The Iran and Wider Middle East Thread

Just hypothesising here, but the fact that Trump selected his VP pick less than 2 days after a failed assassination attempt tells me that he doesn't feel that he is out of the woods...that the Deep State may try again. By picking a conservation who (at least vocally) plays the pro-israel/let's bomb bomb bomb Iran card, Trump may be hedging his bets. He probably knows (((who))) is behind assassinations and the Deep State, and by throwing them some red meat with a conservative who sounds like he'd be willing to once again put US troops on the ground for the Tribe, this may be a form of cover. I have also seen commentary from JDV that he is opposed to wars and foreign entanglements. Hard to know at this point.
Vance is kind of a wildcard, he looks good on many points (populist inclinations and roots, based Catholic, pro-settlement for Ukraine etc) but also has some weaker aspects (Bilderberger, Israel, Thiel connection etc). It's hard to tell how he is going to turn out, but in any case he can't be worse than Pence, Haley, Rubio etc. He doesn't seem like someone who is completely in their pocket like these GOP hacks.
Are we sure Iran isn't controlled oposition?

First of all a lot of their intelligence gets leaked to Israel. That's absolutely wild to me.

Seem to fear Israel. Almost all their foreign policy is extremely cautious. They made some statements about Armenian territorial integrity that went no where.

They love supporting insurgency/proxies. Is there any evidence supporting guerillas has any benefit? None of these proxies achieve anything but getting bombed periodically. Also public opinion disfavors these groups. What benefit is giving some minority militia in a different country AKs?

Apprently Hamas leadership is filthy rich. They're allowed to be. Is it possible the Shia religious leadership is too, making them pursue these stupid milquetoast female dressing code laws instead of anything that society can rally behind? Religious control opp?

As we recently saw seem to have free elections.

It's claimed they possess advanced technology, even potential for nuclear, yet nothing of note has been hit. I guess you can say they taught the Houthis how to make ballistic missiles out of plumbing supplies but why not ship the good stuff?

Seems to me their ranks are subverted, they play a cautious game and everything they do makes them a pariah. As far as I can see China is the only unsubverted regional power in the world that acts in self-interest.

I don't think Jews start to hate people once they become too independent, powerful and strong willed. Seems like an insane oversight to get to that point. Seems like jews like their powerless pariahs like the American/European "far right" that are subverted to kingdom come with their hands tied behind their back. At the end of the day, it's not personal, it's just business.
Just hypothesising here, but the fact that Trump selected his VP pick less than 2 days after a failed assassination attempt tells me that he doesn't feel that he is out of the woods...that the Deep State may try again. By picking a conservation who (at least vocally) plays the pro-israel/let's bomb bomb bomb Iran card, Trump may be hedging his bets. He probably knows (((who))) is behind assassinations and the Deep State, and by throwing them some red meat with a conservative who sounds like he'd be willing to once again put US troops on the ground for the Tribe, this may be a form of cover. I have also seen commentary from JDV that he is opposed to wars and foreign entanglements. Hard to know at this point.
But (with Lyndon Johnson in mind) that would put him more at risk should he be reelected, surely.
Iran is a paper tiger, their own fighting age people don't support them. My policy would be to simply ignore Iran altogether and when needed do strategic hits on them to protect interests. When they complain just ignore them, they have nothing to hit back with but talk.

But that will never happen because they are a political lightning rod and of course because of Israel. All the problems in the Middle East come from Israel as I'm sure everyone here knows.
Iran is economically highly vulnerable to strikes to its oil infrastructure, which would cripple their economy and destabilize their government. They do however have an effective deterrent against being attacked with their large inventory of missiles, and that is why their infrastructure has not been touched by the US or Israel so far. They want to keep it this way, hence their prudent policies. Their economy is growing with the help of China and Russia, they figure that time is on their side and are trying to achieve their goals in the region without resorting to a hot war.
🇻🇳 Vietnam5.8MAsia
🇮🇳 India5.1MAsia
🇰🇷 South Korea3.8MAsia
🇷🇺 Russia3.6MEurope/Asia
🇨🇳 China3.2MAsia
🇺🇦 Ukraine2.2MEurope
🇺🇸 United States2.1MNorth America
🇰🇵 North Korea2.0MAsia
🇵🇰 Pakistan1.7MAsia
🇮🇷 Iran
1.2MMiddle East

This is a list of the top armies in the world in 2024 in terms of number of soldiers and includes reservists. This is taken from the visual capitalist website. You can see Iran has a lot of soldiers.

I wouldn’t trust the number for Ukraine by the way.

I'd say it's fair to call it the Kurdish Problem. They are a people who are being separated from each other with the goal of assimilating them into Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran, such that the eventually disappear. They seem to have a pretty strong ethnic self identity, and they don't want this. As the post above shows, there are separatist groups in all of these four countries fighting at some level for some kind of Kurdish unity, although they can be very fractious in their approach to this goal.

I was surprised when I looked up Kurdish history, and found their historic roots only go back about 500 years. They don't have a national identity going back to the bronze age as many other peoples in that area do. However, even if they are a young ethnic group, they seem to have a strong self identity, and there is a long list of conflicts in which they are or have been involved. I think maybe they have genetic and cultural roots going back much farther, even if the specific Kurdish identity is newer.

I think there is an argument that they deserve to exist as a people and as nation, as many claim for the Palestinians or the Jews. At this time I don't see much of a chance they will ever achieve this, so it's likely to be an ongoing problem for decades at least.

The story is similar for Baluchistan, in that they are a people without a nation, scattered across three modern nation states. They also have a history of insurgency, and will most likely never have their own nation state.
Just a comment on the Kurdish situation as I have been to Iran and also know Iranians and Kurds etc. firstly I want to point out that Kurds are related to Iranians. They are on the Iranian branch of the Indo European branch of peoples and Kurdish language is related to Persian language.

Kurdish people have been a minority for thousands of years who never had their own country. Not every ethnic group gets its own country and the Kurds never had their own country. Even the Kurds will admit that. Whether they now deserve to have their own country that is a different question and a matter of opinion.
Iranian Kurds = Kurds born in Iran
Turkish Kurds = Kurds born in Turkey and so on

That would be a monumental task. But I'll try to make a simple "hate-tier list" the way I see it.

Arab hate ranking:
1. Persians (Iran)
2. Israel/USA (close 2nd)
3. Turks
4. Kurds
Note: Their love of money supersedes everything else.

Persian hate ranking:
1. Israel/USA
2. Arabs
3. Turks
4. Kurds

Turk hate ranking:
1. Kurds
2. Arabs
3. Israel/USA (close 3rd)
4. Persians (Iran)
Note: Will go along with the West as long as they get carte blanche against the Kurds.

Kurd hate ranking:
1. Turks
2. Arabs
3. Persians (Iran)
Neutral towards Israel/USA.

Israel hate ranking:
1. All of Christianity (covert)
2. Iran (overt)
3. Rest of the Muslim world (semi-covert)
Note: They don't hate Palestinians per se, they just see them as vermin.

This is of course extremely oversimplified, but I think it in essence captures the positions of the various main factions in the Middle East.
I just want to address this post. As someone who has been to Iran and knows many Iranians the Persian hate ranking is absolutely not true.

You have to seperate the hate list of the government from the hate list of citizens as they are two different things. Iranian people hate the U.S. government and the Israeli government but they have no problems with Israeli citizens or American citizens (but yes the Iranian government will give citizens from those countries a difficult time). Also Iranians do not hate Kurds. The Iranian government does not like Kurds but Iranian people have no problem with them.

Also Iranians do not hate Turks and are on friendly terms with them. For Iranian tourists Turkey is the number one country they visit and many Iranians go shopping in Turkey. The average Iranian will tell you that Turks are friendly people and it’s a good holiday destination.

The only people Iranian citizens really dislike are the Arabs. Iranians absolutely strongly dislike Arab people. In Persian language there are special insults used just for Arabs.
@Sandalwood Peak



There was once a theory that because jews look very similar to Arabs, it would not be difficult for jews to pretend to be Arabs in order to steer Arab causes to the long-term benefit of the jews. This theory has been proven correct. They have been doing the same thing in European nations for decades and only now are most of the details of crypto-jews coming out. The more mind-boggling is how the non-jews who are related to the jews through marriage capitulate without question, but the assumption is the usual assortment of answers: blackmail, spiritual bankruptcy, and greed.

Persians are not Arabs, but the jews have been doing the same thing there. Iranian intelligence leaks are likely from racial israeli agents working within the Iranian military and government. They definitely have plants there who can speak fluent Farsi, look and act Persian, and even go to the Mosque and pray five times a day, under the guise of their long term agenda.

Hamas is the vehicle the Bibis and Menachams of the world could use to push their "cry out in pain as we bomb you" schtick. Arafat and his PLO types made huge progress against the single-state supremacy the jews sought from the beginning of Herzl's musings.
ISIS is all MOSSAD who get to carry out heinous acts of bloodletting and torture that their ancestral Edomites and Canaanites before them would do on their victims. Islamic barbarism was always an offshoot of Edomitic barbarism, nothing Abrahamic about it, but more heathen than anything.

The blackpill people take is to believe that everyone is compromised to the jews or jewish interests, but the white pill which is more truer, is that the jews have been using their 50% rule for breeding in order to infiltrate every race on the planet to line it with loyal servants, diehard agents, and ultimately to sow discord.

They can do spiritual imitations just as much as they do racial ones. Most of the corruption in the Catholic Church, even before Vatican II was due to several third or fourth-generation conversos that carried on their grand-rebbe's wishes decades later. A majority of them are trained in the art of the pantomime from a young age because of their swindler DNA.

The jews may seem like its only business when they try to put down someone who is too strong, but it is absolutely kvetchingly personal. They are the only race to hold a grudge for over a millennia. They hold nothing but condemnation and grudges because they can't stand when other races succeed and they do not because they are the only pulpit-preachers espousing a complete racial supremacy that advocates utter eradication for everyone else to anything but abject slavery and beasts of burden. They have placed a religious cloak over their racial identity, as mongrelized as it is. This is why it is hard for people to see them as one or the other, they make it all about culture and belief but for them, personally, it all comes down to the blood, which is how it used to be for every single tribe on this earth in the days of old.
Pretty sure it's just because muslims are literally nothing more than a glorified barbarian horde, and because their religion is demonic. Islamic countries literally still do laws where they cut people's hands off, because that's how much it takes to get those barbarians to behave in a civilized manner, and their rulers know it.
It's not just hands, they do public beheadings in Saudi Arabia
(in case you were not aware..)
It's not just hands, they do public beheadings in Saudi Arabia
(in case you were not aware..)

There are about 2,400 prisoners on death row in the US. I am sure you would agree that this number should be a whole lot higher.

Chill Out GIF by MTVU

Maybe the super angry-for-real-this-time Muslims can ask their totally sovereign Russian partners for at least one anti air defense system or perhaps one manpad not from ww1 so they can shoot down at least one Israeli bird. This is emberassing.