Server Maintenance / Migration 7-17-2024

I've noticed I've lost some reaction score since the migration.

I had about 1550-1600 before the move and now it's 1300.
I think someone mentioned there were custom reaction score values before the migration. If that is the case then it's probably a simple matter of adjusting those values and your scores will go back to what they were. @Valentine or the mods should be able to help with this, or I can if they tell me what the values should be.
Isn't it too much?
I'm not nitpicking, I swear.
But won't the forum be "slowed down" if there's too many large size files uploaded on one page ?
I think someone mentioned there were custom reaction score values before the migration. If that is the case then it's probably a simple matter of adjusting those values and your scores will go back to what they were. @Valentine or the mods should be able to help with this, or I can if they tell me what the values should be.
Hmmm not sure what you mean with the custom reaction score.
@RedLagoon Go here:

At the top of the page there is a "What's new" tab, a "New posts" link, and a
@RedLagoon Go here:

At the top of the page there is a "What's new" tab, a "New posts" link, and a "New posts" button.


But @ what's new

@RedLagoon Go here:

At the top of the page there is a "What's new" tab, a "New posts" link, and a "New posts" button.
Don't like the extra tap