Why Voting Is Worth It

Nah, that's a "don't go out to do stupid sh#t" advice.

I genuinely am, well was to be perfectly honest. I still work in the freight industry (in a broad sense) but I no longer have to drive.
And that wasn't the perfect analogy on Your part - safety regulations exist for a reason, and while they are indeed enforced arbitrarily, it's still better than allowing people to play it fast and loose.

But as long as You live in a mainstream society, You do have to rely on authorities. If You're living up in the boonies, and You know You can trust in Your neighbors than it isn't a problem to deal with a would be home invader quietly, without the law ever knowing what happened. But if You live in a city/suburbs and You're ever forced to use deadly force to defend Yourself and Your loved ones, You won't be able to hide it. And if that's the case You'll better be living in a place where the authorities (sheriff that you elect, DA that You elect, ect.) are still on Your side.
Do white women not exist in the sticks? They going to let you bury dead joggers and fetch you water?

As for DOT, you’re basically advocating “muh law and order”. Zero tolerance policy. Make criminals afraid to do the crime. How has that been working out for the society you presume to be a part of? Oh, right the blackies are not being punished. We actually need even more muh law and order, not less. We just need the good guys in charge dishing it out. Let’s keep holding our breath as they create more hoops for us normal people to jump through. What is liberty?
Do white women not exist in the sticks? They going to let you bury dead joggers and fetch you water?
As for DOT, you’re basically advocating “muh law and order”. Zero tolerance policy. Make criminals afraid to do the crime. How has that been working out for the society you presume to be a part of? Oh, right the blackies are not being punished. We actually need even more muh law and order, not less. We just need the good guys in charge dishing it out. Let’s keep holding our breath as they create more hoops for us normal people to jump through. What is liberty?
Seriously ? You believe that weight/size/speed limits are infringing on your liberty ? Brake inspections also ? You ever seen an accident ?
What's next - You won't put safety goggles on, when You're welding because they're also mandated ?
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Kushner was there.
View attachment 10483

And what strings do you think came with Miriam Adelson's giant donation to Trump?

He popped in for a brief hello, but was almost entirely absent from official proceedings nor did Ivanka make any speeches.

I didn't mean Kushner was entirely absent, but that he just isn't a player. He's part of the audience, and, I expect things to be cooler between Trump and Netanyahu than they were 4 years ago.
Seriously ? You believe that weight/size/speed limits are infringing on your liberty ? Brake inspections also ? You ever seen an accident ?
What's next - You won't put safety goggles on, when You're welding because they're also mandated ?
You’re confusing guidelines/policy with tyranny.

Were the guys building skyscrapers without harnesses criminals? The state seems to think so nowadays.

Please explain to me how central bank currency and 15 minute cities isn’t going to make us safer? Sounds pretty safe to me. No more black market economy, a whole lot less crime. Slap on some cameras everywhere and we’ll be super safe. Can’t commit crimes if you’re being recorded in 4K.

You should know that before modern times truckers were running with multiple log books on no sleep. Is that dangerous? It definitely is. Can’t imagine the horror of living in those times. That’s why we need state employees climbing under your truck to find any defects. It’s the only way we can prevent bad things from happening-not allowing them to happen in the first place. That’s my motto.

Somehow you need a gun though I’m guessing. What if your kid picks it up and shoots himself in the head? That’s a big social liability to allow such a thing to occur. As we all know there’s a lot of morons out there who don’t lock up their firearms. Do they deserve these rights if they can’t be determined to be responsible?
You’re confusing guidelines/policy with tyranny.

Were the guys building skyscrapers without harnesses criminals? The state seems to think so nowadays.

Please explain to me how central bank currency and 15 minute cities isn’t going to make us safer? Sounds pretty safe to me. No more black market economy, a whole lot less crime. Slap on some cameras everywhere and we’ll be super safe. Can’t commit crimes if you’re being recorded in 4K.

You should know that before modern times truckers were running with multiple log books on no sleep. Is that dangerous? It definitely is. Can’t imagine the horror of living in those times. That’s why we need state employees climbing under your truck to find any defects. It’s the only way we can prevent bad things from happening-not allowing them to happen in the first place. That’s my motto.

Somehow you need a gun though I’m guessing. What if your kid picks it up and shoots himself in the head? That’s a big social liability to allow such a thing to occur. As we all know there’s a lot of morons out there who don’t lock up their firearms. Do they deserve these rights if they can’t be determined to be responsible?

I sure am confused about the point You're trying to make. First You write how DOT inspections are a tyranny, and now You say it's a good thing these inspections are happening. Maybe I missed a nuance, but in this post You clearly contradict Your previous one.
I sure am confused about the point You're trying to make. First You write how DOT inspections are a tyranny, and now You say it's a good thing these inspections are happening. Maybe I missed a nuance, but in this post You clearly contradict Your previous one.
They are tyranny because they’re about zero tolerance compliance, not prevention as
is the destiny of everything the government chooses to enforce. Tell one of them you lost track of time when you get an e-log violation. You can tell that by their nature. Chicken coops, csa scores, etc are all about “prevention” through punishment. Punish the driver and punish the company. No crime has actually occurred but you are treated as if it had. That is tyranny. Not dissimilar to locking up “nazis” for spreading hatred that can potentially lead to muh genocide.

Do you know why joggers are allowed to run loose? They were overepresented in the justice system. Stop and frisk policies were “racist” or more appropriately tyrannical towards them. Were they over represented in criminal activity? Sure were. The US government literally agrees with me but only in regards to joggers. Not sure what you’re missing here.

You pay for safety with freedom.
I genuinely hope this is just Your online persona talking, because if You truly believe in this gray man fanfiction in real life, I might have to worry about You. Lord forbid, You're ever in a defensive gun use situation, even if it's justified, even if the perp survives, You're in for a legal rollercoaster ride of Your life - the harshness of which, does depend on where You live, and who holds the office. Look at the Kyle Rittenhouse shooting, a clear-cut case of self defense, in a normal state the kid wouldn't be charged, and yet a prosecutor with an agenda tried to nail him. I guess, maybe if he was wearing a fake nose / mustache combo they would never got him, right ? I'm sorry. I mean no disrespect, but You can prep Yourself for a racial guerilla warfare as much as You like, but then the most mundane thing might happen and You'll get jumped by a crackhead outside the 7/11. And what then ? Gonna tripple tap him, silence all witnesses, remove all the CCTV footage, jump in Your getaway car (unregistered and with fake plates, of course) and drive into the sunset ? You try to do that in real life and You're done - You won't be a rebel fighting against the jew-regime, You'll be a murder suspect on the run. Good luck with that.
I don't suggest anyone prepare for war over the chances of a two-bit crackhead surprise-attacking them at 7/11. I advocated a prime self-defense of martial arts and hand-to-hand tactics for something like this on RVF but some people said it is LARPing to think this way, the figurative crackhead jumper thug is immune to all attacks, in real life and on the internet it would seem. The point is to be prepared for when the reality of the lawlessness comes to your doorstep and to have safeguards in place so that you do not have to involve law enforcement period in the unfortunate incident that some member of the "protected class" of the new inverted heathen empire decides to take advantage of you and you stop them. Why anyone would go to a 7/11 these days is beyond me, nothing but goyslop there.

The situation in the EU is much worse than in the USA with the police per statistics. They absolutely will not defend ethnic Europeans, they are the epitome of system pigs, jewish order-takers, and worse. Only in some parts of Spain, Italy, and Greece will they beat the tar out of invading migrants to help people, but everywhere else they have orders to enforce the Kalergi plan at all costs and arrest anyone who gets in the way. Like what they are doing to their own people in Ireland now. Voting never saved any of these people.

Spoofing biometrics is a bit more complicated than a simple face disguise. There are voice and speech pattern recognition systems, gait recognition systems, and very advanced facial composite databases that can only be fooled by a complete covering of the head, even masking its shape.

The Rittenhouse story is not such a good example. He went out looking for trouble by going to the goon riots, and he turned himself in too. He could have walked away after shooting those jews had he donned better optics during the event. Yes as a matter of fact, if he had told nobody he was there, did not bring his cell phone, and wore a disguise that he burned afterwards, and did not turn himself in, they likely would never have caught him. Most cases rely on witnesses or someone who knows someone revealing something. There is great peace of mind keeping everything to yourself.

I never go to protests or riots, and I recommend the same for anyone. Stay away from these people. Anywhere lots of blacks and cops and commies are going to be is a guaranteed shitshow. If I had set up shop somewhere where I knew riots or commie protests would be taking place near me, I would do my very best to take everything valuable and vacate. If I could not do this, the first thing I would do is take out all the cameras in the area I would be operating in beforehand, that way the only video evidence the enemy would have would be unreliable cell phone footage. Since most of these idiot protestors film live-footage on whatever app they post to the rest of their ilk and don't use their in-phone camera/video, their streaming can easily be interrupted with a cell-phone jammer.

https://jammerspro.com/ (Don't buy them from here but just so you can get an idea)

The blacks in SA are given AK-47's and these jamming devices by the anti-White government when they sic them on isolated Boer farms and homesteads.

Even just transiting through a major hub these days you are at risk for being victimized in a crime from one of these invading imports, be it carjacking, robbery, or even some kind of sexual attack or attempted murder, and then being found at fault for it by the bigger gang (law enforcement) because they are ordered not to take action against the atavist. This requires scheming to undermine what is an immoral and unjust system. It is not a sin to cheat the devil's hand.

We could talk at length about this in another thread if you like, my parallel in the previous post was just to the point that I don't vote and I don't operate in the legal framework that my enemies use against my people. My non-voting carries over into the rest of my non-participation. I am fully checked out of this society, and everyone else here should be too. God will never raise a sodomite satanic-jewish heathen maggot pit out of the sinful landfill it sunk itself into. The people must help themselves out by any means necessary.

You know this to be true, you even said it yourself in another post here that living in the sticks with like-minded people is much more preferable of a system that no law would ever be required if something went down out there. Think outside your freight work though, what I said about the law is true. It is the law of the jungle, and it is tribal. The jewish tribe that funds all the law enforcement agencies controls the old laws of civilization and distorts them for anti-White purposes only, therefore we must abandon those laws, while still holding true to God's laws. We must not become murderers and thieves, but we may be pushed into these actions in defense of our own lives or the lives of our loved ones and children if survival is at stake. Then we have confession and redemption if those lines are crossed. God will understand our plight.
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See the quote from St. Paisios. You need to repent.
My brother in Christ,

This is not a good approach, and not in line with Orthodox theology and church standings. Russian Orthodox Church flourish under anti democratic monarchism and the Divine Right of Kings.

I count your posts here, about 20. I count your downvotes and 'crazy hat' emoticons here, nearly 35.

You are very invested in USA politics. But it is only earthly distraction from His Kingdom. Put your faith in Christ instead of puppet politicians.

Your brother in Christ,
I apologize for spamming the thread but on the topic of voting, I don’t understand the reliance on people [government] who caused the problem in the first place or at the very least inherited it and had it woven into its fabric.

Yes, we need law and order. We need the big guy on top making sensible decisions but we also need to accept that we don’t have representative government and the check and balances have been replaced by a cancerous bureaucracy.

On the issue of crime, yes, locking up blacks El Salvador style will fix the lawlessness. Hypothetically Trump could go in that direction in an alternative universe. The issue here is what exactly are we asking for with such hypotheticals?

First of all, does the the US government function to represent White Americans? No, but you can say it functions to represent law abiding citizens. At this point we’re starting to dig our own hole. What is a law abiding citizen? Is an American a worker drone or is an American a free man? What if you feel the laws are unjust? Are you no longer a “law abiding citizen” unless you comply? If the “good” blacks are fellow Americans then is it fair for them to jump through hoops to prove their innocence? It has been proven that “law applied equally” doesn’t work in the current social environment. There are huge disparities between groups. Blacks being locked up and raised fatherless is not helping their predicament and that is the core of what liberals are trying to solve, presumably.

If you’re sensible you eventually conclude that some Americans can function better, self-govern in peace more than others. Segregation is the only thing that will fix the current race problems where one side gets peace and the other becomes self-reliant. So ask yourself, if the government doesn’t represent white Americans, but everyone, why would it implement segregation? It won’t but it will continue to find “alternative” solutions that will drive the American way of life further and further away from the founding principles. You the “law abiding” American will continue to have your freedom eroded so someone else can get a leg up, be “safe” or to quiet down some moral panic like “racism”. There’s a cost to trying to fix social ills and we should know that better than anyone. They’ve been trying to fix “racism” for how long now? This is the government you’re supporting, one that tries to heal gangrene with a change in diet because it’s not able to turn on itself.
I don't suggest anyone prepare for war over the chances of a two-bit crackhead surprise-attacking them at 7/11. I advocated a prime self-defense of martial arts and hand-to-hand tactics for something like this on RVF but some people said it is LARPing to think this way, the figurative crackhead jumper thug is immune to all attacks, in real life and on the internet it would seem. The point is to be prepared for when the reality of the lawlessness comes to your doorstep and to have safeguards in place so that you do not have to involve law enforcement period in the unfortunate incident that some member of the "protected class" of the new inverted heathen empire decides to take advantage of you and you stop them. Why anyone would go to a 7/11 these days is beyond me, nothing but goyslop there.

The situation in the EU is much worse than in the USA with the police per statistics. They absolutely will not defend ethnic Europeans, they are the epitome of system pigs, jewish order-takers, and worse. Only in some parts of Spain, Italy, and Greece will they beat the tar out of invading migrants to help people, but everywhere else they have orders to enforce the Kalergi plan at all costs and arrest anyone who gets in the way. Like what they are doing to their own people in Ireland now. Voting never saved any of these people.

Spoofing biometrics is a bit more complicated than a simple face disguise. There are voice and speech pattern recognition systems, gait recognition systems, and very advanced facial composite databases that can only be fooled by a complete covering of the head, even masking its shape.

The Rittenhouse story is not such a good example. He went out looking for trouble by going to the goon riots, and he turned himself in too. He could have walked away after shooting those jews had he donned better optics during the event. Yes as a matter of fact, if he had told nobody he was there, did not bring his cell phone, and wore a disguise that he burned afterwards, and did not turn himself in, they likely would never have caught him. Most cases rely on witnesses or someone who knows someone revealing something. There is great peace of mind keeping everything to yourself.

I never go to protests or riots, and I recommend the same for anyone. Stay away from these people. Anywhere lots of blacks and cops and commies are going to be is a guaranteed shitshow. If I had set up shop somewhere where I knew riots or commie protests would be taking place near me, I would do my very best to take everything valuable and vacate. If I could not do this, the first thing I would do is take out all the cameras in the area I would be operating in beforehand, that way the only video evidence the enemy would have would be unreliable cell phone footage. Since most of these idiot protestors film live-footage on whatever app they post to the rest of their ilk and don't use their in-phone camera/video, their streaming can easily be interrupted with a cell-phone jammer.

https://jammerspro.com/ (Don't buy them from here but just so you can get an idea)

The blacks in SA are given AK-47's and these jamming devices by the anti-White government when they sic them on isolated Boer farms and homesteads.

Even just transiting through a major hub these days you are at risk for being victimized in a crime from one of these invading imports, be it carjacking, robbery, or even some kind of sexual attack or attempted murder, and then being found at fault for it by the bigger gang (law enforcement) because they are ordered not to take action against the atavist. This requires scheming to undermine what is an immoral and unjust system. It is not a sin to cheat the devil's hand.

We could talk at length about this in another thread if you like, my parallel in the previous post was just to the point that I don't vote and I don't operate in the legal framework that my enemies use against my people. My non-voting carries over into the rest of my non-participation. I am fully checked out of this society, and everyone else here should be too. God will never raise a sodomite satanic-jewish heathen maggot pit out of the sinful landfill it sunk itself into. The people must help themselves out by any means necessary.

You know this to be true, you even said it yourself in another post here that living in the sticks with like-minded people is much more preferable of a system that no law would ever be required if something went down out there. Think outside your freight work though, what I said about the law is true. It is the law of the jungle, and it is tribal. The jewish tribe that funds all the law enforcement agencies controls the old laws of civilization and distorts them for anti-White purposes only, therefore we must abandon those laws, while still holding true to God's laws. We must not become murderers and thieves, but we may be pushed into these actions in defense of our own lives or the lives of our loved ones and children if survival is at stake. Then we have confession and redemption if those lines are crossed. God will understand our plight.

I'm gonna narrow down the answer to try to steer the thread back on its original track - which is voting and not the SHTF scenarios.
I can see how You think the way You think - living in Europe, with no right to self defense, and with centralised governments controlling every aspect of Your live, You don't really have a choice other than go "dark". But it's different stateside - here half the country is still in the right place. It ain't perfect and it won't last forever, but there are still states where the law isn't openly hostile towards You. The 10th amendment protects the rights of the states and the people from the tyranny of a centralised government. Depending on where You live, Your rights, whether it's the right to defend Yourself, or to homeschool your children according to Your own values, are still protected. And it's not just the daily, social issues that are left under local governance, go a few years back, to the covid hysteria and You'll find that a number of states (too small, to be honest) didn't impose lockdowns on their populace. And moving forward into the future there is a grownig number of states willing to fight back against the cultural marxism: gender transitioning of minors is banned in a growing number of states, Oklahoma just ordered it's schools to bring back Christian Bible teaching - this was done by Oklahoma's state superintendent, an elected official. State level politicians are willing to fight - something that the nation level GOP refuses to do. There's a reason why every election cycle the likes of Soros and his kind, are pouring millions, upon millions of dollars into local races - they do it because they know that these local officials stand in their way.
My brother in Christ,

This is not a good approach, and not in line with Orthodox theology and church standings. Russian Orthodox Church flourish under anti democratic monarchism and the Divine Right of Kings.

Christians are called to work with the system we are given by God, not the one we want. God gives what is good in His infinite wisdom. See the Apostle Paul on how governments are ordained by God.

I count your posts here, about 20. I count your downvotes and 'crazy hat' emoticons here, nearly 35.

You are very invested in USA politics. But it is only earthly distraction from His Kingdom. Put your faith in Christ instead of puppet politicians.

Your brother in Christ,

No, I am interested in all things Christ, including practical political applications of the faith. I've put more time into the Bible and the Church this year than you probably have over your entire life. For example, my posting history in the Christian section is already greater than all the posts you've made in this forum.

All you do is drone on and on about Russia, you have a serious spiritual deformity.
Only in some parts of Spain, Italy, and Greece will they beat the tar out of invading migrants to help people, but everywhere else they have orders to enforce the Kalergi plan at all costs and arrest anyone who gets in the way. Like what they are doing to their own people in Ireland now. Voting never saved any of these people.

On the contrary, the Eurofools didn't vote for the right parties and are now enslaved. A chilling warning to Americans if they do not vote the right way.

Music - stay on topic please. This is a friendly warning.
To stay on topic, you should go vote regardless of the state you live in. Now more than ever, early polls on election outcome can’t be relied upon. Nov 5 can be marked on your calendars and plan your time accordingly. Box out and commit 3 hrs. If you can’t schedule your life around a 3 hr appointment to go and vote, then we have some life skills training videos and books to direct to you.
Sam there is no party in Europe that will do a damn thing for my people in the long run. They never had much of a choice with anything that would have overturned the Kalergi agenda. A good percentage of Europeans have adapted to living as talmudic serfs that they can't comprehend an existence outside of modern EU politics. Coincidentally, these are the older ones. That is changing. Where some didn't take a stand for political parties being corrupted they are definitely taking a stand to their Church, neighborhood, and personal space being violated by blasphemous jewish proxies and savage invaders. There was a time when voting was worth it, but that time is gone.

Euro-boomers and American boomers had a bit of a different timeline and mentality. The new European youth knows nothing but being the object of intense hatred, brainwashing, and the recipient of subhuman violence. It is magnified there in ways that rural children in America are blessed to be ignorant of. Americans have a chance with of draining the sewer with their guns if they put their willpower where their trigger finger is and make the DOJ/DOS see how good they are at carrying out their little civil war simulations they've ran through thousands of times. That is the domino that will trigger a lot of change worldwide. If the USA backs off of Europe and removes its military, then things will change over here very quickly. There will be a tenable peace with Russia, the perverts and faggots will be barred from every Church, and these fat EU/UN bureaucrats will be swiftly hung by the Nationalists who would take over the streets.

@TruckDriver9 The solution is the same across the pond. The steps to get there may differ for both sides. Going dark in urban Europe is one of the only ways to get past Interpol who are working overtime to prevent any opposition to the assisted invasion and genocide. They are obsessed with keeping their little wretched tin pot economy. What the German courts are doing to people who resist even in the slightest is now on par with Soviet level of uniparty lockstep and clownery. The last time a plebiscite was legitimately held was in Austria in 1945 before the end of the war. There have been zero referendums since, just choices made by those with the guns lording over those without. The Europeans had no choice, the war generation was conquered by force.

For others it was different. The South Africans held on longer, but now they are in a much more dire situation also facing extinction. The Rhodesians were ambitious but they too were defeated by the war machine of the west. The Canadians caved in to Frankfurt communist influence after JFK and they went full gulag on their people. Australians were deceived into de-arming by jews and soothsayers in their own government and they have been fighting the same genocidal jewish-police state ever since. The vast amount of land space in America makes it difficult for a totalitarian jewish anti-White anti-Christian regime to operate effectively, hence why they are so hellbent on building web upon web of control, and saturating it with their biological weapons to quicken the process.

I hope that those of you who vote are also willing to make preparations beyond that and understand your position in this inverted system that you choose to partake in. Our only economy is our utility to the system, and when that ceases, then our lives are obsolete. The solution people seek now by voting are, at best, a temporary stall, but a detonator fuse can only burn a spark for so long before it either fizzles out or reaches the box and finally goes off. One change begets another, one series of events precedes another, escalation happens the most while our brains are trying to make sense of something currently happening, that we do not see the gap being bridged from past to future. Make your preparations accordingly. Tribe and train, whether you vote or not.

There is little else I can say here.
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I see you’re all back on the Trump train with his new sidekick (who appears to have been groomed for a future leadership role since his book, which I did read). I’m sure if he’s elected, after no more voter fraud, this time he’ll lock her up, build that wall, stop immigration, release the JFK files, not get us into any wars for Israel (or at a bare minimum not launch any missiles at their enemies), appoint a really aggressive pro-American cabinet, throw all those department of justice employees who defy him into jail instead of doing nothing, drain the swamp, blah blah blah.

I’m sure he’ll stand up for the J6ers and his supporters this time and cross all the Rubicons in front of him. This time. Yes, this time. The same philosophy that has lost every single issue since 40 years before I was even born. But it’s going to work this time guys, trust the plan. Good luck with that.
Whats even more important than voting it to actually pray for the government of the country, a reminder the emperor Constantine was originally a pagan and through the prayers and sufferings of the Christians he was converted to Christianity, in our Orthodox prayer books there is a section in it where we can pray for the peace of our nations and for the civil authorities, the climate and the fruits of the land, so even if the bad guy is ruling our prayers for the government are important.
Sam there is no party in Europe that will do a damn thing for my people in the long run. They never had much of a choice with anything that would have overturned the Kalergi agenda. A good percentage of Europeans have adapted to living as talmudic serfs that they can't comprehend an existence outside of modern EU politics. Coincidentally, these are the older ones. That is changing. Where some didn't take a stand for political parties being corrupted they are definitely taking a stand to their Church, neighborhood, and personal space being violated by blasphemous jewish proxies and savage invaders. There was a time when voting was worth it, but that time is gone.

Euro-boomers and American boomers had a bit of a different timeline and mentality. The new European youth knows nothing but being the object of intense hatred, brainwashing, and the recipient of subhuman violence. It is magnified there in ways that rural children in America are blessed to be ignorant of. Americans have a chance with of draining the sewer with their guns if they put their willpower where their trigger finger is and make the DOJ/DOS see how good they are at carrying out their little civil war simulations they've ran through thousands of times. That is the domino that will trigger a lot of change worldwide. If the USA backs off of Europe and removes its military, then things will change over here very quickly. There will be a tenable peace with Russia, the perverts and faggots will be barred from every Church, and these fat EU/UN bureaucrats will be swiftly hung by the Nationalists who would take over the streets.

@TruckDriver9 The solution is the same across the pond. The steps to get there may differ for both sides. Going dark in urban Europe is one of the only ways to get past Interpol who are working overtime to prevent any opposition to the assisted invasion and genocide. They are obsessed with keeping their little wretched tin pot economy. What the German courts are doing to people who resist even in the slightest is now on par with Soviet level of uniparty lockstep and clownery. The last time a plebiscite was legitimately held was in Austria in 1945 before the end of the war. There have been zero referendums since, just choices made by those with the guns lording over those without. The Europeans had no choice, the war generation was conquered by force.

For others it was different. The South Africans held on longer, but now they are in a much more dire situation also facing extinction. The Rhodesians were ambitious but they too were defeated by the war machine of the west. The Canadians caved in to Frankfurt communist influence after JFK and they went full gulag on their people. Australians were deceived into de-arming by jews and soothsayers in their own government and they have been fighting the same genocidal jewish-police state ever since. The vast amount of land space in America makes it difficult for a totalitarian jewish anti-White anti-Christian regime to operate effectively, hence why they are so hellbent on building web upon web of control, and saturating it with their biological weapons to quicken the process.

I hope that those of you who vote are also willing to make preparations beyond that and understand your position in this inverted system that you choose to partake in. Our only economy is our utility to the system, and when that ceases, then our lives are obsolete. The solution people seek now by voting are, at best, a temporary stall, but a detonator fuse can only burn a spark for so long before it either fizzles out or reaches the box and finally goes off. One change begets another, one series of events precedes another, escalation happens the most while our brains are trying to make sense of something currently happening, that we do not see the gap being bridged from past to future. Make your preparations accordingly. Tribe and train, whether you vote or not.

There is little else I can say here.

You can see from my focus on local, practical issues that I'm not as naive as to believe that "voting harder" will fix the system.
We are at war with a millennia old demonic cult, and politics - just like culture, economy, demography, etc. - is one of the battlefields. And I do not intent to voluntarily surrender even one of them. I accept, that a day may come when I have to wage this war from my own doorstep, but I will do what I can, to keep it as far away as possible - be it a state line, or a county line. I may not have the power to fix DC, but I still have the power to prevent an eco-nutjob from becoming my agriculture commissioner - it ain't much, but it stll makes a difference.