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Destabilization of US Cities: Crime, Homelessness, Liberalism

Why is the vid quality from 2001 nokia phone?
Great question, maybe it is an older video. I had never seen it before, but that guy executed the round house very well, so he must have trained and then to use it on his teacher, damn that is evil.

It’s here! Foreign garrison time boys. We’re now in post Adrianople America.

Dreamers aren’t necessarily bad guys but the powers that be got a sword of Damocles dangling over their heads. That makes them the perfect police force to use against the indigenous population.


This thread had me talking about what qualifies as indigenous. By the lefts own talking points beef eating, god believing, gun toting white and arguably black Americans with deep roots in the country would qualify as indigenous. I watched some leftist talking head on YouTube say indigenous has more to do with a colonial system than who is native. For example, Germans aren’t indigenous. But Algerians were indigenous because of the French disdain for them and lording over them. Now that they’re in charge of Algeria, they’re no longer indigenous.

The university, the media, and the government are the key holders of power. We know how they see the salt of the earth middle Americans and we know how little salt of the earth middle Americans influence those institutions. Many heritage Americans have 1600s origin but the powers in charge ignore their wants and needs and they need to deal with this super imposing culture at the corporate and government level and adapt to it. By the lefts own standards, this makes whites with deep roots indigenous. Just like how the Goths were a malleable force for the Romans whom felt they could lord the promise of land over, I feel our powers are doing the same only with the threat of deportation.
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Stay frosty, gents.

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While I have hundreds of long time trusted contacts between NYPD and LAPD, I am getting messages from LEOs across the U.S. that uniforms, equipment, cruisers (even a SWAT truck) have turned up missing in the past 6 months and no one seems to care.

There has always been the occasional dry cleaner thefts, police vehicle burglaries, badges/ID, guns stolen from personal vehicles/home burglaries but this is different, targeting dozens of items at the same time.
