, in a normal state the kid wouldn't be charged, and yet a prosecutor with an agenda tried to nail him. I guess, maybe if he was wearing a fake nose / mustache combo they would never got him, right ? I'm sorry. I mean no disrespect, but You can prep Yourself for a racial guerilla warfare as much as You like, but then the most mundane thing might happen and You'll get jumped by a crackhead outside the 7/11. And what then ? Gonna tripple tap him, silence all witnesses, remove all the CCTV footage, jump in Your getaway car (unregistered and with fake plates, of course) and drive into the sunset ? You try to do that in real life and You're done - You won't be a rebel fighting against the jew-regime, You'll be a murder suspect on the run. Good luck with that.
The problem is, your local officials can buy you a few years, maybe a decade or two. Soon the NGO's will ship in the needed demographics to turn strong red areas purple and make it a nightmare like the rest of the country. I see this in the former 99% White/strong red rural area I grew up in. I'm amazed at how much the demographics are changing, and soon to follow will be third world liberal local authorities. How soon no one can say, but we can all see it coming.
I genuinely hope this is just Your online persona talking, because if You truly believe in this gray man fanfiction in real life, I might have to worry about You. Lord forbid, You're ever in a defensive gun use situation, even if it's justified, even if the perp survives, You're in for a legal rollercoaster ride of Your life - the harshness of which, does depend on where You live, and who holds the office. Look at the Kyle Rittenhouse shooting, a clear-cut case of self defense, in a normal state the kid wouldn't be charged, and yet a prosecutor with an agenda tried to nail him. I guess, maybe if he was wearing a fake nose / mustache combo they would never got him, right ? I'm sorry. I mean no disrespect, but You can prep Yourself for a racial guerilla warfare as much as You like, but then the most mundane thing might happen and You'll get jumped by a crackhead outside the 7/11. And what then ? Gonna tripple tap him, silence all witnesses, remove all the CCTV footage, jump in Your getaway car (unregistered and with fake plates, of course) and drive into the sunset ? You try to do that in real life and You're done - You won't be a rebel fighting against the jew-regime, You'll be a murder suspect on the run. Good luck with that.
I understand what you’re saying, real life situations don’t pan out like they do in our head but… I have to say I love his mentality. I’m actually a bit similar although I don’t really have contingency plans for blowing a joggers brains out.

The problem is complacency. When you toe the line society expects of you to you’re setting yourself up for failure. We do this constantly because it’s so easy. WTF is a vpn? It costs money?

The biggest take away from his post is simple. You’re not living in a society. You’re not going to pick up the phone and have the authorities come rescue you or have the authorities listen to your sob story about how you acted super reasonably as anyone else would in your shoes. There is no society, there is not legitimate authority. You’re in enemy territory.

Better get used to thinking like a criminal. You still have free will, just because you think like a criminal no one is forcing you to go snatch purses. Not only is this mentality highly advantageous for little day to day things but it’s necessary for your survival in the coming decades. You’re going to have to take care of number 1 and in doing so you’re going to have to avoid what has traditionally been called “responsibility” but today is more aptly known as “satanic state oppression of your dignity and human autonomy”.
The problem is, your local officials can buy you a few years, maybe a decade or two. Soon the NGO's will ship in the needed demographics to turn strong red areas purple and make it a nightmare like the rest of the country. I see this in the former 99% White/strong red rural area I grew up in. I'm amazed at how much the demographics are changing, and soon to follow will be third world liberal local authorities. How soon no one can say, but we can all see it coming.

The biggest take away from his post is simple. You’re not living in a society. You’re not going to pick up the phone and have the authorities come rescue you or have the authorities listen to your sob story about how you acted super reasonably as anyone else would in your shoes. There is no society, there is not legitimate authority. You’re in enemy territory.

What I'm about to say ain't really groundbreaking, You probably heard it a hundred times already, but the only way for You to be safe is to get away from a hostile environment. Leave the city, leave the suburbs and move out to the deepest boonies You can find. Become self-sufficient as much as You possibly can - so that You won't have to take risk driving out for shopping, or to work. Build trust with like-minded members of Your local community, so when a time comes when someone comes to bring You harm, You'll know that they will have Your back, and none of Your neighbors will call the cops when they hear gunshots.
What I'm about to say ain't really groundbreaking, You probably heard it a hundred times already, but the only way for You to be safe is to get away from a hostile environment. Leave the city, leave the suburbs and move out to the deepest boonies You can find. Become self-sufficient as much as You possibly can - so that You won't have to take risk driving out for shopping, or to work. Build trust with like-minded members of Your local community, so when a time comes when someone comes to bring You harm, You'll know that they will have Your back, and none of Your neighbors will call the cops when they hear gunshots.
Oh yea, I 100% agree with you. I am just saying I already have this, this is where I grew up, this is where most of my family is still at, and the changes occurring there, between the NGO's shipping in foreigners and young people being inflicted by the drug/social media mind viruses is really disturbing.

I agree with you, this is the best plan, but still at best it might buy you 20 or 30 years, and likely much less. So, the long-term thinking is what @MusicForThePiano typed out.
What I'm about to say ain't really groundbreaking, You probably heard it a hundred times already, but the only way for You to be safe is to get away from a hostile environment. Leave the city, leave the suburbs and move out to the deepest boonies You can find. Become self-sufficient as much as You possibly can - so that You won't have to take risk driving out for shopping, or to work. Build trust with like-minded members of Your local community, so when a time comes when someone comes to bring You harm, You'll know that they will have Your back, and none of Your neighbors will call the cops when they hear gunshots.
This is more of a quality of life advice.

If you’re truly a truck driver, think of it this way. Do you want DOT showing up? Yeah, they might be cool and take it easy on you. They might also slap on some fines on “principle”. Should have checked those wheel fasteners thoroughly buddy. Did you hand twist every one?

You don’t want authorities in your life, especially now more than ever. The only way to live that way is to skirt the law and just follow basic “human decency” as your own code of conduct. Since I believe the “law” is heavy handed and oppressive for even uncontroversial things I have no qualms advocating it. Some might say “ oh but what about muh society, what if everybody started…” What society? Do what you think is right and let God be your judge. The ship is going down anyway.
Oh yea, I 100% agree with you. I am just saying I already have this, this is where I grew up, this is where most of my family is still at, and the changes occurring there, between the NGO's shipping in foreigners and young people being inflicted by the drug/social media mind viruses is really disturbing.

I agree with you, this is the best plan, but still at best it might buy you 20 or 30 years, and likely much less. So, the long-term thinking is what @MusicForThePiano typed out.

Well, going out to roleplay the punisher won't buy even that. It will only put You and Your loved ones in a harms way.
Me ? If the proverbial S ever hits the fan, I've got some family up in Wyoming and that's where I'm gonna be heading. What will come after ? I don't know. I don't have the perfect answer for all Your worries. Not gonna pretend to know it all, and tell You that things will turn out fine, if You just wait and "trust the plan".
This is more of a quality of life advice.
Nah, that's a "don't go out to do stupid sh#t" advice.

If you’re truly a truck driver, think of it this way. Do you want DOT showing up? Yeah, they might be cool and take it easy on you. They might also slap on some fines on “principle”. Should have checked those wheel fasteners thoroughly buddy. Did you hand twist every one?
I genuinely am, well was to be perfectly honest. I still work in the freight industry (in a broad sense) but I no longer have to drive.
And that wasn't the perfect analogy on Your part - safety regulations exist for a reason, and while they are indeed enforced arbitrarily, it's still better than allowing people to play it fast and loose.

You don’t want authorities in your life, especially now more than ever. The only way to live that way is to skirt the law and just follow basic “human decency” as your own code of conduct. Since I believe the “law” is heavy handed and oppressive for even uncontroversial things I have no qualms advocating it. Some might say “ oh but what about muh society, what if everybody started…” What society? Do what you think is right and let God be your judge. The ship is going down anyway.
But as long as You live in a mainstream society, You do have to rely on authorities. If You're living up in the boonies, and You know You can trust in Your neighbors, then it isn't a problem to deal with a would be home invader quietly, without the law ever knowing what happened. But if You live in a city/suburbs and You're ever forced to use deadly force to defend Yourself and Your loved ones, You won't be able to hide it. And if that's the case, You'll better be living in a place where the authorities (sheriff that you elect, DA that You elect, ect.) are still on Your side.
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