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The Destruction of Modern Women

Gen Z high school girls don’t want kids.

I have a son in grade 4 and when they do "What do you want to be when you grow up" posters, there are still quite a few who say "dad" or "mom". Not as many as kindergarten, but still a hopeful amount. I always tell the kids that if you are a father first, most jobs are tolerable. Be smart about your career, but don't let the one thing that is guaranteed to bring you joy hinge on your job.

I know these kids and their parents. I know the conversations at home. Many dads are telling their daughters the truth, likely more than any time in the past 70 years. Other girls have already jumped into the mass media train and are fully supported by their parents. I already see fathers who are afraid of 10yo girls.

The divide continues.
I've spent this year trying to meet all different kinds of women, but mainly ones that go to church. Many of the church girls have red flags too, but there are still some younger women that take Christianity seriously and want a family. This has actually been great practice and I've been building a lot more confidence.

I would say the sweet spot is women in their early 20s that grew up with a conservative, Christian family and actually want to attend church regularly. They have a job or go to a Christian/non-party university, but not a career. Nice, dorky, don't need makeup. The most attractive ones are also some of the nicest and easiest to talk to, which is somewhat surprising. Most of them are shy and awkward at first, which takes getting used to but is actually a good thing.

I've also met a few that hit all the sweet spots above, but are way too into a career. I think it's a waste of time trying to pursue them, which is too bad because they're usually a good person.
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I've spent this year trying to meet all different kinds of women, but mainly ones that go to church. Many of the church girls have red flags too, but there are still some younger women that take Christianity seriously and want a family. This has actually been great practice and I've been building a lot more confidence.

I would say the sweet spot is women in their early 20s that grew up with a conservative, Christian family and actually want to attend church regularly. They have a job or go to a Christian/non-party university, but not a career. Nice, dorky, don't need makeup. The most attractive ones are also some of the nicest and easiest to talk to, which is somewhat surprising. Most of them are shy and awkward at first, which takes getting used to but is actually a good thing.

I've also met a few that hit all the sweet spots above, but are way too into a career. I would not recommend trying to date them.
Whatever became of that coffee shop you were going to?
I have a son in grade 4 and when they do "What do you want to be when you grow up" posters, there are still quite a few who say "dad" or "mom". Not as many as kindergarten, but still a hopeful amount. I always tell the kids that if you are a father first, most jobs are tolerable. Be smart about your career, but don't let the one thing that is guaranteed to bring you joy hinge on your job.

I know these kids and their parents. I know the conversations at home. Many dads are telling their daughters the truth, likely more than any time in the past 70 years. Other girls have already jumped into the mass media train and are fully supported by their parents. I already see fathers who are afraid of 10yo girls.

The divide continues.
Yes, all of this is just the pop boom and behavioral sink, as I've stated, coming to some denouement
The real shocker to me is that her AP biology class has less than 10% boys. Is this a trend, are our boys falling behind that bad today in the feminized education system? This does not bode well for America.
The education system is a joke. Upper level grad/professional schools are too, in that they promote women to the tops only for them to try to dip out in their 30s when nature finally comes calling. Great policy, lol
I met a girl recently that said she enjoys school a lot more than work, so she wants a graduate degree. As a man that mindset is insane to hear, but the education system is indeed highly feminized so it makes sense. Meanwhile school is torture to most men, and I couldn't wait to get out. Completely pointless and overpriced classes for the most part.

She should skip the graduate degree, work a job but not a career, marry a guy and have a family. The career/grad school girls just a few years older are not happy....
I've spent this year trying to meet all different kinds of women, but mainly ones that go to church. Many of the church girls have red flags too, but there are still some younger women that take Christianity seriously and want a family. This has actually been great practice and I've been building a lot more confidence.

I would say the sweet spot is women in their early 20s that grew up with a conservative, Christian family and actually want to attend church regularly. They have a job or go to a Christian/non-party university, but not a career. Nice, dorky, don't need makeup. The most attractive ones are also some of the nicest and easiest to talk to, which is somewhat surprising. Most of them are shy and awkward at first, which takes getting used to but is actually a good thing.

I've also met a few that hit all the sweet spots above, but are way too into a career. I think it's a waste of time trying to pursue them, which is too bad because they're usually a good person.
I think you're looking at the right target here. The only thing I don't like about this scenario are the parents who are into the "courting" model. It's an overcorrection to hedonistic dating. But dating doesn't have to be hedonistic. Courting combines the worst aspects of both dating and arranged marriage. It's like arranged marriage without the marriage, arranged dating more like. If it feels like a legalistic holdover of purity culture, it's because it is. Purity is good, but purity culture is garbage. If you can get with a young, good looking broad at church then I would go for it. If the parents start sticking their nose in and start trying to get you to jump through a bunch of stupid hoops (mainly money related) then the juice isn't worth the squeeze.
This girl's father must be so proud. We live in a fallen world where a beautiful young blonde girl will destroy her life in less than 30 seconds by divulging her sexual "secrets" to a random black guy with a video camera.
Destroy her life? No one even sees stuff like this negatively anymore. I highly doubt she'll get fired or or refused a job over it, if that's what you're implying. I don't even think it'd scare men away. Maybe a serious Christian man, but those have virtually gone the way of the dinosaur in the western world just like serious Christian women.

At worst, her dad will get mad at her.
Destroy her life? No one even sees stuff like this negatively anymore. I highly doubt she'll get fired or or refused a job over it, if that's what you're implying. I don't even think it'd scare men away. Maybe a serious Christian man, but those have virtually gone the way of the dinosaur in the western world just like serious Christian women.

At worst, her dad will get mad at her.
We'll see how it plays out. Right now she's in hiding. If her dad is some big wig Christian conservative Nashville dentist or something it could bring a lot of lifelong negativity and "joking" on her family's name and house. She's also young enough that her grandparents are still alive and have probably never seen this side of her and this could forever negatively change their perspective on her (once something has been seen it can never be unseen). She also talks about riding the carousel and having a bullpen of 4 dudes and how the best way to get over a guy is to "get underneath another one." So maybe her peers will give her a pass, but there's still a lot of conservative older folks in positions of social power in the south who will forever see this girl as the "Hock Tuah Girl." I don't think that's what she was going for in this life. So in a sense, yes, her old life has been destroyed. Maybe she'll embrace it and parlay it into millions, maybe she'll run from it with all her might, or maybe she is so mortified that it will cause lifelong depression (or worse)? Only time will tell.
Destroy her life? No one even sees stuff like this negatively anymore. I highly doubt she'll get fired or or refused a job over it, if that's what you're implying. I don't even think it'd scare men away. Maybe a serious Christian man, but those have virtually gone the way of the dinosaur in the western world just like serious Christian women.

At worst, her dad will get mad at her.

Seconded, almost nobody will care. In fact, she’ll probably use it to grift and gain even more publicity, making more money in a month than some men make in a year. I’m surprised the porn studios haven’t contacted her yet throwing cash at her to do a scene.

It’s a lie to think women will face severe consequences these days in the state of our society.

If you need more proof, look at how many ex porn stars get married, some even to ‘pastors’
I agree, I bet she sorta regrets it but it's funnier than anything. I thought when I saw it that that is the problem with video and indelible internet stuff, and shysters or posters with no scruples or people trying to elicit things for fame 24/7.

The sad reality is that we've got way bigger fish to fry in the coming years.
Destroy her life? No one even sees stuff like this negatively anymore. I highly doubt she'll get fired or or refused a job over it, if that's what you're implying. I don't even think it'd scare men away. Maybe a serious Christian man, but those have virtually gone the way of the dinosaur in the western world just like serious Christian women.

At worst, her dad will get mad at her.
Yeah it's actually insane (and disappointing) how many men wouldn't even have a problem with her behavior. Simps gonna simp.