The Iran and Wider Middle East Thread

200 ballistic missiles equalling ~10 000- 15 000 kg of explosives and not capping a single Israeli.
No, but a bunch of jews made a lot of money on the 200 missles that were exploded in Israel and they will make even more money on the 200 new missles that will be manufactured to replenish the unneccesary, for profit, never-ending war stockpile.
The amount of effort Tehran puts into not hurting a single Israeli...
Tehran, like any city in the world with banks and money is controlled by jews. The elite jews operating the deep financial mechanisms of Tehran have no problem killing working class jews in Israel but they would probably prefer not to and hence the surgical strikes. They just want the illusion of WW3 to confuse the normie masses long enough to steal more of their assets via taxes and inflation and by having them continue to perform manual labor that the jews themselves are unwilling to do. This is all one big jew produced movie, except instead of being produced in Hollywood and playing on a few thousand movie screens, this fake-news-fear-porn is being produced on the world stage and being broadcast into billions of television sets and telephone screens. We are being programmed to look at everything except the root cause of the world's manufactured problems... the jews.

And the main reason this will not escalate into WW3 anytime soon is because Gen Z men have been brainwashed/programmed into being soft beta males that accept homosexuality and masculine women as part of their generations "reality" and they therefore lack the killer instinct necessary for war. This goes for Iranian young men too who are effeminate liberal faggots compared to their historical hardline predecessors. They might be tougher/more conservative than their American counterparts but they are still not cut out for hand to hand combat within the confines of brutal trench warfare. These current low-grade "wars" are all run by JQ boomers pressing buttons, but a WW3 involving the US would require the boots of young men on the ground. And those young "men" are not available to fight as they are too busy licking the boots of jews, feminists, immigrants, homos, abortionists, atheists, and trannies.
Tehran, like any city in the world with banks and money is controlled by jews. The elite jews operating the deep financial mechanisms of Tehran have no problem killing working class jews in Israel but they would probably prefer not to and hence the surgical strikes. They just want the illusion of WW3 to confuse the normie masses long enough to steal more of their assets via taxes and inflation and by having them continue to perform manual labor that the jews themselves are unwilling to do. This is all one big jew produced movie, except instead of being produced in Hollywood and playing on a few thousand movie screens, this fake-news-fear-porn is being produced on the world stage and being broadcast into billions of television sets and telephone screens. We are being programmed to look at everything except the root cause of the world's manufactured problems... the jews.

Definitely not the case, Iran is run by the Revolutionary Guard, which actually sidelined the recently elected "moderate" president to launch their attack on Israel.

Also, according to Col. Wilkerson, Russian pilots are in Iran to operate Su-35s for the defense of that country against Israeli or USAF attacks.
This "soft feminine men not cut out for war" argument is a bit of a stretch. From the resources available to us the WW1 soldiers weren't pumped on the way to the meat grinder. Neither were the baby boomers hard when they went to Vietnam. Coalition forces don't have good things to say about the Arabs during the Gulf Wars and they're suppose to be from a traditional society.

I think we will find men don't want to die. People forget that in a healthy society there's plenty to live for, plenty of reasons to avoid pain. So they need a leader and a cause worth fighting for, with some physical persuasion to boot. Having military superiority helps morale a lot, even a soy boy would get excited about pressing buttons and watching the carnage.

Really depends how optimistic you are about human nature and the "we're at a breaking point" thesis. People are not going to like this but there's a parallel to the slave trade. A lot blacks don't like the fact their people obeyed for a long time. I'm sure there's still white kids getting bullied for this. It's not a history thing, it's an issue of self-esteem. Tarantino even gave them a fictional movie to make them feel better.

What people forget about the Jews and their tricks is there's multiple ways to skin a cat. You can sponsor commies and you can sponsor nationalists. Their realm is a card game, not checkers. They have a ton of options, including folding if things get too hot. People look at this war and say how terrible the optics are as if the Jews are oblivious to this. What the war tells me is the Jews feel like it's worth it. If we assume the Jews have not gone insane then Jews will backtrack if things get out of control. There's nothing to think BRICS will put them on their knees and destroy them.

People are getting excited but a Jewish humiliation will probably look like some international settlement agreement between parties. An absolute western checkmate would involve Russia somehow using nukes. These prognostics are very extreme guys.
This "soft feminine men not cut out for war" argument is a bit of a stretch. From the resources available to us the WW1 soldiers weren't pumped on the way to the meat grinder. Neither were the baby boomers hard when they went to Vietnam. Coalition forces don't have good things to say about the Arabs during the Gulf Wars and they're suppose to be from a traditional society.

I think we will find men don't want to die. People forget that in a healthy society there's plenty to live for, plenty of reasons to avoid pain. So they need a leader and a cause worth fighting for, with some physical persuasion to boot. Having military superiority helps morale a lot, even a soy boy would get excited about pressing buttons and watching the carnage.

Really depends how optimistic you are about human nature and the "we're at a breaking point" thesis. People are not going to like this but there's a parallel to the slave trade. A lot blacks don't like the fact their people obeyed for a long time. I'm sure there's still white kids getting bullied for this. It's not a history thing, it's an issue of self-esteem. Tarantino even gave them a fictional movie to make them feel better.

What people forget about the Jews and their tricks is there's multiple ways to skin a cat. You can sponsor commies and you can sponsor nationalists. Their realm is a card game, not checkers. They have a ton of options, including folding if things get too hot. People look at this war and say how terrible the optics are as if the Jews are oblivious to this. What the war tells me is the Jews feel like it's worth it. If we assume the Jews have not gone insane then Jews will backtrack if things get out of control. There's nothing to think BRICS will put them on their knees and destroy them.

People are getting excited but a Jewish humiliation will probably look like some international settlement agreement between parties. An absolute western checkmate would involve Russia somehow using nukes. These prognostics are very extreme guys.
I think it really comes down to these two things...

#1) Will Whites/Europeans stand up and take back their countries. If they do, that will have to include the end of Zionism, because Zionism is not palpable with White/European Nationalism. They both can't coexist and without Whites to do Zionist's fighting, Zionism will mostly die on the vine. It will still be underground, but the very well documented results of how truly sick and evil Zionism is will not be lost this go around.

#2) If the Whites/Europeans don't retake their countries and basically are genocided, which is currently very close to happening, then the Chinese will be the most powerful country/army/empire in the world. The Chinese and their govt. are already aware of how evil Zionism is, and they are in support of a two-state solution, which has the Zionists furious. If the Zionists can infiltrate the CCP, which they will continue to try to do for years to come, then China will become their new empire that does their fighting for them. Which is why Israel sold our top military secrets to China so China could build a superior military. If the Zionists fail to infiltrate the CCP, then it is game over for them

The problem is, the Zionists both fear Europeans and desperately need them, and they trying to fill this void with the Chinese. I pray, that no matter what happens, that the Zionists are stopped.
Many still cling to their Aryan origins, the proclamation of Dariush etc. Only in the northern provinces are there still any families that have undiluted blood, pretty much everywhere else in Iran the people are mixed with Turks, Mongols, Afghans, and Arabs, even some Africans in the south. If any of you have ever spent time in Mexifornia you'll notice a lot of them in the Los Angeles county.
Do you mean people like these :
Who knows what Russia has behind the scenes.
They can shoot satellites out of the sky with a laser. They did this once as a demo and it angered TPTB

It's pointy!
The Russians have quality AA batteries, and the quantities as well.
You don't mean the 1.5 volt ones do you?
Too stupid to win wars on their own. Completely control the west.

I don't get it.
Control civil society in times of peace or cold war, not as capable when it becomes a real, hot war.
The amount of pride/arrogance they display is quite remarkable.
It's also greed, having a piece of the most disputed territory around is still not enough. There is so much empty space in the world, less contested but none of that was of course, good enough.
Gen Z men have been brainwashed/programmed into being soft beta males that accept homosexuality and masculine women as part of their generations "reality" and they therefore lack the killer instinct necessary for war.
I was in a war museum not that long ago and was reminded of the bayonnets on the rifles, so when it gets too close to shoot you have to try to skewer each other. Yes, not sure how many of us would be up for that.
A false flag in that they allowed it to happen? I disagree. They just got arrogant (sound familiar with these people) and lax and got taken by surprise. Whatever it was, the outcome has been that Israel's popularity around the globe has crashed and this isn't going the way Israel had hoped. Nearly a full year later and they cannot secure the area and now they have a war on three other fronts opening up (Iraq, Hezbollah, and Yemen).

They absolutely allowed it to happen. They might have been surprised about the scale of the attack though.

Gaza is completely eliminated as a military threat by this point, but the ethnic cleansing and genocide campaign is still ongoing.
They absolutely allowed it to happen. They might have been surprised about the scale of the attack though.

Gaza is completely eliminated as a military threat by this point, but the ethnic cleansing and genocide campaign is still ongoing.
I honestly don't believe they allowed it to happen. I was willing to listen to this until we have seen how incompetent Israel's military really is. These guys are full of 23 year old conscripts who have no desire to fight and little to no training. Israel has probably the least disciplined and worst on the ground fighting forces in the world. They still cannot take out Hamas after a year of destroying every building in sight. I'm not the least bit surprised Hamas was able to fly over a 30 foot wall and machine gun some Israeli soldiers that were patrolling a drug fest. What surprises me is how many Israeli citizens were killed by Israeli helicopters due to not wanting these people to become hostages.

We also have seen that Hamas has probably the most disciplined and bravest fighters on the planet. The footage coming out of the Gaza Strip of them running up to tanks with homemade bombs in their hands is remarkable.

I will not believe Israel is a capable military, except for using USA technology in a genocidal rage and that Hamas would ever need help in carrying about an attack against these arrogant clowns. So the last thing this incompetent military wanted was to have to go to war against these very well dug in expert warriors.

Also, the mishandling of all this post October 7th is remarkable. If their plans were to allow Hamas to attack, then their plans afterwards has been the most disorganized, most poorly worked out plan I have ever witnessed. Israel has incurred so many self inflicted wounds post October 7th, I can't even fathom them having this planned out and the plan being this badly drawn up.
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I honestly don't believe they allowed it to happen. I was willing to listen to this until we have seen how incompetent Israel's military really is. These guys are full of 23 year old conscripts who have no desire to fight and little to no training. Israel has probably the least disciplined and worst on the ground fighting forces in the world. They still cannot take out Hamas after a year of destroying every building in sight. I'm not the least bit surprised Hamas was able to fly over a 30 foot wall and machine gun some Israeli soldiers that were patrolling a drug fest. What surprises me is how many Israeli citizens were killed by Israeli helicopters due to not wanting these people to become hostages.

We also have seen that Hamas has probably the most disciplined and bravest fighters on the planet. The footage coming out of the Gaza Strip of them running up to tanks with homemade bombs in their hands is remarkable.

I will not believe Israel is a capable military, except for using USA technology in a genocidal rage and that Hamas would ever need help in carrying about an attack against these arrogant clowns. So the last thing this incompetent military wanted was to have to go to war against these very well dug in expert warriors.

Also, the mishandling of all this post October 7th is remarkable. If their plans were to allow Hamas to attack, then their plans afterwards has been the most disorganized, most poorly worked out plan I have ever witnessed. Israel has incurred so many self inflicted wounds post October 7th, I can't even fathom them having this planned out and the plan being this badly drawn up.

There are many elements which indicate that they let Oct. 7 happen, including:
-Insider trading patterns similar to those before 9/11
-They made sure that rave would happen near the Gaza border on that day, as if they understood how well the optics of young partiers getting slayed by islamic terrorists would play in the west.
-Pre-drawn plans for the ethnic cleansing of Gaza and the invasion of south Lebanon, ready to go, waiting for their Èpearl Harbor event.
-Overly aggressive Hannibal doctrine, they blew up anything that moved and killed the majority of the Oct 7 Israeli vicitims.
-Intelligence breakdown and long standdowns.

Israel's infantry does suck, beyond a few thousand well-trained commandos it's an army of pampered nerds and weirdos, but their intel divisions are top-notch. They're getting their ass kicked in south Lebanon in land battles, they will eventually just stick to air bombing campaigns.
There are many elements which indicate that they let Oct. 7 happen, including:
-Insider trading patterns similar to those before 9/11
-They made sure that rave would happen near the Gaza border on that day, as if they understood how well the optics of young partiers getting slayed by islamic terrorists would play in the west.
-Pre-drawn plans for the ethnic cleansing of Gaza and the invasion of south Lebanon, ready to go, waiting for their Èpearl Harbor event.
-Overly aggressive Hannibal doctrine, they blew up anything that moved and killed the majority of the Oct 7 Israeli vicitims.
-Intelligence breakdown and long standdowns.

Israel's infantry does suck, beyond a few thousand well-trained commandos it's an army of pampered nerds and weirdos, but their intel divisions are top-notch. They're getting their ass kicked in south Lebanon in land battles, they will eventually just stick to air bombing campaigns.
I don't know if Israel's intelligence is all that great. They are able to hack all of our devices because they strong arm all our companies into allowing them a backdoor. But they badly underestimated Iran, they stupidly think the new woke and diverse USA could bail them out, they stupidly thought they could take Hamas without getting into the tunnels and taking high fatalities. They seem to be a group of arrogant genocidal maniacs who finally went too far this time.

Which all does add up to them allowing for October 7th and being very much unprepared to the pushback afterwards. So, it is possible, I'm willing to acknowledge it is very possible Israel allowed for Oct 7th to occur, especially with the stock moves and also bit off more than they can chew afterwards.

Also, looks like Iran is prepared in case Israel does something stupid and will hit them back.
