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Search results

  1. D

    Texas, New Mexico and Arizona Thread

    I haven't been to Texas but you're absolutely right about the drivers. Whenever I see a Texas plate, there's like a 50/50 chance they drive like an idiot. Same for people from Texas that I've ridden in the car with. Nice people for the most part, but terrible drivers.
  2. D

    2024 Election Lounge

    I'd feel bad for him if he wasn't such a piece of garbage. He must be miserable. Karma is nice
  3. D

    2024 Election Lounge

    I nominate Corn Pop to replace Biden
  4. D

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    Yeah I've been thinking about this a lot recently. It seems like there's a very small percentage of women that are worth pursuing, regardless of where we live. I'm sure some countries have better odds, but I don't think giving up on the US or American women is necessarily the right answer.
  5. D

    The weight loss thread

    I love skiing too, and mountain/road cycling. Fruit and honey are amazing when you need energy. Or just craving something sweet like you said. My body feels its best when doing the carnivore diet + fruit/honey.
  6. D

    The weight loss thread

    If you get bored of chicken or hate the idea of eating a lot of it, 90/10 ground beef or cuts of steak like sirloin can be another option and tastes much better. Sirloin is actually amazing. Many times I'd rather have it than ribeyes or NY strips. Cooks fast and easy too.
  7. D

    Is fast food as a business doing well or is fast food dying out, how about vs the chipotle model.

    I live on the West Coast and like how In-and-Out Burger has a really simple menu. Cheeseburger/hamburger, fries and a shake/drink. There's a chain in Seattle called Dick's that does the same thing. Simple and not way overpriced. This is how McDonald's used to be and they should go back to doing...
  8. D

    Destabilization of US Cities: Crime, Homelessness, Liberalism

    Cheerleader no more. Now a linebacker
  9. D

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    And most of the single ones have horrible personalities, like bitter old spinsters. It's not even fun trying to talk to them.
  10. D

    carnivore diet discussion thread

    I think I've posted this before but I eat 6 eggs every day and feel amazing. Get boners like I'm 18 too. Eggs and red meat are life. My freezer is full of like 40 pounds of steak and ground beef. Buy when it's on sale and freeze it.
  11. D

    Good States to Live in the United States

    Yeah if you want big city amenities, then the Panhandle is not the place to be. Most of Florida in general lacks that kind of stuff. I don't like most big cities so this is a good thing to a lot of people. The Panhandle is like a mix of Florida and the Southern US, which makes sense considering...
  12. D

    Good States to Live in the United States

    That's too bad. I've only visited the Panhandle but really enjoyed it. Pensacola had its ghetto/trashy areas as most cities do, but most of it was livable. Several nice neighborhoods and downtown and the beach are fun. The good thing about Florida is all the different regions with their own...
  13. D

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    The best comment is "She's my future ex wife" 🤣
  14. D

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    Yeah it's actually insane (and disappointing) how many men wouldn't even have a problem with her behavior. Simps gonna simp.
  15. D

    Decline of Functioning Society

    General laborer jobs are a great way to earn money and figure things out. A few years ago I quit an office job I hated and found a construction job through a temp agency. I knew very little about tools and it was embarrassing at times, but I was much happier at work and slowly building...
  16. D

    EURO 2024 Championship

  17. D

    Good States to Live in the United States

    Alabama has a lot of potential. I've driven through it on the way to the Florida Panhandle. The north is nice and looks a lot like East Tennessee with mountains and forests. The Gulf Coast is also great. Basically an extension of Florida. Beautiful beaches and water. When I talk about it with...
  18. D

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    I met a girl recently that said she enjoys school a lot more than work, so she wants a graduate degree. As a man that mindset is insane to hear, but the education system is indeed highly feminized so it makes sense. Meanwhile school is torture to most men, and I couldn't wait to get out...
  19. D

    Digital nomad jobs

    I'm 33 too. We're not too old to change careers or move abroad. We are single with the potential at a very happy future. Now is the time to take risks before we have more responsibilities. I changed my career two years ago and love it. My brother moved abroad and changed careers at a similar...