Why Voting Is Worth It

Even if the vote is rigged, one should still vote. Those who rig will have to atone for their sin someday. Just because others are sinning (stealing votes) does not mean we should sin
WOW, this is by far the dumbest thing I ever read.
Even if a dealer betrays you, you should keep buying your stuff from him.
And no, not voting is not a sin, it's the opposit. (Or how do I have to interpret your garbage?)
Voting for jewish puppet A or jewish puppet B is what I consider a sin.
The much lesser of two evils.

What you are doing is aiding the much worse enemy by purity spiralling. A Dem activist would applaud your efforts.
No, it's not the lesser evil. Both parties together are part of the same evil. They play the good cop/bad cop routine on the gullible. The same crowd manipulation storylines honed in pro wrestling are applied to politics. All to keep the fans paying their tickets like good marks.
I was totally on board with the "lesser or two evils" until October 7th and the fallout thereafter. If you haven't seen the videos out of Palestine of how our "greatest ally" treats Christians, how they treat children, how they purposely target and kill children in a way their death will be a long and suffering death, I advise you to not look at them. They are things of nightmares. They make drag queen story hour and the open border look like a 1 out of 10.

So far Biden's admin has been reserved on it. Israel has come out and said Biden's admin is not doing enough and is basically now pushing Trump. Huge Israel-first/Israel-only donors like Adelson are throwing large fortunes behind Trump. Trump himself has said Biden doesn't do enough to help Israel and pledges to do way more to help them in their war against children and Christians.

I'm not saying to vote DNC, because the DNC will fund Israel as well, but not as much as the GOP. I am saying it is hard to sell to me that the GOP is the "lesser of two evils" after seeing the hell Israel has unleashed on Christian children who simply were sleeping in their own beds, or playing with a broken toy on a bombed out street and the snipers laughed and enjoy torturing them to death.

And worst of it all is that there is a chance, a good chance, we can break this "Israel is our greatest ally" satanic rhetoric, but if the GOP can successfully brainwash our people into believing it again, it is back to square one, where Israel gets unlimited funds to bomb, shoot, torture and kill Christians with our tax dollars while our roads and bridges crumble beneath our tires.

Now add in Trump attacking the one leader in the west who is making is country safe and prosperous again, because he has rejected Israel and their MS-13 paid mercenaries, and it looks as evil as it can get.
No, it's not the lesser evil. Both parties together are part of the same evil. They play the good cop/bad cop routine on the gullible. The same crowd manipulation storylines honed in pro wrestling are applied to politics. All to keep the fans paying their tickets like good marks.
Sorry, your attempt to create a moral equivalency will not work. One is way worse than the other.
You left out the part that one of those Parties is kinder to Christians than the other, and promotes more Christianity than the other, and in fact has far more Christians voting for it than the other.

But hey, keep lying to yourself, it's not like lying is a mortal sin or anything :rolleyes:
You didn’t answer my question, you just made up one of your own to answer. In other words, given a choice you didn’t like between A and B, you opted not to vote for either and just made up some new information to make the option more palatable.

Here’s the thing, I get what you and all the other pro-voters are saying, but guess what? The party you’re voting for keeps selling you shit because you keep buying it. Why wouldn’t they? There is no incentive to change when you keep supporting them. They are evil people who want the country to go in the direction they’ve been pushing, and can count on your votes in support because you’re scared of the alternative.

These people only want power. They are openly mocking American Christians and Christianity (have you seen the hellscape that was the RNC?). There are two ways you as a “constituent” can punish them to affect a change in behavior. The first is to withhold your vote. Instead you are rewarding them with it.
I was totally on board with the "lesser or two evils" until October 7th and the fallout thereafter. If you haven't seen the videos out of Palestine of how our "greatest ally" treats Christians, how they treat children, how they purposely target and kill children in a way their death will be a long and suffering death, I advise you to not look at them. They are things of nightmares. They make drag queen story hour and the open border look like a 1 out of 10.

So far Biden's admin has been reserved on it. Israel has come out and said Biden's admin is not doing enough and is basically now pushing Trump. Huge Israel-first/Israel-only donors like Adelson are throwing large fortunes behind Trump. Trump himself has said Biden doesn't do enough to help Israel and pledges to do way more to help them in their war against children and Christians.

I'm not saying to vote DNC, because the DNC will fund Israel as well, but not as much as the GOP. I am saying it is hard to sell to me that the GOP is the "lesser of two evils" after seeing the hell Israel has unleashed on Christian children who simply were sleeping in their own beds, or playing with a broken toy on a bombed out street and the snipers laughed and enjoy torturing them to death.

And worst of it all is that there is a chance, a good chance, we can break this "Israel is our greatest ally" satanic rhetoric, but if the GOP can successfully brainwash our people into believing it again, it is back to square one, where Israel gets unlimited funds to bomb, shoot, torture and kill Christians with our tax dollars while our roads and bridges crumble beneath our tires.

Now add in Trump attacking the one leader in the west who is making is country safe and prosperous again, because he has rejected Israel and their MS-13 paid mercenaries, and it looks as evil as it can get.

You were "totally on board" huh? But NOW you've changed your mind right?

By not registering to vote, I don't have to serve jury duty. That is big enough motivation for me to both not vote but not even register.

You have zero credibility
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The only way to vote would be to go to the polling station and to write the name Jesus Christ on the ballot, leaving with your conscience clear.

- https://www.desiringgod.org/interviews/are-christians-obligated-to-vote

As far as I know, I was the one who first suggested such a strategy back on RVF - and it's a far better alternative to not voting at all.

Writing in Jesus Christ is much better than not voting. 100% agree.

But I still think it would be better to vote for someone who may be able to hurt our enemies, such as the guy named Trump they just tried to kill the other week.

Why Voting Is Worth It?​

Looll. Ask this question to the 14 million people who voted for Biden in the primaries? What a low quality theater.
I love how thread title assumes the answer too instead of “Is Voting Worth It?” A better question might be “How Are Elections Decided?” That would be a good thread and probably result in some good information after a little collective research.
You didn’t answer my question, you just made up one of your own to answer. In other words, given a choice you didn’t like between A and B, you opted not to vote for either and just made up some new information to make the option more palatable.

Here’s the thing, I get what you and all the other pro-voters are saying, but guess what? The party you’re voting for keeps selling you shit because you keep buying it. Why wouldn’t they? There is no incentive to change when you keep supporting them. They are evil people who want the country to go in the direction they’ve been pushing, and can count on your votes in support because you’re scared of the alternative.

These people only want power. They are openly mocking American Christians and Christianity (have you seen the hellscape that was the RNC?). There are two ways you as a “constituent” can punish them to affect a change in behavior. The first is to withhold your vote. Instead you are rewarding them with it.

Because answering your strawman analogy didn't make sense.

And yes, I agree both sides are sinners, but this is to be expected in fallen world. All we can do, as Christians, it attempt to soothe this broken world as best we can. That means doing what we can to hurt Democrats, which is the demonic party par excellance. 100% Talmudic cabinet of Biden is more than enough proof, if you can't see the Dem party is far more evil than the Republican party then you just aren't looking. It's willful ignorance.

The RNC is a clown show but so is the rest of America. And if Democrats keep winning, it will only get worse as they continue to destroy the family, wreck the schools, and let in tens of millions of freeloaders to bankrupt us that much faster. There will be nothing left if Democrats continue to win, and whoever of us is still alive will be wishing for the days when we could at least vote against them.
WOW, this is by far the dumbest thing I ever read.
Even if a dealer betrays you, you should keep buying your stuff from him.
And no, not voting is not a sin, it's the opposit. (Or how do I have to interpret your garbage?)
Voting for jewish puppet A or jewish puppet B is what I consider a sin.

False, you do not understand the teachings of Christ. Love thy enemy.

God shines sun on both the just and the unjust. He sends rain down to the righteous and unrighteous.

Christians are to do good even when there are wicked who do evil with it, just like God does when he provides warmth and water to the wicked.

Thus we follow the law even if others are breaking it. We pay our taxes even if others are cheating it. We do not rob or murder for profit, even if others are doing so with great success.

We follow the Lord, and He will reward us in due time. We must not concern ourselves with what sinners do.
I am strongly considering voting Democrat downballet this time. I figure Trump is already chosen as the winner. We will probably have more wars for Isreal and white people who tend to vote Republican will be the bulk of who gets drafted. I hope I'm wrong.

My last name isn't White. With that and a vote for dems in my file, maybe, just maybe my history of posting here and on Telegram will get overlooked, and they'll figure " this harmless Hispanic guy who likes us enough to vote in favor of our agenda will be able to stay away from the frontlines."

Curious, how many here think that logic is idiotic?
You were "totally on board" huh? But NOW you've changed your mind right?

You have zero credibility
Yes, before I would agree Trump was the lesser of two evils, but buying into his rhetoric was dangerous because it took upset folks and gave them a false sense of "we have a say in this", when in fact they don't.

Right now, I honestly do not believe voting Trump/GOP is the lesser of two evils. Because any evil the DNC wants to push, and they do want to push it, is dwarfed by what Israel is unleashing on Christians across the globe. And maybe if anyone disagrees, they should check out one of this videos, only one of them, because they will give you serious nightmares. But we must know what evil exists and is promoted by the GOP as well.
Yes, before I would agree Trump was the lesser of two evils, but buying into his rhetoric was dangerous because it took upset folks and gave them a false sense of "we have a say in this", when in fact they don't.

Right now, I honestly do not believe voting Trump/GOP is the lesser of two evils. Because any evil the DNC wants to push, and they do want to push it, is dwarfed by what Israel is unleashing on Christians across the globe. And maybe if anyone disagrees, they should check out one of this videos, only one of them, because they will give you serious nightmares. But we must know what evil exists and is promoted by the GOP as well.
Me voting locally and nationally gives me a better chance for my kids.

People who don't have them seem to be the despondent ones who can't connect the dots that you can actually have an impact on elections by voting.

And complaint the GOP to the Dems is funny. Apples to Oranges comparing the two platforms on immigration, taxes, regulation, guns, ECT
Me voting locally and nationally gives me a better chance for my kids.

People who don't have them seem to be the despondent ones who can't connect the dots that you can actually have an impact on elections by voting.

And complaint the GOP to the Dems is funny. Apples to Oranges comparing the two platforms on immigration, taxes, regulation, guns, ECT
Do you think a greater war in the Middle East that will potentially lead to WW3, due to Russian's recent comments, will not impact life in the USA greatly? This will not be the walk in thar park Iraq or Afghanistan was, this will be a real full-scale war if it kicks off, and that means that our enemy might come here and hit us here or worse.

I think many who think a greater war in the Middle East is not worse than what the DNC offers, are not considering both how much larger in scale this potentially could be and more so how this might lead to a war on our own soil.
Do you think a greater war in the Middle East that will potentially lead to WW3, due to Russian's recent comments, will not impact life in the USA greatly? This will not be the walk in thar park Iraq or Afghanistan was, this will be a real full-scale war if it kicks off, and that means that our enemy might come here and hit us here or worse.

I think many who think a greater war in the Middle East is not worse than what the DNC offers, are not considering both how much larger in scale this potentially could be and more so how this might lead to a war on our own soil.
Yeah, this is the thing. I'll agree that the Rs have some obvious strong points vs. the Ds. Less likely to do vaccine mandates, arguably better for the economy, don't hate white people as openly, ever-so-slightly less gay, etc. It's just that if you buy the idea that Globohomo wants Trump because he's the one who can talk white men into dying for Israel in WW3, which I think has merit, the Rs start looking arguably even worse than the Ds.
Do you think a greater war in the Middle East that will potentially lead to WW3, due to Russian's recent comments, will not impact life in the USA greatly? This will not be the walk in thar park Iraq or Afghanistan was, this will be a real full-scale war if it kicks off, and that means that our enemy might come here and hit us here or worse.

I think many who think a greater war in the Middle East is not worse than what the DNC offers, are not considering both how much larger in scale this potentially could be and more so how this might lead to a war on our own soil.

You are making baseless assumptions and speaking to them as if they are facts. It's one thing to discuss things based on speculation, even if they are baseless speculations, it's a whole other thing to try and speak with someone who is trying to steer speculation discussion as facts. It's worse than a strawman, it's a nothing man.
You are making baseless assumptions and speaking to them as if they are facts. It's one thing to discuss things based on speculation, even if they are baseless speculations, it's a whole other thing to try and speak with someone who is trying to steer speculation discussion as facts. It's worse than a strawman, it's a nothing man.
Okay, well we know that Israel is having a bad time. Some estimate that already 10% of the pre-October 7th population has fled the country. Their Hamas battle is coming up on a year with no real end in sight. Hezbollah and the Houthi's were hitting their economy hard, now the have upped it to hitting their infrastructure and killing their citizens. Iran scared the living daylights out of them this past spring when they launched the drones and missiles to show what they were already capable of.

Take the rhetoric of the GOP convention, take Trump's own rhetoric, and then take the words of Russia and even China on the situation.

What is more likely? Trump puts boots on the ground to fight these "evil terrorists" as he calls them, or he backs off on everything, including his own Abraham Accords and pushes a two-state solution and forces Israel to be humiliated?