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The Iran and Wider Middle East Thread

It's worse than that. The 2020 Iranian response to Soleimani's assassination was communicated 24+ hours in advance to the Americans. It was also conveyed that Iran was not looking for a conflict yet had to retaliate to save face - and that the missiles would be launched towards the perimeter of the al Asad airbase and not the main buildings.

Today's attack reeks of a similar modus operandi - with the Iranians communicating their reprisal to the Americans which the relayed it to Israel. It seems like a token retaliation to save face. A zero casualty event (the only casualties occurred in Jordan due to falling debris) where minimal damage was done, but with Iranian propaganda channels bloviating on its success claiming re-established (imaginary) red lines and a new power balance in the Middle East.

Zero casualties from this attack is not likely. If 3 people died from indirect fire in Jordan, it is highly probable that at least as many died from this in Israel, where the majority of drones and missiles fired were intercepted. Not to mention the casualties from missiles and drones that actually landed.

Israel is not posting its losses here, just like they don't post real figures on their losses in Gaza. The 99% interception rate is right out of the Ukrainian school of propaganda.
@paternos You don't know if it's fake or not. You just are skeptical. That's fine, but don't tell others you know when you in fact have no way of knowing.
Like none of us know. We look at the same pixels. So yes skeptical.

None of us have any easy way to know what's going on.

However, the fact that Al Jazeera, which is definitely enemies of Israel, shows and reports the same thing, along with cell phone footage from bystanders, leads me to conclude this is real.
Al Jazeera is based in Qatar, in Doha. Doha is a favorite hangut for the UN. Al Jazeera is a western TV channel, it's on all western cable networks, it's just western propaganda with a different audience.

If it would be anti US hegemony and anti-internationalism, why would it be on our cable networks?

The question is what does Iran gain from this? They destroyed an air base. They tested out some missiles and drones, and tested out Israel's air defense network.

Does Iran hope for Israel to counter-attack? Because typically they must know Talmuds will always fight back due to their superiority complex.
These question are not to me I think. As I think this is theater for the masses. No missiles and drones are tested.

And Joe Biden is going to pretend to be the voice of peace, but of course if Israel attacks then the USA will attack right along with them.

But what does Iran gain from this? Do they have the same air defense to protect their refineries and military bases? Do they secretly want total war?
Does this seriously look real to you all?
Can't confirm if the drone clip is real or not even though Iran has built and developed many different types of drones and cruise missiles.

The question for you to think about is, "Does Iranians have the ability to create and build their own drones, missiles, ammunitions, planes, ships, etc.?".



Can't confirm if the drone clip is real or not even though Iran has built and developed many different types of drones and cruise missiles.

The question for you to think about is, "Does Iranians have the ability to create and build their own drones, missiles, ammunitions, planes, ships, etc.?".



I think the question is, what do we see here? Nice propaganda shot.

We see flags, we see iron props? Are these supposed to be bombs? Or missiles? Or drones?
Iran is most likely able to produce TNT. The question is ofcourse, why would they drop bombs on anyone?

What's the point?

Iran is a protected regime and a perfect partner for the US. Iran plays the "scapegoat" and is a "fabricated enemy" in my opinion.

Think about it. The US brings democracy anywhere, why not Iran? Why can Iran operate in peace?
Iran is the same as North-Korea. Both play the scapegoat. But are no serious enemies.

Why 45 years of threats and fear propaganda and no action? Why no decapitation of the political elite in Iran?
What that endless talk on nuclear bombs for 45 years? Since 1979 they are using this propaganda line. Year in year out.

Like a never ending soap serie, will they finally discover it? (cliffhanger)
Looks like Israel might strike back.

The issue is that Israel doesn't have the means to strike Iran on a large scale due to distance, it would be hard for them to consistently maintain long-range bombing runs on Iran with their air force. They would, as usual, count on their US and NATO vassals to do the heavy lifting.

Also, it looks like Israel is trying to hide the real damage done by the Iranian strike, a lot of their social media people are going with the Zelensky-like 99% blocked narrative.
Do people ever learn?

“Covid is super deadly!”
“The vax is safe and effective!”
“Ukraine will beat Russia!”

And now:

“Israel escaped totally unscathed, they WON!”

The mainstream media propaganda arm is dying and on its last legs, I can’t wait for it to die completely.

NEW: At least 9 Iranian ballistic missiles hit Israeli strategic airbases
The Nevatim airbase in the Negev was struck by 5 ballistic missiles, damaging the main runway, a C-130 transport aircraft, and several storage facilities.
Ramon airbase, also located in the Negev, was struck by at least 4 ballistic missiles, causing unspecified damage.– U.S. Officials to ABC News

8:23 PM · Apr 14, 2024

Candace has been a real star lately, logos rising!
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The issue is that Israel doesn't have the means to strike Iran on a large scale due to distance, it would be hard for them to consistently maintain long-range bombing runs on Iran with their air force. They would, as usual, count on their US and NATO vassals to do the heavy lifting.
Israel have it's own ballistics, so they don't have to rely on air force alone, but the question is: How deep are their stockpiles ? Are they prepared for a protracted conflict ? And the answer is: NO.
So whatever they're planning to do, it definitely includes getting US Forces dragged in.

Also a possible strike on Israeli air defense position.
Had to swoop it from a Russian channel, because English ones had it packaged with other clips.

Footage of another duel between Israeli air defense and Iranian ballistic missiles, where the latter won. After massive launches of anti-aircraft missiles, four Iranian warheads break through to their targets at once, and interestingly, at 0:42 seconds, a ballistic missile hits the position area of the Israeli air defense system, from where the air defense missiles were exiting some time ago.
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The question is what does Iran gain from this? They destroyed an air base. They tested out some missiles and drones, and tested out Israel's air defense network.

Does Iran hope for Israel to counter-attack? Because typically they must know Talmuds will always fight back due to their superiority complex.

And Joe Biden is going to pretend to be the voice of peace, but of course if Israel attacks then the USA will attack right along with them.

But what does Iran gain from this? Do they have the same air defense to protect their refineries and military bases? Do they secretly want total war?

I think that Iran wants to pressure the Biden Administration - through the threat of a wider regional conflict and its consequences: energy prices, global trade disruptions, etc. - to put Netanyahu on a leash.
But the problem (as I see it) is that Bibi is a mad dog that can not be brought to heel, so either someone will have to put him down or he will cause some major damage.
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Iran is a protected regime and a perfect partner for the US.
The US brings democracy anywhere, why not Iran? Why can Iran operate in peace?
Why 45 years of threats and fear propaganda and no action? Why no decapitation of the political elite in Iran?
These are great questions.

People who have nukes should be using them (and yes, nukes exist). Think of all the lives and money that could be saved by dropping a few tactical nukes on day one of a war instead of "grinding it out" for years and decades because your war "plan" is to play "Nice War." In a Nice War you tell your enemy in advance when and where you're going to strike. In a Nice War you go in "light" to minimize civilian casualties. But Nice Wars are really the most brutal and inhumane wars of all, because they are intentionally prolonged to provide maximum profit for the Military Industrial Complex (e.g. the JQ owned stock markets).

When looked at through this JQ for-profit lens, these wars do indeed exist, but in a very real sense they are also "fake" (as in not necessary).
This is completely incorrect, Biden is shipping billions in weapons to Israel and faces a mass revolt in swing states like Michigan if Israel doesn't fully withdraw from Gaza. Just in the Dem primaries alone, there have been 500,000 "undeclared" votes against Biden, even though Biden was the only one on the ticket.

Biden is an impossible situation: either he leaves Israel behind, and loses all of his money and support from the Talmuds, or he stays with Israel, and loses half a million votes in swing states. Pretty tough to even fraud your way through something like this.
He's not losing millions of votes.

They will be found on election day, or weeks/months after election day.
Speaking of money, https://www.ynetnews.com/article/h16o8qtea

It cost more than $1 billion to defend against Iran's cheap missile and drone attacks. I think we have an answer as to why Iran attacked now. Just speeding up the destruction of our currency.
Do you really believe this?

Iran is sending 1000 dollar rockets which gets blown by 2.5m dollar / rocket defence systems? Does that seem realistic?
Conclusion much more money to the state, Israel and the military. For your safety.

It's the same false arguments as with the Hamas rockets.

I think this is just another power / money scheme like NASA, or CERN.

More power to the national / supranational levels, all to keep you safe. It's the perpetual state of war to keep the population under control.

What if this is just about power?