The Iran and Wider Middle East Thread

The result of legal immigration, illegal immigration, and democracy is destruction of your civilization.

The big boys run the stock market and right now they are betting on Iran/Russia.

My friend shoigu in Iran to say they need to de escalate.

Also only one cargo plane go to Iran not several, you don't need to believe every hype and fake twitter post my friend.
My friend shoigu in Iran to say they need to de escalate.

Also only one cargo plane go to Iran not several, you don't need to believe every hype and fake twitter post my friend.
I guess we will find out. I don't think the stock markets around the world would be collapsing if the big boys, with more insider information than us, didn't think this was going the wrong way.

I pray that Israel and the USA back off, that a two-state solution is provided to the Palestinian people, that we avoid a larger scale war in the Middle East. For now, we can only wait and see.
I guess we will find out. I don't think the stock markets around the world would be collapsing if the big boys, with more insider information than us, didn't think this was going the wrong way.

I pray that Israel and the USA back off, that a two-state solution is provided to the Palestinian people, that we avoid a larger scale war in the Middle East. For now, we can only wait and see.
Sell high buy low my friend. Maybe you too make some money today. Crypto down too so why not buy now??

It is etiquette and gentleman agreement to not start war without notice. They give big boys time to liquidate position so they can buy back later
Sell high buy low my friend. Maybe you too make some money today. Crypto down too so why not buy now??

It is etiquette and gentleman agreement to not start war without notice. They give big boys time to liquidate position so they can buy back later
I was watching Bloomberg, the experts on there are saying to wait at least a few days before trying to buy anything at a discount. I think this is because they are suggesting that anyone first wait to see if Iran does anything or not. If not, then probably a great opportunity to buy good companies at a discount.

I don't think Iran will do anything. They won the PR award. They got the attention of a lot of Americans and no longer do a lot of Americans think we are invulnerable. They have scared the Israeli people into their bunkers and out of the country. Russia has given them advanced technology, as a result of this, and they can slowly work that into the hands of Hezbollah or the Houthi's. And the longer the current war between Israel and the Iranian proxies plays out, the better it is for Iran. I think Russia tells Iran to keep playing it safe and they will up the equipment Hezbollah is using to attack Israel and drain the USA.

The people in the west are waking up to how evil Israel is and how they control all our politicians and they don't like it. Iran can continue to sit on the sidelines and continue to slowly eat away at Israel.

One of the most strict hardcore muslim countries is doing a better job of defending the image of Christ than the whole of the western world.

There won't be any vainglorious crusade by cucked America, the enslaved European nations, and the crypto-jews in the gulf states to protect Tel Aviv. I also do not see the east escalating. Iran did not go to war when their president was killed, why would they go to war over the assassination of an Arab leader? They don't care about Arabs.

In the west, the American military has not met their recruiting quotas. They cannot launch another OEF style campaign against Iran the same way they did twenty years ago with Afghanistan and Iraq. They'd need to bring back the draft board and then be able to apply police-state pressure on all the millions of men (and women) who would ignore it and screw around with the system, causing major delays. They can't wage war internally and externally at the same time, those days are over.

Maybe israel can get all those jeets who love them so much to fight for them, there's plenty of meat for the grinder waiting to be shredded out of that dump.
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There won't be any vainglorious crusade by cucked America, the enslaved European nations, and the crypto-jews in the gulf states to protect Tel Aviv. I also do not see the east escalating. Iran did not go to war when their president was killed, why would they go to war over the assassination of an Arab leader? They don't care about Arabs.

In the west, the American military has not met their recruiting quotas. They cannot launch another OEF style campaign against Iran the same way they did twenty years ago with Afghanistan and Iraq. They'd need to bring back the draft board and then be able to apply police-state pressure on all the millions of men (and women) who would ignore it and screw around with the system, causing major delays. They can't wage war internally and externally at the same time, those days are over.

Maybe israel can get all those jeets who love them so much to fight for them, there's plenty of meat for the grinder waiting to be shredded out of that dump.
I think the satanic elites plans/plan is still to make China the new empire/world power that they control behind the scenes. China has a huge population, maybe the most advanced military in the world, and an obedient/high IQ population. The problem for them is that the Chinese people are well aware of their tricks and deceit due to the opium wars and their current behavior in the west and they seem to have put a stop to this attempt by the elites to take over their country.

It appears their next choice is India, which is a long way behind China, but as you said, they have tons of men available for the next great meat grinder. And reading comments on twitter, it seems many in India side with Israel. So, the hesitation from Iran might be due to this development of nearly a billion people that Israel could throw into a long-term war. I definitely agree with you here.

My guess now is that Russia has supplied Iran with better air defense systems to protect itself from Israel jets and in exchange they have promised to not attack Israel directly. Keep up the tit for tat attacks with the Iranian proxies, keep slowly draining the west, and to be patient in their response.

Time is on the side of China-Russia-Iran, the west is destroying itself with DEI and open borders. No reason to poke the bear, just keep fighting by a thousand cuts and let time win the war for you. It is very anti-climactic, but that seems to be the game plan for the East.
Haha my friends I tell you so!

Russia friend of both Israel and Iran.

This makes sense. Russia can bribe Iran with self-defense weapons, so they feel safer but can't use them to attack. Attacking Israel will make the west take their gloves off. And by that, I mean the leaders of the west would again allow for anti-Muslim rhetoric like we saw after 9/11. We would get more cheesy music, TV shows showing Muslims as bad guys again, and right-wing leaders talking about how evil Islam is. Freedom Fries, American flags everywhere, and a call for young men to join our military with better benefits.

This is the last thing Russia wants right now. Russia-China-Iran will win if things stay status quo. If Iran ramps it up and hits Israel, all bets are off. Don't stop your enemy from defeating itself is the playbook we see. Iran will continue to attack by a thousand cuts, while Russia drains the USA in Ukraine, and China is the big dog backer advancing technology. Iran with a large-scale attack would be a big mistake, and I don't see it happening. They may just not respond at all and simply give a speech about it and continue as they were by arming Hezbollah and the Houthis.
This makes sense. Russia can bribe Iran with self-defense weapons, so they feel safer but can't use them to attack. Attacking Israel will make the west take their gloves off. And by that, I mean the leaders of the west would again allow for anti-Muslim rhetoric like we saw after 9/11. We would get more cheesy music, TV shows showing Muslims as bad guys again, and right-wing leaders talking about how evil Islam is. Freedom Fries, American flags everywhere, and a call for young men to join our military with better benefits.

This is the last thing Russia wants right now. Russia-China-Iran will win if things stay status quo. If Iran ramps it up and hits Israel, all bets are off. Don't stop your enemy from defeating itself is the playbook we see. Iran will continue to attack by a thousand cuts, while Russia drains the USA in Ukraine, and China is the big dog backer advancing technology. Iran with a large-scale attack would be a big mistake, and I don't see it happening. They may just not respond at all and simply give a speech about it and continue as they were by arming Hezbollah and the Houthis.
The jews and their shabbos puppets have been very clever with manipulating the scales of deceit to push both anti-White and anti-Islam, but never at the same time. You can almost trace an alternating sequential pattern in the last 30 years of the media, from the original 93 world trade center bombings (anti-Muslim) to literally Waco two days later (anti-White) to the 1994 London israeli embassy bombing (anti-Islam) to Sarajevo (anti-White against the Serbs) to the buildup to 9/11 (alternating anti-White anti-Islam, "columbine shooters - dangerous Whites with guns!", Tanzanian US embassy bombings - dangerous Islam) finally culminating with a brow-beaten White population accepting the anti-Islam narrative and never knowing a single detail about the jews with the staged demolition and implosion of 9/11.

They thought they would knock out 7 countries in 5 years, but they only succeeded in two of those at first, Iraq and Afghanistan, Libya came later, they never could fully neutralize Sudan, and Iran, Lebanon, and Syria are still in the game to this day. PNAC failed, but the alternating rhetoric never stopped.

I'm not giving the barbarisms of Islam a pass, but they were well segregated from the western world up until the 1990s, and the Middle Eastern authoritarian leaders, who were brutal, kept these barbarisms from spreading.

Now after 9/11, you see a more convoluted weaving of this shift as the two sides of international jewry work hand in hand to destroy their neighbors in the Middle East and to weaken their host nations in America and Europe. To accomplish the Kalergi plan, they would have to continually do the "switch" from anti-White/anti-European/anti-American patriotism/anti-Christian to anti-Islam. We just witnessed the latest switch where all the boogeyman went from White American Nationalists to Gazans last October, and now the switch is pushed back again in England but each time they do this switch it seems to become less and less effective because it relies on total media false propaganda.

Without this tactic they would never have gotten so far in their agenda of divide and conquer, and then force pollution of the demographics to make recovery from divide and conquer nearly impossible.

The issue is that the jews at the top, like Soros on behalf of the Rothschilds, and Huxley before him on behalf of the Warburgs and Schiffs, and masons like Albert Pike before him, had been steering this plan for several centuries to its modern realization. The inadequacies of man's ability to plan, much more a corrupted breed of man like the masonic jew, shows that they are not in control, they just manipulate. If the world's population of Aryan men had come together and done something similar with similar ruthlessness towards their natural enemies (the jews) then we would be living in something akin to a golden age with the height of accomplishments being promoted and vigilance for every aspect the jews convince people to degrade themselves with presently (body, faith, mind, spirit, marriages, pure lineages, craftsmanship, selflessness instead of selfishness, stewardship instead of capital hoarding, cultivation instead of industrialization).

Remember that the blood determines the traits, so we can always expect the jews, who have put a religious camouflage over their racial identity, to do what they have always done, and to say one thing and do another. The first obstacle in the road to recovery for all is to remove the traces of all jewish influences. The CCP was inherently Bolshevik and jewish when it was founded, and its initial tactics and purges were extremely Talmudic. If the Chinese people can purge this out of their country and government, and, going into the future, not accept any jewish influences, then I can see the new east emerging as an independent collection of nations.

Iran's regime, though they do not have a Rothschild Bank, have neglected the financial genius strategies of their former Arab counterparts, the Ba'athist policies of Saddam, the National Socialism economics of Gaddafi, and the original National Socialism economics of Hitler. Their economic state not being similar to these three always leaves me curious why they haven't done this. They should be the economic powerhouse of that entire region. The Arab states already depend on them for many things.
F-22 Raptors were deployed to the Middle East.

Around a dozen F-22s arrived at a base in the Middle East from Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, U.S. officials told Air & Space Forces Magazine. Covering a distance of more than 5,600 nautical miles, the F-22s made the trek across North America and the Atlantic Ocean, stopped at RAF Lakenhealth, U.K., and then traveled across the Mediterranean Sea. They reached their temporary home in the region with the help of tanker aircraft on Aug. 8.
A spokesperson for Air Forces Central (AFCENT) declined to say where the F-22s or any other U.S. fighters in the region are based, citing operational security.
The additional military firepower is intended to fend off or deter an attack from Iran and its proxies on Israelis. It is also intended to better defend U.S. troops.

Israel has infiltrated global critical infrastructure and is the world's main player in cybersecurity.

Instead of focusing on Zuckerberg who most likely wasn't informed nor consented, it would be more apt to talk about the real actors behind this. These are the Israeli military intelligence agency Unit 8200 and it's hyper-secretive Talpiot Program. The Talpiot Program is a 50+ year old Israeli military intelligence initiative to infiltrate, gain access to and take control of all global critical infrastructure nodes, with emphasis on the internet and the US.

One big name is Zohar Zisapel, Israeli military intelligence guy and one of the founders of the Talpiot Program. Zohar Zisapel and his brother Yehuda run/ran hundreds of companies dedicated to cybersecurity and/or application of software defined data managing. At one point over 30 percent of the Fortune 500 companies had their cybersecurity handled by RAD group/Radware and/or one of its many subsidiaries, all of which are owned by Zisapel and tied to Unit 8200/the Talpiot Program.

There are Talpiot Program alumni everywhere, which means that every online interaction is potentially compromised. No doubt that Yan Koum belongs to that list too. Most of their agents work in the shadows but sometimes they gain infamity. Some more examples: the WEF's cybersecurity head is Tal Goldstein, an Israeli, Aman officer and Talpion Program graduate. Another Talpion Program graduate, Amit Yoran, runs the cybersecurity company (Tenable) that handles the software used for US elections. Assaf Rappaport, the man who founded US cybersecurity giant Wiz is also a Talpiot Program graduate.

Pegasus Spyware is related to the Talpiot Program too. Pegasus Spyware was developed by NSO Group, which is an Israeli company headed by a Talpiot Program graduate. Pegasus Spyware is able to install itself without consent of the targeted user, meaning that it is impossible detect unless targeted user runs anti Spyware scans pro-actively. Pegasus Spyware registers everything, from keystrokes to time spent on a certain page. It also downloads all address lists, files and photos of the targeted device.

Windows, Yandex, Intel and Microsoft are just a few mega companies that in the last decade or so have redirected part of their keychain to Israel. With the above information in mind it's no wonder why.

Hamas top military strategist Mohammed Deif, also recently eliminated, had his in-group work with old fashioned telephone landlines. Israeli intelligence services often complained that their info was spotty and at times outdated as a result. The Taliban did the same thing - one fighter once said that the moment they stopped using mobile phones and other 'smart' gadgets was the moment they stopped dying as frequently.

Ismael Haniyeh was incredibly reckless and this is probably to blame this on his prolonged stay in Qatar. There likely was some sort of Israeli agreement with the Americans and Qatari that he would not be harmed as long as he was physically in Qatar. Relevant detail: when in Qatar Haniyeh lived less than 40 km from the biggest US base (al Udeid) in the Persian Gulf, so there must have been some informal back channels. Once Haniyeh moved to Iran the agreement was off yet he continued his old habits. He should have known better, just as he should have known not to trust the Iranians with his life as the cases of Raisi, Abdollahian, Soleimani, Mousavi, Fakhrizadeh and about 100+ IRGC generals show.
Pegasus Spyware is related to the Talpiot Program too. Pegasus Spyware was developed by NSO Group, which is an Israeli company headed by a Talpiot Program graduate. Pegasus Spyware is able to install itself without consent of the targeted user, meaning that it is impossible detect unless targeted user runs anti Spyware scans pro-actively. Pegasus Spyware registers everything, from keystrokes to time spent on a certain page. It also downloads all address lists, files and photos of the targeted device.
I remember after this terrorist attack...

2015 terrorist attack in California

The FBI had to give the terrorists cell phones to Israel to have them unlock the cell phone. Apple refused to unlock their iPhone to save face with customers. Israel was able to unlock it immediately. Our own federal govt. couldn't do it, Apple refused, and Israel did it right away. All due to the Pegasus software installed on every device.
I will predict that Iran will flex, intimidate the USA, get Israel and USA to waste resources moving them to the Middle East, and then never directly attack. Just keep slowly draining the west, attack with proxies, increase those attacks as we saw in Syria this week, and put more pressure on the USA to lighten their sanctions.

This is the winning move by Iran. Play the very long game, time is on their side.
