Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

There is one more commonly spread lie from trolls - that id did not debunk yesterday as this would have caused some of the pro-Putin troll to have a stroke (and would have probably get me banned from there.). But the truth needs to be said. Don't shoot the messenger.

Lie spread by Russian trolls:
"There is lots of people with HIV in the West, because you got too many Blacks, junkies, hookers and gays. We don't have this problem - HIV does not exist in Russia."
Now, Ivan...this is probably the biggest lie you have ever told and we are not going to let you get away with it.
Ivan, Russia may not have many Black folks but must have a lot of the other three, otherwise how would you explain the statistics?
Russia has a serious problem with HIV, It has had for a very long time.
1.50% (!) of the people living in the Russian Federation live with HIV. (For comparison the US and France the rate is 0.40%, the UK and Sweden 0.20%).
What may be even more shocking to some of the readers here that Russia's HIV rate is the same as that of Liberia and Sierra Leone.
In fact - in many supposedly countries that are looked down upon by some of the readers here - such as Thailand, Cambodia, Papua New Guinea, Burundi, Chad, Ethiopia, Brazil, Senegal, Somalia etc - have lower rates of HIV than Russia.

Actually, before you say it's biased, the Wikipedia article quotes the CIA's World Factbook as the source. (You can access the link) No, it's not biased. Younger readers may not remember this, but the same source warned the world of the shockingly high HIV rates even back in the mid-1990s - when (the younger readers won't remember the Clinton-Yeltsin era) the US-Russia relations were actually fairly decent at the time. (Also, the source also acknowledges that Ukraine's rate is also high - 1.10%)
We know that prostitution is widespread in Russia (even with protection, more partners mean more chance of getting infected)
We already discussed yesterday that IV-drug abuse is rampant in Russia. Rehabilitation facilities are minimal. Harm reduction is practically non-existent - in fact, the Russian government has outlawed NGOs that tried to help IV drug users to have access to clean needles.
As you see from the evidence, the Russian government denies there is a problem.

Also, the silence from the Russian orthodox church on this matter is deafening - while abroad Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Buddhist etc organizations provide lots of genuine work on helping the rehabilitation of former drug users. (One can only wish the russian orthodox church was as active in the field of helping the poor and the needy as they are in field of politics)

I guess some of you will look at those Svetlanas, Irinas and Natashas a bit differently after this. If you still insist on marrying one, don't play Russian roulette (no pun intended) with your health. Make sure she gets tested. This would also show her real attitude.
While a lady from Liberia or Sierra Leone (countries with same rates of HIV as Russia) would actually see this as a positive - as this shows her future husband is a responsible and caring man.
Not so much with a Russian women. it is guaranteed she will make a scene. (In thick Russian accent: "Test for HIV? What do you think I am?!". Don't be a beta simp, going into long explanation. Stand your ground. "You are from Russia. That's enough reason for me to ask you to get tested." That will shut her up immediately. But You should also ask yourself whether you really want to marry a woman with such attitude (arrogant, prideful and ignorant) ? Choose wisely, gentlemen...choose wisely.

The state healthcare facilities in Russia are really third world level, that's probably needless to say.

The bottom line is : ignore the Russian propaganda. Russia is a poor, dysfunctional third world country (don't let the abundance of natural resources fool you) that is currently trying to overtake the world to bring the attention away from its internal problems. The online troll paid by the Russian government are also there for that purpose.

Comparing Russia with the a country of the same rate of HIV (Liberia) - having visited both countries I can reassure you that the average Russian does not live much better than the average Liberian. The Russian propaganda rarely shows you the "other side" or Russia, away from the touristy areas or away from the world of wealthy "oligarchs" . (On a subjective note: Don't have an intention to visit neither of the said two countries again - but visiting Liberia was a more pleasant experience than visiting Russia).

Again, don't shoot the truth-teller. Do your own research if you don't believe the sources I provided you with.


Again, as with the homicide rate, you're cherry picking data. Zimbabwe, 22 percent, SA, 14 percent for example. There's also major questions about testing regimes and definitions here. Different countries have different definitions of HIV positive. And again it also depends on where you are and who you interact with. I don't know what the HIV rate is in the Detroit hoods, but I'd bet it's much, much higher that the national US average. I don't think that Russian choir girls will give you HIV to put it that way, and no one has said that Russia is paradise either.
Comparing Russia with the a country of the same rate of HIV (Liberia) - having visited both countries I can reassure you that the average Russian does not live much better than the average Liberian. The Russian propaganda rarely shows you the "other side" or Russia, away from the touristy areas or away from the world of wealthy "oligarchs" . (On a subjective note: Don't have an intention to visit neither of the said two countries again - but visiting Liberia was a more pleasant experience than visiting Russia).

No normal person goes to Liberia unless they are doing very shady things.
Again, as with the homicide rate, you're cherry picking data. Zimbabwe, 22 percent, SA, 14 percent for example. There's also major questions about testing regimes and definitions here. Different countries have different definitions of HIV positive. And again it also depends on where you are and who you interact with. I don't know what the HIV rate is in the Detroit hoods, but I'd bet it's much, much higher that the national US average. I don't think that Russian choir girls will give you HIV to put it that way, and no one has said that Russia is paradise either.
For Pete's sake, Johnny! You used to be one of the more sensible commenters here.
What happened to you?
Now, Ivan...this is probably the biggest lie you have ever told and we are not going to let you get away with it.
Ivan, Russia may not have many Black folks but must have a lot of the other three, otherwise how would you explain the statistics?

I just gave you a 4-point warning because you keep making the conversation personal. We're talking about a country, not an individual. Do this again and you're banned from the thread. It's a better outcome than having to ban you entirely. Stick to discussion of the topics, stop making it about any one individual user.
I had looked at migrant numbers more in depth.
Basically there is high percent of migrants and migrant crime in some cities and regions, but not in most places.

There is very high percent of migrants (both legal and illegal and these numbers include those from Ukraine) in Moscow, St Petersburg, several Siberian and Southern regions.
In Moscow and St Petersburg they are 25% and 22% of the workforce, and its the highest.
Every 10th worker in Russia is a migrant/immigrant.
These numbers do not include people from Chechnya and Dagestan as they are Russian citizens (but often cause crime away from their home republics).

It seems like Moscow and Moscow Oblast, St Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Magnitogorsk, Krasnodar Krai, Rostov, Stavropol, Krasnoyarsk, Samara, Novosibirsk, Tatarstan/Kazan, Irkutsk, Sakhalin, Amur Oblast, Kaluga,Tambov are the places where the most migrants live. And that's where most migrant crime is.

Lead Russia's law enforcement official, Bastirkin, had stated that migrant crime went up around from 30% to several times up, depending on region, that is in 2022, 2023 numbers are not available now, and that ethnic gangs are operating in many places causing much crime
I just gave you a 4-point warning because you keep making the conversation personal. We're talking about a country, not an individual. Do this again and you're banned from the thread. It's a better outcome than having to ban you entirely. Stick to discussion of the topics, stop making it about any one individual user.
Samseau..."Ivan" was the proverbial Russian troll. Figure of speech. Not an actual commenter on this thread. I thought that was clear
Consequently, on this occasion I disagree with the 4-point warning on this occasion and request you to remove the warning.
Samseau..."Ivan" was the proverbial Russian troll. Figure of speech. Not an actual commenter on this thread. I thought that was clear
Consequently, on this occasion I disagree with the 4-point warning on this occasion and request you to remove the warning.

Samseau..."Ivan" was the proverbial Russian troll. Figure of speech. Not an actual commenter on this thread. I thought that was clear
Consequently, on this occasion I disagree with the 4-point warning on this occasion and request you to remove the warning.

This isn't clear from how you wrote your post, but I'm glad you at least clarify it here. You should probably preface with something along the lines of, "This is how it would sound if I spoke to your average Russian propagandist," or something.

Try and edit your copy-pastas to fit the conversation at least.
Some people just hate Russia and all Russians. They want all Russians dead and give the land to Zio-British globo empire
Glad to leave the West, there are enemies around, one can not live in travesty.
I prefer local migrants to these globalist shills.
Migrants in Russia are not all bad, main thing many got minds not not poisoned by the globohomo.
Some people just hate Russia and all Russians. They want all Russians dead and give the land to Zio-British globo empire
Glad to leave the West, there are enemies around, one can not live in travesty.
I prefer local migrants to these globalist shills.
Migrants in Russia are not all bad, main thing many got minds not not poisoned by the globohomo.
According to your earlier post (from a few days ago) you were supposedly driving your RV in Arizona. Now you claim you live in Russia.
Are you a liar or a troll...or both?
One example of those I'm talking about is above (and why some people need to travel some)

Don't be mistaken, Russians are subject of intense racism is the West. Russia did not submit to become the colony of theirs, that's why hatred. Their owners, elites want more land and resources, literally foaming at the mouth at non compliant country. Globo shills. I wonder who pays them

Even China is still licking boots, continues to. Russia, Iran, Palestine, N. Korea do not. They do not forgive when you don't lick their demon boots, submit to their demon leaders. They would be genociding Russians like Palestinians now if Russia did not stand up to them. They do not consider Russians to be the same race as Western Europeans, they used to be open about it during WW2.

It's all about domination of Eurasia
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One example of those I'm talking about is above (and why some people need to travel some)

Don't be mistaken, Russians are subject of intense racism is the West. Russia did not submit to become the colony of theirs, that's why hatred. Their owners, elites want more land and resources, literally foaming at the mouth at non compliant country. Globo shills. I wonder who pays them

Even China is still licking boots, continues to. Russia, Iran, Palestine, N. Korea do not. They do not forgive when you dont lick their demon boots

You Russians are not the victims.
Stop trying to take over the world. Fix your internal problems first. Civilize yourself - if you try, perhaps in about 200 years time you can perhaps join the club of civilized nations.