The Iran and Wider Middle East Thread

Lots of hinting on the Webz that something is about to be set loose shortly.

Israel also already at war with Lebanon in everything but name. 550 Lebanese are dead at the hands of Israeli rockets since Monday, notwithstanding those hurt in the pager explosions, all in the name of destroying Hezbollah. Israel's genuine defence of their actions is that they sent an emergency alert message telling people to get out the way, less than 24 hours before the airstrikes began in ernest. Oh, and those people can return to their homes once their campaign has finished. How amazingly generous.

The majority of the dead are likely not connected with Hezbollah in any way (from memory only two senior commanders and a handful of soldiers have been killed in the airstrikes) and already details of the number of children being blown to smithereens at the hand of Israel is being buried; the current number stands at 50.

This is a genocide in everything but name and the government's of the west stand silent. I expected nothing less.

What Iran does from this point on is the real question. Leave Hezbollah to be the bomb sponges, or use it as an excuse for a head on war with Israel?

Reports that the USNS Big Horn (an oiler/tanker ship) has run aground off the coast of Oman and is being towed to Dubai. This is the only such ship in the region.

Is this a Houmi attack, or DEI?
Definitely not an attack. Could be DEI, could be the weather.

My friends Trump is very mad, he says he will kill country that try to kill him, blow up tje cities. He thinks Iran government try to kill him, USA intelligence service and campaign brief Trump on this.

Israel also already at war with Lebanon in everything but name. 550 Lebanese are dead at the hands of Israeli rockets since Monday, notwithstanding those hurt in the pager explosions, all in the name of destroying Hezbollah. Israel's genuine defence of their actions is that they sent an emergency alert message telling people to get out the way, less than 24 hours before the airstrikes began in ernest. Oh, and those people can return to their homes once their campaign has finished. How amazingly generous.

The majority of the dead are likely not connected with Hezbollah in any way (from memory only two senior commanders and a handful of soldiers have been killed in the airstrikes) and already details of the number of children being blown to smithereens at the hand of Israel is being buried; the current number stands at 50.

This is a genocide in everything but name and the government's of the west stand silent. I expected nothing less.

What Iran does from this point on is the real question. Leave Hezbollah to be the bomb sponges, or use it as an excuse for a head on war with Israel?

Many people forget that Iranians / Persians do not view themselves as lowly semites like their Arab neighbors. They do not want to rush into a war on behalf of what they view as a semitic conflict. Many still cling to their Aryan origins, the proclamation of Dariush etc. Only in the northern provinces are there still any families that have undiluted blood, pretty much everywhere else in Iran the people are mixed with Turks, Mongols, Afghans, and Arabs, even some Africans in the south. If any of you have ever spent time in Mexifornia you'll notice a lot of them in the Los Angeles county. These are mostly the "Persian" jews who left following the revolution. They're just as ugly as regular jews.

Although I have my suspicions on the government itself. The Shahs people were very friendly to the west and most Persian families prided themselves on high-education and making lots of money. I've confronted a few Persian-supremacists on this, they still think they're the best people on earth because of all the food and architecture and beauty that comes out of there, but if they were, they've had over 40 years now of a jew-free government and no Rothschild bank, and they're still in economic woes. If they adopted an NS economic approach they would be a haven on this earth, but that approach cannot be done with a bunch of mongrels, which is what they ultimately are except for a few pockets in the north provinces close to Turkey and Azerbaijan. Mixed countries are more prone to jewish control, even on the outside, and since Islam itself is somewhat of a kabbalah-conception I see this as just another divide-and-conquer strategy between the intricate blasphemies of each sect of Islam. Most of their people don't even believe in it. I don't know what they believe in, I've never been in a secular mind myself but I can imagine it's quite empty.

In short, Iran will not go to war on behalf of any Arab country or militant organization like Hezbollah. They will sit it out and hope that the Arabs and the jews wipe themselves out. Unfortunately, the Arabs seem poised to let the jews just wipe them out without ever retaliating, they have been too shell-shocked and made docile by this apparent doom they all face. If they had a Grand Mufti or an Arafat things may be better, but they would truly need one of their own, another Saddam, or an Arab nationalist that isn't afraid to go to war with israel. They do not have a man like this who will lead their people to anything but extinction.
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Iran does not want a war with the United States which is why they’re restraining from fighting Israel which could drag them in.HOWEVER, this strategy by Israel to bait Iran into a war is EXTREMELY FOOLISH. That won’t rescue their situation in Gaza but 1/2

If I was Iran’s National Security Adviser, I’d tell them to NOT fight Israel. Let Hamas, Houthis, Hezbollah, Iraq, etc… do the fighting. Iran has Israel EXACTLY where they want them to be right now. Don’t change it and give excuses for America to enter2/2

(warning - language)
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Iran does not want a war with the United States which is why they’re restraining from fighting Israel which could drag them in.HOWEVER, this strategy by Israel to bait Iran into a war is EXTREMELY FOOLISH. That won’t rescue their situation in Gaza but 1/2

If I was Iran’s National Security Adviser, I’d tell them to NOT fight Israel. Let Hamas, Houthis, Hezbollah, Iraq, etc… do the fighting. Iran has Israel EXACTLY where they want them to be right now. Don’t change it and give excuses for America to enter2/2

(warning - language)

Agree. Israel cannot defeat Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthi's by themselves. And war in the Middle East is so unpopular that Trump might lose a give-me election by talking about taking out Iran. All Iran has to do is feed these three proxies and sit back and watch. In the meantime, improve technology and national moral. Know that soon the USA will have to bail out Israel and the USA's new Woke and Diverse military cannot save Israel this time.

And if the USA then needs a draft, all hell will break loose in the USA. Iran is sitting very pretty right now, their biggest concern is their young women and weak men trying to overthrow the current regime.
How long until there is a military draft in the USA?
20+ years. Once you've lived long enough in America and heard all of the "America is coming to an end" soon for 40+ years you begin to realize that life as we know it today won't just "collapse" overnight like some Hollywood armageddon movie. The Decline will be gradual. And as of today they are building another Starbucks up the street from my house and my electricity is flowing freely during a hurricaine dubbed as "the worst storm in this state's history." In other words, The Decline hasn't even really begun, much less are we nearing some crisis-apex that would necessitate a draft.

The whole Iran thing, from this American's perspective and experience, is, and always has been, a JQ smoke and mirrors psyop to cause anxiety amongst the American populace. Don't fall for it. F*ck Iran and the entire Middle East. They have no bearing on day to day American life. The only thing we as Americans need to fear is all out nuclear warfare, and don't start worrying about that until all the missles are in the air. But of course that won't happen either because the world's "leaders" enjoy their super yachts in the Mediterranean too much to put an end to all their Satanic-derived, humanistic pleasure.
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20+ years. Once you've lived long enough in America and heard all of the "America is coming to an end" soon for 40+ years you begin to realize that life as we know it today won't just "collapse" overnight like some Hollywood armageddon movie. The Decline will be gradual. And as of today they are building another Starbucks up the street from my house and my electricity is flowing freely during a hurricaine dubbed as "the worst storm in this state's history." In other words, The Decline hasn't even really begun, much less are we nearing some crisis-apex that would necessitate a draft.
If you have lived in the USA for 40+ years and don't see a significant decline, then either you are not being honest or you are not paying attention.

I have lived here for almost 50 years, and it is hard for me to even believe this hellscape, that offers young adults no future at all, and every Wal-Mart looks like an invasion of the third world, is the same country I grew up in.

The decline was so gradual that we didn't notice, then it became noticeable, then it became time to speak out, now we are at the stage where things are collapsing so fast that you have to marvel. The roads are destroyed, the crime is far and wide, no one can afford a decent lower class existence, and everyone is hooked up on drugs (legal or illegal) to escape/cope with how miserable things have become. The fact I even still have power 24/7 is shocking to me and I don't expect it much longer.
^I agree about the decline being slow and continuous, but f there is a war with China, things will take a big step downwards.
China will never have to lift a finger. Maybe supply the proxies with some satellite images or some extra high tech devices. The US military is so understaffed, so weak, and so full of diversity disaster that when ships start getting hit by missiles, and the call to land and go house to house is made, all hell will break loose.

There will need to be a draft, and that is when the real pushback to this disgusting system will begin. Who wins that, I have no idea, but long term it will not be the USA regime.
20+ years. Once you've lived long enough in America and heard all of the "America is coming to an end" soon for 40+ years you begin to realize that life as we know it today won't just "collapse" overnight like some Hollywood armageddon movie. The Decline will be gradual. And as of today they are building another Starbucks up the street from my house and my electricity is flowing freely during a hurricaine dubbed as "the worst storm in this state's history." In other words, The Decline hasn't even really begun, much less are we nearing some crisis-apex that would necessitate a draft.

Starbucks, to me, represents part of the collapse. I know they are nice and neat and clean, but the corporatized, sterile, automaton constructions are the only places that are neat and clean anymore (and even that is really only a veneer). Everything has been sucked from local traditional family endeavors.

I do see what you mean about the perception of progress being kept up in society overall for some time. I think you are right. You will just have to sacrifice more and more of your soul to maintain this perceived effect of being safe and comfortable. A fake safety and fake wellness. Covid was actually a good example of this playing out. But it will continue.
If you have lived in the USA for 40+ years and don't see a significant decline, then either you are not being honest or you are not paying attention.
Or I'm choosing to see something positive that you are denying exists. You're talking to me here as if I'm some low IQ nitwit. I'm telling you my "facts." My life in America is the best it's ever been, I'm making more money than I ever have, the electricity flows 99.9% of the time and I just paid $2.62 a gallon for gas. Guys like you have been trying to tell us that your ideas about some future Mad Max world where all women hate all men and where the US dollar collapses exists now. That's bullshit. It does not exist now. The dollar is strong, gas is cheap, there's still good women to be had, and life is good if you frame it that way. Yes, some things have changed for the worse, and we all agree on that (the browning of America, women becoming masculine, jewish run government/media, atheism, expensive housing, etc.), but when handed lemons you must make lemonade. Things are good if you want them to be. If you don't want them to be, then you're left with no other choice but to flee to another country. But beware, "The grass is always greener on the other side."

Starbucks, to me, represents part of the collapse.
Sure, but that's not my point. The collapse is relatively mild and slow and there is still plenty of opportunity and time left. The Starbucks example is just that, an example that contruction is booming, that we are still building, not armageddon-style collapsing.

There is plenty to be down on America about, but it is still one of the best places to "make it" in the world. Shit, if I as a 50+ year-old financial dilettante who is finally succeeding in business at this late stage in 2024 America can make it, then anybody who busts their ass hard enough and long enough can make it too. The American dream is still alive and well for those willing to see it and make it happen. Don't let all these illegals, feminists, and jews get in your way of enjoying the remaining fruits of this still great country.

Sorry for the derail.
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