The Iran and Wider Middle East Thread

Or I'm choosing to see something positive that you are denying exists. You're talking to me here as if I'm some low IQ nitwit. I'm telling you my "facts." My life in America is the best it's ever been, I'm making more money than I ever have, the electricity flows 99.9% of the time and I just paid $2.62 a gallon for gas. Guys like you have been trying to tell us that your ideas about some future Mad Max world where all women hate all men and where the US dollar collapses exists now. That's bullshit. It does not exist now. The dollar is strong, gas is cheap, there's still good women to be had, and life is good if you frame it that way. Yes, some things have changed for the worse, and we all agree on that (the browning of America, women becoming masculine, jewish run government/media, atheism, expensive housing, etc.), but when handed lemons you must make lemonade. Things are good if you want them to be. If you don't want them to be, then you're left with no other choice but to flee to another country. But beware, "The grass is always greener on the other side."
Choosing to see the positive, doesn't make things great for 350,000,000 people. If you want to discuss IQ, you should see what Chris Langan has to say, he is on twitter, he has likely the highest IQ in the world, and he moved to a very rural area because he knows time is running out quickly for the USA to be a first world nation.

The dollar isn't strong, lol. In the past I could have a conversation about the bad economy, and I would get mixed answers from people. Now when I have the conversation, it is a mutual agreement, whether left wing, right wing, doesn't care, not involved, they all agree the price of everything is out of control. Whether it is a vehicle, vehicle maintenance, rent, housing, college, groceries, anything, the cost of everything is insane right now. Many college grads are moving back in with their parents, and that includes those with "high demand degrees" like finance, IT and healthcare. I know this from personal experience. This has been true of my co-workers, and my neighbors, and my neighbors and co-workers are very much middle class. And on top of all this, I live in a very red area and also a very affordable area. I don't even want to know how bad it is for young people on the east or west coast. I guess that is why so many are leaving and moving to the middle of the country.

I'm not sure what your point is. I might be the most successful here financially. I have a lot of women interested in me; due to a few personal things I choose to not share here. I have the most amazing parents and family for support. I personally am doing amazing. I will likely be fully retired before 50, with a lot of residual income, and a large amount to pass on to my children/nieces/nephews, etc. If you are trying to sell "you can do it" you are preaching to the choir, or at least "you could do it at one time". I could do it, because the American dream still existed 30 years ago, and I took advantage of it. But those days are LONG gone. My concern isn't me, I'm not a "at least I got mine" short sighted boomer conservative. I am a nationalist, and I know that if I am in the top 1%, then my situation isn't the least bit reflective of the majority of the people. And a heavy majority are getting absolutely crushed right now. Financially, spiritually, and emotionally. They are getting destroyed by this system, and I watch it all unfold and try my best to offer advice, but I know they are up against something so evil that it my advice isn't going to get them over the top.

We simply cannot afford another war. The young men here have 0 desire to fight to defend this country, much less to defend a country half way around the globe. Twitter and TikTok have made young people fully realize how evil Israel truly is and Israel is extremely unpopular among young adults in the USA. If it kicks off in the Middle East and gas goes to $4 a gallon, the economy is going to collapse, people are already barely keeping their head above water at the sub-$3 gas you pointed out. Our military is full of diversity, so they are constantly making bone headed mistakes, like running the oil tanker into the reef and putting an entertainment satellite dish on a navy ship. Our technology has stagnated due to diversity hires in our technology fields and foreigners being places into exec roles to put profits over product and the result is our military tech is getting crushed in Ukraine and soon the Middle East. Our border is wide open, who knows what groups are already here lying in wait. If 9/11 were to happen today, young men in Alabama are not going to say "you attack America, now we will find you" they will likely say "that is what the libtards wanted, open borders" or "not my fight". And since the politicians on both sides are owned by AIPAC, they simply don't care if the economy of the USA collapses, they will still push for war in the Middle East, because that is their only job. So, get ready, it is all likely coming and very soon and the "slow collapse" is about to increase in pace.

My comment isn't reflective of my life, my comment is reflective of both the reality of the situation on the ground in America for 95%+ of most young men and more so reflective of how much the quality of life has dropped in my near 5 decades living in this disgusting country, that was once a beautiful place to live.
My friends Trump is very mad, he says he will kill country that try to kill him, blow up tje cities. He thinks Iran government try to kill him, USA intelligence service and campaign brief Trump on this.

Trump is being quoted out of context, as usual.
Or I'm choosing to see something positive that you are denying exists. You're talking to me here as if I'm some low IQ nitwit. I'm telling you my "facts." My life in America is the best it's ever been, I'm making more money than I ever have, the electricity flows 99.9% of the time and I just paid $2.62 a gallon for gas. Guys like you have been trying to tell us that your ideas about some future Mad Max world where all women hate all men and where the US dollar collapses exists now. That's bullshit. It does not exist now. The dollar is strong, gas is cheap, there's still good women to be had, and life is good if you frame it that way. Yes, some things have changed for the worse, and we all agree on that (the browning of America, women becoming masculine, jewish run government/media, atheism, expensive housing, etc.), but when handed lemons you must make lemonade. Things are good if you want them to be. If you don't want them to be, then you're left with no other choice but to flee to another country. But beware, "The grass is always greener on the other side."

Sure, but that's not my point. The collapse is relatively mild and slow and there is still plenty of opportunity and time left. The Starbucks example is just that, an example that contruction is booming, that we are still building, not armageddon-style collapsing.

There is plenty to be down on America about, but it is still one of the best places to "make it" in the world. Shit, if I as a 50+ year-old financial dilettante who is finally succeeding in business at this late stage in 2024 America can make it, then anybody who busts their ass hard enough and long enough can make it too. The American dream is still alive and well for those willing to see it and make it happen. Don't let all these illegals, feminists, and jews get in your way of enjoying the remaining fruits of this still great country.

Sorry for the derail.

Great to hear you're doing great.

- rest of us

@It_Is_My_Time the guy has being doing his purple schpiel since be joined the forum.
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Choosing to see the positive, doesn't make things great for 350,000,000 people.
Cry me a river. Things are so good right now that people believe things are bad (too many choices which renders people believing they have no choices). 100% of Americans have electricity. Fact. STFU that "life is hard." You obviously have no idea what you're talking about and are making sh*t up to fit your narrative of civilisational collapse. We agree that some bad things are happening, but gird your loins, expect the best, and prepare for the worst. That's all you can do.
Great to hear you're doing great.

- rest of us

@It_Is_My_Time the guy has being doing his purple schpiel since be joined the forum.
No wonder you're not doing great, your attitude is sh*t... but don't speak for the "rest of us." Seems like a lot of people are doing well in the USA, except for guys like you who blame everyone else for your so-called 1st world "problems." Yeah, life sucks, lets all move out of the USA and find a teenage virgin wife in jew owned and operated Russia. Great plan.

At any rate Red, stop posting your anger towards purple nurple truth bombs in the sand negro thread.
Cry me a river. Things are so good right now that people believe things are bad (too many choices which renders people believing they have no choices). 100% of Americans have electricity. Fact. STFU that "life is hard." You obviously have no idea what you're talking about and are making sh*t up to fit your narrative of civilisational collapse. We agree that some bad things are happening, but gird your loins, expect the best, and prepare for the worst. That's all you can do.

No wonder you're not doing great, your attitude is sh*t... but don't speak for the "rest of us." Seems like a lot of people are doing well in the USA, except for guys like you who blame everyone else for your so-called 1st world "problems." Yeah, life sucks, lets all move out of the USA and find a teenage virgin wife in jew owned and operated Russia. Great plan.

At any rate Red, stop posting your anger towards purple nurple truth bombs in the sand negro thread.

Who said I'm not doing well? Calm down on your faux confidence buddy.

You're out of your depth when you think young people can just "work hard" and make it these days. They can if they have the support from family or they reside to not so nice gangs or the 'lodge' which is no better.

Bragging about how well you're doing is a little narcissistic don't you think when we have many young lurkers here who need more support than a boomer like you ever needed.
We're really hurting right now. Israel is an ethnostate, which is super racist, and they don't seem to be effected by the invisible force of democracy that our leaders are helpless to, how is that possible? Don't they have like a Supreme Court to keep the government accountable? Not to mention they're not doing the meat grinder. The meat grinder is how you win. Why are they just bombing strategic sites? How are you suppose to win that way? I swear if Iran doesn't release another statement about the threat of regional war I'm going to freak. I almost slammed the chicken nuggets out of my mother's hands. Please Russia, nuke America so democracy can be saved.
Cry me a river. Things are so good right now that people believe things are bad (too many choices which renders people believing they have no choices). 100% of Americans have electricity. Fact. STFU that "life is hard." You obviously have no idea what you're talking about and are making sh*t up to fit your narrative of civilisational collapse. We agree that some bad things are happening, but gird your loins, expect the best, and prepare for the worst. That's all you can do.
Having electricity doesn't make things great, lol. And the power grid keeps getting worse and worse, with longer and more frequent power outages.

"Some bad things"... hey guys, I know most young men will never be able to afford a house and have kids and are turning to porn, drugs and video games, and now we are importing Haitians who are eating pets, and Somalians who are forming gangs to terrorize once peaceful areas, but it is okay.

Young men are not going to sign up and fight for this country, it offers them nothing and has stabbed them in the back at every turn. That right there will be Israel's biggest challenge in this war. The USA can't bail them out this time.
Why are they just bombing strategic sites? How are you suppose to win that way? I swear if Iran doesn't release another statement about the threat of regional war I'm going to freak. I almost slammed the chicken nuggets out of my mother's hands. Please Russia, nuke America so democracy can be saved.
I know a guy who freaked in a similar way under very similar circumstances. He ended up shouldering his mom and she fell over and broke her shoulder.

They called it a psychotic break and he was pulled into the state mental hospital system as an inmate, followed by years in various levels of state supervision. 10 years later he's 90% clear of the situation, but I don't think he'll ever be free of that time when he freaked out.

I recommend letting this go. Don't let current events wind you tight like this.
^ There are two parentheses missing around Michael Isaac Peinovich's name there...

Listening at the first 5 minutes, Peinovich claims that Oct. 7 was a military defeat for Israel, when in fact it was the false flag operation that allowed them to destroy, ethnically cleanse and annex Gaza...
^ There are two parentheses missing around Michael Isaac Peinovich's name there...

Listening at the first 5 minutes, Peinovich claims that Oct. 7 was a military defeat for Israel, when in fact it was the false flag operation that allowed them to destroy, ethnically cleanse and annex Gaza...
A false flag in that they allowed it to happen? I disagree. They just got arrogant (sound familiar with these people) and lax and got taken by surprise. Whatever it was, the outcome has been that Israel's popularity around the globe has crashed and this isn't going the way Israel had hoped. Nearly a full year later and they cannot secure the area and now they have a war on three other fronts opening up (Iraq, Hezbollah, and Yemen).
^ There are two parentheses missing around Michael Isaac Peinovich's name there...

Listening at the first 5 minutes, Peinovich claims that Oct. 7 was a military defeat for Israel, when in fact it was the false flag operation that allowed them to destroy, ethnically cleanse and annex Gaza...

Look at the clown flipflopping hard again.

What happened to the millions of outbound Israelis, destroyed Israeli IT sector and looming end of the Zionist project you promised not even a week ago?

Labeling and smearing anyone who didn't feel like taking part in the propaganda induced collective psychosis as 'Zionists'?

The man is absolutely shameless.
Tone down the swears and slurs (1-point)
Even thirdworldist Nick Fuentes is jumping ship.

He's looking at it at face value; two warring factions. The IQ difference is so great here that I'm not even sure how much of that narrative can be true. When they talk about "provocation" it actually makes sense now as opposed to the retarded Ukraine war. Seems like the big asshole loves poking their little asshole cousin who's happy to run his mouth to save face. Its doubtful now these muslims have the IQ to grasp the JQ. Seems like they see this as some kind tribal dispute they know they can't win. He stole my sheep type of a situation.

The only reedemable thing about the whole situation is the Jews showed their cards a bit. Twitter kikes love running their mouth about the current domination. Okay, fair play but now I question the validity of these threats to Israel. Seem like a bunch of low IQ dune coons who get funding from the Jews through a third party to stir the pot.
He's looking at it at face value; two warring factions. The IQ difference is so great here that I'm not even sure how much of that narrative can be true. When they talk about "provocation" it actually makes sense now as opposed to the retarded Ukraine war. Seems like the big asshole loves poking their little asshole cousin who's happy to run his mouth to save face. Its doubtful now these muslims have the IQ to grasp the JQ. Seems like they see this as some kind tribal dispute they know they can't win. He stole my sheep type of a situation.

The only reedemable thing about the whole situation is the Jews showed their cards a bit. Twitter kikes love running their mouth about the current domination. Okay, fair play but now I question the validity of these threats to Israel. Seem like a bunch of low IQ dune coons who get funding from the Jews through a third party to stir the pot.

Good point.

Ask your favorite alt media whore - I mean star why the F Iran is plugged into Agenda 2030 (like Russia for that matter), and is currently rolling out every single facet of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Ask them, and watch with delight some of the most impressive and shameless mental gymnastics in the minutes to come.

Repeating ad infinitum is tiresome, but here's the deal. Iran was allowed to have its own little imperialist project in the Middle East to scare the Sunni Arabs to death and force them into a de facto open alliance aka the Abraham Accords.

Note: when talking about Sunni Arabs it's about the populations, military cadres and managerial class. The Arab royals have been in bed with Israel since at least 1975 when the last anti Israel Saudi monarch Faisal was capped.

Hamas and Hezbollah - like their patron, are paper tigers that were kept alive for the same reason. Hence with the Abraham Accords a done deal they have reached their expiry date and are currently disposed of - also notice the inaction from the Reformists in Tehran.

The entire Reformist clique is in bed with Davos/the WEF crowd, and the hardliners (IRGC) constantly get outwitted and out maneuvered aka blown to smithereens. Fun fact: when killed Soleimani was due to meet good Saudi people in Baghdad, to stop the manufactured Sunni-Shia split and re-focus efforts on Israel. He immediately was blown up.

The security framework in the Middle East is being reshapen right in front of your eyes, many regional and global players are on board despite showing signs of the opposite in public.

Timelines and goals may alter but this was and currently is the grand chessboard plan.

Last but not least, disregard alt media whores and shills
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The security framework in the Middle East is being reshapen right in front of your eyes, many regional and global players are on board despite showing signs of the opposite in public.
The Jews got the land, as in the state of Israel, now they want to control the regional trade. People look at the young and troubled history of Israel but all of that was just growing pains. The Jews don't show up to participate, they show up to dominate. People hyper focus on the violence and naturally the Jews play that part up.

When it comes to the subject of violence my own kind is retarded beyond belief, it's actually sickening. These morons think that violence is some undesirable phenomenon like a hurricane that plagues the middle east and everyone is a victim to it. Violence is natural, violence can be instigated, deescalated and violence solves problems. You would think these morons would get the picture when Bukele locked up the gang members [use of force without due process]. Now the Jews are destroying their enemies and I have listen to people talk about how people are starting to dislike the Jews. As if it's counterproductive to win. Hey moron, if feefees are so important how come the Sunnis are not disliking kikes the hardest?

Anyhow we can see the Arabs are 100 percent on board. You think they're inviting the white engineers to design them those cities of glass for no reason? They're ready to forsake the goats and nothing happens without the jews playing the middle. Everyone is happy.
Even thirdworldist Nick Fuentes is jumping ship.

Great quote by Nick: "Nothing has changed." This mirrors another great quote:
Nothing is happening.
Enough with the "forecasts" for some of you guys. Anyone can say anything about the future. But lets talk about the now... "Nothing is happening." It's all in your mind. You are being taken for a JQ ride. Everyone is owned and operated by the jews. It's the jews attacking themselves from both sides while making billions of dollars on these uneccessary, unwinnable (by design), endless wars. Pro-homo Putin (who lets gay bars operate within blocks of the Kremlin) is a crypto jew "fighting" the tranny-loving jew Zelensky in Ukraine. Elite talmudic jews fund Hamas and Hezbolla to fight against themselves in Israel. Wake up and stop being wrong about every single aspect of current events.
A false flag in that they allowed it to happen? I disagree. They just got arrogant (sound familiar with these people) and lax and got taken by surprise. Whatever it was, the outcome has been that Israel's popularity around the globe has crashed and this isn't going the way Israel had hoped. Nearly a full year later and they cannot secure the area and now they have a war on three other fronts opening up (Iraq, Hezbollah, and Yemen).
see this is where I worry about the Platos Cave phenomenon.
Nothing personal against you or anyone else but this is worrying.
I remember Oscar Pistorius trial in South Africa where Pistorius pretty obviously chased his gf into a toilet stall and shot her. his story was obviously bogus, but what was social media full of?
wine aunts claiming that WHAT REALLY HAPPENED was .. there was a third girl in their apartment, someone else broke in, someone else shot her.. and when they were asked how they knew that, they responded "I've been following it all on Sky News!"
"I've seen 5 seasons of true crime docs about these incidents!"
"I followed it all on Twitter "
they got addicted to a shiny screen and the images on it and then bought into a narrative and even added their own alternate plot lines.
It's worrying.

Noone here is a wine aunt, but @Cooper is right that it was a false flag.
there was no arrogance or surprise on one of the two most heavily defended borders in the world.
not possible.
Five words. Six and a half hours ..
Six and a half hours for the IDF to respond to an incursion on one of the two most heavily defended borders in the world.

That is an impossibility UNLESS it was a false flag.
see this is where I worry about the Platos Cave phenomenon.
Nothing personal against you or anyone else but this is worrying.
I remember Oscar Pistorius trial in South Africa where Pistorius pretty obviously chased his gf into a toilet stall and shot her. his story was obviously bogus, but what was social media full of?
wine aunts claiming that WHAT REALLY HAPPENED was .. there was a third girl in their apartment, someone else broke in, someone else shot her.. and when they were asked how they knew that, they responded "I've been following it all on Sky News!"
"I've seen 5 seasons of true crime docs about these incidents!"
"I followed it all on Twitter "
they got addicted to a shiny screen and the images on it and then bought into a narrative and even added their own alternate plot lines.
It's worrying.

Noone here is a wine aunt, but @Cooper is right that it was a false flag.
there was no arrogance or surprise on one of the two most heavily defended borders in the world.
not possible.
Five words. Six and a half hours ..
Six and a half hours for the IDF to respond to an incursion on one of the two most heavily defended borders in the world.

That is an impossibility UNLESS it was a false flag.

It was a false flag not just in the "let it happen" sense, but they actually did do most of the killings, unloading their choppers and tanks on anything that moved. The majority of civilians killed thatday were by the Israeli army, applying the Hannibal Doctrine, which states that no Israelis should be captured alive as hostages.

Herein lies the hypocrisy of the hostages narrative, who have clearly been used to roll out their Gaza ethnic cleansing and conquest plans.

They also have plans for expansion into southern Lebanon:
