The Iran and Wider Middle East Thread

Over the last twelve months Iran's deterrence has collapsed and it's painfully obvious. Israel is hitting Tehran and it's extensions whenever and wherever it wants and there hasn't been a single Iranian retaliation (either staged or real) that has been on par.

The power balance is shifting and it's up to the Iranian leadership to either halt that ongoing change, or even start rolling it back. It truly does feel like the coming strike will be a do or die moment. If the Iranian leadership messes it up again it will be one sign of weakness too many. From thereon each and any target will be fair game for the Israelis, and can be struck without much afterthought on possible blowback.

The previous Iranian retaliation (in response to the leveling of the Iranian Embassy in Syria - it's personnel included) didn't achieve jackshit. Yours truly back then already relayed that it was a strike that was days beforehand hush hush telegraphed in to the Americans, as to avoid any accidents that could lead to further escalation. The Iranians were and are deadscared of being drawn into open conflict in the Middle East - and at this point it's only the Biden Administration that's holding back Netanyahu as the Iranian deterrence has mostly crumbled. Magically and totally coincidentally those hundreds of Iranian cruise missiles and drones managed to kill exactly zero Israelis, and only a few sheds in the periphery of two military bases got obliterated.

It was hardly the victory the pro Iranian media made it out to be. Netanyahu obviously saw that strike as a confirmation of Tehran's weak hand too. Another total coincidence: one month after the strike Raisi and at least half a dozen of other top dogs died in extremely suspicious circumstances- an event which the Iranians swept under the rug and never officially blamed outside actors for. Israeli assassinations and strikes in Syria, Lebanon and Iran continued almost immediately, with the targets getting more prominent over time.

Iran is probably the actor that is most invested in maintaining the current status quo. Point in case being the recent election of Pezeshkian over the hardline IRGC backed Jalili. It signals an Iranian willingness to return to the days of the Detente under Obama, where sanctions relief and diplomatic engagement was traded for the JCPOA. Reality is that Iran, despite its Palestina centered Khomeinist ideology, simply doesn't have a lot to gain from an open conflict with Israel and likely the US. It's economy is brittle and export based, and large swaths of the population would welcome regime change.

Unfortunately for Tehran the era of 'strategic patience' and looking away (whilst grandstanding to the domestic public) have come to an end. Aside from the loss of face and collapse of its deterrence, Iran's positions in Syria and especially Lebanon are starting to get pressured. Tehran must hit hard or it's going to suffer a lot more.
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Are we sure Iran isn't controlled oposition?

First of all a lot of their intelligence gets leaked to Israel. That's absolutely wild to me.

Seem to fear Israel. Almost all their foreign policy is extremely cautious. They made some statements about Armenian territorial integrity that went no where.

They love supporting insurgency/proxies. Is there any evidence supporting guerillas has any benefit? None of these proxies achieve anything but getting bombed periodically. Also public opinion disfavors these groups. What benefit is giving some minority militia in a different country AKs?

Apprently Hamas leadership is filthy rich. They're allowed to be. Is it possible the Shia religious leadership is too, making them pursue these stupid milquetoast female dressing code laws instead of anything that society can rally behind? Religious control opp?

As we recently saw seem to have free elections.

It's claimed they possess advanced technology, even potential for nuclear, yet nothing of note has been hit. I guess you can say they taught the Houthis how to make ballistic missiles out of plumbing supplies but why not ship the good stuff?

Seems to me their ranks are subverted, they play a cautious game and everything they do makes them a pariah. As far as I can see China is the only unsubverted regional power in the world that acts in self-interest.

I don't think Jews start to hate people once they become too independent, powerful and strong willed. Seems like an insane oversight to get to that point. Seems like jews like their powerless pariahs like the American/European "far right" that are subverted to kingdom come with their hands tied behind their back. At the end of the day, it's not personal, it's just business.

The Islamic Revolution of 1979 is a fascinating event and has left lots of room for rumours and conspiracies.

I am not going too dwell on those, but will say this. The Western powers of the day were quite supportive of Khomeini and his clique. You can look up BBC news reports of the time and they speak with awe about the happenings.

It should also be noted that Khomeini in the years before the Islamic Revolution was exiled to France, and when events in Iran started moving into the wrong direction (aka communists were itching towards power), he was hurried on a plane with a truckload of cash and flown back into the country. There are persistent rumours (backed up by some evidence) that certain British, German and Swiss banking conglomerates were supportive of Khomeini since the beginning.

Khomeini during his exile in France images - 2024-08-02T125425.641.webp

Overal Iran and Israel have had a symbiotic relationship over the last decades. Iran needs Israel for its 'Road to al Quds' Khomeinist ideology, which has culminated in its own imperialist Empire building throughout the Middle East through its proxies. Israel on the other hand needed Khomeinist Iran to fabricate a Sunni-Shia split in the Middle East (aka division), a project which has eventually culminated in a complete tilting of power relations in the Middle East through the Abraham Accords.

The demographically surging hardliners in Israel seem to have thrown the above into the trashcan though. They are now eyeing for conflict. Most of the Sunni states are either openly or tacitly supportive of Israel is a vis Iran anyway.
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The Islamic Revolution of 1979 is a fascinating event and has left lots of room for rumours and conspiracies.

I am not going too dwell on those, but will say this. The Western powers of the day were quite supportive of Khomeini and his clique. You can look up BBC news reports of the time and they speak with awe about the happenings.

It should also be noted that Khomeini in the years before the Islamic Revolution was exiled to France, and when events in Iran started moving into the wrong direction (aka communists were itching towards power), he was hurried on a plane with a truckload of cash and flown back into the country. There are persistent rumours (backed up by some evidence) that certain British, German and Swiss banking conglomerates were supportive of Khomeini since the beginning.

Khomeini during his exile in France View attachment 10931

Overal Iran and Israel have had a symbiotic relationship over the last decades. Iran needs Israel for its 'Road to al Quds' Khomeinist ideology, which has culminated in its own imperialist Empire building throughout the Middle East through its proxies. Israel on the other hand needed Khomeinist Iran to fabricate a Sunni-Shia split in the Middle East (aka division), a project which has eventually culminated in a complete tilting of power relations in the Middle East through the Abraham Accords.

The demographically surging hardliners in Israel seem to have thrown the above into the trashcan though. They are now eyeing for conflict. Most of the Sunni states are either openly or tacitly supportive of Israel is a vis Iran anyway.

If I can purely speculate:

  1. Jews have a bunch of territory they haven't annexed. They also made strong concessions like the al-aqsa mosque.
  2. The Sunni world seems pretty decadent. They're literally afraid to name the jew. Sound more like Europeans with the constant "peace" and "risk of regional conflict" BS they're putting out, along with the rest of the homo-governments who don't even know how to lie to their people in the given situation.
  3. Seems like a perfect time for the Jews to truly solidify their position.
Some people talk about how Jews are preparring for the messiah or some BS. As if. It all sounds pretty simple to me, just power moves happening. Seems like the Shia are between a rock and a hard place. They spend decades talking trash, shooting at rocks in the desert, feeling they had a sweet regional arrangment where people have accepted their barking and on some level are intimidated. Now the dog catcher cut the leash and cornered them, swinging a whip just hoping they will try to bite as proof they need to be put down. On some level they know it.
I feel like right now Iran is in conversations with Russia and China about what specifically they can and cannot do. I am sure Iran would like to do a lot in response, but I am sure that Russia and China are telling them to hold on to their horses. China and Russia are winning the long game against the west. If Israel cannot sneak their way into good graces with future Russia and Chinese govt., then Israel will cease to exist as Russia and China hit the west where it hurts the most, the currency battle.

The west is collapsing from immigration, legal and illegal, and from their best and brightest being pushed aside for DEI quotas and then not having children. The east is growing from doing the opposite. It is only a matter of time before the west will collapse and the east will rule the world. The west would have to throw the parasites out, which includes Israel, to ever have a fighting chance. So, at the end of the day, Israel will lose because they are just a parasite killing off their own host. If Israel cannot attach to the new host, the eastern powers, then it will collapse with minimum effort. And that might be exactly what China and Russia are telling Iran right now.

Iran's biggest enemy isn't Israel or even the USA, their biggest enemy is keeping the filth of the west from infiltrating their youth and making them desire to overthrow their conservative govt. for immoral behavior. And sending these young people off to a long war isn't going to win them over.

I can see Iran sitting this one out, and it would be completely due to Russia and China telling them to do so, because in the big war, the war of genetics, IQ, and ability to project power, the west is being overrun by 80 IQ third world immigrants and DEI policies, so the west is committing suicide.
I feel like right now Iran is in conversations with Russia and China about what specifically they can and cannot do. I am sure Iran would like to do a lot in response, but I am sure that Russia and China are telling them to hold on to their horses. China and Russia are winning the long game against the west. If Israel cannot sneak their way into good graces with future Russia and Chinese govt., then Israel will cease to exist as Russia and China hit the west where it hurts the most, the currency battle.

The west is collapsing from immigration, legal and illegal, and from their best and brightest being pushed aside for DEI quotas and then not having children. The east is growing from doing the opposite. It is only a matter of time before the west will collapse and the east will rule the world. The west would have to throw the parasites out, which includes Israel, to ever have a fighting chance. So, at the end of the day, Israel will lose because they are just a parasite killing off their own host. If Israel cannot attach to the new host, the eastern powers, then it will collapse with minimum effort. And that might be exactly what China and Russia are telling Iran right now.

Iran's biggest enemy isn't Israel or even the USA, their biggest enemy is keeping the filth of the west from infiltrating their youth and making them desire to overthrow their conservative govt. for immoral behavior. And sending these young people off to a long war isn't going to win them over.

I can see Iran sitting this one out, and it would be completely due to Russia and China telling them to do so, because in the big war, the war of genetics, IQ, and ability to project power, the west is being overrun by 80 IQ third world immigrants and DEI policies, so the west is committing suicide.
I have some bad news for you my friend about the asians. They're retarded. I still love China though for actually re-investing in the country, they also have rich history, perhaps eclipsing the Koreans and the Japanese. Their blood contains wisdom.

The issue with this whole shift to the east narrative is the Asians have nothing to offer. They have no civilizational program. The only thing they're good at is cohesion. The only region in the world where you open a coffee shop and next day there's two other ones on each side. This is normal to them. Just do what that other guy is doing.

Once Asia gets more exposure you will witness the degeneracy, the gates are already open. They have been enticed by western homo delights. Asian women are no different from white women, intellectually maybe worse.

The situation is much worse than you think.
I have some bad news for you my friend about the asians. They're retarded. I still love China though for actually re-investing in the country, they also have rich history, perhaps eclipsing the Koreans and the Japanese. Their blood contains wisdom.

The issue with this whole shift to the east narrative is the Asians have nothing to offer. They have no civilizational program. The only thing they're good at is cohesion. The only region in the world where you open a coffee shop and next day there's two other ones on each side. This is normal to them. Just do what that other guy is doing.

Once Asia gets more exposure you will witness the degeneracy, the gates are already open. They have been enticed by western homo delights. Asian women are no different from white women, intellectually maybe worse.

The situation is much worse than you think.
Asians are not perfect or even able to compete with Europeans. That has already been played out over the last few thousand years.

But Asians can beat Africans, Hispanics and Middle Easterns/Indians, and they can beat them very easily. It isn't even going to be competition for them. And as the western populations are both replaced with these immigrants and also as their society fractures from recreating the tower of Bable, the Asians and Russians will absolutely crush the west with technology.

A wise man once said the greatest asset their nation had was their people. And we will see this play out as 100 IQ Europeans get replaced with 80 IQ third worlders and people who immigrate just to steal from their new host nations.
Over the last twelve months Iran's deterrence has collapsed and it's painfully obvious. Israel is hitting Tehran and it's extensions whenever and wherever it wants and there hasn't been a single Iranian retaliation (either staged or real) that has been on par.

The power balance is shifting and it's up to the Iranian leadership to either halt that ongoing change, or even start rolling it back. It truly does feel like the coming strike will be a do or die moment. If the Iranian leadership messes it up again it will be one sign of weakness too many. From thereon each and any target will be fair game for the Israelis, and can be struck without much afterthought on possible blowback.

The previous Iranian retaliation (in response to the leveling of the Iranian Embassy in Syria - it's personnel included) didn't achieve jackshit. Yours truly back then already relayed that it was a strike that was days beforehand hush hush telegraphed in to the Americans, as to avoid any accidents that could lead to further escalation. The Iranians were and are deadscared of being drawn into open conflict in the Middle East - and at this point it's only the Biden Administration that's holding back Netanyahu as the Iranian deterrence has mostly crumbled. Magically and totally coincidentally those hundreds of Iranian cruise missiles and drones managed to kill exactly zero Israelis, and only a few sheds in the periphery of two military bases got obliterated.

It was hardly the victory the pro Iranian media made it out to be. Netanyahu obviously saw that strike as a confirmation of Tehran's weak hand too. Another total coincidence: one month after the strike Raisi and at least half a dozen of other top dogs died in extremely suspicious circumstances- an event which the Iranians swept under the rug and never officially blamed outside actors for. Israeli assassinations and strikes in Syria, Lebanon and Iran continued almost immediately, with the targets getting more prominent over time.

Iran is probably the actor that is most invested in maintaining the current status quo. Point in case being the recent election of Pezeshkian over the hardline IRGC backed Jalili. It signals an Iranian willingness to return to the days of the Detente under Obama, where sanctions relief and diplomatic engagement was traded for the JCPOA. Reality is that Iran, despite its Palestina centered Khomeinist ideology, simply doesn't have a lot to gain from an open conflict with Israel and likely the US. It's economy is brittle and export based, and large swaths of the population would welcome regime change.

Unfortunately for Tehran the era of 'strategic patience' and looking away (whilst grandstanding to the domestic public) have come to an end. Aside from the loss of face and collapse of its deterrence, Iran's positions in Syria and especially Lebanon are starting to get pressured. Tehran must hit hard or it's going to suffer a lot more.

When looking at guys like Putin / Xi / Khamenei, we can't forget about their age and personalities. They're all boomers, who climbed to the top through political machinations, not through strength. None of them is true revolutionary, they're all moderates, pragmatic to the bone. And all of them, throughout the years accumulated immeasurable wealth. They're probably the most privileged boomers in the world - they have too much to lose, to bet it all on one card. So unless they're pushed into a corner, threatened with losing everything, they will continue with the "baby steps" policies.
Now, in this particular case, the question is: Does Khamenei still have the room to maneuver? With the Israelis decapitating the so-caled axis of resistance, Khamenei (and his court) might fear that he could be next, and have no other choice but to strike back, if he wants to survive.
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This could be a regular shipment, or this could be huge, I guess we will find out. Like I said, I think Iran needs to get permission from Russia/China before they can really determine how to respond. Russia might be sending them top notch weapons to us, or Russia might just be picking up drones to use in Ukraine.


Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh Statement on Force Posture in the Middle East​

Aug. 2, 2024

The Department of Defense continues to take steps to mitigate the possibility of regional escalation by Iran or Iran's partners and proxies. Since the horrific Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, the Secretary of Defense has reiterated that the United States will protect our personnel and interests in the region, including our ironclad commitment to the defense of Israel.

To that end, Secretary Austin has ordered adjustments to U.S. military posture designed to improve U.S. force protection, to increase support for the defense of Israel, and to ensure the United States is prepared to respond to various contingencies.

To maintain a carrier strike group presence in the Middle East, the Secretary has ordered the USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN Carrier Strike Group to replace the USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT Carrier Strike Group, currently on deployment in the Central Command area of responsibility.

Additionally, Secretary Austin has ordered additional ballistic missile defense-capable cruisers and destroyers to the U.S. European Command and U.S. Central Command regions. The Department is also taking steps to increase our readiness to deploy additional land-based ballistic missile defense.

The Secretary has also ordered the deployment of an additional fighter squadron to the Middle East, reinforcing our defensive air support capability.

These posture adjustments add to the broad range of capabilities the U.S. military maintains in the region, including the USS WASP Amphibious Ready Group / Marine Expeditionary Unit (ARG/MEU) operating in the Eastern Mediterranean.

As we have demonstrated since October and again in April, the United States' global defense is dynamic and the Department of Defense retains the capability to deploy on short notice to meet evolving national security threats. The United States also remains intently focused on de-escalating tensions in the region and pushing for a ceasefire as part of a hostage deal to bring the hostages home and end the war in Gaza.

Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh Statement on Force Posture in the Middle East​

Something doesn't add up.
Why is the Roosevelt strike group scheduled to depart the region already? They arrived less than a month ago.
Why was the Lincoln strike group selected as a replacement? They're in the Pacific, it will take at least 2 weeks to sail to the Persian Gulf, the USS Truman is in the west Atlantic, considerably closer. :unsure:
Something doesn't add up.
Why is the Roosevelt strike group scheduled to depart the region already? They arrived less than a month ago.
Why was the Lincoln strike group selected as a replacement? They're in the Pacific, it will take at least 2 weeks to sail to the Persian Gulf, the USS Truman is in the west Atlantic, considerably closer. :unsure:


Something doesn't add up.
Why is the Roosevelt strike group scheduled to depart the region already? They arrived less than a month ago.
Why was the Lincoln strike group selected as a replacement? They're in the Pacific, it will take at least 2 weeks to sail to the Persian Gulf, the USS Truman is in the west Atlantic, considerably closer. :unsure:
Here's my 2 cents:

The USS Ike was at end of her last deployment when she was re-deployed into the Red Sea, extending tour several months (as Prosperity Guardian was falling apart). Upon Ike's curious departure, Roosevelt was issued a change order (at the end of her already 6 month IndoPac tour) to move to CentCom command and redeploy eventually to Persian Gulf, not into the Red Sea. The last 6 weeks or so have been an extension of Roosevelt's tour. I believe Roosevelt was already at sea, whilst the Ike received whatever combat ops happened in the Red Sea. That means that Roosevelt was not fully fitted/armed specifically for the Red Sea environment. Roosevelt is a Pacific Fleet asset, so she had already set sail with whatever load they deem best for Pacific theater threats. Reading between the lines, Roosevelt avoided Red Sea because she wasn't geared up for the Houthi drone/threat environment.

Lincoln, however, has had a chance to load for the more specific threat. We'll see how confident the USN is in that idea.

We're about a month now without a US Carrier in the Red Sea. Prosperity Guardian is a soup sandwich. USN avoided Red Sea, went to Persian Gulf to flex muscle, and has now checked out, just as things are heating up. Not a good look. I suspect they finally figured "If Ike had her hands full with goofy Houthis, maybe we best get off the Iranian X."

The USN appears skittish about ANY carrier in either the Persian Gulf or the Red Sea at this point. They should be.

This is a big deal. The USN has prided itself on having the strength to pass the Formosa Straights, Red Sea, Persian Gulf, really almost anywhere, for a very long time. That appears to be changing before our eyes. Multi-polarity ensues.

Edit: Truman might be coming to the Med from the Atlantic anyway. Arrival probably about the same time the Lincoln comes from the Pacific to the Indian Ocean. The big test will be - does either of those re-enter the Red Sea or the Persian Gulf proper.

So to use a Putinism: is the Iranian rat now in a corner, with no way out? Iran must respond or lose face. If Iran responds and fails, even more face is lost, and, as @LaAguilaNegra says, Israel then has impunity.
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Jewish billionaire Yan Borysovych Koum has been linked to the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh.

Using his company WhatsApp, Israeli intelligence installed spyware on Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh phone via a WhatsApp message.

The exact location of Ismail Haniyeh was then given and IDF used a drone to launch a missile strike.


Who is Yan Borysovych Koum —Billionaire Who Co-founded WhatsApp And His Link to Haniyeh Killing

The assassination of Hamas political chief Ismail Haniyeh has ignited massive controversy with recent reports suggesting that Israeli intelligence may have used spyware embedded in WhatsApp to pinpoint Haniyeh's location, leading to a lethal missile strike by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in Tehran, Iran's capital. Speculation has intensified following claims on X (formerly Twitter) that Yan Borysovych Koum, the co-founder of WhatsApp, could be linked to the assassination.

According to a user on X (formerly Twitter), Israeli operatives allegedly installed spyware on Haniyeh’s phone through a WhatsApp message. This allowed them to obtain his exact location, which subsequently led to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) using a drone to launch a missile strike.

Who is Yan Borysovych Koum—Billionaire Linked to Haniyeh Killing
Yan Borysovych Koum: Ukrainian-American billionaire and tech entrepreneur, co-founder of WhatsApp.
The rumours about Yan Borysovych Koum’s involvement highlight growing worries about how tech platforms play a role in global conflicts. While there’s no concrete evidence linking Koum directly to the assassination, the claim that WhatsApp's technology was used has raised several questions about the impact on privacy and security.

"The Israelis are not only inciting war with Lebanon but now directly with Iran. These Israelis are despised by the real Jews and intent on starting WWIII," a user wrote on X in response to the speculations.

Another said,""They're LITERALLY proving time and time again that they have the tech to target the "militants" They're after and still bomb civilians on top of killing prominent figure who wanted a ceasefire."
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Some information war psyops happening this morning. My morning twitter search results for "USS Roosevelt" (sorted by latest) resulted in literally dozens of this near-identical post:

Twitter is literally updating the search, with the same useless post, sometimes at a 2 second interval.

And clicking on the profile of many of the posters, going to their timeline, the only thing are repeat posts of the same exact item.

Twitter search for "USS Theodore Roosevelt" results in similar spamming of a slightly different, but also generic post, all from spam accounts.

I've been searching this daily AM and PM since the Ike incident and departure. I haven't seen anything quite like this. The Bot-farm is hot right now.