The Iran and Wider Middle East Thread

Israel has infiltrated global critical infrastructure and is the world's main player in cybersecurity.

Instead of focusing on Zuckerberg who most likely wasn't informed nor consented, it would be more apt to talk about the real actors behind this. These are the Israeli military intelligence agency Unit 8200 and it's hyper-secretive Talpiot Program. The Talpiot Program is a 50+ year old Israeli military intelligence initiative to infiltrate, gain access to and take control of all global critical infrastructure nodes, with emphasis on the internet and the US.

One big name is Zohar Zisapel, Israeli military intelligence guy and one of the founders of the Talpiot Program. Zohar Zisapel and his brother Yehuda run/ran hundreds of companies dedicated to cybersecurity and/or application of software defined data managing. At one point over 30 percent of the Fortune 500 companies had their cybersecurity handled by RAD group/Radware and/or one of its many subsidiaries, all of which are owned by Zisapel and tied to Unit 8200/the Talpiot Program.

There are Talpiot Program alumni everywhere, which means that every online interaction is potentially compromised. No doubt that Yan Koum belongs to that list too. Most of their agents work in the shadows but sometimes they gain infamity. Some more examples: the WEF's cybersecurity head is Tal Goldstein, an Israeli, Aman officer and Talpion Program graduate. Another Talpion Program graduate, Amit Yoran, runs the cybersecurity company (Tenable) that handles the software used for US elections. Assaf Rappaport, the man who founded US cybersecurity giant Wiz is also a Talpiot Program graduate.

Pegasus Spyware is related to the Talpiot Program too. Pegasus Spyware was developed by NSO Group, which is an Israeli company headed by a Talpiot Program graduate. Pegasus Spyware is able to install itself without consent of the targeted user, meaning that it is impossible detect unless targeted user runs anti Spyware scans pro-actively. Pegasus Spyware registers everything, from keystrokes to time spent on a certain page. It also downloads all address lists, files and photos of the targeted device.

Windows, Yandex, Intel and Microsoft are just a few mega companies that in the last decade or so have redirected part of their keychain to Israel. With the above information in mind it's no wonder why.

Hamas top military strategist Mohammed Deif, also recently eliminated, had his in-group work with old fashioned telephone landlines. Israeli intelligence services often complained that their info was spotty and at times outdated as a result. The Taliban did the same thing - one fighter once said that the moment they stopped using mobile phones and other 'smart' gadgets was the moment they stopped dying as frequently.

Ismael Haniyeh was incredibly reckless and this is probably to blame this on his prolonged stay in Qatar. There likely was some sort of Israeli agreement with the Americans and Qatari that he would not be harmed as long as he was physically in Qatar. Relevant detail: when in Qatar Haniyeh lived less than 40 km from the biggest US base (al Udeid) in the Persian Gulf, so there must have been some informal back channels. Once Haniyeh moved to Iran the agreement was off yet he continued his old habits. He should have known better, just as he should have known not to trust the Iranians with his life as the cases of Raisi, Abdollahian, Soleimani, Mousavi, Fakhrizadeh and about 100+ IRGC generals show.

Does remind one of the predictions of a certain book written around 1925 here in its original language and a translation :

Denn indem der Zionismus der anderen Welt weiszumachen versucht, daß die völkische Selbstbesinnung des Juden in der Schaffung eines palästinensischen Staates seine Befriedigung fände, betölpeln die Juden abermals die dummen Gojim auf das gerissenste. Sie denken gar nicht daran, in Palästina einen jüdischen Staat aufzubauen, um ihn etwa zu bewohnen, sondern sie wünschen nur eine mit eigenen Hoheitsrechten ausgestattete, dem Zugriff anderer Staaten entzogene Organisationszentrale ihrer internationalen Weltbegaunerei; einen Zufluchtsort überführter Lumpen und eine Hochschule werdender Gauner.

When the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the new national consciousness of the Jews will be satisfied by the establishment of a Jewish State in Palestine, the Jews thereby adopt another means to dupe the simple-minded Gentile. They have not the slightest intention of building up a Jewish State in Palestine so as to live in it. What they really are aiming at is to establish a central organization for their international swindling and cheating. As a sovereign State, this cannot be controlled by any of the other States. Therefore it can serve as a refuge for swindlers who have been found out and at the same time a high-school for the training of other swindlers.

1925 was after the Balfour agreement of 1917 but before the founding of said state in 1948. We are now about a hundred years after that prediction.

Don't think in 1925 the author had in mind that it might come in the form of infiltrated global critical infrastructure. Cybersecurity was not a thing back then. It's anyway unproven speculation and there has not been an israeli Snowden yet to tell us otherwise. Due to blood loyalty that is anyway less likely. Could just be innocent cybersecurity businesses but there is not enough independent scrutiny so why shouldn't people worry.

Unlikely to be inspectors like there were weapons inspectors in Iran.
What about India?
India has potential, due to the large population and their caste system keeping their higher IQ's separated from their lower IQ's. I just always figured it would be China, because China has long been more advanced than India and they seem far more serious about not relying on Whites and then turn around and claiming they are superior to Whites. They are much more serious. But India probably has the human capital to do so.

I would bet on the Chinese first. Iran is much smaller, and has a long way to go, but they have a good national IQ and they seem to handle the woman question decently, though they will need to crack down on their women more so, as their women try to infiltrate and destroy their system. India will have to change their behavior, but they have a chance, I just don't see it happening because it seems their only goal is to move to White countries, turn them into what they left, and then claim this as the ultimate victory.
I wonder if it was a malfunction or got shot down.

Stuff like this shows how desperate some of these clown channels are for an Iranian W. Playing off your own losses as the enemy's to keep the online fanboyzz on a propaganda high.

No American planes were downed by Syria's by now heavily degraded AD capacities.

Instead, the crashed aircraft was identified as an Iranian Mohajer 6 drone - and I am sure that Megatron didn't bother to pull his post offline nor did he rectify his initial statement

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Ayatollah Khamenei thought it would be a good idea to roast India and Myanmar for supposed maltreatment of their Muslim populations.


The Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a strong condemnation, as did several high ranking Indian BJP politicians.

You'd think that in its current position Iran would use all efforts to garner as much goodwill as possible but apparantly not.

In other news Pakistan is threatened with international arbitration by the Iranians. Pakistan and Iran signed a deal on constructing a gas pipeline about a decade ago, but the Pakistani refuse to hold their end of the bargain. The reason is simple, Pakistan is threatened with heavy sanctions by the US if it continues moving forward on the deal.

full scale regional war
"Full scale regional war" is a narrative building platitude. We should have learned our lesson when they kept repeating "threat to democracy" and "our values". Let's not forget "Russia's aggression". What do all these things have in common?

Whose creating the conditions for a regional war? Israel.

Whose saying they want to avoid a regional war? Everyone else.

Whose a threat to democracy? The people who refuse any ideological deviation by weaponizing the courts.

Whose promoting democracy? Everyone else.

Who wants Russian aggression? The West.

Whose saying there is no Russian aggression? Russia.

Its all so tiring.

So we have the Jews trying to stop a war of "aggression" in Eastern Europe. We also have Jews trying to create peace/security through war in the middle east.

Its fascinating how we have several things happening at once, all seemingly benefiting the jews.
  • Europe being weakened and losing it's dominance.
  • Israel becoming a regional power.
  • A shift towards the orient.
So far no one has been able to explain the last one and how it benefits the Jews. Give it time. The one thing I will say is they won't allow a strong China. China is going to be knocked down a peg or two. Funny enough there might be a regional war there.

The only thing we can reliably say is all three will keep happening. If any of those were a threat to the Jews or weren't feasible they would have been solved yesterday. It's all manufactured chaos. No need to get lost the details.

Russia is not nuking anyone. The East isn't going to userp Jewish power. The Muslims are not going to march on Israel and force white men to shield the onslaught. All of those hypotheticals are as much a threat to the Jews as they are to white people. You might die fighting the Chinese though. Where's the looming "threat of regional war" in asia?
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"Full scale regional war" is a narrative building platitude. We should have learned our lesson when they kept repeating "threat to democracy" and "our values". Let's not forget "Russia's aggression". What do all these things have in common?

Whose creating the conditions for a regional war? Israel.

Whose saying they want to avoid a regional war? Everyone else.

Whose a threat to democracy? The people who refuse any ideological deviation by weaponizing the courts.

Whose promoting democracy? Everyone else.

Who wants Russian aggression? The West.

Whose saying there is no Russian aggression? Russia.

Its all so tiring.

So we have the Jews trying to stop a war of "aggression" in Eastern Europe. We also have Jews trying to create peace/security through war in the middle east.

Its fascinating how we have several things happening at once, all seemingly benefiting the jews.
  • Europe being weakened and losing it's dominance.
  • Israel becoming a regional power.
  • A shift towards the orient.
So far no one has been able to explain the last one and how it benefits the Jews. Give it time. The one thing I will say is they won't allow a strong China. China is going to be knocked down a peg or two. Funny enough there might be a regional war there.

The only thing we can reliably say is all three will keep happening. If any of those were a threat to the Jews or weren't feasible they would have been solved yesterday. It's all manufactured chaos. No need to get lost the details.

Russia is not nuking anyone. The East isn't going to userp Jewish power. The Muslims are not going to march on Israel and force white men to shield the onslaught. All of those hypotheticals are as much a threat to the Jews as they are to white people. You might die fighting the Chinese though. Where's the looming "threat of regional war" in asia?
So, ultimate black pill, the satanic elites create their one world govt. and all hope is lost?

I don't agree, I think Israel is going to have more than their hands full and when the new and improved DEI US military can't bail them out, I don't know what they do. I expect a military draft to actually get our top fighting men to fight for this disgusting country, and that is when we must be prepared and organized to tell them "no, we will not fight for this disgusting country".
So, ultimate black pill, the satanic elites create their one world govt. and all hope is lost?

I don't agree, I think Israel is going to have more than their hands full and when the new and improved DEI US military can't bail them out, I don't know what they do. I expect a military draft to actually get our top fighting men to fight for this disgusting country, and that is when we must be prepared and organized to tell them "no, we will not fight for this disgusting country".
A white pill. The jews are decoupling from the host. The nomads are returning home. Their schemes are entering a new epoch. They're sailing east. lol. No longer will Israel be the 51st state.

If Israel establishes regional dominance, if Arabs are impotent, what difference does it make to me? Let the semites do semitism in Samaria rather than over here. It's not like white people have any say in any of this. Last thing I want is these western yids to maintain the status quo and have Israel suckling at the teat of the west forever.

We rooted for the Arabs. Turns out the Arab knees buckled at the sight of an iron fist. I should have known when they said Islam means submission. It does indeed.

Am I suppose to be scared for the survival of the Jewish state? Seems like they know what they're doing. Should we appeal to the UN to apply globohomo standards to Israel? Why? I dont recognize the authority of the UN.

The BRICS axis have unequivocally stated they do not want a regional war. So either they fear they will lose the regional war or they know Israel will win the regional war. What other explanation is there? I already know they’re subverted so their statements are irelevent anyhow. If China was saying they will all die protecting BRICS then I would pay attention.
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A white pill. The jews are decoupling from the host. The nomads are returning home. Their schemes are entering a new epoch. They're sailing east. lol. No longer will Israel be the 51st state.

If Israel establishes regional dominance, if Arabs are impotent, what difference does it make to me? Let the semites do semitism in Samaria rather than over here. It's not like white people have any say in any of this. Last thing I want is these western yids to maintain the status quo and have Israel suckling at the teat of the west forever.

We rooted for the Arabs. Turns out the Arab knees buckled at the sight of an iron fist. I should have known when they said Islam means submission. It does indeed.

Am I suppose to be scared for the survival of the Jewish state? Seems like they know what they're doing. Should we appeal to the UN to apply globohomo standards to Israel? Why? I dont recognize the authority of the UN.

The BRICS axis have unequivocally stated they do not want a regional war. So either they fear they will lose the regional war or they know Israel will win the regional war. What other explanation is there? I already know they’re subverted so their statements are irelevent anyhow. If China was saying they will all die protecting BRICS then I would pay attention.
They will never just return there, stay, and leave the rest of the world alone. If that were true, they would already be doing that. Instead, now there is a fight on their hands, many are leaving.

BRICS doesn't want a regional war, because BRICS knows they will win the long game. The longer BRICS can stay on the sideline, the longer Israel waits to drag the collapsing USA into the war, the better it will be for BRICS. If BRICS can wait it out long enough, Israel will collapse on its own, just like the UISA is about to do.

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