Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

Some people just hate Russia and all Russians. They want all Russians dead and give the land to Zio-British globo empire
Glad to leave the West, there are enemies around, one can not live in travesty.
I prefer local migrants to these globalist shills.
Migrants in Russia are not all bad, main thing many got minds not not poisoned by the globohomo.
When are the Russians going to pay reparations for the crimes inflicted on other nations ever since the time of Ivan the Terrible until now - 2023?
Your threatening message has been reported.

Just click the ignore button and move on, this guy (or woman) is a Reddit-tier idiot who just wants to cause provocation. Not worth your time

One thing, this hate they are spreading towards Russians using their online armies had caused huge patriotic feelings inside Russia amоng young people, so it backfired.
These are super popular songs about Russian pride now.
It's literally like seeing all the globo designs collapse.

There is a rumor, I have no idea if it's true, that Putin secretly converted to Islam because of his children with his long term lover Alina Kabaeva, a Muslim woman born in Uzbekistan whose father is Muslim Tatar. She supposedly converted to Christianity in 2003 but this could be a public move for the sake of relationship with Putin. Her father remains Muslim. In families with that kind of background people tend to obey the father and ancestors a lot.
Sounds like pee tapes level rumor.
I like this version of "I am Russian" song above with folk music bands

I don't know first hand, but I understand Russia is pretty messed up, with a lot of social dysfunction, even more than is the case among the US and EU populations. However, I think the difference is that the Western governments are pushing degeneracy that will make things worse. The western elites hate their own culture and their own native people.

In Russia, the government and the elites seem to be promoting this kind of pride in Russia, as represented by this song, and they are promoting Christian family values. I think things are getting better in Russia, but things are getting worse here.
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I don't know first hand, but I understand Russia is pretty messed up, with a lot of social disfunction, even more than is the case among the US and EU populations. However, I think the difference is that the Western governments are pushing degeneracy that will make things worse. The western elites hate their own culture and their own native people.

In Russia, the government and the elites seem to be promoting this kind of pride in Russia, as represented by this song, and they are promoting Christian family values. I think things are getting better in Russia, but things are getting worse here.
I lived in Russia in the 90s and since then it has vastly improved there. Unless you were there 30 years ago, you can't imagine how far they've come. The west on the other hand has vastly degenerated in that same time and has a death-wish, whereas Russia wants to survive and thrive. Trajectory and intent are important.
I don't know first hand, but I understand Russia is pretty messed up, with a lot of social disfunction, even more than is the case among the US and EU populations. However, I think the difference is that the Western governments are pushing degeneracy that will make things worse. The western elites hate their own culture and their own native people.

In Russia, the government and the elites seem to be promoting this kind of pride in Russia, as represented by this song, and they are promoting Christian family values. I think things are getting better in Russia, but things are getting worse here.

Crime rate, especially murder rate, had dropped drastically with every decade since early 90s when it exploded. It used to be like in the roughest Latin American countries but it had shrank dramatically. What they call "years of democracy" in the 90s (years of Soros controlled government), were horrible crime years and literal hunger in places, but according to what the Western leadership says these were the best years of "freedom and democracy". Back then natural resources were being exported without regular people getting any share of it or investment back into the country, all fled to elite's accounts in Western banks
I lived in Russia in the 90s and since then it has vastly improved there. Unless you were there 30 years ago, you can't imagine how far they've come. The west on the other hand has vastly degenerated in that same time and has a death-wish, whereas Russia wants to survive and thrive. Trajectory and intent are important.

Honestly hoping Putin will shut off the external internet (though he won't, despite all the talk), but would be the best thing, I won't be sorry if he does, all the russophobic racism and hate and corrupting influence, from the external world, we do not need it. There is tons of own land and resources to provide for themselves. China is not on the right path with all the global trade and consumerism, they are solidly on the hook now. I lived in the States for 27 years, and know what's really going on, he best pull the plug.
Anglos (since it started to come to members' ethnic origin on this forum) want us dead and take our land, like from Native Americans. They won't rest and there are wars ahead, everyone in Russia knows that.
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Anglos (since it started to come to members' ethnic origin on this forum) want us dead and take our land, like from Native Americans. They won't rest and there are wars ahead, everyone in Russia knows that.
Anglos, if by that you mean the English, mostly believe what they're told to believe. That's why mRNA vax uptake here was so high. Most Northern Europeans are compliant and trusting in authority, though that is gradually waning.
The idea that they want your land is plain ridiculous. That those up in the higher echelons of power would like to subvert and destroy Russia, well that's apparently so, but they get their orders from the very top and at the very top you will not find many Anglos. That's the sort of inaccurate rubbish I used to read The Saker.
Anglos, if by that you mean the English, mostly believe what they're told to believe. That's why mRNA vax uptake here was so high. Most Northern Europeans are compliant and trusting in authority, though that is gradually waning.
The idea that they want your land is plain ridiculous. That those up in the higher echelons of power would like to subvert and destroy Russia, well that's apparently so, but they get their orders from the very top and at the very top you will not find many Anglos. That's the sort of inaccurate rubbish I used to read The Saker.

Oh I had seen enough racist hatred I assure you, and not from elites. Europe is real short on land and lad lost colonies, they want our lands for a long time. I guess all the Wermacht soldiers who came to kill millions in Russia were a bit misunderstood. I read what their leaders said about our race, at least these were open and somewhat honest. Australia, US, Canada, same pattern ...we won't meet the fate of their native occupants. Russia has no friends except its army, every kid there knows it. Colonialism is taking new forms these days
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In an attempt to bring this thread back on the right track, let's go back to the beginning and look at the issue of migration that Russia is facing.
Any quick search will show you that Russia has one of the largest immigrant populations in the world, depending on the year/source it's between 11 and 12 million, which is around 8% of the whole population. That's a lot, but still less than what is happening in the west.
immigrant population.JPG
And while those numbers look alarming, they include all foreign born people who reside in Russia - not only foreign gastarbeiters, but also ethnic Russians born outside of Russia's "new" post Soviet borders. From the Migration Policy Institute (MPI):
MigrationPolicy - Russia.JPG
That clarifies a lot, but doesn't change the fact that Russia is receiving a lot (1,5 - 2 million) of temporary migrant workers each year.
MigrationPolicy - work visas Russia.JPG

Even more than that, because this data only shows legal migrants, and only from the largest groups - smaller groups like for example: Vietnamese are not included. The reason why Russia is forced to invite large numbers of foreign workers is the extremely low birth rate that happened in the 90s, there simply isn't enough Russians entering the labour force each year.
Russia Population Pyramid.JPG
You will find exactly the same gap in the population pyramid of every post Soviet state. The hardships that followed the dissolution of the Soviet Union are unimaginable for most of us - for those people it was the end of the world as they knew it and being able to afford having kids back then, in the 90s, was too great of a challenge for many people. All social issues that Russia is facing - migration, crime, fertility, etc. - are rooted in that period, when Russia became de facto a failed state, unable to provide for its citizens. But over the past 23 yeras of the Putin era, Russia and its people experienced a rapid improvement in all aspects of life - the economy is booming, crime is going down, the fertility rate is going up (still below the replacement rate) and, with enough time, Russia should be able to overcome the challenges it's facing.

For those interested in data mining, I recommend the Macrotrends website where You'll find all the necessary data ( immigration statistics, birth rates, life expectancy, economy, etc.) for all countries in the world, so You can compare the situation in Russia with other countries - how things are, how they were, and where things are going. For example:
Rus vs UK - fertility rate.JPG
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OP used a lot of selective and outdated data. For example he does not mention that under Putin over 25,000 churches have been built in Russia.

Russia has also cut off the foreign jihadi element from its mosques, whereas in the rest of Europe, authorities have used mass migration as a tool against their populations, along the Kalergi plan, and also collaborated with Gulf countries to promote locally a toxic wahhabi islamic strain, in order to generate local terror events and to keep the population under duress, similar to what the deep state has done in Europe with the Gladio false flag terror operations in the 1970s and 80s. This is what is referred to as the strategy of tension. 9/11, the covid plandemic have had the same goals, to scare the population into accepting the loss of personal freedoms and welcoming a tighter state control grid.

Russian demography is currently recovering, the devastating trends from the 1990s have been reversed. All indicators of social decay (abortions, crime, alcoholism, AIDS etc) have come down quite sharply, and the trend is still ongoing. The OP does not mention this.