Why Voting Is Worth It

Withdraw from participation in political life (at least for federal elections) and focus on your community. Do you think the Amish are concerned about this stuff? They’re doing fine. Let these people eat themselves. Your vote doesn’t mean shit, if it’s even counted. How can you have lived through the modern era and think otherwise? If Donald Trump is or is not elected, you’ll have nothing to do with that outcome. If he is elected, he’s not going to do anything for you. If you benefit in any way it will be incidental to whatever his interests are.

I’ve never not voted in a presidential election before but I’m not doing it anymore. Participating in this sham political process just lends legitimacy to it. Why would I? So I can: a) whine about it when the election is stolen by fraud and watch while “my” candidate does nothing but betray his constituents, or; b) whine about it when “my” candidate betrays his constituents right after he gets elected? How can you have lived through the last election and just thought “oh man, if we had just had more votes!” Have you learned nothing? Votes aren’t going to save this country.

Wake me up when the heir to Corneliu Codreanu runs for office.
The Amish have to deal with egregious overreaches in PA where they tried to shut down Amos Miller's farm.
Withdraw from participation in political life (at least for federal elections) and focus on your community. Do you think the Amish are concerned about this stuff? They’re doing fine. Let these people eat themselves. Your vote doesn’t mean shit, if it’s even counted. How can you have lived through the modern era and think otherwise? If Donald Trump is or is not elected, you’ll have nothing to do with that outcome. If he is elected, he’s not going to do anything for you. If you benefit in any way it will be incidental to whatever his interests are.

I’ve never not voted in a presidential election before but I’m not doing it anymore. Participating in this sham political process just lends legitimacy to it. Why would I? So I can: a) whine about it when the election is stolen by fraud and watch while “my” candidate does nothing but betray his constituents, or; b) whine about it when “my” candidate betrays his constituents right after he gets elected? How can you have lived through the last election and just thought “oh man, if we had just had more votes!” Have you learned nothing? Votes aren’t going to save this country.

Wake me up when the heir to Corneliu Codreanu runs for office.

Agree with all except the not-voting part. Not voting is worse than nothing, it just makes it easier for the enemy to win. Ultimately they can only fraud so many votes since it all comes from the big cities.

Voting does not "add legitimacy" to the system, and not voting does not take away legitimacy. A system is legit or not regardless of how many vote. The point to exercising political power is to make it harder for your enemies to win. That's all. If all my vote does is make the enemy spend even one more dollar, it's worth it in my book because the vote costs me nothing by comparison.

Don't think in terms of emotions, such as "legitimacy" which is a nonsense term, think in terms of strategy and tactics, which are military unemotional terms.

Are your actions hurting or helping the enemy? Doesn't matter what those actions are or what the immediate outcome is, the question is if they help or hurt the enemy. Any other question is emotional bullshit and is clouding the mind.

If you are at war, and you refuse to shoot at the enemy because "it probably won't hit anyways" then you have guaranteed lost. Not fighting with everything you have is a loser mentality that results in defeat, and must be avoided at all costs.

The point to voting is to hurt my enemies, who are majority Democrat, there is no other reason to vote. This isn't a popularity contest it's a fight for survival.

Men like It Is My Time have no clue what's going on and will result in the genocide of the White race and probably most of Christendom, if they were actually taken seriously. Always vote and have no attachment to the outcome, just do it to hurt the enemy.
Believe me brother I'm the first one to say "screw all of them they don't care about us and they won't do shit", but there has to be some modicum of recognition that Donald Trump is better for our lives than Joe Biden is.
I certainly do recognize that, but here’s the thing. I remember where I was and what I was doing during that time that the whole election fraud was going down. I thought Trump was a failure and just a goofy salesman at the time, after his presidency where he failed to deliver on anything he had run on. I thought he was incompetent and a buffoon who was so obviously out of his league from the outset in dealing with these people who had him confused and on defense for his entire presidency. I thought that this was a man without a Godly mission, without resolve, someone interested in himself, dealing with committed people dedicated to the destruction of what he was supposed to protect. But I thought to myself, if this man does what needs to be done in this moment, if he takes that step, I’m rolling with him and I can forgive everything.

He didn’t take that step. I recall listening to a Roosh stream at the time and he expressed the sentiment that if the president didn’t fulfill his duty, then he wanted nothing to do with him going forward. Don’t want to see his face or hear his voice. I was in complete agreement. And I still am.

The country today bears absolutely zero resemblance to what it was founded upon. It hasn’t just been usurped by foreigners, it has had its foundation cleaned out from under it. It’s dead. I’ve mourned it. I have grieved over it. I’ve wiped the tears from my eyes and what I see I hate with the same intensity I loved my country. That new creation needs to collapse, needs to be destroyed.

I’m not giving my support to a man I’ve seen waving a rainbow flag around and selling sodomy to countries that haven’t been infected by it yet. I’m not supporting someone I know can’t take a position against abortion and die on that hill. He doesn’t have any convictions, at least not any that match mine. What a vote is is asking for your support. It’s asking “hey, are you with me? I know I couldn’t keep my word, but look how bad the other guy is!” In response I’m standing up, and turning my back.
In response I’m standing up, and turning my back.

And by turning your back, then your enemy gets to stab it.

Your entire post is loaded with emotions - the worst possible state to be in when doing politics. If you have emotional attachments in politics, you've already lost the game. The state is not your mother or your father, it is an amoral being that can either work for you or destroy you.

I am going to move all of this discussion to another thread soon. Has nothing to do with JD Vance.
And by turning your back, then your enemy gets to stab it.

Your entire post is loaded with emotions - the worst possible state to be in when doing politics. If you have emotional attachments in politics, you've already lost the game. The state is not your mother or your father, it is an amoral being that can either work for you or destroy you.

I am going to move all of this discussion to another thread soon. Has nothing to do with JD Vance.
I held your perspective until fairly recently. I disagree that it’s an emotional reaction. It’s a logical endpoint. What benefit do I and the people I love receive from my vote in this country? What consequence is there for abstaining? Does it benefit my family, my community, my people, and the cause of Jesus Christ to cast a vote for a man who has no principles? Am I casting a vote against someone any different?

We are given a choice between Pilot or the Pharisees. It’s either the Pharisees themselves or the man who would capitulate to them? Clearly one party is less culpable than the other, but in the end what is the ultimate outcome? Did Christ plead His case to either?

I don’t hold this position to spite Trump just for being a failure, like some girl scorning a love interest. It is evident that we don’t actually choose our leaders. Why give the people who do our tacit support by pretending this voting scheme is a legitimate system?

You’re like Charlie Brown trying to kick that football before it’s pulled away every time, and every time you wind up on your back. Don’t we all want to see him finally say “F you Lucy” and just not kick it? When do you finally acknowledge that there is no Wizard of Oz? If more people stopped voting, the man behind the curtain would know it’s being pulled back. In that instance, I wouldn’t be surprised to see them make voting mandatory like they have with health insurance just to prop the system up. Vote or go to jail, because we’re picking a candidate and have to make it seem like you did.
It's funny because the left complains about the same thing. Seems like we have the "far" right (people on this forum), Republicucks, Democucks and the communists (far left). The Republicucks and Democucks are somewhere around the middle.
I'd say that even if you believe that a Trump presidency would at best slow the decline, it'll still buy us four years to take advantage of the opportunities it may provide.

Scenario 1. Worst case, nothing changes from how it is today. That sucks, but worth a shot, we're no worse off and likely better off than under democrat leadership.

Scenario 2. Best case, Trump delivers on his promises and successors are bred to continue leading the US to a great future.

Scenario 3. Least likely, Trump cucks 100% and makes our country worse than a Big Mike/Kamala ticket ever possibly could.

Scenario 4. Most likely, Trump does some good and some bad, we get four years to make the best of it to prepare us and our families for what's to come. Get a better job, get a raise, buy some property, enjoy the memes and leftist meltdowns.

I'll gladly show up and mark a piece of paper for a chance at Scenario 4.
I'd say that even if you believe that a Trump presidency would at best slow the decline, it'll still buy us four years to take advantage of the opportunities it may provide.

Scenario 1. Worst case, nothing changes from how it is today. That sucks, but worth a shot, we're no worse off and likely better off than under democrat leadership.

Scenario 2. Best case, Trump delivers on his promises and successors are bred to continue leading the US to a great future.

Scenario 3. Least likely, Trump cucks 100% and makes our country worse than a Big Mike/Kamala ticket ever possibly could.

Scenario 4. Most likely, Trump does some good and some bad, we get four years to make the best of it to prepare us and our families for what's to come. Get a better job, get a raise, buy some property, enjoy the memes and leftist meltdowns.

I'll gladly show up and mark a piece of paper for a chance at Scenario 4.
Scenario 5. Trump does a half-decent job on the economy, the right wing is lulled back to sleep because their guy is in office, the left comes back with a vengeance and undoes all his progress in one year at the end of his term, a repeat of his first term, and the one step forward, two steps back cycle continues.
I certainly do recognize that, but here’s the thing. I remember where I was and what I was doing during that time that the whole election fraud was going down. I thought Trump was a failure and just a goofy salesman at the time, after his presidency where he failed to deliver on anything he had run on. I thought he was incompetent and a buffoon who was so obviously out of his league from the outset in dealing with these people who had him confused and on defense for his entire presidency. I thought that this was a man without a Godly mission, without resolve, someone interested in himself, dealing with committed people dedicated to the destruction of what he was supposed to protect. But I thought to myself, if this man does what needs to be done in this moment, if he takes that step, I’m rolling with him and I can forgive everything.

He didn’t take that step. I recall listening to a Roosh stream at the time and he expressed the sentiment that if the president didn’t fulfill his duty, then he wanted nothing to do with him going forward. Don’t want to see his face or hear his voice. I was in complete agreement. And I still am.

The country today bears absolutely zero resemblance to what it was founded upon. It hasn’t just been usurped by foreigners, it has had its foundation cleaned out from under it. It’s dead. I’ve mourned it. I have grieved over it. I’ve wiped the tears from my eyes and what I see I hate with the same intensity I loved my country. That new creation needs to collapse, needs to be destroyed.

I’m not giving my support to a man I’ve seen waving a rainbow flag around and selling sodomy to countries that haven’t been infected by it yet. I’m not supporting someone I know can’t take a position against abortion and die on that hill. He doesn’t have any convictions, at least not any that match mine. What a vote is is asking for your support. It’s asking “hey, are you with me? I know I couldn’t keep my word, but look how bad the other guy is!” In response I’m standing up, and turning my back.
Then you support Biden.
Campaign Strategy 101

Goal: Get more votes than your opponent, by applying the tactics listed below

Tactic 1) Fire up the portion of the population that generally agrees with your candidate, and maximize voter turnout

Tactic 2) Attract and convince as many swing voters as possible to vote for your candidate

Tactic 3) Convince people who would have normally favored the other candidate to change their views and support your candidate. Make sure they actually vote

Tactic 4) For those voters who will never vote for your candidate, discourage them and run down the opposing candidate to kill their enthusiasm, to get them to stay home from the polls. A vote lost to the other guy is as good as a vote added for your candidate.

All campaigns pursue the four tactics. People here who dislike Biden but think Trump is insufficiently ideal are the result of the woke left playing Tactic 4 successfully.

The woke left are very happy with what you are doing for them.
We are given a choice between Pilot or the Pharisees. It’s either the Pharisees themselves or the man who would capitulate to them? Clearly one party is less culpable than the other, but in the end what is the ultimate outcome? Did Christ plead His case to either?

Christ paid his taxes to Pilate. Likewise, if Christ had a vote given to him by Pilate, Christ would return the vote back to Pilate.

"Give unto Ceasar's," in our day and age would be, "Give unto Washington's what is Washington's." In this case, the dollar with Washington's face on it is to be returned to Washington, and likewise, the vote which is given to us by Washington is also to be given back to Washington.

It is a sin not to vote, because it is unloving and shows indifference to one's fatherland. One must love their country:

I've time stamped at the relevant section, which is a quote from St. Paisios:

"Christians are silent out of indifference, in these difficult days each much do what is in his own power and leave what's out of one's power to the will of God. In this way, our conscience will be cleared. If we do not resist evil, then our ancestors will arise out of their graves. If Christians do not bear witness to their faith, if they don't resist evil, then the Destroyers will become even more insolent."

Not voting is indifference, which is not Love.

Thus a faithful Christian always votes, to hurt the enemy and make it more difficult for the evil ones to destroy. For if Christians do not impede the efforts of evil ones, then the Christian has stopped loving thy Neighbor, and will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. It is mortal sin to stop voting.
I am sure this will be a bit of an unpopular opinion here, but voting is fake and gay and a complete waste of your time.

Focus on that which you can control, not some false sense of control that is "democracy".
Think of whether to vote from a cost-value perspective. If you vote and it turns out it's completely fake and gay, what did you lose from it? You lost the time it took to stop by a polling station and drop off your vote or if you mailed your vote in, the time to spent sealing an envelope and walking to your mail box and putting it in. Besides that you haven't lost anything else. There's really no big downside to voting unlike a lot of the choices we make in life where have to judge between the benefits it could bring us and how it could have a noticeable harm on our lives. The worse case scenario is what I described above. Every other thing that could happen is better than the worse case scenario. Even if the positive benefit reaped from voting for the right candidate is just extremely slight, I don't think the very small value from getting the right person in office is of less value than what you "paid" for it (the you took to vote).
It's been said here already, several times, but I'll repeat it.

Failing to vote in a way that impedes the enemy, is an effective vote FOR the enemy.

This is a bitter pill for some here that are demoralized, and wish to protest the system by opting out.

The best way to hurt the Dems is to vote Trump. If you do not, you are helping them.
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Globalists and Leftists love to spread "Democracy" or "Save Democracy" all over the U.S., but its message gets infected over the world as well. Now here comes the new term: "Pass the Torch".

By not voting, "Democracy" (or "Save Democracy") will continue to allow open borders to bring in more mass migration, businesses hiring incompetent DEI workers, LGBQT+ pushing for more trannies support, illegal immigrants (non-citizens) voting in U.S. elections, etc.

If one don't vote and continue to whine about the above issues, don't blame the problems on voters who voted against "Democracy".
I don't think the people who claim voting works have a lot of evidence to back it up. When did it work exactly? The UK voted to leave the EU, but they're de facto still in the EU. Norway also has to adhere to the EU regulations, even though we voted no twice, and they'll probably try again. The direction of America has been a downward slope since the 70's at least, with back and forth governance. Same in the UK and most of Europe. So not voting Trump is not the same as a vote for Biden IMO.

What's the alterative you say? I've long felt that sabotage, strikes, disobedience of laws etc. is the best way.
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