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The Iran and Wider Middle East Thread

Iran is gonna of save face and make attacks that De small and won't get them entangled in escalation.

They can't do much...and wont do much...
At least that's what history has shown us.
Iran just has to sit on the sidelines, feed their proxies, and wait. Time is on their side. The west and Israel are all collapsing on their own. The last thing Iran wants is a full scale war while the window of opportunity for the west to provide one is still open.
Iran just has to sit on the sidelines, feed their proxies, and wait. Time is on their side. The west and Israel are all collapsing on their own. The last thing Iran wants is a full scale war while the window of opportunity for the west to provide one is still open.
That's a very good analysis.

The sun is setting on the West, at least on the satanic cabal currently running it.
That's a very good analysis.

The sun is setting on the West, at least on the satanic cabal currently running it.
The USA couldn't take Iran right now. The only hope is our propaganda + CIA infiltration + a war could get the people to turn against their own govt. in Iran. But after what Israel has done to the Palestinians, I don't think they could even pull off the coup. The disgusting/depraved evil from the west is too widely noted now to try to pretend like we are the good guys there to save their people.

Iran couldn't take the USA out of the Middle East either, so it is a stalemate and Iran's best move is to patiently wait while the west destroys itself, which it is doing, and continue to supply their proxies to defeat the west by a thousand small cuts.

From what I can gather though, what Iran was able to do to Israel last Saturday was shocking to the west and Israel and their technology is further along than expected. Add with Russia promising to help advance their air defense systems, and it is possible Iran just put the west into checkmate already. We do know that in the past, by now, the west would have already responded to Iran in some way. And we haven't, and that is for a good reason.
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The USA couldn't take Iran right now. The only hope is our propaganda + CIA infiltration + a war could get the people to turn against their own govt. in Iran. But after what Israel has done to the Palestinians, I don't think they could even pull off the coup. The disgusting/depraved evil from the west is too widely noted now to try to pretend like we are the good guys there to save their people.

Iran couldn't take the USA out of the Middle East either, so it is a stale mate and Iran's best move is to patiently wait while the west destroys itself, which it is doing and continue to supply their proxies to defeat the west by a thousand small cuts.

From what I can gather though, what Iran was able to do to Israel last Saturday was shocking to the west and Israel and their technology is further along that expected. Add with Russia promising to help advance their air defense systems, and it is possible Iran just put the west into checkmate already. We do know that in the past, by now, the west would have already responded to Iran in some way. And we haven't, and that is for a good reason.
Eternity knows what Israel has done to the Palestinians and it cannot be deleted anymore. There's something now quite irreversible about the geopolitics of this whole situation.

People generalise about Muslims, myself included, but really, there are different sets of traits between Turks, Moroccans, Iranians etc. Won't discuss the negatives right now but I have worked with and met enormously intelligent and successful Iranians. There's a reason that is the country which is in particular on the black list, it is more capable. Some attractive women from there too. Still one of the people from their that I know was extremely happy to have escaped as a refugee. On a recent EMJ podcast he discusses his travels in Iran. I don't remember exactly what he said but it was something like that the national psyche seems to have quite a conflict with the Islamic takeover. Actually the other Iranian I know also appears to have somehow left as a refugee but I don't know him personally enough to ask about the details.

Ok, that's interesting, Russia will do to the West via Iran what the West has done to it via Ukraine. What a mess..
@MusicForThePiano you seem to know about this stuff and read it up.

If you can easily find it, can you post a list of any other countries in an appropriate thread which are also not part of this Rothschild-controlled central bank club? Would be interesting to read through.
I did find this. It aligns with the projections for PNAC and "greater israel project" pre-9/11 in a summary from 2000 where only six countries did not have a Rothschild-controlled central bank: Libya, Sudan, Cuba, Iraq, Iran, North Korea. (I don't know about Afghanistan or Somalia, nor Syria, they may have also not had them then).

(The seven countries highlighted for invasion, "regime-change," and destruction for the GIP in PNAC were: Libya, Sudan, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Somalia, Iraq, and Iran)

Then 2003 after the invasion of Iraq, it is off the list, and the official list is down to five. Then in 2011 after killing Gaddafi, Libya and Sudan are removed and it's down to three.

Some people say now that Russia and Syria (due to Russian intervention) do not have Rothschild-controlled central banks. However, Putin is in bed with Chabad Lubavitch so I doubt any claim about Russian economic independence.

"Only 3 countries left without a Rothschild Central Bank"

8-minute re-cap on PNAC, for those who are interested:

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Iranian Outlet Fars:

An explosion was heard in the city of Qahjavaristan, Isfahan

Some local sources report that an explosion was heard in the city of Qahjavaristan in the northwest of Isfahan.

The cause of these noises is still unknown, and Fars reporter's follow-up continues until the exact incident is determined.

The city of Qahjavaristan is located near Isfahan Airport and the 8th Shekhari Base of the Army Air Force.

Iran just has to sit on the sidelines, feed their proxies, and wait. Time is on their side. The west and Israel are all collapsing on their own. The last thing Iran wants is a full scale war while the window of opportunity for the west to provide one is still open.

True. All Iran and its allies need to do is to convince the African and Muslim Dunlendings to go to the Westfold to take what is theirs. The Wormtongue media will continue to whisper into the psyche of the white man that defending his borders is racist so the boats and border crossings won't end.

"The Horseman took your lands! He drove you and your people into the hills to scratch a living off rocks! Take back the lands he stole from you."
True. All Iran and its allies need to do is to convince the African and Muslim Dunlendings to go to the Westfold to take what is theirs. The Wormtongue media will continue to whisper into the psyche of the white man that defending his borders is racist so the boats and border crossings won't end.

"The Horseman took your lands! He drove you and your people into the hills to scratch a living off rocks! Take back the lands he stole from you."

There are still a few people who think the USA has a future, but most people under 30 know the score. All Iran has to do is keep its powder dry, keep the disgusting western behavior away from their people, and they will win. The west is committing suicide with third world immigration and sinful behaviors.
Eternity knows what Israel has done to the Palestinians and it cannot be deleted anymore. There's something now quite irreversible about the geopolitics of this whole situation.

People generalise about Muslims, myself included, but really, there are different sets of traits between Turks, Moroccans, Iranians etc. Won't discuss the negatives right now but I have worked with and met enormously intelligent and successful Iranians. There's a reason that is the country which is in particular on the black list, it is more capable. Some attractive women from there too. Still one of the people from their that I know was extremely happy to have escaped as a refugee. On a recent EMJ podcast he discusses his travels in Iran. I don't remember exactly what he said but it was something like that the national psyche seems to have quite a conflict with the Islamic takeover. Actually the other Iranian I know also appears to have somehow left as a refugee but I don't know him personally enough to ask about the details.

Ok, that's interesting, Russia will do to the West via Iran what the West has done to it via Ukraine. What a mess..
Out of all the Islamic nations I find Iranians to be the most intelligent, pleasant, and relatable. And yes, their women are surprisingly good-looking. Many Iranic peoples have left their cultural and genetic mark on Europe, including in Bulgaria, Croatia, Ukraine, and southern Russia. I think they are more than capable of defending themselves against the Zionist state.

The Islamic regime has certainly kept them from becoming a puppet state of the globohomo empire. However, Iranians have described Iran to me as not a particularly pleasant place to live. Their government is just another form of evil. At least in the West you can still walk into a church without fear of persecution. Iranian Muslims are banned from converting, and apostates can face serious punishments.