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Decline of Functioning Society

Here's a decline story with a nice twist if you have above average IQ.
I went to a concert recently. I've always been able to avoid Ticketbastard charges by purchasing at the box office, but this time when I tried at an all new venue, I was told "we are a digital only venue and we don't sell tickets, just scan this code" which took me to ticketmaster.com. Defeated!

Ticketmaster wanted $150 service charge to send a QR code to my phone (no, you don't even get a paper souvenir from your concert for their $150 fee). So my buddy and I purchased tickets on the reseller platform Stubhub (funny how suddenly now that a corporation is scalping tickets its totally fine and legal but for my entire life police would bust scalpers outside the concert venues). Anyway, Stubhub charges fees which are only about half as onerous as Ticketmasters, so we bought cheap seats and got in.

Because of the dumbing down of America, everyone just does what they are told, strictly, and uses zero logic or common sense. So I was able to walk in to the venue holding my illegal interchageable lens camera above my head, just outside the reach of the metal detectors, and because the dumb-dumb staff are only told to search people who cause a beep at the machine, I passed through lol.

Then since tickets are all digital (and require a live internet connection lolololol that takes about a minute to connect to) ushers cannot easily verify your seats. So I was able to take my nosebleed back of the stadium seat and sneak up to the 6th row before the concert even started (in the expensive seat I planned on legally purchasing if only they allowed me to) and stayed there the whole time, and no one ever noticed.

So concerts can be both stupid and fun under these new rules.
This happened last year but it’s kind of funny.

The pilot ejects out of his F-35 over a neighborhood for no apparent reason, parachutes into a beaner’s backyard, has the beaner call 911 to request an ambulance, and then has to take over the call to patiently explain what happened to the 911 operator dozens of times because she is too stupid to comprehend what he is saying. Welcome to America.

Apparently the seat launched him out of the plane like a James Bond villain while the plane kept flying lol.

This happened last year but it’s kind of funny.

The pilot ejects out of his F-35 over a neighborhood for no apparent reason, parachutes into a beaner’s backyard, has the beaner call 911 to request an ambulance, and then has to take over the call to patiently explain what happened to the 911 operator dozens of times because she is too stupid to comprehend what he is saying. Welcome to America.

Apparently the seat launched him out of the plane like a James Bond villain while the plane kept flying lol.

I never understood why the pilot didn't call his base commander. Why rely on 911, when we all know it's a joke in your town.
Well if he was using someone else's phone, he most likely lost his phone during ejection.
Valid point. Maybe I'm just the kind of person who would have the number memorized. Perhaps I'm just old fashioned. I used to know dozens of phone numbers by heart, before mobiles and smort fonez arrived on the scene. #generationgap
Why was the guy even requesting an ambulance? The 911 operator asks him if he is hurt and he's like Uhh I dunno. And the Mexican guy is like Eyy Esse, you're fine. Very very lucky no one was harmed by the rogue plane that idiot pilot abandoned. The 85 IQ Mexican is the smartest guy in the room. This is the future of Murica.
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What happened to the plane in that scenario? Do they have a weird remote control that brings it down in an ocean? That seems like a potential security threat to its functioning, if true.
Why was the guy even requesting an ambulance?
I know a former fighter pilot who flew the F-4 and later the F-15E. He’s an old man now with a wrecked body and multiple back surgeries. He had to eject when he was younger and said it was the most violent thing he’s ever experienced, was never the same afterward. He kept flying long afterward but his doctors have all said the ejection compressed his spine like a pneumatic press and was the cause of the need for his multiple surgeries and catalyst for many other skeletal issues, conditions which became much more pronounced with age. His wife said he literally became measurably shorter after the incident.

Getting shot out of a moving plane in a rocket chair is no joke. That pilot is going to feel it in the future.
Haha...some years back, my life was kind of in the toilet, with no meaningful employment, so I got by working as a casual construction labourer. A friend who was in the know advised me to first show up on the last Thursday of the month. The last Wednesday of the month in Canada is 'Welfare Wednesday', when the benefit cheques are paid out, and many piss their funds away on drugs or booze. So if you showed up Thursday morning, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and could be relied upon to show up regularly, you were golden.
I know a former fighter pilot who flew the F-4 and later the F-15E. He’s an old man now with a wrecked body and multiple back surgeries. He had to eject when he was younger and said it was the most violent thing he’s ever experienced, was never the same afterward. He kept flying long afterward but his doctors have all said the ejection compressed his spine like a pneumatic press and was the cause of the need for his multiple surgeries and catalyst for many other skeletal issues, conditions which became much more pronounced with age. His wife said he literally became measurably shorter after the incident.

Getting shot out of a moving plane in a rocket chair is no joke. That pilot is going to feel it in the future.
Good point, sounds like it will hurt when you think about what’s going down. Still better than dying in a ball of fire.
Haha...some years back, my life was kind of in the toilet, with no meaningful employment, so I got by working as a casual construction labourer. A friend who was in the know advised me to first show up on the last Thursday of the month. The last Wednesday of the month in Canada is 'Welfare Wednesday', when the benefit cheques are paid out, and many piss their funds away on drugs or booze. So if you showed up Thursday morning, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and could be relied upon to show up regularly, you were golden.
General laborer jobs are a great way to earn money and figure things out. A few years ago I quit an office job I hated and found a construction job through a temp agency. I knew very little about tools and it was embarrassing at times, but I was much happier at work and slowly building confidence. I would not be on the path I'm on now without those construction jobs and will always be grateful.
There is an old saying “never work for a company that is always hiring.”

Generally companies having these types of problems are shitty places to work. They don’t pay enough and treat employees like dirt then complain that people stop turning up to work or quit entirely. Whereas good companies to work for always have low staff turnover, very few job openings and lots of eager applicants. If people aren’t showing up to work as a company what have you done to cause this to happen? Fucking muppet managers who take zero accountability for their idiocy and incompetence. It seems these days it’s almost a prerequisite to be a moron to be in a management position.

When a company is a good place to work it generally doesn’t have the problems of the place above.
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I've read a lot of stuff from American and Canadabros about the new immigrants' inability to get orders right at fast food restaurants. I must say I've never experienced this here in Australia...until 2 hours ago.

On my designated carb reload day, I went to get some pastries from McDonald's drivethru. A guy with an insufferable Indian accent (and this is by my standards, someone of partial Indian descent) greeted me. I asked for an apple crumble muffin and banana bread. "Sorry?" he said abrasively. I repeated my order.
"So, you want 3 hamburgers?" was the reply from him.

I loudly asked "Excuse me"? and the order was taken over by a female with an Australian accent.

Why employ someone for Drive Thru if they don't speak English properly? Surely there are young people from Aus who need the work.
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Why employ someone for Drive Thru if they don't speak English properly?
I've complained about this for decades in 'murica. Not only does McDs hire people who can't speak English, can't do math, and have attitude problems, they like to put them at the cashier positions, customer-facing. I'll never forget working a Navy base and went to the McDs for lunch break. There was a full Admiral in line in front of me, ordering something, and QwaShaundraLeesha copped an attitude with him, asking "whadda ya want?"... My jaw just dropped...