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The Iran and Wider Middle East Thread

Do you really believe this?

Iran is sending 1000 dollar rockets which gets blown by 2.5m dollar / rocket defence systems? Does that seem realistic?
Conclusion much more money to the state, Israel and the military. For your safety.

It's the same false arguments as with the Hamas rockets.

I think this is just another power / money scheme like NASA, or CERN.

More power to the national / supranational levels, all to keep you safe. It's the perpetual state of war to keep the population under control.

What if this is just about power?

It is suspicious as hell.

We'll know the truth eventually. It may not come out for decades, but the money will eventually run dry and if Israel is still standing then we'll know it was all one big hoax.

Paternos...this video is for you ;)

More realistic than anything I have read in the news lately. 😅

I mean these drones / missiles are pointy and scary. They should paint teeth on it.

Different from the big fat rockets that elon is shooting in the air, ripping the atmosphere apart..

I think the question is, what do we see here? Nice propaganda shot.

We see flags, we see iron props? Are these supposed to be bombs? Or missiles? Or drones?
Iran is most likely able to produce TNT. The question is ofcourse, why would they drop bombs on anyone?

What's the point?
Check the stock market - i.e., oil, defense companies, etc. See who is benefiting in the Middle East crisis.

Of course, Iran isn't stupid. They are not going to drop bombs on anyone.

Iran is a protected regime and a perfect partner for the US. Iran plays the "scapegoat" and is a "fabricated enemy" in my opinion.

Think about it. The US brings democracy anywhere, why not Iran? Why can Iran operate in peace?
Iran is the same as North-Korea. Both play the scapegoat. But are no serious enemies.

Why 45 years of threats and fear propaganda and no action? Why no decapitation of the political elite in Iran?
What that endless talk on nuclear bombs for 45 years? Since 1979 they are using this propaganda line. Year in year out.

Like a never ending soap serie, will they finally discover it? (cliffhanger)
Thanks this guy:

Below article is from American Thinker (2019).

Some of the $1.5 billion cash that Obama gave to Iran traced to Iran-backed terror groups​

When President Barack Obama shipped $1.7 billion in cash to Iran as part of his nuclear deal, he was funding terrorists. It was entirely predictable, for his partners in the deal are committed to the destruction of Israel first, and then of the United States, once they have the nuclear means to do so.

The Armageddon that would break out after the US defends itself is a feature, not a bug in this plan, for the return of the Twelfth Mahdi will accompany the climactic global conflagration, and bring about the end of history, with Islam triumphant.

So, expecting the Mullahs to cozy up to the US in return for a vast amount of cash is foolish at best. That money was just a means to an end that includes killing infidels, with priority given to Jews in Israel.

Bill Gertz, whose Pentagon sources are second to none, reports that the actual cash bills sent to Iran have made their way to Hezb’allah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen, and to the hardline Quds forces of Iran: The U.S. government has traced some of the $1.7 billion released to Iran by the Obama administration to Iranian-backed terrorists in the two years since the cash was transferred.

According to knowledgeable sources, Iran has used the funds to pay its main proxy, the Lebanon-based terrorist group Hezbollah, along with the Quds Force, Iran’s main foreign intelligence and covert action arm and element of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps. (snip)

The U.S. money supplied to Iran as part of an arms settlement dating back to the 1970s also has been traced to Iran’s backing of Houthi rebels seeking to take power in Yemen. Iran has been supporting the Yemen rebels as part of a bid to encircle and eventually take control of Saudi Arabia.

“The enormous financial windfall the Iranian regime received because of the deal — access to more than $100 billion, including $1.8 billion in cash — has not been used to better the lives of the Iranian people,” Mr. Trump said Jan. 12. “Instead, it has served as a slush fund for weapons, terror, and oppression, and to further line the pockets of corrupt regime leaders.”

What’s done is done. That money will continue to fund attacks and advance the mullahs’ goal of Armageddon. Thanks, Obama. Nobody is surprised but morons and your supporters.

Edit. Case in point...

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Check the stock market - i.e., oil, defense companies, etc. See who is benefiting in the Middle East crisis.

Of course, Iran isn't stupid. They are not going to drop bombs on anyone.

Thanks this guy:

Below article is from American Thinker (2019).

Some of the $1.5 billion cash that Obama gave to Iran traced to Iran-backed terror groups​

As much as I hated Obama, his giving Iran their seized money back, helped restore a balance of power in the Middle East and maybe stopped the satanic elites in their tracks in their desire for death and conquest and bombing of Churches and Christians. It might have been the greatest thing a US president has accomplished in over 100 years.

He may actually have been the best US president since JFK, due to this one wise move. I can't think of anything a sitting US president accomplished that has been more beneficial to us than Obama helping Iran.

Theater. Putin, Biden, Trump, Zelensky, The Palestinian Authority, Nettin-Yoo-Hoo, The Ayahtolla's, Saudi Kings and Princes, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Kim Jong Un, The Pope, Jeffrey Epstein, and P Diddy are all part of the same club and existentially partying together on a chain of luxury super yachts in Ibiza. They laugh at us peons who are bending over and taking it with "7%" inflation which is really 20% to 100% inflation (depending on the product). Four years ago the soda machines outside Wal-Mart were 50 cents a can, now they're a dollar... 100% inflation.

You'll own nothing and be happy.
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Theater. Putin, Biden, Trump, Zelensky, The Palestinian Authority, Nettin-Yoo-Hoo, The Ayahtolla's, Saudi Kings and Princes, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Kim Jong Un, The Pope, Jeffrey Epstein, and P Diddy are all part of the same club and existentially partying together on a chain of luxury super yachts in Ibiza. They laugh at us peons who are bending over and taking it with "7%" inflation which is really 20% to 100% inflation (depending on the product). Four years ago the soda machines outside Wal-Mart were 50 cents a can, now they're a dollar... 100% inflation.

You'll own nothing and be happy.
They are foolish to think these state of affairs can continue unabated forever.
They are foolish to think these state of affairs can continue unabated forever.
I'm not sure what "Their" end game is but all of this is most certainly Biblical. Perfect End Times scenario(s). I would assume that major satanic players don't have long to live (10 to 20 years)? And who knows what some of these death-wish crazy, Jesus-denying world "leaders" are capable of when they're on their death beds?
I'm not sure what "Their" end game is but all of this is most certainly Biblical. Perfect End Times scenario(s). I would assume that major satanic players don't have long to live (10 to 20 years)? And who knows what some of these death-wish crazy, Jesus-denying world "leaders" are capable of when they're on their death beds?
His will prevails, theirs will not. They will destroy much, but they do not have ultimate authority over this domain. All who reject God's laws and order and most importantly, His love and mercy, are only given false promises from lying demons trapped here, many without even realizing the nature of these spiritual realities.

I am suspect of all of them, though Iran strikes me as a curious entity because it does not have a Rothschild-controlled central bank, and neither does North Korea, but neither of them are really bastions of truth, they are just "our version of control over your lives instead of homosexual USA and israel". However, the spirit of the new world order will leave no survivors of any race or culture, they will deracinate and assimilate everything into one subservient human cattle horde, therefore any singular independent ethnicity and way of life that exists outside this umbrella is still considered a threat, even the ones that are not Christian.
His will prevails, theirs will not. They will destroy much, but they do not have ultimate authority over this domain. All who reject God's laws and order and most importantly, His love and mercy, are only given false promises from lying demons trapped here, many without even realizing the nature of these spiritual realities.

I am suspect of all of them, though Iran strikes me as a curious entity because it does not have a Rothschild-controlled central bank, and neither does North Korea, but neither of them are really bastions of truth, they are just "our version of control over your lives instead of homosexual USA and israel". However, the spirit of the new world order will leave no survivors of any race or culture, they will deracinate and assimilate everything into one subservient human cattle horde, therefore any singular independent ethnicity and way of life that exists outside this umbrella is still considered a threat, even the ones that are not Christian.
At the end of the day, there has to be some kind of top-down control structure to prevent people from falling to their own internal sins and losing spiritual warfare. This is the correct term for "nation", not lines drawn on a map, but the people who belong to a land and their way of living. Every nation had their own established way of living and rules to protect their people from these bad influences. For Whites it was Christianity, for North Koreans it is not. For Iranians, it is mostly Islam, though there are Christians in Iran. The problem for Whites and the west is that their nations have been utterly destroyed. To ever get them back will take beyond a huge effort.

Iran and North Korea have successfully repelled these outside influences in their own way. In a 500-year battle, the west/Whites have won. In a 6,000-year battle, North Korea and Iran will have won. What I mean is that if nothing changes, and there is nothing on the horizon saying that it will change, most of the world will end up a Godless/cultureless state of severe sin and desperation, where as North Korea and Iran will exist, much like they do today. Their people, traditions and culture all still intact, which at the end of the day, is by far the most important things we as humans own and can pass on to the next generation. They have won the long battle, it is up to us to learn from them and try to take some of their ideology and infuse it into ours if we are to save our nations and our people from the satanic elites.

With all that said, I see men my age from North Korea and Iran. They have families they have job security, they have a future they can share with their kids, they give their aging parents grandchildren to enjoy. These are by far the most important things in the world. And after working 7 days a week for around 25 years straight, I have none of these things and I likely never will. Hats off to Iran and North Korea, their totalitarian regimes have saved their people from the hell we face.
Iran strikes me as a curious entity because it does not have a Rothschild-controlled central bank, and neither does North Korea
@MusicForThePiano you seem to know about this stuff and read it up.

If you can easily find it, can you post a list of any other countries in an appropriate thread which are also not part of this Rothschild-controlled central bank club? Would be interesting to read through.
@MusicForThePiano you seem to know about this stuff and read it up.

If you can easily find it, can you post a list of any other countries in an appropriate thread which are also not part of this Rothschild-controlled central bank club? Would be interesting to read through.
I once heard the only countries in the world without a Rothschild controlled bank are...

North Korea
China and Russia are semi-autonomous, meaning that they can control the flows, and can work with other central banks within the system but still control the levers.
I once heard the only countries in the world without a Rothschild controlled bank are...

North Korea
I heard it's more than that, like at least 10 or so, but don't regularly read into that kind of information and it's not available on the surface.

Would not say I am yet convinced 100% of this theory of central banks with secret private shareholders but it is plausible, and would be interesting to know according to those who have studied it closely which countries are included.
Iran Warns West That Jews Are Trying to Pull Them Into a Regional War
I've been thinking that, probably many who follow the thread are also thinking that. Andrew Anglin just spells it out there, will not quote any of it, it's a short read.

A total regional war. Would be a horrible loss of life and also have effects on the rest of the world and risk WW3 if Russia gets dragged in to help Iran.

Iran has managed to behave well in this just replying proportionately according to international law to the embassy attack.

The spoiled child of the middle east however wants to selfishly have everything its own way and risk an escalation which may drag in the superpowers and lead to WW3.

Maybe and hopefully this will all de-escalate or the other countries will have the good sense to just let them fight it out in the region.

People in the US will probably take to the streets in a big way if the US tries to join a regional total war.
Iran Warns West That Jews Are Trying to Pull Them Into a Regional War
I've been thinking that, probably many who follow the thread are also thinking that. Andrew Anglin just spells it out there, will not quote any of it, it's a short read.

A total regional war. Would be a horrible loss of life and also have effects on the rest of the world and risk WW3 if Russia gets dragged in to help Iran.

Iran has managed to behave well in this just replying proportionately according to international law to the embassy attack.

The spoiled child of the middle east however wants to selfishly have everything its own way and risk an escalation which may drag in the superpowers and lead to WW3.

Maybe and hopefully this will all de-escalate or the other countries will have the good sense to just let them fight it out in the region.

People in the US will probably take to the streets in a big way if the US tries to join a regional total war.
Iran is gonna of save face and make attacks that De small and won't get them entangled in escalation.

They can't do much...and wont do much...
At least that's what history has shown us.