Why Voting Is Worth It

I got involved locally and it showed me how fixed the entire system is. The solution has to come from outside the box, it can't come from inside. Posting this on here does more good than getting involved with your local GOP just to get stonewalled and lied to by your bosses.

Until the dissident right is willing to use force, they will continue to be forced upon. The right wants the institutional power to use all the force for them. It's not going to happen, as the election of 2020 so clearly demonstrated. They are not willing to use force because they still have too much to lose, they are too comfortable. As things get worse, that will change.

The left is not afraid to use force, and they are backed up by the institutional power. Who dares wins.

It depends what you mean by rigged. Obviously if you are a newbie on the local scene, don’t expect to be taken seriously or even paid much attention to at all. That, and they usually groom people for offices or positions, but that can apply to any corporation or institution. It depends on your goals, expecting to become a rising star that will enact monumental change is like expecting to be the next CEO at your company, it’s not going to happen for 99.9999% of us.

Of course bosses will lie and stonewall you, but that is the same anywhere. They are there to protect the system and have little care about you or your goals.

Posting on here to enact change is relatively useless. The forum doesn’t have many members, and some of the members have the political acumen of a ham sandwich. You can tell by their posts, and if they act or write like that in real life they’d be fired or shunned.

Regarding ‘force’, those type of movements are co-opted and infiltrated anyway. Wherever, there are conservative men in groups, you can be sure there are Feds or informants around reporting to big daddy government or worse trying to force them into violent action.
It depends what you mean by rigged. Obviously if you are a newbie on the local scene, don’t expect to be taken seriously or even paid much attention to at all. That, and they usually groom people for offices or positions, but that can apply to any corporation or institution. It depends on your goals, expecting to become a rising star that will enact monumental change is like expecting to be the next CEO at your company, it’s not going to happen for 99.9999% of us.

Of course bosses will lie and stonewall you, but that is the same anywhere. They are there to protect the system and have little care about you or your goals.

Posting on here to enact change is relatively useless. The forum doesn’t have many members, and some of the members have the political acumen of a ham sandwich. You can tell by their posts, and if they act or write like that in real life they’d be fired or shunned.

Regarding ‘force’, those type of movements are co-opted and infiltrated anyway. Wherever, there are conservative men in groups, you can be sure there are Feds or informants around reporting to big daddy government or worse trying to force them into violent action.
I assure you, nothing that happens at your local county's GOP office has anything to do with upending the status quo. Everyone goes in there with the best of intentions but the only people who make a career of it get on the job training in how to be liars and grifters themselves. No one in that office is losing sleep on any of the issues we talk about here.

And yes, it is true that the counter-revolutionary groups are pre-emptively co-opted by the Feds. That's right out of the 1984 Goldstein textbook. Nevertheless, a true counter-revolutionary movement is the only way to turn the tide. That or mass repentance.
Christ paid his taxes to Pilate. Likewise, if Christ had a vote given to him by Pilate, Christ would return the vote back to Pilate.

"Give unto Ceasar's," in our day and age would be, "Give unto Washington's what is Washington's." In this case, the dollar with Washington's face on it is to be returned to Washington, and likewise, the vote which is given to us by Washington is also to be given back to Washington.

It is a sin not to vote, because it is unloving and shows indifference to one's fatherland. One must love their country:

I've time stamped at the relevant section, which is a quote from St. Paisios:

"Christians are silent out of indifference, in these difficult days each much do what is in his own power and leave what's out of one's power to the will of God. In this way, our conscience will be cleared. If we do not resist evil, then our ancestors will arise out of their graves. If Christians do not bear witness to their faith, if they don't resist evil, then the Destroyers will become even more insolent."

Not voting is indifference, which is not Love.

Thus a faithful Christian always votes, to hurt the enemy and make it more difficult for the evil ones to destroy. For if Christians do not impede the efforts of evil ones, then the Christian has stopped loving thy Neighbor, and will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. It is mortal sin to stop voting.

It’s a sin not to vote for Donald Trump? That’s a pretty good campaign slogan.

Let me give you a hypothetical:

You’re in a country where there are two parties. Party A is running a fag on a platform of war with a foreign country for no discernible reason; Party B is running a tranny on a platform of war with a foreign country for no discernible reason. Last year Party B ran a fag and Party A ran a woman who promoted fags, so her party could run a fag in the next election cycle to keep up with Party B, who got more votes.

According to your philosophy it’s a mortal sin not to vote because you aren’t hurting the enemy. Are you voting for Party A or Party B, and in this scenario which party is the enemy?
It's been said here already, several times, but I'll repeat it.

Failing to vote in a way that impedes the enemy, is an effective vote FOR the enemy.

This is a bitter pill for some here that are demoralized, and wish to protest the system by opting out.

The best way to hurt the Dems is to vote Trump. If you do not, you are helping them.
Nonsene. The Dems alone are not the enemy. The party you are voting for is also the enemy. You are voting for evil.
What do you do when both sides are evil?

That is what we are dealing with - voting would be consenting to evil. To love my country would thus mean to not play into the clown show, and to convince my countrymen to understand that the only way out would be a return to a Christian monarchy.

As a Christian we know the world is to fall away, and politics are very of the world. I made a choice in my late twenties to focus on that which matters - Christ, family, purpose, community, the church. Politics are absent from that list, as is news media, social media, entertainment, celebrity and the like.

You're falling into the sinful error of pride, assuming that everyone is evil except you.

"What then? Are we Jews any better off? No, not at all; for I have already charged that all men, both Jews and Greeks, are under the power of sin, as it is written,"

“None is righteous, no, not one;
no one understands, no one seeks for God.
All have turned aside, together they have gone wrong;
no one does good, not even one.”
“Their throat is an open grave,
they use their tongues to deceive.”
“The venom of asps is under their lips.”
“Their mouth is full of curses and bitterness.”
“Their feet are swift to shed blood,
in their paths are ruin and misery,
and the way of peace they do not know.”
“There is no fear of God before their eyes.”

Therefore, since all men are sinners, all we can ever hope to do is choose the lesser of evils in this lifetime. Until the arriving of Christ's Kingdom, life will always be about choosing the lesser of evils, since all is evil.

Thus, by refusing to vote, you increase the amount of evil in the world by not choosing the lesser of evils. You engage in willful delusion that by doing nothing somehow things will get better, which is the very definition of pride, since all delusion is pride.

The not voting part isn't the real sinful part - it's the motivation and intention that causes one not to vote, which at root comes from pride. That pride is absolutely cancer for your soul, and by not voting you allow that cancer to grow and corrupt your very own soul.

As it is with most Christian commandments, Love thy Neighbor is also for the benefit of oneself. Once you stop caring about your Neighbor, it will not be long before you are consumed with hatred and indifference for man, and your separation from God will be complete.

Thus if you aren't voting because "both sides are evil," you've lost the entire point of the Bible and Satan has you deep in his grips.
it's the difference between 55mph toward the cliff and 100mph with the two party system.

It's a huge difference, going 55 mph gives one the chance to slow down and turn around. 100 mph is absolute death.

Likewise voting Republican preserves much of the nation that can eventually be saved through repentance. Democrat victories ensure there will be nothing left except a wasteland, similar to how it was when Islam took over the Middle East after the Catholics ransacked Constantinople in the 4th Crusade. Who thinks the Middle East can be saved now?

Democrat victories will mean Christians will be eventually forced to leave American due to persecution.

The only good reason to vote that I can think of is that a Trump admin would be less overtly hostile to the churches throughout the country. That doesn't mean he will step up and save the churches throughout the country when the left targets them again, such as when they did during covid and when they burned half the country down. It just means he will be less openly hostile.

This is a huge deal and the fact you don't think so shows that you are blinded by pride.

Less persecution > more persecution, every single time.

The only reason you cannot understand this is because you (and many, many others here) have lived a soft life with no experience of real persecution. Early Christians ALWAYS went for the Emperor that persecuted them the least, which is why Constantine was a favorite - he allowed freedom of religion. The edict of Milan wasn't pro-Christian, it simply wasn't anti-Christian.
It’s a sin not to vote for Donald Trump? That’s a pretty good campaign slogan.

Let me give you a hypothetical:

You’re in a country where there are two parties. Party A is running a fag on a platform of war with a foreign country for no discernible reason; Party B is running a tranny on a platform of war with a foreign country for no discernible reason. Last year Party B ran a fag and Party A ran a woman who promoted fags, so her party could run a fag in the next election cycle to keep up with Party B, who got more votes.

According to your philosophy it’s a mortal sin not to vote because you aren’t hurting the enemy. Are you voting for Party A or Party B, and in this scenario which party is the enemy?

You left out the part that one of those Parties is kinder to Christians than the other, and promotes more Christianity than the other, and in fact has far more Christians voting for it than the other.

But hey, keep lying to yourself, it's not like lying is a mortal sin or anything :rolleyes:
This is a huge deal and the fact you don't think so shows that you are blinded by pride.

Less persecution > more persecution, every single time.

The only reason you cannot understand this is because you (and many, many others here) have lived a soft life with no experience of real persecution. Early Christians ALWAYS went for the Emperor that persecuted them the least, which is why Constantine was a favorite - he allowed freedom of religion. The edict of Milan wasn't pro-Christian, it simply wasn't anti-Christian.
How is it that you say I don't think so and I don't understand when you're appealing to my own argument in favor of voting for Trump?

You guys are still too wrapped up in this emotionally. I need to see some more critical thought coming from your guys' side.

On top of that, it's not your job to sell Trump to me. That's his job, to sell himself to the people.
How is it that you say I don't think so and I don't understand when you're appealing to my own argument in favor of voting for Trump?

You guys are still too wrapped up in this emotionally. I need to see some more critical thought coming from your guys' side.

On top of that, it's not your job to sell Trump to me. That's his job, to sell himself to the people.

You're the only one to mention Trump in our exchange.

You simply stated a reason that would justify voting for Trump, potentially. I did not address or even care about Trump.

My point was the larger one: that you only consider it as a "potential" reason to vote, when in reality, anytime there is a way to lower persecution, it should always be chosen. It's not a "potential" reason, it's an automatic reason that must be obeyed. 99% of Christians throughout history could have told you this.
I do belive that democracy by voting would work well in a mainly white society without many Jewish manipulators. It sort of did for a long time in the US and elsewhere. But it doesn't work well with them present. You vote for Brexit to stop migrants, but they keep coming. You voted Trump 2016, but 20 million illegals (or whatever) are here now. So it didn't work!

We need one clear direction/vision in society for decades, like with Putin in Russia. One clear direction for 25 years now! Doesn't have to be one person, but some form of continuation of values is needed. Also, why aren't there any landslides anymore? Used to be that on party or political fraction got 60-80 percent of the votes! It's a testament to the extent of social engineering that all elections are down to the wire. It's absurd really when you think about it!
I do belive that democracy by voting would work well in a mainly white society without many Jewish manipulators. It sort of did for a long time in the US and elsewhere. But it doesn't work well with them present. You vote for Brexit to stop migrants, but they keep coming. You voted Trump 2016, but 20 million illegals (or whatever) are here now. So it didn't work!

We need one clear direction/vision in society for decades, like with Putin in Russia. One clear direction for 25 years now! Doesn't have to be one person, but some form of continuation of values is needed. Also, why aren't there any landslides anymore? Used to be that on party or political fraction got 60-80 percent of the votes! It's a testament to the extent of social engineering that all elections are down to the wire. It's absurd really when you think about it!

While that would be nice, it's not what we have at the moment. Our nations are under judgement for the past sins, and if we continue to sin, it will get exponentially worse.

Not voting would simply be adding more sins onto the pile of our ancestors sins. It's a terrible move, strategically and spiritually.
My point was the larger one: that you only consider it as a "potential" reason to vote, when in reality, anytime there is a way to lower persecution, it should always be chosen. It's not a "potential" reason, it's an automatic reason that must be obeyed. 99% of Christians throughout history could have told you this.
You're not taking into account the other factors. Such as if my vote would even be counted at all in a blue state or a rigged election. Less persecution of Christians is not even a selling point of Trump, it's merely an incidental.
You're not taking into account the other factors. Such as if my vote would even be counted at all in a blue state or a rigged election. Less persecution of Christians is not even a selling point of Trump, it's merely an incidental.

Even if the vote is rigged, one should still vote. Those who rig will have to atone for their sin someday. Just because others are sinning (stealing votes) does not mean we should sin (become indifferent to our Neighbors). Indeed, we should be calling out the lies of the system even louder and vote all the same.
This article was written in May and doesn't take the shooting into account.
Again, the decision has already been made.
I invite all the gatekeepers and feds here to downvote me again. It will help the other users to see you for what you are.
People who disagree with your black pill take are how feds?

Let's play that game: How can we be sure you're not a fed, sent here to infiltrate and demoralize others?

I struggle to see what you get out of being here when nearly every post is a negative one

I think living in the world you're in where everything is negative must be totally exhausting and I refuse to let that negativity permeate my psyche.
You're falling into the sinful error of pride, assuming that everyone is evil except you.

"What then? Are we Jews any better off? No, not at all; for I have already charged that all men, both Jews and Greeks, are under the power of sin, as it is written,"

“None is righteous, no, not one;
no one understands, no one seeks for God.
All have turned aside, together they have gone wrong;
no one does good, not even one.”
“Their throat is an open grave,
they use their tongues to deceive.”
“The venom of asps is under their lips.”
“Their mouth is full of curses and bitterness.”
“Their feet are swift to shed blood,
in their paths are ruin and misery,
and the way of peace they do not know.”
“There is no fear of God before their eyes.”

Therefore, since all men are sinners, all we can ever hope to do is choose the lesser of evils in this lifetime. Until the arriving of Christ's Kingdom, life will always be about choosing the lesser of evils, since all is evil.

Thus, by refusing to vote, you increase the amount of evil in the world by not choosing the lesser of evils. You engage in willful delusion that by doing nothing somehow things will get better, which is the very definition of pride, since all delusion is pride.

The not voting part isn't the real sinful part - it's the motivation and intention that causes one not to vote, which at root comes from pride. That pride is absolutely cancer for your soul, and by not voting you allow that cancer to grow and corrupt your very own soul.

As it is with most Christian commandments, Love thy Neighbor is also for the benefit of oneself. Once you stop caring about your Neighbor, it will not be long before you are consumed with hatred and indifference for man, and your separation from God will be complete.

Thus if you aren't voting because "both sides are evil," you've lost the entire point of the Bible and Satan has you deep in his grips.

The only way to vote would be to go to the polling station and to write the name Jesus Christ on the ballot, leaving with your conscience clear.

Voting is one form of doing good. It is one kind of good deed. We hope — by voting for worthy, competent, wise candidates — that the common good will come to more people. That’s our goal. But I don’t think it follows from any biblical truth that voting is an absolute duty for Christians. It is one possible good deed alongside many others, one way of serving the good of society, but there are too many other factors at stake to describe it as an absolute duty.

One of those factors is this: when the duty to vote is elevated to the point where it overrides other Christian principles of virtue, it has been taken too far. That duty has been taken too far. At times, it happens in a fallen world that a vote for any proposed candidate is so offensive, so morally compromised, so misleading that it may be a matter of greater integrity, more faithful obedience to Christ, and a clearer witness to truth if we do not vote for any of the proposed candidates.

It would be irresponsible to assume that a choice not to vote for some party or person on the ballot is a failure to love our neighbor, when in fact, the non-voter may be much more involved in doing socially transformative good deeds than the one who votes for a morally unfit candidate because he’s considered the lesser of two evils. Life is not simple. It is inevitable that Christians will disagree on strategies for how to do the most good with gospel words, good deeds, and Christian example-setting. We must be slow to judge the moral strategies of other well-meaning people.

Just one more thought. If you believe, as I do, that in principle, voting is a great gift and privilege in our society, and you want to uphold that privilege, it is almost always possible to vote by writing in the candidate you think is worthy, though not on the ballot. In that way, you may uphold the precious gift of democratic self-government while avoiding the ruinous effects of supporting unworthy candidates.

- https://www.desiringgod.org/interviews/are-christians-obligated-to-vote