Why Voting Is Worth It

As far as I know, I was the one who first suggested such a strategy back on RVF - and it's a far better alternative to not voting at all.

Writing in Jesus Christ is much better than not voting. 100% agree.

But I still think it would be better to vote for someone who may be able to hurt our enemies, such as the guy named Trump they just tried to kill the other week.
I am from Canada, so perhaps the "evil on both sides" comment I made makes more sense.
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Okay, well we know that Israel is having a bad time. Some estimate that already 10% of the pre-October 7th population has fled the country. Their Hamas battle is coming up on a year with no real end in sight. Hezbollah and the Houthi's were hitting their economy hard, now the have upped it to hitting their infrastructure and killing their citizens. Iran scared the living daylights out of them this past spring when they launched the drones and missiles to show what they were already capable of.

Take the rhetoric of the GOP convention, take Trump's own rhetoric, and then take the words of Russia and even China on the situation.

What is more likely? Trump puts boots on the ground to fight these "evil terrorists" as he calls them, or he backs off on everything, including his own Abraham Accords and pushes a two-state solution and forces Israel to be humiliated?

How about we take actual real life actions and precedence instead of targeted speculation and rhetoric?
Yeah, this is the thing. I'll agree that the Rs have some obvious strong points vs. the Ds. Less likely to do vaccine mandates, arguably better for the economy, don't hate white people as openly, ever-so-slightly less gay, etc. It's just that if you buy the idea that Globohomo wants Trump because he's the one who can talk white men into dying for Israel in WW3, which I think has merit, the Rs start looking arguably even worse than the Ds.

Bingo. From the self proclaimed no other President loves Israel more than him. The good news is he did avoid war in his first term. Killing Soleimani wasn’t prudent, but let’s face the facts. Trump is a flip flopper, so we have no idea what he’ll do. He used to mention he liked being unpredictable, but that’s a joke, he has little understanding of foreign policy.

Heck he might not even be the candidate. Alex Jones looked into the ether and predicted neither Biden nor him would be. Biden is out now, and he narrowly missed getting shot. Might be an Act 2.
Do you think a greater war in the Middle East that will potentially lead to WW3, due to Russian's recent comments, will not impact life in the USA greatly? This will not be the walk in thar park Iraq or Afghanistan was, this will be a real full-scale war if it kicks off, and that means that our enemy might come here and hit us here or worse.

I think many who think a greater war in the Middle East is not worse than what the DNC offers, are not considering both how much larger in scale this potentially could be and more so how this might lead to a war on our own soil.
You repeatedly make grandiose and baseless accusations then promulgate them as truths.

I see zero reason to believe a non-interventionist president (Trump) will be heralding in a new major conflict given his opportunity to do so heretofore and forgoing that opportunity with significant refusal despite the constant pressures of a bloated military industrial complex that repeatedly seeks war at all costs.
You repeatedly make grandiose and baseless accusations then promulgate them as truths.

I see zero reason to believe a non-interventionist president (Trump) will be heralding in a new major conflict given his opportunity to do so heretofore and forgoing that opportunity with significant refusal despite the constant pressures of a bloated military industrial complex that repeatedly seeks war at all costs.
Sounds fair. My prediction is Trump will win, then will start a large-scale war in the Middle East. You don't see this happening. I guess we will just have to wait to see what happens.
I'll agree that the Rs have some obvious strong points vs. the Ds. Less likely to do vaccine mandates, arguably better for the economy, don't hate white people as openly, ever-so-slightly less gay, etc.
Even these pros get tossed out when you realize that the GOP will do nothing to stop leftist activists from victimizing and harassing people. No national guard will come in to save the day when Soros' minimum-wage goons bring the country to a grinding halt again. The only time the national guard will be called in is against right wing voters on the ground, to the approval of both the Republicans and the Democrats.
Even these pros get tossed out when you realize that the GOP will do nothing to stop leftist activists from victimizing and harassing people. No national guard will come in to save the day when Soros' minimum-wage goons bring the country to a grinding halt again. The only time the national guard will be called in is against right wing voters on the ground, to the approval of both the Republicans and the Democrats.


Every single one of these questions can be solved by asking the ponderer "so what?"

What is your point and where would that leave us if we were to accept it?


Every single one of these questions can be solved by asking the ponderer "so what?"

What is your point and where would that leave us if we were to accept it?
The point is that there is very little practical difference between having a Republican or a Democrat in office because the right on the ground will be harassed just the same, and so it would be counter-intuitive to reward any of them with your support.
don't insinuate others are jewish. just use "kvetching"
The point is that there is very little practical difference between having a Republican or a Democrat in office because the right on the ground will be harassed just the same, and so it would be counter-intuitive to reward any of them with your support.
Stop beclowning yourself with this notion that absolutism obfuscates reality.

You are here now. Stop pretending that your constant Jewish Kvetching about how democracy does not matter isn't a choice...

It's thoroughly unrealistic as to how you actually transact with your own life. You absolutely chose in your daily interactions to address things that effect your family.
Where you shop, where you go to church, where you spend your money, ECT ECT ECT....

The absolute argument is wonderful for a conceptual point, but totally impractical in practice.

Actually frankly it's bullshit.

Do you have the ability to defend your own house? Make your own meat and produce?

Fuck No you can't.

I can and I'm still voting.

You choosing to abstain is your right. But that mindset aligns you with the unwashed masses I'll have to steward due to your own lack of resilience.
Alright fine, gas will be cheaper and taxes will be lower. Done
Also, Republicans are less likely to try for vaccine mandates. I can't think of a case where a Republican supported them, although it might have happened. Republican governors were generally less likely to go for strict COVID lockdowns and things like that. If it weren't for my concern that Globohomo wants Trump specifically so that he can talk white men into going to war, I'd definitely favor the Republicans. As is, I don't know.
The only concern that anyone in the west should prioritize, be it the USA, Europe, or Oceania, is being able to organize and outmaneuver the pigs they send to hunt you and your family down in the coming years for whatever looney charges they concoct on the spot.

Voting or not voting, it ultimately doesn't matter. Kinetic warfare is the only decisive factor in the future for those who are to be and those who are not to be. The side that wants all White Christians and all good-souled non-Whites to "not to be" knows this, and if less of us people vote, then it means they will know we are more committed to a permanent solution that consists of lead exchanges and tightening nooses. At that point, who dares, wins.

The Irish are burning it all down, and they won't back off. They are the closest example of a country where this escalation will reach military-intervention on behalf of globohomo to suppress the people because the Kalergi plan won't be able to be implemented unless the people are stopped. They may or may not have voted in their elections, but all their limp-wristed political parties do is pay lip service to globalist swine. If America was like Ireland in that it did not have a kosher conservative decoy party, which is now morphing into the uniparty with all the commie turds coming over from the left, then the American people too would be burning it all down and forcing the hand of globohomo to a physical series of showdowns.
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Looll. People have been voting for the last 100 years. And look at how things are:

Trans kids
woman who act like man
birth rates bellow replacement level
mass immigration

If it feels good to vote. Go ahead and do it. But it will be at best a small temporary relief. And any wins you make will be utterly CRUSHED in the next elections. Because it´s how it´s been working for the last 100 years. The communists/jews are smarter and more organized.

Voting is not enough.
Why do we vote? Because it’s allowed and gives people like me some semblance of control. It’s low hanging fruit of gaining “influence” on society at large. This is magnified in a two polar political system where you want to stick it to the other team. Stupid? I think so. I don’t know about you guys but voting is directly linked for me to a man’s autonomy. We want to “contribute” and let our desires be heard amongst our tribe.

Who are we voting for? I think it’s clear we’re voting for selected candidates. Ideally we want some grass root leaders. Men who demonstrated themselves as leadership material. Is that allowed? No. Voting is equivalent of McDonald corporate letting you choose out of two managers they selected for management at your local franchise.

Are these candidates wild cards? No. It’s impossible for them to do course correction. The bankers in charge are not stupid. The system they set up accounts for everything that happened prior. You think the next Hitler is going to be allowed to print money and build an army? No, he will fail. That’s why the far right is useless. They see the writing on the wall. Any right wing policies will be shut down, hard. They have to tread the water.

The only solution is a hard reset by virtue of collapse. I agree with Anglin, don’t legitimize the system. It needs to fail. That’s the only way your voice will be heard, if you contribute towards such a goal.
Sounds fair. My prediction is Trump will win, then will start a large-scale war in the Middle East. You don't see this happening. I guess we will just have to wait to see what happens.

Not only will it not happen, but once it doesn't happen you will find an excuse to admit you were wrong, because you are an intellectual fraud.

It's already obvious Trump isn't controlled opposition because of the assassination attempt, but suddenly you're a coincidence theorist because the cognitive dissonance is too great for your fragile ego to handle.

You've wasted most of your life on ridiculous assertions, it's too painful to admit that the doomsday isn't coming and you should have been focusing on a wife and family.
Not only will it not happen, but once it doesn't happen you will find an excuse to admit you were wrong, because you are an intellectual fraud.

It's already obvious Trump isn't controlled opposition because of the assassination attempt, but suddenly you're a coincidence theorist because the cognitive dissonance is too great for your fragile ego to handle.

You've wasted most of your life on ridiculous assertions, it's too painful to admit that the doomsday isn't coming and you should have been focusing on a wife and family.
I'm going to get in here and say that if there is no massive war in the Middle East or anywhere else under Trump, I will be overjoyed to say I was wrong.
Looll. People have been voting for the last 100 years. And look at how things are:

Trans kids
woman who act like man
birth rates bellow replacement level
mass immigration

If it feels good to vote. Go ahead and do it. But it will be at best a small temporary relief. And any wins you make will be utterly CRUSHED in the next elections. Because it´s how it´s been working for the last 100 years. The communists/jews are smarter and more organized.

Voting is not enough.

This does not mean there is no value in voting.

Is it better to be crushed in 50 years or 100 years? Stalling things out has tremendous value, the filibuster is a powerful move. Time is the great equalizer between all men and we can use it to our advantage.

The longer things are stalled out, the weaker our enemies become. They are not immortal and their scheme rests on a currency that is dying.

I'm going to get in here and say that if there is no massive war in the Middle East or anywhere else under Trump, I will be overjoyed to say I was wrong.

And here's an easy prediction: if a Dem gets in, in 2024 or 2028, there will be a massive increase in wars, just like there has been for the past 100 years. Every time a Dem gets in the presidency, new wars start 100% of the time.

The idea that Republicans start wars is flatly contradicted by history, and in particular, Trump is the most anti-War President we've ever seen.

Trump WON an award from anti-war.com, which is a veteran run website. Only President to have have received such an award there.

I agree with Anglin, don’t legitimize the system.

Anglin is wrong, and so are you. There is no such thing as "legitimization." This is a concept that only exists in your mind. Those who rule over us do not want you to vote, it makes it easier for them to dominate if you don't vote.

The strong do what they can, and the weak suffer what they must.

By not voting, you are automatically placing yourself in the weak category. You are willfully licking their boots when you do not vote against them.
I think it's safe to say that a second Trump administration will offer more unequivocal support to Israel than did the Biden admin. I don't think that means invading Iran though? I sure hope they don't plan to give into Israels plans for the region at least! I credit Biden for standing you to Netanyahu and increasing interest rates. That's the only two positives I can find.
I think it's safe to say that a second Trump administration will offer more unequivocal support to Israel than did the Biden admin. I don't think that means invading Iran though? I credit Biden for standing you to Netanyahu and increasing interest rates. That's the only two positives I can find. I sure hope they don't plan to give into Israels plans for the region at least!

On the contrary, Trump strongly dislikes Netanyahu. Notice, Jared Kushner was not at the RNC (who is Bibi's best friend). A Trump victory will spell the downfall of Netanyahu. For Trump, it's personal, because Netanyahu did not back up Trump in the 2020 fraud elections. Thus Trump is going to throw him under the bus.

Trump has already called to get rid of Netanyahu when the war first started, Trump simply wants revenge on him.

Once Netanyahu is out of the picture, peace in the Middle East becomes far more achievable.

And since peace is in Israel's interest, Trump can then claim he's the best friend for Israel. That's how Trump is going to match his rhetoric to reality.
Not only will it not happen, but once it doesn't happen you will find an excuse to admit you were wrong, because you are an intellectual fraud.

It's already obvious Trump isn't controlled opposition because of the assassination attempt, but suddenly you're a coincidence theorist because the cognitive dissonance is too great for your fragile ego to handle.

You've wasted most of your life on ridiculous assertions, it's too painful to admit that the doomsday isn't coming and you should have been focusing on a wife and family.
We have 4 years to find out. I have your post saved and if we go 4 years without Trump kicking off a major war in the Middle East, I will be beyond excited to come here and admit I was wrong. I have a lot invested in this country, probably more so than most anyone else here. The grain prices and Russia kicking our asses is really hitting me hard. For those of you unaware of this situation, look at a multi-year chart of corn futures or soybean futures.

I very much hope I am wrong, I have a lot riding on this. Coming here to admit I was wrong is the very least of my worries. I extend the same to the Trump fans, if Trump does start a major war in the Middle East, I hope you come here and admit you were wrong and the "black pillers" might be worth listening to.

As far as having a family, there isn't a day that goes by that I am not thankful I didn't have kids at this point of my life and in this country. This is my own decision, and I am glad I have made it so far. I think that will change in the next few years, but I have not been in a position where I would be comfortable having a family with other stresses that will slowly dissipate due to closing in on financial security.