The Iran and Wider Middle East Thread

I do think Iran not responding right away but forcing the US to spend more billions they don't have, supplying Israel and moving a ton of military equipment to the Middle East might be the right move.

Iran knows they will win the long game. Time is not on the side of the USA. They just have to keep their young people happy, and a war will crush this goal. Keep feeding their proxy armies to keep causing trouble and keep letting the USA destroy itself with Marxism.

If I was Iran, I would implement the following...

#1) Nothing is more important than getting a nuclear weapon. They should be sparring no expense in doing this.

#2) I doubt their vote means very much, with the religious leaders controlling much of everything, but I would change their voting to Men only, over 30, and only men with children. Send a strong message that we value your input, but only once you have earned it through both age/experience, having a vested future in the country, and that men have the responsibility to fight for the country, so they get the opportunity to vote for their leaders.
Do you really think in the current geopolitical context that Russia is going to publish a list of the advanced military assets it has shipped to Iran??

You can't possibly be that thick, you're obviously trolling here.
What would happen if Russia sends the S500 to Iran:

  1. Russian government would immediately phone Israel to inform them of the transfer.
  2. Israel would hang up the phone.
  3. The cargo planes would be shot out of the sky by Israel.
  4. United States would do shock and awe on Moscow.
  5. The end.
Russian allies already are calling Russia bluff. I cringe a little at that meeting between North Korea and Russia. Yes, this is my imagination but I do feel it’s accurate.

“Putin we love you bro. You’re an alpha male, everyone knows. When are you going to spank America and help us with South Korea?”

“Actually I love and respect all countries. We need to be level headed.”


“I’ll tell you what Kim. I can’t give you any weapons because reasons. Why don’t we sign a mutual Defense pact? How cool would that be?”
What would happen if Russia sends the S500 to Iran:
  1. Russian government would immediately phone Israel to inform them of the transfer.
  2. Israel would hang up the phone.
  3. The cargo planes would be shot out of the sky by Israel.
  4. United States would do shock and awe on Moscow.
  5. The end.
Russian allies already are calling Russia bluff. I cringe a little at that meeting between North Korea and Russia. Yes, this is my imagination but I do feel it’s accurate.

“Putin we love you bro. You’re an alpha male, everyone knows. When are you going to spank America and help us with South Korea?”
“Actually I love and respect all countries. We need to be level headed.”
“I’ll tell you what Kim. I can’t give you any weapons because reasons. Why don’t we sign a mutual Defense pact? How cool would that be?”

1- The Russians have already delivered advanced S-300s and S-400s to Iran
2- Israel cannot shoot down a plane flying from Russia over the Caspian Sea to Iran.
3- The US cannot do shock and awe on Moscow, that's ridiculous. The US' main tool for power projection are bombers, which are easy to shoot down, no hypersonic missiles, Russia however has many, and they can hit just about any American base in Europe.
1- The Russians have already delivered advanced S-300s and S-400s to Iran
2- Israel cannot shoot down a plane flying from Russia over the Caspian Sea to Iran.
3- The US cannot do shock and awe on Moscow, that's ridiculous. The US' main tool for power projection are bombers, which are easy to shoot down, no hypersonic missiles, Russia however has many, and they can hit just about any American base in Europe.
I was being facetious.

Iran doesn’t have any s-series AA.

F15s fly unmolested over Beirut. F35s are believed to be able to fly unmolested in Iran. They’re also allied with Azerbaijan. I’m not even aware of any combat losses for their Air Force. You think this is a coincidence?

United States can obliterate Russian AA capability. Russia doesn’t produce any advance war systems in any notable quantity. Russia is on a leash. I guess it has to be reiterated again and again. Funny how they supposedly compete with the United States in weapon sales but their main customer is a nato member, Turkey. lol. That’s about it. China used to copy their designs and is now a peer level domestic developer. They bought a retired carrier and now build their own. Absolutely hilarious from a business standpoint. Russians are only allowed to sell 50 year old Soviet stock to Africans. Same as how American allies just sell to each other. Funny how that works.

Russia designs it for show and to tell the plebs that this is some kind of deterrence. That they’re still capable. I guess those pesky Russian boomers still remember the space race. From my understanding the first line of defence against planes is interception. The reason I focus on AA in the Middle East is because shooting down a Jew bird would be a Christmas miracle for Muslim morale, which is why they’re never going to be allowed to achieve it without a world war taking place.
1- The Russians have already delivered advanced S-300s and S-400s to Iran
2- Israel cannot shoot down a plane flying from Russia over the Caspian Sea to Iran.
3- The US cannot do shock and awe on Moscow, that's ridiculous. The US' main tool for power projection are bombers, which are easy to shoot down, no hypersonic missiles, Russia however has many, and they can hit just about any American base in Europe.
I ask you for evidence that russia sell s400 to Iran for at least 5 times now.

You give me nothing, only twitter propaganda channels with names like '🇮🇷 RESISTANCE NEWS 🇮🇷' that say preposterous things without evidence

That and multiple insults.

I on the other hand understand how Russia military companies work, they are very transparent especially with foreign customers. There are no contracts because there is no deal.

I ask you again. Show us proofs that russia deliver the s400 to Iran or even sell the s400 to iran

Show us.
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I was being facetious.

Iran doesn’t have any s-series AA.

F15s fly unmolested over Beirut. F35s are believed to be able to fly unmolested in Iran. They’re also allied with Azerbaijan. I’m not even aware of any combat losses for their Air Force. You think this is a coincidence?

United States can obliterate Russian AA capability. Russia doesn’t produce any advance war systems in any notable quantity. Russia is on a leash. I guess it has to be reiterated again and again. Funny how they supposedly compete with the United States in weapon sales but their main customer is a nato member, Turkey. lol. That’s about it. China used to copy their designs and is now a peer level domestic developer. They bought a retired carrier and now build their own. Absolutely hilarious from a business standpoint. Russians are only allowed to sell 50 year old Soviet stock to Africans. Same as how American allies just sell to each other. Funny how that works.

Russia designs it for show and to tell the plebs that this is some kind of deterrence. That they’re still capable. I guess those pesky Russian boomers still remember the space race. From my understanding the first line of defence against planes is interception. The reason I focus on AA in the Middle East is because shooting down a Jew bird would be a Christmas miracle for Muslim morale, which is why they’re never going to be allowed to achieve it without a world war taking place.

Iran has several S300 batteries, which were delivered in 2016 after a long legal battle between Russia and Iran.

Background story is the following. In 2007 Iran placed an 800 million USD order with the Russian MIC Almaz Antey Corporation for the S300. In the years following there were already several problems regarding the production and unforseen delays. In 2010 then President Medvedev suddenly cancelled the deal unilaterally, stating that he wanted to act in unison with new UN Arms Embargo. Legend has it he got a call from Tel Aviv.

The Iranians were furious and started a 4 billion USD case against Rosoboronexport/ Almaz Antey in an international arbitration court in Geneva (2011). The Russian ban on arms exports to Iran was eventually lifted in 2015 by Putin due to Iran entering the JCPOA Accords (an agreement that was supported by Russia).

In 2016 the first S300 were finally delivered to Iran.

However, as it soon turned out they were pretty useless in detecting Israeli aircraft both in Syria and later in Iran and after a while some started to suspect foul play

The Iranians have since developed their own domestic AA system, the Bavar 373. The Bavar 373 is a spin off of the S300 an hasn't seen much action yet. Previously Iranian arms production has had problems with radar technology.
I ask you for evidence that russia sell s400 to Iran for at least 5 times now.

You give me nothing, only twitter propaganda channels with names like '🇮🇷 RESISTANCE NEWS 🇮🇷' that say preposterous things without evidence

That and multiple insults.

I on the other hand understand how Russia military companies work, they are very transparent especially with foreign customers. There are no contracts because there is no deal.

I ask you again. Show us proofs that russia deliver the s400 to Iran or even sell the s400 to iran

Show us.

"Russia sends S-400 systems and troops to bolster Iran's defense" link:


"Russia sends S-400 systems and troops to bolster Iran's defense" link:

So this is official document or statement from russia or Iran, or almoz producer?

This is so embarrassing for you my friend, you keep coming back making more comedy🤣

I simply repeat myself there is no official statement, no official communique no official contract because there is no deal.

Show us the proofs there is a deal or even contract plz. Real info no neonazi Ukrainian channels
Russia designs it for show and to tell the plebs that this is some kind of deterrence. That they’re still capable. I guess those pesky Russian boomers still remember the space race. From my understanding the first line of defence against planes is interception. The reason I focus on AA in the Middle East is because shooting down a Jew bird would be a Christmas miracle for Muslim morale, which is why they’re never going to be allowed to achieve it without a world war taking place.

The AA systems in Syria can be fully activated whenever the Russians want. I think they have mostly used them as intelligence gathering on US equipment from Israel so far, but they can be "turned on" and used, as in the case of that F-16, which was shot down over Israeli airspace.
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So this is official document or statement from russia or Iran, or almoz producer?

This is so embarrassing for you my friend, you keep coming back making more comedy🤣

I simply repeat myself there is no official statement, no official communique no official contract because there is no deal.

Show us the proofs there is a deal or even contract plz. Real info no neonazi Ukrainian channels

Yes of course, all these sources, as well as the NYT and Col. MacGregor, which I have quoted earlier confirming the presence of S-400 as well as advanced electronic warfare equipment in Iran, all these sources are lying, and you, the awkward new poster on this board, with a reaction score of minus 101, are correct.

Bottom line, you have to be a complete idiot - or a tiresome troll - to expect Russia and Iran to show their hand in the current geopolitical context.
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Yes of course, all these sources, as well as the NYT and Col. MacGregor, which I have quoted earlier confirming the presence of S-400 as well as advanced electronic warfare equipment in Iran, all these sources are lying, and you, the awkward new poster on this board, with a reaction score of minus 101, are correct.

Bottom line, you have to be a complete idiot - or a tiresome troll - to expect Russia and Iran to show their hand in the current geopolitical context.
They are not sources but propaganda channels. There are no source claiming s400 in Iran, or sales of s400 in Iran. It is myth created by bad faith actor, repeated for sensation, build up fake enemy or create drama.

I tell you many times how Russia military company work because I have family in this sector, everything related to foreign customers is public. This is how we work.

You have nothing and now you are mad. Are the mods here? You are name-calling and insulting members of this board. Is this allowed?

You often twist the truth my good friend. Last time with Russia birthrate. You even deny rosstat official figures because you don't like them and I call you out there as well. Same reaction from you, aggression, deflection, name-calling.

There is no s400 sale and no delivery to Iran. If there is we will know it because the russia ministry of defense and military company will communicate this

Just like with su35
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I apologize for spreading BS, Iran does have the s-200 and s300. Not sure what I was basing my opinion on. Now I understand why Ukraine wanted those f16s. That’s absolutely hillarious. The Russians locked out the Syrians from defending themselves, eventually yielded to the outraged Muslims, the Syrians chance hit an F16 because it failed to take evasive measures, the Jews started bombing all their air-defense batteries, Putin called Israel and pleaded for mercy.

I’m guessing Putin promised full schematics and operational manuals. Kind of explains how Israel can hit these s300s in Iran without detection nowadays. Also removes the problem of purposely handicapping their “allies”. Lol
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^I was wrong in my post above.

I would like to set the record straight, your reaction score is not minus 101, it is actually minus 113 - my bad.
Truth js not popularity contest my friend.

After all the mud throwing and insults your still don't give me official statement from russia mod, Iran mod or almoz military company on sale or deliviery of s400

You lost my friend, you try to bully me into shutting up but it doesnt work. Only fake cool guy attitude can maybe save you now 😎
I apologize for spreading BS, Iran does have the s-200 and s300. Not sure what I was basing my opinion on. Now I understand why Ukraine wanted those f16s. That’s absolutely hillarious. The Russians locked out the Syrians from defending themselves, eventually yielded to the outraged Muslims, the Syrians chance hit an F16 because it failed to take evasive measures, the Jews started bombing all their air-defense batteries, Putin called Israel and pleaded for mercy.

I’m guessing Putin promised full schematics and operational manuals. Kind of explains how Israel can hit these s300s in Iran without detection nowadays. Also removes the problem of purposely handicapping their “allies”. Lol

The main issue with the S-300s in Syria is volume, they only have a handful of systems and radars, sitting in the open right next to Israel and its ~400 fighter-bomber jet fleet. Not the same situation in Russia, where they have numeric superiority with close to 9,000 AA missiles. Iran as well has the advantage of geography, every attack by Israel has to be a very long, carefully-planned operation with mid-flight refueling, especially now that Azerbaijan has moved closer towards BRICS/SCO.

The Israeli F-16 shot down by Syria did take evasive action, it was streaking back towards its base in Israel after being locked on over Syria, only to be intercepted shortly before it could land. It was also apparently shot down by an S-200, not S-300.
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All this talk about Iranian capabilities. What is preventing Iran from developing their own weapons? I assume access to satellites is the biggest issue they face. They are a country with a high IQ and a motivated base of people. I would think they could develop their own advanced systems, unless access to satellites is a necessary in doing so. Maybe materials are not available due to sanctions?

Thoughts on this?
Iran has done really well in developing lower-end cheaper drones like the Shahed, or flying dorito, which excelled in the Ukraine war. They have a good ballistic missile program too, and produce cruise missiles with similar capabilities as Tomahawks or SCALPs.

Radar systems and AA missiles are a bit harder to develop, but they have a good start by reverse engineering advanced S-300 systems. I suspect the Russians are now sharing some of their technology, as Iran provided them with drone tech in 2022-23 when the Russians were way behind in that field.

Further out, Iran is supposed to be working on hypersonic missiles:
