Why Voting Is Worth It

I think the entire retardation begins when people act as if the only way to act politically is to vote. Voting is just par for the course of how Western states are currently organized.

There are a lot of armchair politicians online who write walls of texts about what might or might not be a psyop, but would never actually make a step towards getting into the institutions that make up the regime and the parties.
You know you can just join and talk to people, right? Like, other people are real.

How do you think Rome became Christian? Christians applied for positions in institutions, sometimes had a little influence, sometimes excelled and took them over. Politics, no matter how deceptive it may be at times, is fundamentally an interpersonal process that you can partake in.

There is a terrible disease going on with Christians fabulating about end times scenarios and psyops without ever even trying to peek inside and see what's going on and how certain institutions operate.
You can cry all day about how bad the choices are that are offered electorally, but think about how insane it is to leave it at that. It reminds me of boomer dads who lose contact with their family and act as if the entire thing was just a pre-programmed algorithm that nobody can change.

Particularly as an Orthodox person, one should know that free will is real and salvation in an active process in which we try to unite our will and activities with those of God.

Don't just vote, actually register and talk to people. If you feel like someone is being dishonest, be bothersome. That's actually how it works regardless of the system you live in. Politics, defined as "collective binding decision-making" is not separate from anything else you do with other people. Stand up for what's right, do it as best you can, and let God take care of the rest.

Political ideology is separate from theology and salvation, sure, but you still live in this world. Human existence is a communal experience. I understand that for some people, there are constraints in terms of social competency, but that also gets better with practice. It's not rocket science, and I think it can take away a lot of the despondency many people feel when only discussing politics online.
I don't think the people who claim voting works have a lot of evidence to back it up. When did it work exactly? The UK voted to leave the EU, but they're de facto still in the EU. Norway also has to adhere to the EU regulations, even though we voted no twice, and they'll probably try again. The direction of America has been a downward slope since the 70's at least, with back and forth governance. Same in the UK and most of Europe. So not voting Trump is not the same as a vote for Biden IMO.

What's the alterative you say? I've long felt that sabotage, strikes, disobedience of laws etc. is the best way.

Had no idea you're Norweigen.
I'm okay with that as well. TBH, I can't really see a big difference in the two when it comes to the big issues we face.

The debate, as far as I can tell, on this forum is not if we can avoid going off the cliff or not. It is instead, when we head towards that cliff at 55 or 100, exactly, how much time does it buy us. I don't believe it buys much time at all, and TBH, with the situation in Israel and the only real push against it coming from the left, I am not even sure which party is 55 and which is 100.
You and I have disagreed on things before, but I think I'm with you here.

Take the T in LGBT. The Democrats believe we should figure out if small children are Ts as early as possible because if a little girl was somehow erroneously born in a boy's body, the earlier you catch that, the better you can make that incorrect little boy body resemble a girl's body as much as possible through hormone therapy, surgery, etc.

On the other hand, the Republicans believe you should wait until the unfortunate little girl who was born in the wrong body is 18 to start doing all of that.

If anything, if you accept that transexuality is anything but a mental illness, the Democrat position makes more sense.

The correct position, of course, is that transexuality is a mental illness and shouldn't be taken seriously as anything else, but like you said, it's the difference between 55mph toward the cliff and 100mph with the two party system. Not much difference at all. You can extrapolate this to almost every other important issue.
I don't think the people who claim voting works have a lot of evidence to back it up. When did it work exactly? The UK voted to leave the EU, but they're de facto still in the EU. Norway also has to adhere to the EU regulations, even though we voted no twice, and they'll probably try again. The direction of America has been a downward slope since the 70's at least, with back and forth governance. Same in the UK and most of Europe. So not voting Trump is not the same as a vote for Biden IMO.

What's the alterative you say? I've long felt that sabotage, strikes, disobedience of laws etc. is the best way.
It worked for the leftists when they voted for Obama and Biden. Voting made a big difference in those cases.

Sure, the Republicans have failed to deliver, including Trump. However, that's not to say voting makes no difference. It can make a huge difference.

Part of Trump's problem is that he doesn't have the support of the GOP. If they were solidly behind him, he could do much more. However, he's trying, which is better than we could expect from Nicky Haley, let alone Joe Biden or Kameltoe Harris.
It worked for the leftists when they voted for Obama and Biden. Voting made a big difference in those cases.

Sure, the Republicans have failed to deliver, including Trump. However, that's not to say voting makes no difference. It can make a huge difference.

Part of Trump's problem is that he doesn't have the support of the GOP. If they were solidly behind him, he could do much more. However, he's trying, which is better than we could expect from Nicky Haley, let alone Joe Biden or Kameltoe Harris.

I don't think it would matter much. Kerry, McCain, Romney etc, would they've made things better?
Christ paid his taxes to Pilate. Likewise, if Christ had a vote given to him by Pilate, Christ would return the vote back to Pilate.

"Give unto Ceasar's," in our day and age would be, "Give unto Washington's what is Washington's." In this case, the dollar with Washington's face on it is to be returned to Washington, and likewise, the vote which is given to us by Washington is also to be given back to Washington.

It is a sin not to vote, because it is unloving and shows indifference to one's fatherland. One must love their country:

I've time stamped at the relevant section, which is a quote from St. Paisios:

"Christians are silent out of indifference, in these difficult days each much do what is in his own power and leave what's out of one's power to the will of God. In this way, our conscience will be cleared. If we do not resist evil, then our ancestors will arise out of their graves. If Christians do not bear witness to their faith, if they don't resist evil, then the Destroyers will become even more insolent."

Not voting is indifference, which is not Love.

Thus a faithful Christian always votes, to hurt the enemy and make it more difficult for the evil ones to destroy. For if Christians do not impede the efforts of evil ones, then the Christian has stopped loving thy Neighbor, and will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. It is mortal sin to stop voting.

What do you do when both sides are evil?

That is what we are dealing with - voting would be consenting to evil. To love my country would thus mean to not play into the clown show, and to convince my countrymen to understand that the only way out would be a return to a Christian monarchy.

As a Christian we know the world is to fall away, and politics are very of the world. I made a choice in my late twenties to focus on that which matters - Christ, family, purpose, community, the church. Politics are absent from that list, as is news media, social media, entertainment, celebrity and the like.
I don't think it would matter much. Kerry, McCain, Romney etc, would they've made things better?
Would they have opened the borders, legalized gay marriage, made gayness the number one foreign policy priority, hired Rachel Levine for Assistant Sec. of Health, and all the many other hard core leftist actions that the government has taken under Obama and Biden?

I hardly think so.
I think the entire retardation begins when people act as if the only way to act politically is to vote. Voting is just par for the course of how Western states are currently organized.

There are a lot of armchair politicians online who write walls of texts about what might or might not be a psyop, but would never actually make a step towards getting into the institutions that make up the regime and the parties.
You know you can just join and talk to people, right? Like, other people are real.

How do you think Rome became Christian? Christians applied for positions in institutions, sometimes had a little influence, sometimes excelled and took them over. Politics, no matter how deceptive it may be at times, is fundamentally an interpersonal process that you can partake in.

There is a terrible disease going on with Christians fabulating about end times scenarios and psyops without ever even trying to peek inside and see what's going on and how certain institutions operate.
You can cry all day about how bad the choices are that are offered electorally, but think about how insane it is to leave it at that. It reminds me of boomer dads who lose contact with their family and act as if the entire thing was just a pre-programmed algorithm that nobody can change.

Particularly as an Orthodox person, one should know that free will is real and salvation in an active process in which we try to unite our will and activities with those of God.

Don't just vote, actually register and talk to people. If you feel like someone is being dishonest, be bothersome. That's actually how it works regardless of the system you live in. Politics, defined as "collective binding decision-making" is not separate from anything else you do with other people. Stand up for what's right, do it as best you can, and let God take care of the rest.

Political ideology is separate from theology and salvation, sure, but you still live in this world. Human existence is a communal experience. I understand that for some people, there are constraints in terms of social competency, but that also gets better with practice. It's not rocket science, and I think it can take away a lot of the despondency many people feel when only discussing politics online.

A practical post on this forum. Well done. I’ve said it before, get involved locally. Get off the forum, especially guys who are posting here every minute of every day. Take that time and get in the real world. Forget Trump and try to make a difference locally.
Would they have opened the borders, legalized gay marriage, made gayness the number one foreign policy priority, hired Rachel Levine for Assistant Sec. of Health, and all the many other hard core leftist actions that the government has taken under Obama and Biden?

I hardly think so.

Maybe, but again people have voted all that time, and we are where we are! Maybe I'm thinking too much like a scientist here, but I would say that is falsification of the idea that voting works. (they can control most people via the media and so on...)
There's too much focus here on the nation-level elections, that Y'all forget about the local races.
Your State AG, local judiciary, county sheriff, etc. These offices matter, much more than all of the congress-critters combined. You choose to ignore these races, and You might wake up one day with a Soros funded AG who won't prosecute the criminals, but will go after You for defending Yourself and Your loved ones, with a judge who releases violent offenders without bail, or a school board that pushes the most vile cultural marxism.
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I don't think the people who claim voting works have a lot of evidence to back it up. When did it work exactly? The UK voted to leave the EU, but they're de facto still in the EU. Norway also has to adhere to the EU regulations, even though we voted no twice, and they'll probably try again. The direction of America has been a downward slope since the 70's at least, with back and forth governance. Same in the UK and most of Europe. So not voting Trump is not the same as a vote for Biden IMO.

What's the alterative you say? I've long felt that sabotage, strikes, disobedience of laws etc. is the best way.
Don't forget about the times that the American people voted against gay marriage, but the bureaucracy overturned their votes and legalized it anyway.
It worked for the leftists when they voted for Obama and Biden. Voting made a big difference in those cases.
It didn't even work in their favor either. Which is why they had to rig it to finagle their guy into the office.

The "voting is worth it" crowd doesn't seem to be taking into account that the vote itself is contained and controlled. It doesn't matter how many people vote, it only matters who counts the votes.
A practical post on this forum. Well done. I’ve said it before, get involved locally. Get off the forum, especially guys who are posting here every minute of every day. Take that time and get in the real world. Forget Trump and try to make a difference locally.
I got involved locally and it showed me how fixed the entire system is. The solution has to come from outside the box, it can't come from inside. Posting this on here does more good than getting involved with your local GOP just to get stonewalled and lied to by your bosses.

Until the dissident right is willing to use force, they will continue to be forced upon. The right wants the institutional power to use all the force for them. It's not going to happen, as the election of 2020 so clearly demonstrated. They are not willing to use force because they still have too much to lose, they are too comfortable. As things get worse, that will change.

The left is not afraid to use force, and they are backed up by the institutional power. Who dares wins.
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I got involved locally and it showed me how fixed the entire system is. The solution has to come from outside the box, it can't come from inside. Posting this on here does more good than getting involved with your local GOP just to get stonewalled and lied to by your bosses.

Until the dissident right is willing to use force, they will continue to be forced upon. The right wants the institutional power to use all the force for them. It's not going to happen, as the election of 2020 so clearly demonstrated. They are not willing to use force because they still have too much to lose, they are too comfortable. As things get worse, that will change.

The left is not afraid to use force, and they are backed up by the institutional power. Who dares wins.
Yes, seeing how James Alsup was treated by the GOP, when he held some very meaningless office in Washington, and how his life was completely ruined by a bunch of rabid leftists, lead by a college professor, and the GOP not only didn't back him, but tossed him aside and ran no one to let the DNC have the seat, opened my eyes.

That, and if your local school board or sheriff tries to say "no" to some federal mandate, the federal has tons of non-violent ways, like cutting funding and shipping in illegals, to crush them, and if that doesn't work, they will bankrupt you with lawfare.
No! If I do not vote, I simply do not vote, no matter how many times this nonsense is repeated. I have left the planatation forever and no one can convince me otherwise.

I believe in Christ and not in any jewish controlled puppet.
If people can't tell the difference between not voting for Biden and voting for Biden then you may as well vote for Biden.

See the irrationality?
The only good reason to vote that I can think of is that a Trump admin would be less overtly hostile to the churches throughout the country. That doesn't mean he will step up and save the churches throughout the country when the left targets them again, such as when they did during covid and when they burned half the country down. It just means he will be less openly hostile.