Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

For those interested in data mining, I recommend the Macrotrends website where You'll find all the necessary data ( immigration statistics, birth rates, life expectancy, economy, etc.) for all countries in the world, so You can compare the situation in Russia with other countries - how things are, how they were, and where things are going. For example:

Also, the only reason fertility rates are going up in the UK it’s because of massive illegal migration. Meaning it’s not Anglo-Saxon couples that are popping out those babies, it’s mainly nonnative settlers who seek to change the demographics of the island and bleed to social system dry.
Also, the only reason fertility rates are going up in the UK it’s because of massive illegal migration. Meaning it’s not Anglo-Saxon couples that are popping out those babies, it’s mainly nonnative settlers who seek to change the demographics of the island and bleed to social system dry.

And this is another important point; even if Russian Muslims have high birthrates, it's not because the Russian government is paying them to pop out babies. The Russian Muslim men are working hard to provide for their families and support their women. There's absolutely nothing wrong with a lifestyle built on hard work.
Also, the only reason fertility rates are going up in the UK it’s because of massive illegal migration. Meaning it’s not Anglo-Saxon couples that are popping out those babies, it’s mainly nonnative settlers who seek to change the demographics of the island and bleed to social system dry.
Same with France's unusually high (for Europe, that is) birthrate. It's Muslims and Africans that are having kids.

For those interested in data mining, I recommend the Macrotrends website where You'll find all the necessary data ( immigration statistics, birth rates, life expectancy, economy, etc.) for all countries in the world, so You can compare the situation in Russia with other countries - how things are, how they were, and where things are going. For example:

Macrotrends and Statista are the worst. They take outdated data (by years) and put it in some sort of ramshackle model to make their forecasts. Obviously these models don't include variables like certain experimental injections, a steep decline in living standards, changing attitudes amongst the younger generation (feminism, career oriented thinking, anti-natality climate cults) and peak dysfunctionality in male-female dynamics.

Statista and Macrotrends have been off for years but they are still the first hit in Google whenever 'TFR' gets queried. Hence it keeps fooling people.

There is a natality crisis developing around the world. East Asian countries have the worst demographics. South Korea is facing extinction, and that's no exaggeration. China will within years dip below 1. Japan's situation has long been known. Only North Korea (1.9) and Mongolia (2.7) are near or above replacement.

Regions like Latin America and South East Asia are going the same route. Thailand is now barely above 1. Indonesia is or will soon dip below replacement rate. Vietnam, the Philippines, Myanmar are all below replacement or will soon be. Countries like Laos and Cambodia and Malaysia are still above the line. Puerto Rico is below 1, Colombia at 1.4. Argentina at 1.35. Brazil at 1.5. More traditional societies like Bolivia, Peru etc are still a bit higher

Europe is bad too. Many countries in Southern and Eastern Europe are slowly moving towards close to the 1 mark. Poland has a TFR of 1.13. Spain's is 1.15. Per comparison the US' birthrate is 1.66.

Even many developing countries have slipped below replacement rate, like the Philippines, India, Bangladesh, Mexico and others.

African birthrates are tanking too but they were so high that it will take time to catch up. Only in the Middle East and Central Asia do birthrates seem to be somewhat stable and above replacement.

Either way to get the data right. The Russian Federal State Statistics Service put Russia's 2022 TFR at 1.42. The Office for National Statistics (England and Wales) put its TFR in 2022 at 1.5.

An absolutely phenomenal source is Birth Gauge on Twitter. He scours all the statistical offices of all countries and puts the data in these type of charts.

F-CfX4HWMAAyCOO (1).webp

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And while those numbers look alarming, they include all foreign born people who reside in Russia - not only foreign gastarbeiters, but also ethnic Russians

Good point. Some time ago I was looking at German stats, which showed there were 1 million people born in Kazakhstan, living in Germany. Turns out they are ethnic Germans who lived in KZ. 2% of Russia's population must be Russians born in KZ.

Russian demography is currently recovering, the devastating trends from the 1990s have been reversed. All indicators of social decay (abortions, crime, alcoholism, AIDS etc)

The HIV rate has been increasing.


And this is another important point; even if Russian Muslims have high birthrates, it's not because the Russian government is paying them to pop out babies. The

Life is difficulty for single mothers in Russia.

But I don't think Putin truly understands why there is social dysfunction in Russia. In a similar way US boomers are oblivious to what is going on today.
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The STD stuff is irrelevant. Get rid of sexual deviants and promiscuity, as well as hordes of sexually unhygienic invaders, as well as needle drugs and your country will not have this problem. The crux of the Russia situation is where is it going from here?

Russia needs to become an Orthodox Christian Theocracy again. I don't suspect Mr. Vladimir Putin will allow this.

I think the mistake many people make is that they see Russia as the last bastion of White hope on the earth. There hasn't been a beacon of light like this in the last century except a temporary one with Rhodesia, apartheid South Africa, and NS Germany for roughly 10 out of it's 12 years. Before that it was not until much previously in the centuries before the jews who ran the British Empire started using the colonialists as a battering ram against all the other races of the world and there was mixing like never before.

The Orthodox Church is the only thing keeping Russia from falling apart, that and Slavic strength compounded by the cold weather. I believe that its the faith of the people there in Christ the Savior and Messiah, not Christ the "jew," that has led them to survive the onslaught from globohomo. That being said, there is a huge problem with the non-Christian Asiatic hordes that are rising within Russia and this is why there needs to be an imperial and spiritual leader who will not allow this mongrelization of his people. These Steppe people are perfectly fine in their own spaces, but there is still too much communistic nostalgia in the high echelons of Russia's government, and much jew pandering, for a government to fully create a program to rebreed its ethnic core. NSDAP Germany made remarkable strides in the birthrate within just a few years of its 25 point program, but of course the Anglo-Zionist-Bolshevik war drastically overturned those numbers and unfortunately no lasting fruit was ever born of that tree.

The rightful leader of Russia and its people will also not allow a war to last for such a long time where more genetically Russian people are being killed fighting against other genetically Russian people. It is accumulating the depopulation of their own people in real-time. This is just another jewish onslaught on the Slavic people. I did not say this, but this is what I heard from another: "Putin only cares about defending the jewish tribe that rules Russia. He is not the defender of Europe, and does not give a shit about Europeans."

"Putin is good for the jews of Russia"

"Chabad Lubavitch - Zelensky and Putin"

"Klaus Schwab admits Putin was a WEF young global leader"

Another commenter states "Putin is a Crypto-jew. That is someone who claims Not to be jewish, but still follows the Talmud. MOST Jesuits are Crypto-jews. In Putin's own autobiography, 'First Person, an Astonishingly Frank Self-Portrait, he tells us that his own mother's last name was Shalomovitch✡, changed to Shelomova, to sound more Russian. His paternal grandfather was Spiridon Ivanovich Putin. He was the personal chef for both Stalin & Lenin." His upbringing is what concerns me on where he is going for the future of ethnic Russians.

Yes, Ukraine is much worse with their acceptance of globohomo and all the more blatant corruption on the surface, but in the end this is just another long war dragging out sending all genetic Russians to a meat grinder. The Bolsheviks are slowly attempting to finish what they started with the Red Oktober Revolution, the Russian Civil War, the Holodomor, Stalin's purges, and the westward push of 1944, essentially more death of Europeans.

While he has spoken out against the LGBT juggernaut, which even most ardent commies spat on in their day, Putin has banned White Nationalism & Holohoax revisionism. He regularly mentions the holohoax and therefore no matter how based he is, he is still compromised. Hundreds, if not thousands, of Russian nationalists & "Anti-semites" have been imprisoned under Putin. Putin condemns White nationalism as "caveman mentality", & defends multi-culturalism & diversity in Russia. He was recommended to take over leadership of Russia after Boris Yeltsin, by Roman Abramovich, Billionaire jew, & Chairman of the Federation of jewish Organizations in Russia.

There is also a bunch of Freemasonic lodges in Russia, didn't know this was that bad, but those need to go too.
"Jew world order puppets: Putin and Zelensky"

I don't know what kind of Christian he is but definitely not the revanchist of faith some of us would like to think he is:
"Communist ideology is very similar to Christianity: Freedom, brotherhood, equality, & justice. All of those things are in the Bible." -Putin, 1-4-18

My takeaway is that Russia needs to do what Germany did in the early years of national socialism, with some changes befitting the regionalisms of the Russians. Tsarist Russia was the first casualty of Europa from the jewish marxist Bolsheviks, it is fitting that they be the first to truly resurrect their people and then the other nations will follow suit.

The first step is that a younger leader must arise who is cognizant of the jewish plague on Russia, a leader not connected to nor raised in the Bolshevist system. Can this be possible?
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Another commenter states "Putin is a Crypto-jew. That is someone who claims Not to be jewish, but still follows the Talmud. MOST Jesuits are Crypto-jews. In Putin's own autobiography, 'First Person, an Astonishingly Frank Self-Portrait, he tells us that his own mother's last name was Shalomovitch✡, changed to Shelomova, to sound more Russian. His paternal grandfather was Spiridon Ivanovich Putin. He was the personal chef for both Stalin & Lenin." His upbringing is what concerns me on where he is going for the future of ethnic Russians.

Wait a minute !
Wait a minute !
Wait a minute !

In page 1 of this thread I was informed from an impeccable source that Putin is actually a secret Muslin convert.
Then in the Vladimir Putin thread and also later in the conspiracy thread, I'm also informed from other amazingly reliable sources that Putin has been dead a while already, and a body double is actually ruling Russia.

Now, you inform us that Putin may actually be a secret jew.

So is the real (supposedly dead) Putin the crypto jewish one , and the (supposedly living) body double the Muslim one, or is it vice versa ?
And is there potentially a 3rd double double that drinks alcohol, eats NON-Kosher food, keeps making the sign of the cross, and goes to Christian orthodox church services multiple times a year ?

I'd like some clarity here please !

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Equally troubling is the number of single moms

Life is difficulty for single mothers in Russia.

But I don't think Putin truly understands why there is social dysfunction in Russia. In a similar way US boomers are oblivious to what is going on today.

FYI that graph is from the propaganda arm of the US government, Radio Free Europe.
@Cooper - FYI that graph is from the propaganda arm of the US government, Radio Free Europe.

I believe you are just pointing this out. But it seems that data is official Ru government numbers. Here is something from state-owned media.

Европе бушует эпидемия ВИЧ — Россия занимает первое место по числу заражений, за ней следуют Украина и Белоруссия, сообщается в новом докладе Европейского центра по профилактике и контролю заболеваний и Европейского регионального бюро ВОЗ. В 2017 году ВИЧ был выявлен у 160 тыс. человек в регионе, причем на Восточную Европу пришлось 130 тыс. диагнозов. 104 тыс. из них были зарегистрированы в России.

Russia has the highest number of cases in Europe. After Ukraine and Belarus. In 2017, with 160.000 cases registered in Europe, 104,000 were in Russia.



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@Cooper - FYI that graph is from the propaganda arm of the US government, Radio Free Europe.

I believe you are just pointing this out. But it seems that data is official Ru government numbers. Here is something from state-owned media.

Russia has the highest number of cases in Europe. After Ukraine and Belarus. In 2017, with 160.000 cases registered in Europe, 104,000 were in Russia.

HIV rates need to take into account few a important things:

How many are getting it from shared needle use, how many from tainted blood transfusions, and how many from faggot anal (sodomy) sex ?

Also, the population of Russia is MUCH higher than most other countries so we need to interpret these numbers as a percent of the Russian population, instead of just overall total cases. For example the 104,000 cases in the year 2017 is less than 0.1% of the Russian population of 143 million people.

So the odds of a person living in Russia getting HIV who doesn't share needles, doesn't practice faggot sex, and doesn't get blood transfusions is much less than 1%.

HIV has always been a false boogeyman.

I also have a suspicion that Russia tests the health of its faggots a lot more than other countries, and above all is HONEST about its results which, is why it's numbers are so "high." Other countries hide the HIV endemic among its faggot population by not testing them, or by not publishing accurate numbers, to promote how great the faggot lifestyle is.
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Macrotrends and Statista are the worst. They take outdated data (by years) and put it in some sort of ramshackle model to make their forecasts. Obviously these models don't include variables like certain experimental injections, a steep decline in living standards, changing attitudes amongst the younger generation (feminism, career oriented thinking, anti-natality climate cults) and peak dysfunctionality in male-female dynamics.

Statista and Macrotrends have been off for years but they are still the first hit in Google whenever 'TFR' gets queried. Hence it keeps fooling people.
For me it's about convenience - all data on one site, no need to go through dozens of others. Also, they use generic, commonly available data bases to make their charts - UN World Population Prospects for the fertility rate - so it's good for threads like this where some people might reject official state data (like the Russian Federal State Statistics Service for example) by default.
I am glad finally someone brought this up. (You know Roosh & Co would have banned you from their site for a post like this).

Russia is in a much bigger trouble demographically than any country in Western Europe.

The ethnic Russian population has been rapidly decreasing since about 1991 - low birth rates, people dying of cancer, diseased caused by malnutrition, alcohol or drug abuse or physical violence.

The immigrant population has been rapidly increasing , also from about 1991.

Even in 2007 (when I had a misfortune to visit the Russian Federation) Moscow and St Peterburg was filled with ethnic non-Russian immigrants from central Asia and the Caucasus with a few Middle Eastern and Black Africans here and there.

Many town and cities in Russian far East were economically controlled by Chinese immigrants.

The only things V. Putin is saving , is his own bank account.
And even though Putin has established a land bridge to the Black Sea, he has lost a few hundred thousand young men in Ukraine, and far more have fled into Europe or through Georgia and Armenia.

He has accelerated the Russian demographic crisis for a land/resources war.

At least Japan and Korea with plummeting birth rates are still homogenous because they don't let in millions of muslims.
HIV rates need to take into account few a important things:

How many are getting it from shared needle use, how many from tainted blood transfusions, and how many from faggot anal (sodomy) sex ?

Also, the population of Russia is MUCH higher than most other countries so we need to interpret these numbers as a percent of the Russian population, instead of just overall total cases. For example the 104,000 cases in the year 2017 is less than 0.1% of the Russian population of 143 million people.

So the odds of a person living in Russia getting HIV who doesn't share needles, doesn't practice faggot sex, and doesn't get blood transfusions is much less than 1%.

HIV has always been a false boogeyman.

I also have a suspicion that Russia tests the health of its faggots a lot more than other countries, and above all is HONEST about its results which, is why it's numbers are so "high." Other countries hide the HIV endemic among its faggot population by not testing them, or by not publishing accurate numbers, to promote how great the faggot lifestyle is.

number of drug overdose deaths in Russia: 7,300
Last year, 7,316 people died from drug overdoses, up from 4,569 deaths a year earlier, according to data from Russia's statistics agency Rosstat analyzed by RBC news. From 2016 to 2018, between 4,400 and 4,800 people died from drugs in Russia per year.

number of drug overdose deaths in the US: 107,000
n 2021, 98,268 people died from preventable drug overdoses – an increase of 781% since 1999. These deaths represent 92% of the total 106,699 drug overdose deaths in the United States, which also include suicide, homicide, and undetermined intents.
At least Japan and Korea with plummeting birth rates are still homogenous because they don't let in millions of muslims.

The Muslims that they do let in are from former Soviet republics with large Russian minorities, and where educated locals speak Russian. They're not letting in Somalis and Moroccans. It's important for Russia to maintain its cultural ties in Central Asia.
And even though Putin has established a land bridge to the Black Sea, he has lost a few hundred thousand young men in Ukraine,
Foreign funded opposition outlet Mediazona and BBC Russia have an "orbituary tracker" that puts the number of confirmed Russian casualties below 100k, so You might want to reconsider Your news source.

and far more have fled into Europe or through Georgia and Armenia.
Some have already left Georgia after the spring civil unrest, some left Israel after the start of the current war. How many of them will be able to stay abroad for the long term ?

He has accelerated the Russian demographic crisis for a land/resources war.
Around 3 million people moved from ukraine to Russia after the 2014 coup, another 2,8 million after the start of the SMO, and that's not even counting residents of the annexed regions. Sure, some of them may have left Russia - either to go back to ukraine, or move somewhere else - but it's still a net gain.

At least Japan and Korea with plummeting birth rates are still homogenous because they don't let in millions of muslims.
Russia was never a homogeneous state to begin with. It's closer to what China is - a multi-ethnic empire, where dozens of minority groups live under the rule of the ethnic majority group.
Good point. Some time ago I was looking at German stats, which showed there were 1 million people born in Kazakhstan, living in Germany. Turns out they are ethnic Germans who lived in KZ. 2% of Russia's population must be Russians born in KZ.
The Volga Germans, settled in Russia under the rule of Catherine the Great (a German princess herself), their descendants exiled to Central Asia by Stalin, and after the fall of the Soviet Union repatriated to Germany. I'm guessing, You could find similar foreign born populations from Central Asia in Poland and even Korea.

The HIV rate has been increasing.

The diagnosis rate have been increasing, but it doesn't necessarily mean new infections. In Russia people who engage in HIV-risk behaviour - junkies, homosexuals, prostitutes - remain on the fringes of society, so they are less likely to get regularly tested, than their western counterparts.

HIV rates need to take into account few a important things:

How many are getting it from shared needle use, how many from tainted blood transfusions, and how many from faggot anal (sodomy) sex ?
If I remember correctly, Russian drug/HIV problem is concentrated, mostly, in Western Siberia. An area that experienced a rapid and brutal deindustrialization after the fall of the Soviet Union. It shouldn't come as a surprise, that people left alone after the fall of their state, facing the collapse of their livelihoods, mass unemployment and poverty; turned to drugs to escape the oppressive reality.
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And even though Putin has established a land bridge to the Black Sea, he has lost a few hundred thousand young men in Ukraine, and far more have fled into Europe or through Georgia and Armenia.

He has accelerated the Russian demographic crisis for a land/resources war.

At least Japan and Korea with plummeting birth rates are still homogenous because they don't let in millions of muslims.

Even if Putin is controlled by Jews, and even if many Russians have died defending their homeland, it still does not follow that Putin made the wrong move. Had Ukraine won probably far more Russians would have died as a result, the millions that were trapped in the Donbass probably would have been genocided, and then NATO would have been finding ways to cause incursions into Russia itself with 4th Gen Warfare and guerilla terrorism.

It's pretty obvious the American chews wanted to take over Russia, and the Russian chews thought they would never get betrayed. But then Abromonvich was poisoned during his negotiations early on in the start of the Ukraine war, and now Russian chews realize that if they lose Russia they will lose everything.

To the extend Putin is a chew puppet, we can say: Why didn't Putin invade Ukraine sooner? That's probably the #1 criticism we can make of Putin.

And of course I'm sure Russian chews aggressively push for immigration from central Asia into Russia proper, so no matter what Russian chews are still AIDS. But they now have a vested interest in keeping Russia alive, and so we shouldn't expect them to be cooperative with America Jews on many issues, including Israel.

I'm not saying Putin is a jew, I am saying that he serves the interests of jews in Russia to the detriment of the genetic Russian Slavs. I've seen videos of him crossing himself and partaking in Orthodox ceremonies, but that doesn't mean very much based on his actions. Protestants do the same in the US when they convert to the Orthodox Church but they never seem to get their ingrained Protestant memetic out of their own teachings, which leads to the weakening of parts of Orthodoxy, or at least compromise on spiritual matters. Brother Nathanael talked extensively about this. Putin is likely Orthodox but more secular and not a fundamental crusader of the faith based on his actions (looking at the long term picture). So he is not Orthodox enough to reject Jewry yet based on the videos of him talking about Zelensky being a stain on the "honorable jewish people" and parroting holohoax malarkey about alleged events in the Ukraine from 80 years ago.

There is not one world leader apart from a few Arabs and one or two negligible Africans that doesn't kowtow to the holohoax narrative. I expect the leader of Orthodox Christendom on earth to not allow the holohoax narrative to permeate his peoples lives, the same way I'd expect the Papal vicar to do the same. Of course with Catholics, its another story, where only a few brave priests speak out about the lies and no Bishop or Vatican official will ever acknowledge. The event horizon has passed, any world leader that continues to use that jewish racket for talking points is one that I will not follow, and many others are also not willing to follow.

I would love to see him do a 180 and say in a statement "Dear patriots and comrades I have had a series of epiphanies and I have come to realize that the enemies of Russia are international jewry and their servants, who ran our Soviet Republics. They have disposed of our great country, murdered tens of millions of our brethren and kin, and desecrated our Holy faith for four generations, and let it languish in squalor after their system fell. I too once served this system, having been raised in its educational format and working for its intelligence apparatus, but this is all wrong and against God. Therefore I am enacting a series of laws that prohibit jews from holding public offices, positions in banking, finance, academia, state media, or medical policy. Russia will be a Christian nation run by Christian men as a flourishing bounty for Christian Slavs and their descendants."

Also the Ukraine should be completely re-absorbed into a greater Russia but its regionalisms should be allowed to exist. Both Russians and Ukrainians (genetically identical) need to move past their grievances with one another and recognize that before 1917 they both had it pretty darn good, and that is the kingdom they should be working to restore.
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