Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

But at the same time American Anglos and other Western Euros view Russians as inferior race, just like they see everyone else but themselves. That's why I am done with America. Colonialist, imperialist, racist country, to think of it, the center of globalism. Everyone should leave Russia and BRICS countries alone and focus on own stuff and homelands.

I don't think it's the case that people see Russians as inferior, except maybe unhinged libs like Keith Olbermann, for whom Russians are an acceptable target. I've never heard that from anyone other than libs.

As for America, and Europe - they are colonies. The people in them don't control them. They can't change their government. Policies are locked in. The same system that has colonised them, simply can't accept that the power in Russia wan't to be independent. See the difference between our colonies and the wildcard, the black sheep colony - Hungary.

Trying to play the colonialism card is probably not a good idea. The only reason you can try and play that is because Western countries have been so subverted/colonised; and the highly distorted colonial narrative has been used to beat them into submission. There are a lot of other entities that this card could be played against. But since those entities don't want to destroy themselves, it isn't mentioned - Arab colonialism, Ottoman colonialism, Chinese colonialism, Japanese colonialism, Russian colonialism and pretty much every jurisdiction that existed prior to WWI.

The Russian Empire colonised vast tracts, including the Caucus, Georgia, Armenia, much of Eastern Europe, Veps, Komi, Buryats, Chuvash, Tatar and many others. Many of those people now either don't exist, are a small minority or have been highly diluted. This is colonialism. But you are lucky enough you haven't suffered from a vindictive ideology to destroy your people because of it.

If you are taking a position against other Europeans because we've been colonised by globalism, you've fallen into the trap of Euro vs. Euro. The Russian oligarchs (most of whom are not Russian will be pleased).
Our gene pool had been kept clean from weakness by wars, with Europe, for centuries.
We will keep it this way.
That European brotherhood talk - Aziv batallion, it is welcome there. Their favorite theme.
@jaguarcat I see you endorse many opinions and ideas that we've been told by some state apparatus, and attack none of the mountain of evidence I supplied showing you the Chabad jewish masters control over Russia. You have indeed bought their propaganda about the rest of Europe if you view yourself as a different race than them. The Romanovs were not, and so were a majority of the Russians prior to the end of the Russian Civil War (really the White Russians standing up to the Bolsheviks) in 1922. Russian clean genetics have been slowly eroded with Mongol blood ever since then in the same veneer of globalism you criticize others for doing to themselves.
But at the same time American Anglos and other Western Euros view Russians as inferior race, just like they see everyone else but themselves. That's why I am done with America. Colonialist, imperialist, racist country, to think of it, the center of globalism. Everyone should leave Russia and BRICS countries alone and focus on own stuff and homelands. All these wannabe colonizers like that russophobic dude on here say they want to marry women of other races only...well if that's not globalism and a form of colonialism I dunno what is. Moving to places with American money and bringing unaffordable housing and American or Euro way of life is the same thing too, destoying native cultures, whatever bad and imperfect they might be, still better than globalist uniform culturless world. People want anglicized globalized world, global Babylon, where they can own a house without being a citizen or where they can easily become citizens, easy flights back and forth, and then, when global elites go crazy, say there is nowhere left to run.

Hitler had the race views down to science including about Russia peoples and people in Russia know what threats exist in the West to them, they won't be deceived by sweet talking again. That is the reason Putin got public support for the war.
Not a single mention of the jew! I'm not singing the praises of modern day America nor modern Europe. Both need to be gutted and redrawn before they can be rebuilt. You don't know your history if you think these views were proliferated by "Anglos". You forget that Tsarist Russia was more closer to continental Europe than even its once arch-enemy, the British Empire (under complete jew control) was.

Whoever was saying they only want to purposely race mix is obviously much further gone than you or I have the ability to help them with, and more so than it being a form of how jews spread globalism (only jewish propaganda machines promote racial mixing to such an extreme degree) it is a form of mental and spiritual illness to be driven by something like that against the natural love of one's own.

You say Euro way of life is destroying native cultures, well yes and no. Did British colonialism subject the world to centuries of strife? Yes, in a way. Did the French colonialism inevitably bring the African problem home to roost in Europe centuries later? Unfortunately yes. Did Spanish colonialism change the face of two continents that practiced demonic sacrificial religions? Yes. Dutch Colonialism created South Africa, which was devoid of Zulu's at the time, they migrated southwards later. So you have to make the case for the negatives of colonialism separate from the cases where there was no evidential negatives. Germany never treated its few colonies in the ways that the British subjected all of theirs. Sweden and Ireland never took colonies. Nor did the Finns, and neither did the Greeks come to think of it. Poland is right out when it comes to that measurement, they've never left the surroundings of Warsaw except to go to Chicago. Some cultures are so backwards and primitive that living under a European living standard is a gift bestowed upon them that even their heathen descendants will never have the comprehension to realize.

What people think Hitler said or wrote about different races is so far from the truth of what he actually did. If you were around in the old forum there was plenty of evidence that I personally posted which disproved the "Untermensch" document was falsified to include Slavic peoples, it only specifically talked about jews. Even in the original version of Mein Kampf there is not one single derogatory reference to Slavics. The Smolensk Manifesto disproves any claim that there was an existential threat to the Russian People by the Third Reich. Any threat that existed to the Russian peoples from the west was always driven by jews.

Since you are apt to blame westerners you are abjectly under the jewish spell somehow, I may not be able to break it but I can certainly provide an attempt for the audience of this forum to witness the truth. While you blame NATO and globalism and colonialism, you don't even mention their architects. What about the architects of Russia's most immense suffering in all of history?

This series, "History of the Jews in Russia," examines the conflict between Russian Orthodox Christianity and Pharisaic Judaism. So if you can't take 20 minutes to watch this video then I can't take your complaints seriously:
"History of the Jews in Russia - The Jewish Revolution Part 1"

You are mistaking my criticisms for being directed at Russian people, they are not.
We will fight wars against European NATO stuff and invaders.
We will never be Europeans.
We will fight as many wars as necesssy to keep Europe in check at our borders.

All this talk is really about taking our wast lands, most of which happen to be in Asia, which begins after Ural mountains and our natural resources wanted by strapped for land, lacking resources Europe.
Europe won't have an inch of that land, neither it will subvert and alter Russians to alien to us "europeanness".
Hitler already tried that, what you posted is about the same as content of propaganda fliers they dropped from planes in Russia. He failed, NATO will fail too.

Yeah, sure you dislike Putin, what you say here gets one prison time in Russia as extremism. Putin = Israely agent is just one of the many tales spread by Ukrainians.
Putin already proved he is good by severing most relations with Europe. He is wanted by Haague court, enough proof to me he did not betray Russia.

Europe will soon collapse, in my view, well I hope refined "superior" Euro folks run to Latin America, not to Russia then. Its cold and brutal in Russia, big bad mosquitos, ticks and biting flies, and Asian people all over, one of whom happens to be Russia's Minister of Defence, and racism towards them is prohibited and severely punished by law in Russia. Those who want to plant division in Russia are better off in their refined, beautiful and completely fascist Europe.
NATO is the parasitic jewish setup that controls European affairs against the will of the European people. It is also killing them too. If you equate all of Europe's history, it's people, and its faith, which have more in alignment with Orthodox Russia than with any other place on the world, as an enemy, then you are buying this clever deception against your own race. Perhaps you think that Slavic means different than Nordic, or Germanic, or Iberian, or Hellenic, but it still falls under the same genetic umbrella. The word itself, Slav, comes from "slave" when Turkic mongols and Muslims took slaves from Eastern Europe.

"We will fight as many wars as necessary to keep Europe in check at our borders." - you are basically doing the jews handiwork for free then. Instead of seeking cooperation and brotherhood you want alienation and mistrust, building on centuries of growing mistrust that could have been steered in the other direction and should have been. This train of thought will not help the true Russian people out in the long run, only further isolate them in a sea of other peoples that do not know them nor care for their history, or their future.

Did you even look at the evidence I posted? I never said he was an Israeli agent, I said he serves the will of the Chabad, the jews who run Russia. While all jews are on team jew, this Chabad is a different beast than the Mossad system as it was setup prior to the advent of the Mossad, even before the propped-up state of Israel. Though they have been in bed with one another ever since they first conjoined tentacles.

Europe will collapse by jewish design, not because it is a "racist, colonialist, globalist" collective. When these vampires have no further use for Russia and its resources, it too will collapse, unless the Russian people root them out of control. You admitted yourself the laws I'm confirming to be true, which indicates that Russia is in control of the jews.

Our gene pool had been kept clean from weakness by wars, with Europe, for centuries.
We will keep it this way.
That European brotherhood talk - Aziv batallion, it is welcome there. Their favorite theme.
I can clearly see the eastern victor's propaganda of lies in these words. As I said again, all wars waged against Tsarist Russia by other European powers had jewish fingerprints all over it, some were financed directly by jewish bankers in an attempt to destroy Tsarism completely like the Decembrist Revolution. Perhaps you don't know Russian history as well as you think you do. It too has been tampered with by jews, and their handiwork is evident in the words you type on this thread. Let's continue with the next part of the series:

"History of the Jews in Russia: The Jewish Revolution - Part II"

(@scary_robot_music This video talks about how alcoholism was used by the jews in past times to keep the Russian people poor, sick, and indebted, starting at 25:35. The whole story of Derzhavin is something never talked about.)

Are you familiar with these 4 flags found within European countries and in the US? That are neither European nor relevant of their descendants.

All 4 are run by crypto-jews, and all 4 have caused problems for Russia.

You never mention the "Heresy of the Judaizers" which occurred after the Romanov dynasty was established in 1613. Patriarch Nikon had to write a letter to the Czar stating: "the jews who had converted to Christianity still practice their jewish faith and are demoralizing Christian monks." So similar to Catholicism, the jews were converting to Orthodoxy and causing problems from within the Russian Church, all while keeping their faith.

This is a basic strategy of how they infiltrated and subverted Christian Russia on several occasions:

Would honoring Bohdan Khmelnytsky, an Orthodox hero, in modern Russia also be punished with prison time? Since he routed the jewish scourge running the Polish nobles and saw them for what they were? Or what about quoting Peter the Great? Who would rather accept Muslims and Pagans into his country than jews.


Or what about quoting and honoring Empress Elizabeth? "I do not want any interest or profit from the enemies of Christ."

Perhaps the prisons in Russia that get filled with people who break these laws are more patriotic than the people serving in the Russian government.

They even twisted history to make Czar Paul go down as one of the worst rulers in Russia's history, but let's look at what he did for the Russian people:


Wind the clocks back even further, Vladimir the Great in his conversion chose the Christianity of Europe after Byzantium Greek missionaries were spreading the gospel in Kievan Rus, not Khazarian jewry and not the Caliphate's Mohammedanism. Let's see what the founder of Christian Russia had to say about the people currently in charge of it:

Here is the crux of the series, Part 3, start with how the jews lured Christians into their own secret societies, and used them to bring down their own societies:

"History of the Jews in Russia - The Jewish Revolution: Part III"

Something to consider about freemasonry, which has not been mentioned in Russia in any of the previous posts. "Freemasonry, as we know it rose out of the Christian protestant countries, and became the enemy of the Catholic Church. There are some arguments that the Protestant movement was orchestrated by the jews, and a counterargument that states that the Protestant movement was a result of jews infiltrating the catholic church. What matters here is the division in European Christianity revolves around the jews, and these two Christian factions would be ujsed as religious tools to cause Europeans to murder each other to this very day. Freemasonry is founded on jewish mysticism and babylonian Egyptian paganism, and a way for the jews to recruit non-jews, who are thirsty for wealth and power, to do the jews dirty work."

I can't find part 4 yet, but he is going to cover the Bolsheviks in depth then.
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Moreover, European (and I mean all five eyes countries too) view of life is findamentally different from Russian. European mentality is deeply rooted in materialism/consumerism, individualism and desire to modify (and often destroy) natural world for short lived benefits of "profit" abd useless growth. Europeans also like rules and obeying them, they can't stand those who fail to follow their 1000s of rules. They like the order too much. Russian mentality always had been removed from consumerism and geared towards symplicity. No matter how many rules government makes Russians will find a way to break them. And Russians like chaos.
The rich Russians (many of whom are not ethnic Russians) are like dirty foam on the edge of the ocean during calm, which will be destroyed during the next storm. All the ways of profit, greed and individualism based Westen type of society brought in nothing but poison, after 1991. Stalin is getting very popular in Russia now
It's often easier for me to talk to a Chinese than to another American because of mentality, which is Eurasian in Russia and will never be really European.
There are Eurasian people who live in Russia, the historic ties with Asia are as deep as with Europe. No wonder current allies are all Asian.
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Moreover, European (and I mean all five eyes countries too) view of life is findamentally different from Russian. European mentality is deeply rooted in materialism/consumerism, individualism and desire to modify (and often destroy) natural world for short lived benefits of "profit" abd useless growth. Europeans also like rules and obeying them, they can't stand those who fail to follow their 1000s of rules. They like the order too much. Russian mentality always had been removed from consumerism and geared towards symplicity. No matter how many rules government makes Russians will find a way to break them. And Russians like chaos.
The rich Russians (many of whom are not ethnic Russians) are like dirty foam on the edge of the ocean during calm, which will be destroyed during the next storm. All the ways of profit, greed and individualism based Westen type of society brought in nothing but poison, after 1991. Stalin is getting very popular in Russia now
It's often easier for me to talk to a Chinese than to another American because of mentality, which is Eurasian in Russia and will never be really European.
There are Eurasian people who live in Russia, the historic ties with Asia are as deep as with Europe. No wonder current allies are all Asian.

One of my closest Russian friends once told me that I'm the only American she's met who really understands Russians, which I took as great compliment. Anyway, I agree with what you're saying here. Reminds me of how a fellow expat over in the FSU told me when I was new there and didn't know the language or people well yet that I should think of Russians as "the white Chinese." What he meant was that because we look very similar it's easy to think that Westerners and Russians have a lot in common, whereas in really you're closer to the Chinese in most ways.
Moreover, European (and I mean all five eyes countries too) view of life is findamentally different from Russian. European mentality is deeply rooted in materialism/consumerism, individualism and desire to modify (and often destroy) natural world for short lived benefits of "profit" abd useless growth. Europeans also like rules and obeying them, they can't stand those who fail to follow their 1000s of rules. They like the order too much. Russian mentality always had been removed from consumerism and geared towards symplicity. No matter how many rules government makes Russians will find a way to break them. And Russians like chaos.
That view of life is inherently judeo-capitalistic. Not of European origin. The fact that it was forced upon the European peoples by traitors and jews doesn't seem to register for most people who don't do any digging. I'm beginning to see a pattern in your replies where you do not mention jews at all, and this is a huge component of your claims, that without which your claims would be invalid because then these issues wouldn't be plaguing Europeans.

All five-eyes countries and EU countries (subjugated nations post-WW2) are in complete accord with zionist agendas. Their intelligence (eyes) all ultimately work to further the Kalergi plan in the east, originally just the Morgenthau plan in the west, and all will never go against international jewry. The Rothschild bankers who run the west and the Chabad Lubavitch who run the east all have the same end goal.

You mention simplicity. European mentality is historically agrarian, as well as innovative. You are generalizing without any specific examples, of which I could guarantee you there is a jew behind any push for consumerism and materialism if you so kindly provide one to support your claim. Everything individualistic, from the self to the consuming nature of society, was forced upon Europe after WW2.

And liking chaos isn't a very Orthodox characteristic. Neither is not having a set of rules, which is clearly what the Apostolic Church has. You're painting a picture of a caricature of Russians to fit the hegelian dialectic response of the east to the hegelian dialectic provocation of the west. In the end, you're still not in charge of your destiny until you see the players behind the puppets.

The rich Russians (many of whom are not ethnic Russians) are like dirty foam on the edge of the ocean during calm, which will be destroyed during the next storm. All the ways of profit, greed and individualism based Westen type of society brought in nothing but poison, after 1991.
Is it so hard to call them what they truly are? Are you afraid you're going to get arrested if you simply name the jew? Not very chaotic of you, following those rules that won't allow you to question who rules over you. All those ways of "profit, greed, and individualism" are jewish schemes which they use to tear apart Christendom by judeo-capitalists, the same way collectivism, (((liberty))) and equality are used to tear apart civilizations into judeo-communism. Wake up!

Stalin is getting very popular in Russia now
It's often easier for me to talk to a Chinese than to another American because of mentality, which is Eurasian in Russia and will never be really European.
There are Eurasian people who live in Russia, the historic ties with Asia are as deep as with Europe. No wonder current allies are all Asian.

I wonder why one of the most prolific eliminators of Christian blood in the history of Russia is being exalted now? The man was deeply atheistic and under his watch millions of ancestors of living Christian Russians today were ignobly ended. If Russia was in Orthodox control they would not be honoring that man.

The Eurasian people having always been there from the time of the mongols and some even earlier, but they did not build Russia into an empire and an Orthodox Kingdom. Just like they won't stop the enemies of Orthodoxy from tearing down what remains, and may even lend a hand the way they raped their way across Europe in the mid 1940s. If current Russia took steps to become an Orthodox nation without jewish influence, these Asiatic ties would take a backset to other Orthodox and Christian nations. The more "Asian" Russia becomes, the less it remains originally Russian. The boundaries of west and east were always delineated along the Ural mountains. In the same vein, Europe is doomed unless there is a genetic and faithful revival among the people to rid themselves of their parasites, both the ones above and the ones below. What is modern Eurasian anyhow? It is a loss of identity for both races, while one tribe maintains their own. Same strategy, different coordinates.

One of my closest Russian friends once told me that I'm the only American she's met who really understands Russians, which I took as great compliment. Anyway, I agree with what you're saying here. Reminds me of how a fellow expat over in the FSU told me when I was new there and didn't know the language or people well yet that I should think of Russians as "the white Chinese." What he meant was that because we look very similar it's easy to think that Westerners and Russians have a lot in common, whereas in really you're closer to the Chinese in most ways.

I am not saying the context for you both is incorrect in the current time, but without looking into history or into places we're told not to look it will be easy to miss. The characteristics displayed by many Russians and similarly, by the Chinese in terms of daily habits, family practices, inclusive congregating and cohabitating, is normal for any race of people who are healthy enough to love their own to engage in. Europe was like this too before the world wars completely ravaged the people with immense psychological propaganda and debt slavery inside a materialistic corpse. It is easy to look at the west and say, "oh man that place sucks, they have no God, no values, always starting wars, and they're always consuming everything" and be so sick of it you don't want to look further to see who or what causes these symptoms of decay. But I can't abandon hundreds of millions of people to that fate by simply moving to another part of the world that lives slightly differently. I too have more personally in common with people outside the "Anglosphere" because of this disdain for materialism, and I trained in Systema with many Russians for years. They are simple and good people, but there are complex and bad people who have dark designs for these simple folk.

So here's the litmus test anyone else reading. If someone has no knowledge of the jew, educate them. Show them how these people have surrounded every major conflict in most of our known history. If they do have knowledge and refuse to mention it while making a claim that is otherwise false, correct them with facts. If they insist on their claims and substitute every other country or people in place of where something jewish really is, then you know they do not have the capacity to understand geopolitics in its entirety and are either mislead or are being dishonest on purpose.

Jaguarcat, I'm going to assume you are genuine and just don't know history to the level that I am extrapolating, but your seething hatred for America and Europe for things that are not European in origin has blinded you, and this identity fable you are crafting will change with every succeeding generation of less and less Russians. The jews have done their job well. I can't force you to see the Elephant in the Kremlin, but I can show others how easy it is for someone to miss it on purpose.
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Moreover, European (and I mean all five eyes countries too) view of life is findamentally different from Russian. European mentality is deeply rooted in materialism/consumerism, individualism and

Russia is the most materialist country I've been to, with Ukraine and Moldova about tied. There are extremely materialist ideas on the roles of men and women. The most popular music in Russia (promoted internally) promotes sex, money, gangsterism and so on. This is nothing to do with Anglos or Europeans. It has been promoted by Chabad assets. Russia is also repleat with Instagram influences who promote an even more vapid consumerist lifestyle than in the West.

It would be correct to say that Western Europe have been following such lifestyles longer. But a big part of that is that while you were under Bolshevism (not a Euro ideology), Europe was under liberalism and then social democracy. Russia had been liberalising for a long time before that, coming from the Tsars themselves.

Going back to the music. This is one of the biggest threats to Russia - turning Russian youth into nihilistic, atheistic consumers. It's very obvious to me that's where the youth are going - rather than back to church and country. Church attendance in Russia half of what it is in even Germany.

One of the biggest promoters of degeneracy and satanism in Russia - non-Russian, non-Euro Chabad-blooded Morganshtern, with Berel Lazar of Chabad. 666 and Star of David tattooed on his face. Usually found witch stacks of money and telling you how he defiles Russian women.


Another Chabad promoter of defiler of Russian women Non-Euro, Non-Russian Tiamati, making his pilgrimage. Berel Lazar of Chabad in the background in 3rd photo.



t6.jpeg t7.jpg

The guy on the left is another Chabad rapper. Made the pilgrimage.

The music industry in Russia is owned by Chabad. One of the biggest owners, whose son in law produces Masonic themed music is Chabad paedophile Boris Shpigel. Here he is pictured with Berel Lazar.


Is there any major figure in Russian music that promotes satanism, nihilism, fornication, gender confusion, tattooing your face that isn't on first name terms with the head rabbi of Russia?

What you are saying is the fault of Euros, Anglos has come from inside of Russia from Chabad sponsored artists and non-Euro, non-Russian oligarchs. Everything that happened under the Bolsheviks and what's going on now - Russia's worst years - nothing to do with Anglos, or Euros.

You'll find that Russian music has many of the occult, Satanic and Masonic motifs, symbols and themes as American music. Yet these musicians have nothing to do with Anglos or Euros. But the owners of both the American music system and the Russian music system all have second passports and a burial plot booked in Tel Aviv.
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Also, if you want to get into the history of Russians being intertwined with Asians. There were three major invasions of Slavic/Rus lands by Asian or similar people. The Avars, The Huns and the Tatar-Mongols. The later invaded from 1223, taking over the land in yellow and ending the confederation of what later became the modern Russians and Ukrainians. These lands were incredibly violent and it took about 250-300 years for the cossacks and Russian Empire to largely genocide the Tatars in this area. There are a few left in Crimea.


I don't recall any instances of such lengthy colonialism and genocide practised against Russians by Europeans.

@jaguarcat - A specific question. Was it colonialism or genocide when the Mongol-Tatars invaded your land, genocided your people and occupied it for going on 600 years? Or is colonialism only something which Europeans ever did?

To add to that, the seed population of the Rus elite were Vargarian - Nordics, e.g. a Germanic people. Russians and Germanics are mostly the same people going back a few thousand years. It's tens of thousands of years you need to go back until Russians and Asians were the same people.
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Addendum on the music.

As mentioned above, one of the owners of the music industry is Chabad paedophile Boris Shpigel. His son-in-law Nikolay Baksov made his name with a song promoting divorce, containing masonic themes. Nikolay is one of the most awarded musicians in Russia. Here's an article about his pilgrimage to the Wailing Wall. Photos deleted. But you can find thumbs in Yandex etc.


The most awarded musician in Russia is Philipp Kirkorov. Basically a flamboyant gay. Here's his pilgrimage.


Another decorated musician is Valery Meladze. A Georgian. Made the pilgrimage.


Vladimir Solovyov, main news presenter of Russia 1.


Tiamati with the same guy.



Alla Pugacheva, Madona of Russia and gay icon, has made the pilgrimage, but no photo. Citizen of Israel.


DJ Smash with the Chief Rabbi of Russia, twice.


And here is DJ Smash with his coreligionist defiling the church.

You'd be hard pushed to make a more materialist song. Nothing to do with Anglos, or Euros.

There's a bunch of other Russian celebrities with this same handler here:

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One of the biggest promoters of degeneracy and satanism in Russia - non-Russian, non-Euro Chabad-blooded Morganshtern, with Berel Lazar of Chabad.

All of this is of course true. However, to Russia defence (as minor as it may be) Morgenshtern was declared a foreign (Israeli) agent in May 2022. Reason given was receiving funding from Israeli media company Yoola Labs. Real reason was the derogatory comments about Victory Day he made in December 2021. He has since left for the UAE.

Alla Pugacheva, Madona of Russia and gay icon, has made the pilgrimage, but no photo. Citizen of Israel.

Another fifth columnist orchestrated by Chabad. Pugacheva too left Russia post February 24, 2022. She left for Israel after making several comments that were supportive of Ukraine.

I thought she was gone but too my surprise I just found out that she has returned to Russia couple of weeks ago. Not a peep from the Kremlin or the Russian authorities, only the Orthodox Church demands 'an apology'.

I guess a lot is possible when you are with Chabad in Russia. Unlike actual nationalists like Strelkov, who get put away for years simply because they spoke the truth.

Other examples of fifth columnists that initially left Russia making a lot of noise and then came back with zero repercussions are people like Ksenia Sobchak. She is a well known Russian journalist. Sobchak is the daughter of Putin's mentor Anatoly Sobchak. She too was critical of the invasion and subsequently left for Israel (she's a quarter Jewish through her mother's side). She is a dual Russian-Israeli citizen.

Couple of months ago she came back to Russia and has continued living there ever since.

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Also, if you want to get into the history of Russians being intertwined with Asians. There were three major invasions of Slavic/Rus lands by Asian or similar people. The Avars, The Huns and the Tatar-Mongols. The later invaded from 1223, taking over the land in yellow and ending the confederation of what later became the modern Russians and Ukrainians. These lands were incredibly violent and it took about 250-300 years for the cossacks and Russian Empire to largely genocide the Tatars in this area. There are a few left in Crimea.


I don't recall any instances of such lengthy colonialism and genocide practised against Russians by Europeans.

@jaguarcat - A specific question. Was it colonialism or genocide when the Mongol-Tatars invaded your land, genocided your people and occupied it for going on 600 years? Or is colonialism only something which Europeans ever did?

To add to that, the seed population of the Rus elite were Vargarian - Nordics, e.g. a Germanic people. Russians and Germanics are mostly the same people going back a few thousand years. It's tens of thousands of years you need to go back until Russians and Asians were the same people.

As an addendum the Tartars, Nogai and Kipchaks ran slave raids into Ugric-Slavic territories for centuries. In total more than 2 000 000 Slavic slaves were captured in those raids. Only late in the 1700s was it put to an end when the Russian Empire took over the Crimean Khanate's territory which shut off Ottoman influence in that part of the Black Sea.

In the 1400s some of the slaves were transported to Europe as well as at that time the Genoese controlled the Black Sea through their settlements on Crimea and in the Aechean Sea. The lost those to the Ottoman Empire around 1500 and after that period all the slaves were meant for the Ottoman slave markets.
You have indeed bought their propaganda about the rest of Europe if you view yourself as a different race than them.
I wonder why one of the most prolific eliminators of Christian blood in the history of Russia is being exalted now? The man was deeply atheistic and under his watch millions of ancestors of living Christian Russians today were ignobly ended.
Europe was like this too before the world wars completely ravaged the people with immense psychological propaganda and debt slavery inside a materialistic corpse. It is easy to look at the west and say, "oh man that place sucks, they have no God, no values, always starting wars, and they're always consuming everything" and be so sick of it you don't want to look further to see who or what causes these symptoms of decay.
This is my favorite thread by a long shot, I hope it never ends. I just have to say it’s a futile discussion comparing the “human merit” of Eastern and Western Europeans. This is one of the problems with nationalism, it favors ideology over empirical evidence.

You can find exemplarily behavior and culture from Anglos and just as easily find absolute gutter trash behavior. Russian culture seems to be pretty hard to understand but any patriotic Russian can very easily paint a picture of what Russia should be in his mind. Trying to mystify and exalt Russian identity is a Russian tradition. I don’t think it can truly be explained why Stalin resonates with Russians to a westerner. Yet, when I see all the (((Russian))) pop culture cockroaches mentioned above I feel a deep repulsion, knowing these people are accepted by a big chunk of Russian society. There is a some cognitive dissonance there when you try to use the nationalist lens to see the world.

There is no doubt Russia is chabad controlled for me. The issue here is looking at it through the ideological lense too much. The “humanity” of the situation is stripped away.

Let’s say you’re from a religious family. You stop believing in God and live an unchristian lifestyle. You still supposedly care about your family and maintain appearances. Through “good intentions” and logic you become a fraud, a liar, and subliminal subverter for your family. You betray everything your family stands for yet you don’t feel shame as it all makes sense to you. Your lifestyle is correct, theirs misguided, you’re doing a great deed by pretending to make people happy.

Thats the issue with our rulers, like Putin. They have their sensibilities that make it seem like they’re on our side but they just don’t believe in what we do. They’re frauds. Humanity has lost the ability to produce men of character. The elites have grown so absolutely detached and decadent that it’s impossible for anyone to move up the ladder who doesn’t become their fluffer. I don’t think Putin wakes up thinking how to suck off the usual suspects, I just think he sees nothing wrong with it. Maybe it’s a generational thing.
Best thing to do is stay in (or go back to) your own country where you grew up in, have children and fight for your people. This is what I have decided to do. Many young families are trying to flee the west when in reality it's nothing better anywhere else (like Russia) or even worse in many cases (I know families who went for a "better" life in Ukraine). There's no way out of this mess physically, best to get good with God and fight for your kind.

I know Roosh has said this years ago and he was right.
Best thing to do is stay in (or go back to) your own country where you grew up in, have children and fight for your people. This is what I have decided to do. Many young families are trying to flee the west when in reality it's nothing better anywhere else (like Russia) or even worse in many cases (I know families who went for a "better" life in Ukraine). There's no way out of this mess physically, best to get good with God and fight for your kind.

I know Roosh has said this years ago and he was right.
Very wise, and at least in Russia you can openly say you care more about your country and people than any other. Somewhere above someone said that the problem with nationalism is seeing your people as superior to others. This is true, but nationalism doesn't have to work that way. The best type of nationalism is recognizing that you should focus on the good of your ethnicity first, rather than obsessing about how you're "superior."

In his autobiography Augustus Caesar listed as one of his great accomplishments that "when possible I preferred to treat conquered nations with mercy rather than destroying them." Machiavelli wrote about how all nations are in a constant state of dominating or being dominated by others. To me, those two ideas together contain the basis for an ethnic nationalist government that would be the best system possible until Jesus Christ returns and rules the world directly himself.
Russia is not Europe. To understand that is a good first step towards understanding it. Europe is a hostile geopolitical entity to Russia and a fundamentally different culture.
@jaguarcat I see you endorse many opinions and ideas that we've been told by some state apparatus, and attack none of the mountain of evidence I supplied showing you the Chabad jewish masters control over Russia. You have indeed bought their propaganda about the rest of Europe if you view yourself as a different race than them. The Romanovs were not, and so were a majority of the Russians prior to the end of the Russian Civil War (really the White Russians standing up to the Bolsheviks) in 1922. Russian clean genetics have been slowly eroded with Mongol blood ever since then in the same veneer of globalism you criticize others for doing to themselves.

Not a single mention of the jew! I'm not singing the praises of modern day America nor modern Europe. Both need to be gutted and redrawn before they can be rebuilt. You don't know your history if you think these views were proliferated by "Anglos". You forget that Tsarist Russia was more closer to continental Europe than even its once arch-enemy, the British Empire (under complete jew control) was.

Whoever was saying they only want to purposely race mix is obviously much further gone than you or I have the ability to help them with, and more so than it being a form of how jews spread globalism (only jewish propaganda machines promote racial mixing to such an extreme degree) it is a form of mental and spiritual illness to be driven by something like that against the natural love of one's own.

You say Euro way of life is destroying native cultures, well yes and no. Did British colonialism subject the world to centuries of strife? Yes, in a way. Did the French colonialism inevitably bring the African problem home to roost in Europe centuries later? Unfortunately yes. Did Spanish colonialism change the face of two continents that practiced demonic sacrificial religions? Yes. Dutch Colonialism created South Africa, which was devoid of Zulu's at the time, they migrated southwards later. So you have to make the case for the negatives of colonialism separate from the cases where there was no evidential negatives. Germany never treated its few colonies in the ways that the British subjected all of theirs. Sweden and Ireland never took colonies. Nor did the Finns, and neither did the Greeks come to think of it. Poland is right out when it comes to that measurement, they've never left the surroundings of Warsaw except to go to Chicago. Some cultures are so backwards and primitive that living under a European living standard is a gift bestowed upon them that even their heathen descendants will never have the comprehension to realize.

What people think Hitler said or wrote about different races is so far from the truth of what he actually did. If you were around in the old forum there was plenty of evidence that I personally posted which disproved the "Untermensch" document was falsified to include Slavic peoples, it only specifically talked about jews. Even in the original version of Mein Kampf there is not one single derogatory reference to Slavics. The Smolensk Manifesto disproves any claim that there was an existential threat to the Russian People by the Third Reich. Any threat that existed to the Russian peoples from the west was always driven by jews.

Since you are apt to blame westerners you are abjectly under the jewish spell somehow, I may not be able to break it but I can certainly provide an attempt for the audience of this forum to witness the truth. While you blame NATO and globalism and colonialism, you don't even mention their architects. What about the architects of Russia's most immense suffering in all of history?

This series, "History of the Jews in Russia," examines the conflict between Russian Orthodox Christianity and Pharisaic Judaism. So if you can't take 20 minutes to watch this video then I can't take your complaints seriously:
"History of the Jews in Russia - The Jewish Revolution Part 1"

You are mistaking my criticisms for being directed at Russian people, they are not.

NATO is the parasitic jewish setup that controls European affairs against the will of the European people. It is also killing them too. If you equate all of Europe's history, it's people, and its faith, which have more in alignment with Orthodox Russia than with any other place on the world, as an enemy, then you are buying this clever deception against your own race. Perhaps you think that Slavic means different than Nordic, or Germanic, or Iberian, or Hellenic, but it still falls under the same genetic umbrella. The word itself, Slav, comes from "slave" when Turkic mongols and Muslims took slaves from Eastern Europe.

"We will fight as many wars as necessary to keep Europe in check at our borders." - you are basically doing the jews handiwork for free then. Instead of seeking cooperation and brotherhood you want alienation and mistrust, building on centuries of growing mistrust that could have been steered in the other direction and should have been. This train of thought will not help the true Russian people out in the long run, only further isolate them in a sea of other peoples that do not know them nor care for their history, or their future.

Did you even look at the evidence I posted? I never said he was an Israeli agent, I said he serves the will of the Chabad, the jews who run Russia. While all jews are on team jew, this Chabad is a different beast than the Mossad system as it was setup prior to the advent of the Mossad, even before the propped-up state of Israel. Though they have been in bed with one another ever since they first conjoined tentacles.

Europe will collapse by jewish design, not because it is a "racist, colonialist, globalist" collective. When these vampires have no further use for Russia and its resources, it too will collapse, unless the Russian people root them out of control. You admitted yourself the laws I'm confirming to be true, which indicates that Russia is in control of the jews.

I can clearly see the eastern victor's propaganda of lies in these words. As I said again, all wars waged against Tsarist Russia by other European powers had jewish fingerprints all over it, some were financed directly by jewish bankers in an attempt to destroy Tsarism completely like the Decembrist Revolution. Perhaps you don't know Russian history as well as you think you do. It too has been tampered with by jews, and their handiwork is evident in the words you type on this thread. Let's continue with the next part of the series:

"History of the Jews in Russia: The Jewish Revolution - Part II"

(@scary_robot_music This video talks about how alcoholism was used by the jews in past times to keep the Russian people poor, sick, and indebted, starting at 25:35. The whole story of Derzhavin is something never talked about.)

Are you familiar with these 4 flags found within European countries and in the US? That are neither European nor relevant of their descendants.
View attachment 1594

All 4 are run by crypto-jews, and all 4 have caused problems for Russia.

You never mention the "Heresy of the Judaizers" which occurred after the Romanov dynasty was established in 1613. Patriarch Nikon had to write a letter to the Czar stating: "the jews who had converted to Christianity still practice their jewish faith and are demoralizing Christian monks." So similar to Catholicism, the jews were converting to Orthodoxy and causing problems from within the Russian Church, all while keeping their faith.

This is a basic strategy of how they infiltrated and subverted Christian Russia on several occasions:
View attachment 1596

Would honoring Bohdan Khmelnytsky, an Orthodox hero, in modern Russia also be punished with prison time? Since he routed the jewish scourge running the Polish nobles and saw them for what they were? Or what about quoting Peter the Great? Who would rather accept Muslims and Pagans into his country than jews.

View attachment 1597

Or what about quoting and honoring Empress Elizabeth? "I do not want any interest or profit from the enemies of Christ."
View attachment 1598

Perhaps the prisons in Russia that get filled with people who break these laws are more patriotic than the people serving in the Russian government.

They even twisted history to make Czar Paul go down as one of the worst rulers in Russia's history, but let's look at what he did for the Russian people:

View attachment 1600

Wind the clocks back even further, Vladimir the Great in his conversion chose the Christianity of Europe after Byzantium Greek missionaries were spreading the gospel in Kievan Rus, not Khazarian jewry and not the Caliphate's Mohammedanism. Let's see what the founder of Christian Russia had to say about the people currently in charge of it:
View attachment 1589
View attachment 1590

Here is the crux of the series, Part 3, start with how the jews lured Christians into their own secret societies, and used them to bring down their own societies:

"History of the Jews in Russia - The Jewish Revolution: Part III"

Something to consider about freemasonry, which has not been mentioned in Russia in any of the previous posts. "Freemasonry, as we know it rose out of the Christian protestant countries, and became the enemy of the Catholic Church. There are some arguments that the Protestant movement was orchestrated by the jews, and a counterargument that states that the Protestant movement was a result of jews infiltrating the catholic church. What matters here is the division in European Christianity revolves around the jews, and these two Christian factions would be ujsed as religious tools to cause Europeans to murder each other to this very day. Freemasonry is founded on jewish mysticism and babylonian Egyptian paganism, and a way for the jews to recruit non-jews, who are thirsty for wealth and power, to do the jews dirty work."

I can't find part 4 yet, but he is going to cover the Bolsheviks in depth then.

Don't lecture us on who we are.

We are not your colony, don't forget that, Europeans. No one to lecture us.

You are not Russian and know little about our culture. Don't lecture me about my ancestry.

Your "fun" russiohobic friend on here, is your true brethen, at least speaks openly, what's on anglo minds. I know how racist anglis are, by decades of first hand experience

Makes me feel so good I can get away far from anglo and Europe stuff now, many time zones away. Like they say over there it's not Yuro-pean mentality here. That's what my ancestors fought for, to put more time zones between the Europe and us, shall we need that. Your Euro stuff, address that to Aziv fans in Mariupol. I rather visit Chenghis Khan's monument in Mongolia now than any European king statue. My surname is one of the oldest written into Russian ancient texts, Ivan the Terrible time. Will never forget who helped us this time: China, North Korea and Iran. No one will tear Russia in half to split from Asia, thats nato wishes, all the "European" talk is to subjugate
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Russia is not Europe. To understand that is a good first step towards understanding it. Europe is a hostile geopolitical entity to Russia and a fundamentally different culture.

Don't lecture us on who we are.

We are not your colony, don't forget that, Europeans. No one to lecture us.

You are not Russian and know little about our culture. Don't lecture me about my ancestry.

Your "fun" russiohobic friend on here, is your true brethen, at least speaks openly, what's on anglo minds. I know how racist anglis are, by decades of first hand experience

Makes me feel so good I can get away far from anglo and Europe stuff now, many time zones away. Like they say over there it's not Yuro-pean mentality here. That's what my ancestors fought for, to put more time zones between the Europe and us, shall we need that. Your Euro stuff, address that to Aziv fans in Mariupol. I rather visit Chenghis Khan's monument in Mongolia now than any European king statue. My surname is one of the oldest written into Russian ancient texts, Ivan the Terrible time. Will never forget who helped us this time: China, North Korea and Iran. No one will tear Russia in half to split from Asia, thats nato wishes, all the "European" talk is to subjugate

Call me weird but I never understood this seething hate against Russia which has become so prevalent in the West due to the nonstop brainwashing by the tribe. Studying history it quickly became clear to me that we were close cousins to Русский мир and that collaboration and friendship was in our mutual interest. I think the biggest tragedy of our times is to see the renewal of the separation between the East and West. Only this time I feel that the East will benefit while the West will suffer significantly. Which incidentally may be exactly what it needs in order to rediscover its own roots and its true allies.
Russia is not Europe. To understand that is a good first step towards understanding it. Europe is a hostile geopolitical entity to Russia and a fundamentally different culture.

Don't lecture us on who we are.

We are not your colony, don't forget that, Europeans. No one to lecture us.

You are not Russian and know little about our culture. Don't lecture me about my ancestry.

Your "fun" russiohobic friend on here, is your true brethen, at least speaks openly, what's on anglo minds. I know how racist anglis are, by decades of first hand experience

Makes me feel so good I can get away far from anglo and Europe stuff now, many time zones away. Like they say over there it's not Yuro-pean mentality here. That's what my ancestors fought for, to put more time zones between the Europe and us, shall we need that. Your Euro stuff, address that to Aziv fans in Mariupol.

I am not lecturing you. I am awakening you.

Maybe I don't know anything on whatever misled Asiatic, mongrelized or not, believes they pass for Russian these days, but they are not historically of the "Kievan Rus" which was the genetic basis for all Russia. If you are a white Russian and you don't know what the idea of Europa is, then you have been truly bifurcated from your roots. You keep repeating "anglos" like a broken record. Spaniards are not Anglo. Italians are not Anglo. Greeks are not Anglo. I really can't blame you, most of us were brainwashed with the same division tactics, but if you post this here you will be corrected. Your conception of Europe comes across as very crude and simple. That is not true Europa.

Here are some simple facts for your apparent identity crisis:

Let's start with the obvious. Russia is a Slavic country that speaks Indo-Slovak. Their are 13 countries considered to be official Slavic states including the Czech Republic, Bosnia, Serbia, Poland, Slovakia, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine (really just more Russia), Bulgaria, Macedonia (really just more Greece), Croatia, Slovenia, and Montenegro. Are all those countries in Europe that are Slavic not European? More obvious: the Slavic languages are a group of related languages within the Indo-European family, not Asiatic languages. Among the most common are Russian, Polish, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Czech, Slovak, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Slovene, and Serbo-Croatian (Serbian, Croatian, and Bosnian). The Slavic languages which form the Slavic language group are divided into three main branches: West Slavic, East Slavic, and South Slavic. The ethnic Russians who make up the majority of the population in Russia are traditionally considered East Slavic, not Asiatic. They have historical ties to the Kievan Rus, a medieval federation of Slavic tribes, and are part of the broader East Slavic ethnic group, which also includes Ukrainians and Belarusians.

So who were the Slavs? What is the etymology of the word? There are multiple. The word "Slav" comes from the Old Slavic word "slově," which means "word" or "speech," which was used by the Slavic peoples to emphasize their shared linguistic and ethnic identity. In English, the word "slave" has its origins in the medieval Latin term "sclavus" or "slavus," which referred to a person from the Slavic regions of Europe who was captured and enslaved during the medieval slave trade.

The concept of Europe in the medieval period did not have the same geopolitical boundaries as it does today that has been purposely divided from their shared history. The genetics of Kievan Rus, are undoubtedly European. Who founded Kievan Rus? The Varangians, Nordic warriors, traders, and explorers. Their Scandinavian origins primarily came from regions now part of modern-day Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. The Rus' Khaganate, which became Kievan Rus, was formed from the intersecting of trade routes established by these Viking Varangians between the Slavs that had settled in the region and the neighborhing Finno-Urgic peoples.

According to the Primary Chronicle, a historical account of the Eastern Slavs, the Varangian prince Rurik was one of the founding figures of Kievan Rus. Rurik is said to have been invited to rule over Novgorod and later extended his authority to Kiev. The establishment of the Rurikid Dynasty marked the beginning of a line of Varangian rulers in Kievan Rus. This line is genetically European (Nordic and Slavic) to the founder of Russia's Christianity. It is as follows: Rurik (830-879) -> Oleg (879-912) -> Igor I (912-945) -> Sviatoslav (942-972) -> Yaropolk I (972-980) -> Vladimir The Great (980 - 1015). The East Slavic peoples, who are descendants of the medieval Slavic tribes of Kievan Rus, share linguistic and ethnic heritage, and their genetic makeup reflects this historical continuum. The Christianization of the Kievan Rus did not involve a massive influx of people from outside the region but rather an ethnic and religious transformation among the existing European population.

You can try to argue along "cultural" lines but these too are easily disproven. The adoption of Christianity in Kievan Rus aligned the region culturally and religiously with the Byzantine Empire, which was considered part of the Eastern Roman Empire, a distinctly European civilization. The Christianization of Kievan Rus brought about the integration of Byzantine artistic and cultural influences that were deeply rooted in European traditions. The construction of churches and the development of religious art reflected European aesthetic and architectural styles, not Asiatic.

You can try to argue along linguistic lines, but let's take a deeper look at the Russian language after the adoption of Christianity which had linguistic consequences. Old Church Slavonic, used in liturgy and religious texts became an important written language. The use of the Cyrillic alphabet created by Saints Cyril and Methodius further connected the region to the Eastern Orthodox Christian tradition and is rooted in European linguistic and ethnic developments, not Asiatic.

You can argue against this "colonial" strawman but that is factually wrong. The Romanovs were European, the family originated from the boyar class (Russian nobility) and had European ancestry, with connections to various European royal houses. The family's European lineage is traced back to Michael Romanov's father, Patriarch Philaret of Moscow, and further back to the Rurikid dynasty I mentioned that ruled Kievan Rus and later Muscovy. Looking at the lineage over the centuries it is the Romanovs intermarried with other European royalty, they accepted this European identity and further strengthened their ties to the broader European aristocracy. The cultural, historical, and genetic ties of the Slavic people firmly place them within the European context, and this contributes to the admission of Russia as a European country.

Even Russian intellectuals like the poet Fedor Tyutchev and novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky in the 1800s explicitly expressed their view of Russia as European. Tyutchev in his poetry expressed the idea of Russia as a bridge between East and West. Dostoevsky, in his later works, particularly "The Diary of a Writer," proposed a vision of a united Europe in which Russia would play a crucial role. But that's not enough to convince you, let's see what the attitudes of the Tsars felt about Russia being European, without any "influence" from those dastardly "Anglos":

Peter the Great's had a series reforms in which he worked to adopt Western European customs, technologies, and administrative practices to essentially strengthen Russia. He moved the capital from Moscow to the newly founded city of St. Petersburg, designed in the style of European cities, to emphasize Russia's connection with the West. Alexander II was known for his reforms including the emancipation of the serfs in 1861, his reign modernized Russia in efforts to align with European developments, especially in terms of legal and economic reforms. Let's go further back and look at Ivan III the Great who started using the title of "Tsar," derived from the Latin term "Caesar," to emphasize the idea of Moscow as the Third Rome and a successor to the original Rome and Constantinople.

Your very sentiments of identifying separately from Europe (if you're not actually mixed-race that is) insult the Russian Christian men who died at all the battles leading up to the Great Standoff of 1480 on the Ugra River to throw off the Mongol-Tatar yoke under Ivan III. Were it not for Ivan III, some of your erroneous claims may have become historical fact. Not only did Ivan reject Asiatic Mongol influence, he also worked directly to further ingrain Russia into European culture. He invited Italian architects and artisans to contribute to the construction of significant buildings like the Cathedral of the Archangel in the Moscow Kremlin. If his engagement with Western European artistic and architectural elements did not reflect an aspiration toward European standards and a distancing from Mongol influences, then I don't know what is.

Here are some more influences that Western Europe had in Ivan's Russia. Those horrible Italians just couldn't stop giving things to Russia. The Renaissance in Italy had a profound impact on Ivan III's royal court. Italian intellectuals and artists were brought to Moscow to contribute to cultural and educational developments. The influence of Italian Renaissance ideas is evident in the court's patronage of the arts, emphasis on classical learning with the invitation of the humanist Filofei, and the incorporation of Renaissance motifs in illuminated manuscripts. Ivan also openly engaged in alliances with the Holy Roman Empire and the Papal states. And in turn, the Russian music, art, literature, and culture that grew out of the centuries of this introduction has returned back to the rest of Europe to greatly influence the rest. It is a unified culture and a race of nations.

Europe is not just one monolithic identity, which you proscribe to "anglos," but rather a series of them in parallel. It is an entire continent rich in a tapestry of languages, customs, histories, and traditions, of which Russia contributes to. Modern Europe would not be the same without Russia, it is just as essential in the continuation of the rest of Europe as the rest of Europe is essential in the continuation of true Russia.

I'm sorry if many "anglo's" treated you like you were racially different, but that begets the question, are you? And did you reaffirm their racial suspicions by behaving in a certain way? I'm inclined to think many Anglo British people, who have been opiated on consumerism and materialism would likely behave even less European. Do you have non-European (non-Slavic) physical features? Are you Asiatic? If you are, then it makes sense why you do not see Russia as European in the recent hodgepodge of mixing going on there. If you are not, then you are refusing to look further beyond the veil to see what is so obvious by just connecting a couple of simple dots. Many of the Anglos you criticize are also just as well in the dark, and very few of them understand true Europa either.

When I see all these Africans, Indians, and Pakis pretending to be German, Swedish, or French it warrants an exasperated sigh. These people are no more European than an Asiatic is a true Russian. They need to accept and be proud of their own true identities and not a usurpation. The netflixing of the races is done to confuse on purpose. You repeat these "colonizer" sentiments about all Europe, but these are jewish sock-puppet claims. The only people who moan about "colonization" in the west are liberal brainless whites or darker races that have had their flow of free milk from the government-teat interrupted. While you believe this nonsense, these jews are celebrating you all killing each other to fulfill their excrementitious prophecies:

"jews celebrate brother war between Russia and Ukraine"

This is probably in one of those estates in St. Petersburg that the Chabad rabbi was talking about their late night bangers going until sunrise.

"We will drag them by their hair and force them to fight our wars"

Since you keep bringing up the Aziv/Azov battalion, you also should know more about them. What you don't understand is that their alleged "ideology" has been banned in Europe from 1945 until this very day, and that the true ideology, which had nearly saved Europe, will still be banned as long as the parasites are in charge. Why would their silly beliefs be allowed to exist? Only because the jew has control over its use, purpose, and destiny. The Azov are basically a white CIA-funded jihad organization that wears Paganist colors and is allowed, permitted, and controlled within the confines of the Ukrainian military within the Ukrainian corrupt state. Their own beliefs about their organization are chock full of lies, they believe themselves as Ukrainians to not be Russian. The seeds of division between the Ukrainians and the Russians (both are genetically nearly identical) were planted by jews, and watered by jewish servants.

Are you denying that the Ukrainian-Russian war which really began in 2014 is not just another jewish iteration of a brother war with genetic Russians killing other genetic Russians on both sides, regardless if Ukraine is more corrupt and jewified? If you deny this then you are not living in reality.
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Don't lecture us on who we are.

You haven't made a counter-claim. Russians are an ethnicity, primarily formed of the Slavic people, who separated from the Balto-Slavic people about 3,500 years ago. Depending on the area there may be a significant contribution of Uralic genetics, which has mostly occurred in the last 700 years. Early settlers to the east are mixed a lot with the Permian and other barely known people. Then there are some contribution from various later European settlers, significantly the (Anglo?) Scottish, who account for about 2% of male lineages in Russia.

The Slavs, in their homeland around Kiev, are a European people, who originated in the region of the Caucus, south Russia and Kazakhstan. Almost all European languages originate from that region around 5,000-6,000 years ago. And the people who lived in Europe prior to that also originated from the same area about 20,000 years ago. Thus, the Basque people of Spain are probably one of a few surviving people who speak an archaic language the originated in Russia 20,000 years ago.

You are not Russian and know little about our culture. Don't lecture me about my ancestry.

What do you think of about 97-99% of oligarch wealth in Russia being in non-Russian hands? None in Anglo, a bit in European, but mainly Jewish hands. Your claim is that Anglos etc. have made Russian materialist, but it was the work of those oligarchs.

And what do you think about the extreme materialist, anti-Christ entertainment industry being in non-Russian hands?

Yes, the globalists system wants to subsume Russia into it, split it into pieces and destroy the Russian identity. But the same globalist system has already considerably achieved that in Western Europe.

Your "fun" russiohobic friend on here, is your true brethen, at least speaks openly, what's on anglo minds. I know how racist anglis are, by decades of first hand experience

That user is not British. He's much more closely related to you.

Makes me feel so good I can get away far from anglo and Europe stuff now, many time zones away. Like they say over there it's not Yuro-pean mentality here. That's what my ancestors fought for, to put more time zones between the Europe and us, shall we need that. Your Euro stuff, address that to Aziv fans in Mariupol. I rather visit Chenghis Khan's monument in Mongolia now than any European king statue. My surname is one of the oldest written into Russian ancient texts, Ivan the Terrible time. Will never forget who helped us this time: China, North Korea and Iran. No one will tear Russia in half to split from Asia, thats nato wishes, all the "European" talk is to subjugate

I think that most if not everyone here would be happy to see an actual independent Russian state, with monarchy and strong Orthodox church. It could completely wall itself of as a hermit kingdom. A good idea. But you don't have that. Pretty much everything you've complained about has occurred within Russia by non-Russian citizens of the Russian Federation. You can wall yourself off from globalism and you still have almost all of its ill promoted from within. This is the point you are not tackling, but pretty much everyone else here has awoke to.

I think it was already mentioned before - all of the actual Russian nationalist organisations have been banned, again and again, when they pop up under new names. Everyone who was a part of the Soviet Union has been allowed to become nationalist, except Russians. Yes, there is a plan to destroy you and many propagandised Westerners have stupid ideas about Russia. But how many of the Anglos you complain of actually identify as that, and how many identify as having white privilege? Did "Anglos" allow 25% of teenage (11-16) girls be raped in one town by mostly Pakistani Muslims for over two decades? Repeated up and down the country. How many "Europeans" are allowing similar immigrants to spike rape statistics all over Europe? How could anyone not look at Europe and see a conquered people who apologise to people who want to destroy them? We don't control our countries - not 1%. One of the things many of us like about Russians, is that you haven't been subverted to the point of Europe, where people are apologising to people who hate them.
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