Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

I would love to see him do a 180 and say in a statement "Dear patriots and comrades I have had a series of epiphanies and I have come to realize that the enemies of Russia are international jewry and their servants, who ran our Soviet Republics. They have disposed of our great country, murdered tens of millions of our brethren and kin, and desecrated our Holy faith for four generations, and let it languish in squalor after their system fell. I too once served this system, having been raised in its educational format and working for its intelligence apparatus, but this is all wrong and against God. Therefore I am enacting a series of laws that prohibit jews from holding public offices, positions in banking, finance, academia, state media, or medical policy. Russia will be a Christian nation run by Christian men as a flourishing bounty for Christian Slavs and their descendants."

A very astute and kindergarten observation from Vlad. And that was the last time he said anything remotely close to that unfortunate noticing. Also he is saying that they were guided by "false ideological considerations" in a half-assed attempt to state that the architects of mass starvation, torture, and death in Russia were simply "misguided" and not hellbent on bloodletting the way their tribe always has been. All evidence and knowledge of this cult points to the latter. The second article states:

According to the official transcription of Putin’s speech at the museum, he went on to say that the politicians on the predominantly Jewish Soviet government “were guided by false ideological considerations and supported the arrest and repression of Jews, Russian Orthodox Christians, Muslims and members of other faiths. They grouped everyone into the same category.

“Thankfully, those ideological goggles and faulty ideological perceptions collapsed. And today, we are essentially returning these books to the Jewish community with a happy smile.”

So now we have this farcical superimposed ideological gaggle overshadowing the clear genocide of millions of Christians by a racialist cult maintaining the same kill agenda from antediluvian times. Yes other faiths were repressed like Islam, because the Soviet Union was an atheist state on all legal levels, but the object of their hatred was Christ and everything that comes from His truth, it always was, and always will be.

He is cleverly disarming the historical lens of truth by attempting to rectify this as not a jewish revolutionary spirit but rather an ideological one that doesn't seem to have a known origin. Certainly there is a spirit of forgiveness to those who follow Christ, but this is not forgiveness, this is genetic disarmament.

One of the commenters was more insightful than the jews who wrote the article or even Mr. Putin himself:

"There is a definite rift between two factions, call it a temple curtain torn in two, if you will. It involves a religion, called Judaism, with roots in the historical (and evangelical) evolution of the planet in Mesopotamia, and a faction of usurpers and hoarders in a cultural movement called Jewism, or Jews. One parasitic faction has piggybacked the religious prowess of another, in order to gain sympathy and favor for their constant misdealings, usury, interest scams, outright theft, legal finagling, and ultimate disdain of all living things. Using this relationship, that these "Jews" are somehow direct descendents of the Israeli tribes, or any tribe of importance for that matter, is total embellishment of reality.

Semitic people stretch from Northern Africa to the western portions of the Mideast. Look it up. Semitic people are not from Turkey, nor are they bankers from Eastern Europe. Any person claiming to be Semitic, or of the Israeli tribes, and yet still has a surname with a z in it, or ends in sky, or is a compound fiction that includes a precious metal or stone, is a joke. golda stravinsky silverstone. There you go. A gypsy Jew acting as a tribal Judaic. You'll always be able to tell a Jew from a Judaic, because the Jew is only "interested" in what it can take from you.

Yes there are exceptions. But guess what? Those exceptions aren't involved in any form of interest bearing usury, or pawn invested usury, or porn invested usury. The litmus test of the "Jew", is the ability to create and procure any number of schemes to steal another's labor value and not get caught. Jews are the masters of not acting as God, and secondarily, not getting caught acting as such.Is this the purpose of the tribes of Israel? Not according to the book. Not their book, The Book. This is Torah/Talmud talk, and that is a longer discussion. If you aren't aware of what that means, look it up, instead of trusting thieves based on their insistence (by force of arms) that they are the 12 tribes, or anything else. While you're at it, you might want to question why a Federal government is insisting it is constitutional. Either way, if a lie is repeated enough times...But still, given full privilege to call their killing zone Israel, if no one complains, then I guess it must be..."

The Russian Oligarch angle is another thing. Some people claim that Putin has been destabilizing their control over Russia, as they are basically a jewish mafia or a "La Kosher Nostra" of sorts. However many of them are still leeching away untouched:

"Russian Oligarchs are jewish"

Most of what we are seeing at the top between the west and east of the post-WW2 world order, especially now, can be reduced to a pi.ssing contest.
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Putin has done more to sideline, expel, and eliminate jewish control of his country, than any other national leader in the last 50 years.
Taking them head on is a dumb and dangerous strategy, and historically has always failed...(even the brutal & absolute dictator Stalin failed at it).
Putin does these things much better in a much more subtle and cunning way...traits he learned from his many years working for the KGB.
Putin's methods have proven successful over the past 20 years of his rule, and jewish control of Russia has been greatly weakened.
Anything more drastic or direct would fail within less than a year, and would undo all the progress made.
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While MusicForThePiano has correct facts, his analysis and strategy is mostly wrong.

Music, you are advocating for Putin to go full Hitler, play into the enemy's hands, and get Russia annihilated very quickly.

You also make these criticisms while offering no reasonable example of any world leader presiding over Christians doing any better.

Ultimately your criticisms are trite because you're just naming a wishlist in a vacuum rather than concreate actionable solutions.

People respect Putin because he does better than any other world leader presiding over Christians. Doesn't matter what his flaws are that much if the alternatives are so much worse.
I hope no one has brought up this topic yet, but does anyone have a feel for how Russia is doing on alcoholism in 2023?

When I lived in Russia and Ukraine over 20 years ago it was obvious that the out-of-control alcoholism was one of the worst things about both countries and one of the main things holding them back. The current year MSM often depicts Russians as cruel and brutal and while their reporting is anything but trustworthy I have to admit that I found Russians (as well as Ukrainians) on average more likely to be overtly brutal, cruel, and violent than anywhere else I'd lived in the world and a lot of that was due to alcohol. Maybe most of it.

There were some posts earlier on this thread saying that the murder rate in the US and Russia is about the same now. This might suggest less alcoholism in Russia because I remember Russia's murder rate being something like 3x that of the US when I was living over there, and anecdotally a lot of the murders seemed to be spontaneous acts committed in a drunken rage. Axe murders were surprisingly common, for example. I attributed that to there always being an axe and a lot of vodka/samogon close at hand in small Russian towns.
I hope no one has brought up this topic yet, but does anyone have a feel for how Russia is doing on alcoholism in 2023?

When I lived in Russia and Ukraine over 20 years ago it was obvious that the out-of-control alcoholism was one of the worst things about both countries and one of the main things holding them back. The current year MSM often depicts Russians as cruel and brutal and while their reporting is anything but trustworthy I have to admit that I found Russians (as well as Ukrainians) on average more likely to be overtly brutal, cruel, and violent than anywhere else I'd lived in the world and a lot of that was due to alcohol. Maybe most of it.

There were some posts earlier on this thread saying that the murder rate in the US and Russia is about the same now. This might suggest less alcoholism in Russia because I remember Russia's murder rate being something like 3x that of the US when I was living over there, and anecdotally a lot of the murders seemed to be spontaneous acts committed in a drunken rage. Axe murders were surprisingly common, for example. I attributed that to there always being an axe and a lot of vodka/samogon close at hand in small Russian towns.

In 2021 I went to a city called Lipetsk, which is about 500 miles south of Moscow (I think). It's something similar to the rust-belt area in the US. An industrial town with nothing worth visiting in it.

Here is a video of it from 10 or more years ago:

It's really hard to see it as the same place. I spent a long time walking through that large city and there were some really rough parts. But those are usually the places I most like going to. At one point I was walking and a lot of sounds that could have been interpreted as gunfire went off. But it was just a few pre-teens letter off some fire-crackers in a bin. A little further down the road a man who looked like that very serious Italian referee looked at me like he wanted to kill me. No doubt he was a drunk. But that was it for those experiences. Quite a few people were friendly with me, particularly the babushkas in the little guest house I was put in for $12 / night.

The only other time I've really seen drunk activity was I arrived in a city called Penza at about 5am. There was a man, well dressed, lying in the street, completely gone, but murmuring a tune.

I really like going out into hinterlands of Russia, as it is still quite separated from the West.

Times have obviously changed a lot in Russia since 1985, 1995, 2005 and even 2015.


But it is certainly not really a friendly country. And that is one reason why foreigners struggle to make sense of the country. But other than some people just being miserable and abusive, there are people who are just guarded. Same in Ukraine and Moldova, but no Belarus. The taxis are very cheap there. I got one in Ufa. It will have taken the driver a total of 30 minutes and was $3. Considering that has to cover the overheads it is hard to see it being much more than $1 for the driver. So I am in the habit of giving drivers 50-100% tips in FSU countries. Often they are very grateful and start trying to be very helpful with directions. I get the impression they are not used to generosity.
In fishing out that Lipetsk video, I found this I'd posted on RVF:

I have been to Russia four times. Two times I stayed in the cities and two times I shuffled off into what they call the provinces. When I've asked people about their thoughts on certain topics it seems clear to me that most Russians fit into the bracket of not seeing much difference between a German and a Russian, in terms of immigration. Few people would care much if their daughter married a German. Whereas they are liable to have some barriers against other people, such as Georgians and Armenians. I think this is the same as the default position in Europe, which has only shifted due to excessive propaganda. But I think it goes a bit deeper than that. People want others to look like them. There is also a deeper thread that you will find in the more Orthodox and nationalist circles, which lend themselves a bit more to pan-Slavicism. And why not? Since they were all the same people a little over 2,000 years ago. Though the groups that move have obviously blended with the Celtic, Dacian and Thracian people. At least that I have heard, sensed, you don't find the same giant wall that may be put up against Russian in The West. Most relatively smart Russians are aware on the insanity that is going on in America and the West in general and they are unlikely to put you aside because of it. There is really very little apatite for things like having gay culture pop it's head up. Even people who I would say would obviously have ended up as Democrats in the US, are anti-sodomy. That's one of the best things going for the country, as it does have some quite serious social problems, which I think stem from the USSR.

You can, of course, go and meld yourself in the milieu of a modern urban centre. This has it's benefits, but it's like the 80s. You can also keep yourself in the corner of an Orthodox sphere. I met some English-speaking Orthodox people in Moscow and they live well, but I'd say the level of knowledge of what is happening is much lower among them, as it is on this forum and the broader US dissident right. I think most Orthodox Russians are quite naive as to the nature of the modern world.

Where I felt most at home in Russia were the most provincial cities. These were Lipetsk, which is considered very provincial, not for from Moscow; and Ulan-Ude, which is a few hundred miles from Mongolia. I walked from the centre of the city right to the edge a huge portion of the city is actually a huge extended village, with homes like this:


In such places you will find people of simple concerns. I feel when you talk to such people there is much less of a web of modern shrouding you need to plough through. Everywhere I have been I've always felt more at home with the villagers.

I also went to an attraction that had this Old Believer church.


And found this sign.


Which says - the lief of a person begins with conception! Stop abortion.

This was set in a huge cedar forest. I guess it looks similar to places like CO or IA. When I was there I got a strong urge to go into the nature for a few days.

I have found Russia an interesting place to move to for some time, due to its well earned mysterious quality and it being the European country that is most set against gloablism (globalism is a well-used word in Russia). And I think it offers a lot more spiritual sanctuary than anywhere in Western Europe, but not necessarily places in Eastern Europe. There is a lot of rot in the cities. Most people are rootless at the end of a different pedigree than Westerners. You have the same situation as in the US, where to be spiritual, you would be living apart from most people. The difference is the Russian establishment doesn't attack the spiritual quarters.

The notion of spiritual migration is interesting, because it is very clear that almost all people immigrate for economic reasons. Even people who move to say Ukraine from the US only do so as they are shielded against the Ukrainian economy. For the most part, anyway. Many people in Russia know of what is happening in the West and would like to move there anyway. Regarding the debauchery, they may say "Oh, I know there are stupid things happening, but I don't need to partake in that." Like everyone else who has moved to the US, they will reap what they sow. The righting has and is clear what moving to the US means, and people have been blinded by money and lifestyle anyway.

To me it seems that spiritual battle will be fought in America, and there is plenty of room and lax enough laws that you can move outback and have a life where the machinations of globo-homo do not reach. That's not something you can really do in Western Europe, because there aren't really any holdouts and it's much more expensive to do something like this.

Then the problem is, who do you live such a life with? My finding is that almost no women are intersted in a simple spirtual-oriented life.
But it is certainly not really a friendly country. And that is one reason why foreigners struggle to make sense of the country. But other than some people just being miserable and abusive, there are people who are just guarded. Same in Ukraine and Moldova, but no Belarus.
I generally like Russians and Ukrainians but I found that it was disturbingly common over there to meet people who gave the strong impression that they wouldn't hesitate to murder me for a few dollars if they were sure they could get away with it. People who were just generally unpleasant without being full on psychopaths were far more common. Miserable and abusive, as you put it.

For some reason, as you also note, this was not the case with Belarusians. Somehow I can never remember meeting anyone from Belarus who wasn't extremely cool and great to be around. This is true to a degree that seems unlikely and strange when I think about it, and yet there it is. Not sure if anyone else has experienced it, but you seem to be suggesting this too, that people from Belarus are noticeably more pleasant on average than other eastern Slavs.
Why didn't Putin invade Ukraine sooner?
Russia was too tied, economically, to the west to survive the sanctions regime. First part of Putin's rule - up until the ukrainian coup - was dominated by pro-western policies. Putin believed that forging strong economic ties with Europe will ensure Russia's prosperity and safety; that the west won't risk losing cheap natural resources and access to the Russian market. Little did he know, that plunging Europe into crisis was part of the neocon agenda, or maybe he knew it, but thought that Europeans won't allow themselves to be played like that. Regardless, only after the 2014 coup Russia began to change it's economic policies towards diversification of trade partners and food self-sufficiency.
I would love to see him do a 180 and say in a statement "Dear patriots and comrades I have had a series of epiphanies and I have come to realize that the enemies of Russia are international jewry and their servants, who ran our Soviet Republics. They have disposed of our great country, murdered tens of millions of our brethren and kin, and desecrated our Holy faith for four generations, and let it languish in squalor after their system fell. I too once served this system, having been raised in its educational format and working for its intelligence apparatus, but this is all wrong and against God. Therefore I am enacting a series of laws that prohibit jews from holding public offices, positions in banking, finance, academia, state media, or medical policy. Russia will be a Christian nation run by Christian men as a flourishing bounty for Christian Slavs and their descendants."
Don't hold Your breath waiting for it - it won't happen anytime soon. It's not even about Putin, and whether or not he is controlled, or to what extent he is. It's the WW2 myth - of how the soviets defeated the nazis, and delivered the jews from slavery - that, to this day, shapes Russian national identity. And while Russians are, generally, more JQ aware than westerners; attempts to build domestic policies around the jew would put any politician on the fringes of public debate. You will have to wait for a generational change, for things to move in the direction You desire.
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Anglos, if by that you mean the English, mostly believe what they're told to believe. That's why mRNA vax uptake here was so high. Most Northern Europeans are compliant and trusting in authority, though that is gradually waning.
The idea that they want your land is plain ridiculous. That those up in the higher echelons of power would like to subvert and destroy Russia, well that's apparently so, but they get their orders from the very top and at the very top you will not find many Anglos. That's the sort of inaccurate rubbish I used to read The Saker.

Jaguarcat is straight up copypasting Russian propaganda soundbites.

Over the last decade or so Putin has moved heaven and earth to market himself as the anti-colonialist maverick. Especially in Africa, but elsewhere too. He's constantly feeding anti-White and anti-European narratives by saying the things he says - even singling out a specific ethnic group (the 'Anglo-Saxons') as the cause of all The Continent's malaise. If you wouldn't know any better you'd think some Diversity Officer at Google was his speech writer. Not a word on a specific Semitic tribe that runs all levers of US (and to a lesser extent Russian) power structures of course. It's Anglos, Anglos, Anglos.

Serious question, are there any real Anglos (Irish excluded) left in the top US corporate and political echelons of power?

Another often used Russian marketing point is the USSR's absolutely vital role (together with certain (((activists)))) in the downfall of Rhodesia and the Apartheid government in South Africa/Namibia - thereby somehow trying to show that Russia still honors the tradition of defecating on 'Anglos' and destroying their lives.

Genocidal black maniac Julius Malema (who's completely (((owned))) bytheway), known for his constant threats of violence and ethnic cleansing towards White South Africans is Putin's main supporter in South Africa.

Not surprisingly, Putin is in favor of reparations for African states.


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^Putin does go overboard with his anti-colonial rhetoric. Not sure if he really believes it, or it is just a thorn he likes to push in the West's side. If he wants to get into nation-building or such on "the continent," he'll eventually learn the hard way. Do-gooders in Africa have a spotty record at best - either for the well-being of Africans or their own people (in the long run). It is worth remembering his KGB background. That service had a long run of promoting "anti colonialist/imperialist" movements throughout the world. Might be muscle-memory language for him. This is the weak link in the whole BRICS project as well. Not that it is really wrong-headed or ill intentioned - just the practicality of it with a soup sandwich of countries involved.

I'm not saying Putin is a jew, I am saying that he serves the interests of jews in Russia to the detriment of the genetic Russian Slavs. I've seen videos of him crossing himself and partaking in Orthodox ceremonies, but that doesn't mean very much based on his actions. Protestants do the same in the US when they convert to the Orthodox Church but they never seem to get their ingrained Protestant memetic out of their own teachings, which leads to the weakening of parts of Orthodoxy, or at least compromise on spiritual matters. Brother Nathanael talked extensively about this. Putin is likely Orthodox but more secular and not a fundamental crusader of the faith based on his actions (looking at the long term picture). So he is not Orthodox enough to reject Jewry yet based on the videos of him talking about Zelensky being a stain on the "honorable jewish people" and parroting holohoax malarkey about alleged events in the Ukraine from 80 years ago.

There is not one world leader apart from a few Arabs and one or two negligible Africans that doesn't kowtow to the holohoax narrative. I expect the leader of Orthodox Christendom on earth to not allow the holohoax narrative to permeate his peoples lives, the same way I'd expect the Papal vicar to do the same. Of course with Catholics, its another story, where only a few brave priests speak out about the lies and no Bishop or Vatican official will ever acknowledge. The event horizon has passed, any world leader that continues to use that jewish racket for talking points is one that I will not follow, and many others are also not willing to follow.

I would love to see him do a 180 and say in a statement "Dear patriots and comrades I have had a series of epiphanies and I have come to realize that the enemies of Russia are international jewry and their servants, who ran our Soviet Republics. They have disposed of our great country, murdered tens of millions of our brethren and kin, and desecrated our Holy faith for four generations, and let it languish in squalor after their system fell. I too once served this system, having been raised in its educational format and working for its intelligence apparatus, but this is all wrong and against God. Therefore I am enacting a series of laws that prohibit jews from holding public offices, positions in banking, finance, academia, state media, or medical policy. Russia will be a Christian nation run by Christian men as a flourishing bounty for Christian Slavs and their descendants."

Also the Ukraine should be completely re-absorbed into a greater Russia but its regionalisms should be allowed to exist. Both Russians and Ukrainians (genetically identical) need to move past their grievances with one another and recognize that before 1917 they both had it pretty darn good, and that is the kingdom they should be working to restore.

Any focus on Putin and his relationship with international International Jewry should focus on Chabad Lubavitch. The fact that that Chabad Lubavitch hasn't been mentioned in the previous 100 posts is a bit weird.

Chabad Lubavitch, the OG Khazarian Mafia. A Jewish denomination founded by Rabbi Schneerson which has positioned itself as one of the world's main crime syndicates. Drug trade, human trafficking, arms trafficking, prostitution rings, organ harvesting. They do everything.

Jewry in Russia is not dominated by Reform Jews like in the States. The lefty often Trotskyite/Mensheviki subversives that have for a large part assimilated in the main culture (ethnically at least) and have one of the lowest birthrates. It is instead dominated by Hasidic sects, like Chabad Lubavitch.

Politicians that have close ties to Chabad are Orban, Bolsonaro, Netanyahu, Trump (via Kushner), Putin, Wilders and others. The entire Zio-Con clique basically. Chabad is obviously also tied to the Mossad and Israel.

Recent Chabad linked event at a Moscow Holocaust Museum. Ivanka Trump and Kushner were present.

One example: the appointment of Russia's Chief Rabbi, Berel Lazar. Lazar is an Italian born Brooklynite (US, Italian and Israeli citizen) that was appointed Russia's chief rabbi in 2000. Lazar is Chabad through and through. Within two weeks of becoming Chief Rabbi Putin granted him Russian citizenship (illegal) despite Lazar at that time barely speaking any Russian.

From there on Chabad started taken over the Russian Jewish communities and expanding its organized crime network. Lazar has been a close friend of Putin for more than 20 years and continues to be one of his backers.

Video on Chabad networks in Russia and the USSR

As an aside, I do not believe Russia is a carbon copy of the USA as the power structure is different. Putin's power rests on 1. The siloviki (intelligence agencies) 2. The Orthodox Church, 3. The common people and 4 the Army. But a significant part of his inner circle is Chabad people and that is a fact.
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Putin has done more to sideline, expel, and eliminate jewish control of his country, than any other national leader in the last 50 years.
Taking them head on is a dumb and dangerous strategy, and historically has always failed...(even the brutal & absolute dictator Stalin failed at it).
Putin does these things much better in a much more subtle and cunning way...traits he learned from his many years working for the KGB.
Putin's methods have proven successful over the past 20 years of his rule, and jewish control of Russia has been greatly weakened.
Anything more drastic or direct would fail within less than a year, and would undo all the progress made.
If Putin is secretly working to diminish Jewish influence in Russia why does he let his youngest daughter get married to one?

Kirill Shamalov, Katerina Tikhonova ex husband for four years (2014-2018). They didn't have children (that we know of).
As someone who is outside of both spheres, and therefore has a somewhat favorable vantage point, I would just add that this hatred is caused by the usual suspects (whom we will not name now) which is really an unfortunate state of affairs.

Internet seems to breed bitterness...different in real life, indeed, many Americans are not hateful towards Russia, quite the opposite. I often get asked where I grew up and get all kinds of positive reactions, people trying to say simple things in Russian, etc. The small percent of trouble people are brainwashed or on the payroll.
It's Anglos, Anglos, Anglos.
Modern Judeo-Babylon Global™ is a direct successor of the Jewish-controlled British Empire, as is "Israel" as well. Of course they shot themselves in the foot in the long run. And UK is also the traditional arch-enemy of Russia.
If he wants to get into nation-building or such on "the continent," he'll eventually learn the hard way. Do-gooders in Africa have a spotty record at best - either for the well-being of Africans or their own people (in the long run).
Why would they build neo-colonies or such in Africa when Russia is more than three times the size of the Roman Empire at its greatest extent, mostly uninhabited, full of resources, with over 100 ethnic minorities mostly concentrated in their own republics, over 80% of its population of Slavic origin, mostly born on the western side of the Urals?

It is pure projection.
While MusicForThePiano has correct facts, his analysis and strategy is mostly wrong.

Music, you are advocating for Putin to go full Hitler, play into the enemy's hands, and get Russia annihilated very quickly.

You also make these criticisms while offering no reasonable example of any world leader presiding over Christians doing any better.

Ultimately your criticisms are trite because you're just naming a wishlist in a vacuum rather than concreate actionable solutions.

People respect Putin because he does better than any other world leader presiding over Christians. Doesn't matter what his flaws are that much if the alternatives are so much worse.
Thank you for pointing out something that can easily be misconstrued. Let's dig into each one because I don't see many people offering evidential refutes. Personal flaws are irrelevant because we all have them. Contrarily, Putin is well-spoken, well-educated, physically fit, understands geopolitics, understands military strategy, and allegedly understands Christian theology to some extent of being able to identify homosexuality as a deviancy and comprehending the need for a Christian moral ethos in a nation, something many world leaders are incapable of. This is not completely so as later I will show his neophyte understanding of Christianity. I could list praises for any human cognizant of these things, but what I am getting at is if Putin is truly against international jewry, then how long will it take for him to expel his embedded nest of parasites? He's won't because he's not against it.

Does he preside over Christians better than other leaders? What little comparison we currently have to assess this metric. There are no world leaders that are preparing for the successful posterity of Christians, let alone Europeans. The mass murder of 400,000 plus of white Orthodox Christian Ukrainians and Russians is a heavy cross to bear for any Christian. Meanwhile their women and children become prostitutes for the throngs of the dark continent and objects of sacrifice for occult rituals by jews. If anything it would seem that Christian blood will exhaust itself on this earth under these rulers, in the same slow and malodorous manner it has been for most of the last century. Zelensky and Putin are both pro-zionist. The objective of the war is to ethnically cleanse the natives of their respected lands. The Greater Israel (Yinon Plan) project is the end goal.

Here's a legitimate criticism at Russia's leadership. What is Putin doing for the children of all the Christians currently alive with his current agenda? Christian children that are living and breathing, and I'll extend to this to account for the children that have not been born yet to European Christians? I am not *putting* this on him alone personally, but with the amount of wealth and power he wields, he certainly could make a difference. He is stigmatizing and isolating the rest of Europe with his anti-colonial virtue-signaling. What are all the hyperviolent Africans, Muslims, Asiatic hordes, and mystery meat going to do to the children of the Europeans who they believe are simply the evil "Anglo-colonialist" that allegedly kept their people down for centuries? They will kill them! Yes colonialism had its evils, but the entire premise of colonialism was a jewish impetus to procure labor and riches of other resource-rich lands that happened to have human tribes, or from other vastly different civilizations like Vedic India and the Manchu's China. The narrative of "Africa can't be free unless colonialism ends, and needs reparations" is a short-sighted stunt designed to galvanize the schism between the races, not foster their cooperation. The complete reversal of colonialism, in the eyes of the Africans and the other swarthy peoples, has been predetermined to siphon Europe to its death of resources, whether that be minerals, women, or expelling their unwanted demographics of their own populations there, all courtesy of the jews.

Even with ignoring western Europe, what is he doing for the future children of the ethnic Russians and all Orthodox Christians in Eastern Europe by fostering a multi-cultural and multi-racial state with parallel communities of vastly different belief systems living in close proximity? The Cossacks and the Kulaks were one thing, they were both Slavic Russians who just lived different agrarian and migratory lifestyles. The demographics of the full extent of Russia today encompass a highly different makeup. As Chateau Heartiste so eloquently used to say, diversity + proximity = war.

"Russia is controlled by jews"

Skip to the time marks to see what I say because the video is not the best quality, and repeats at some parts, yet these clips are hard to find.
The connections self-admitted by a jewish rabbi starts at 04:45 in the video.
He starts shilling the vaxxes after 08:30.
He equates communist ideology with Christianity at 13:00. He even states that the way Lenin was put in a Mausoleum was no different than the saints.
Immediately after this blasphemous comparison, it shows the Orthodox churches being destroyed by Lenin's directive to the Politburo.
Starting at 20:00 a Chabad rabbi explains the connection between the Mossad and the "jewish" underground in Russia
Around 25:00 the same rabbi explains how the USSR "changed," and a video-in-the-video shows how under Gorbachev the Soviet Union opened its jails in early 1990 and let all the jewish criminals emigrate to the United States.
At 32:49 This rabbi talks about the jewish Oligarchs partying in Russia who control the economy
At 43:35 some newscaster lies about the Islamic population in historical Moscow but it shows the footage of the mosque there overflowing, another clear sign of jews controlling a white Christian country is by how many Muslims are present living in it.

Continuing with what @LaAguilaNegra has posted in addition to the Chabad connection, when the leader of South Africa's propaganda for exterminating the white Boer farmers, Julius Malema, is supporting Putin, it begets cognitive dissonance in me to accept this man as a savior for Europe, and even more-so as the best leader for Christians in this world, when I've see videos of what the mindless zulu-descendants have done to white farmers as part of this propaganda. If one of us had a five year old son who had his head shoved into a cooking pot and his entire face boiled off where he then died of both drowning in said boiling water burning his insides coupled with the shock of blood loss, simply because he was white, I think it would hit harder to see the long-term implications of these wartime alliances with strange bedfellows. That instance was only one of countless atrocities committed by these riled up mobs of atavists who can only see the world in black and white. Not hearsay, not someone talking on an online comment, not a book quote, and not a jewish movie, there are videos and images taken in some of these murderous instances that fragments the very soul to witness them.

Here is another legitimate criticism, in the very least, skepticism. Economics, while I am not elevating other systems above Russia's, I am looking at the probable disaster that could happen here:

"Russian Central Bank greenlights digital ruble"

Are the Russian people now sheep being led into a literal digital gulag? These RT pundits don't touch on the dangers and pitfalls of fake digital zeros that can and will be tracked, logged, restricted, erased, confiscated at will. Will cash rubles be done away with like there is a push for in the west? The golden future will go to hell. Central Bank Digital Currency is a one world debt system. The people running Russia are in on the Davos plan and Agenda 2030 one way or another.

And another criticism for this supposed Christian homeland. Any one of us could be thrown in jail for criticism of the Red Army, Holohoax denial, "Anti-semitic Biblical" criticism. Any group that is considered white nationalist is banned by law, smeared with insults, and any such organization must undergo (((denazification))). The FSB tortured and murdered Tesak even after they imprisoned him.

Perhaps if Putin went full Hitler, not the fictional version of Hitler in the post-war narrative, but the European crusader, there would be more of a pull for Europeans to come to their homelands and embrace Europa and their own histories, and therefore every country in the world would eventually "become great again," including the lands of the heathens for themselves, because the environments would be naturalized. This is the truthful side of propaganda, it can be used for good, but I don't see it anywhere. The natural growth of a man from family and faith out of a community extends to a nation, and then to a race. Only some men ever reach that point. Instead he is playing off the fates of entire generations of White Christian Europeans while attempting to keep his Russia safe from merely the globohomo rot of its western counterpart, but not the jewish poison which will ultimately be the downfall of the ethnic Russian's descendants. I don't see a dynasty coming out of his plans, merely playing off all my enemies enemies against one another to survive from them a little bit longer. The minute he would even shadowban jews from key positions, or hire Orthodox Christians first and not allow jews to continue operating in their influential roles in the government and the economy, even without any kind of public system that made it a law like Hitler did, they would kvetch so loud the world would go deaf. They would complain the microsecond one of their eldritch Chabad-Lubavitch bloodsuckers doesn't get to extract it's monthly quota of fresh organs from Ukrainian or homeless children.

But he is not pro-European, and that is a legitimate criticism. He believes the eastern version of the fable of the WW2 myth where the Red Army "liberated" Europe and propagates this as policy. At least in the neutered US you can't go to jail for knocking the spittoon of judeo-masonic propaganda. I guess he never read Hellstorm or any of the testimonies of the Polish, Romanian, or German survivors of the biggest rape in history. In the video below, he shows his contempt for Poland's envoy to Germany during the 1930s when the Madagascar plan rears its ugly head again. Finally a safe place for the jews of the world where they have no one to swindle but themselves, but Putin isn't having any!

"Putin is upset about the "Anti-Semitic" Madagascar Plan, lies about the Raping Red Army"

To follow up with what @scary_robot_music asked about alcoholism, there is evidence that much of the liquor there has been tampered with to create a falsity of alcoholism and suicide when it is in reality poisoning.

The first law Mr. Putin signed when he entered the Russian presidency was granting legal immunity to Yeltsin's family and all jew oligarchs who plunged Russia into misery and raped its people for the entirety of the 1990s. Unfortunately, most Russians whose living standards lie well below most western poverty benchmarks, are completely unaware of the enormous riches their leaders and presidents have collected at the expense of their own people. Except they are not their own people.

"Russian jewish Congress to Combat Anti-Semitism"

This group of talmudic viziers that surround Putin will most certainly not desire an Orthodox Theocracy, or even a symphonic Orthodox Church & Federation State government, let alone a white majority Russia! The Church is strong there now, but these jews have deep memories, something they know to use against their enemies by making them forget history. When the Church is strong, the jews are weak. There is no balance in that relationship, because they are mortal enemies. This is not a criticism of the Russian people nor their country, just the same parasites in charge of it since the 1917 revolution. I'd be right at home in Russia under Ivan the Fearless.

This one was hard to watch, but all the lies must be exposed. I used to think it was just Adam Green who was a crypto-jew, but this is the first time I've seen Brother Nathanael acting repulsively jewish.
"Adam Green and Brother Nathanael discuss Putin's connections to Chabad-Lubavitch"

A brief side-note not to detract too much from the Russia topic, Adam Green is a jew pretending to be a Nordic. And he has a good portion of people turning Antichrist and attacking their own brothers over it. His main gig is to hate on Christ and anyone reading the Bible and he stirs his followers up to hunt "christcucks". He is a brother war preacher. Most certainly an agent. He interviews Rabbi's. Only jews have those type of mafia connections. No Christian ever interviews actual jewish mystic rabbis and talks to them liker they know them personally. Its ridiculous that any Christian would fall for these sneaky tactics. His physiognomy is jewish, but the behavior and sermon he propagates is jewish to the core.

All the popular alt-rightist "white leaders" who teach the 'pagan' nationalists are jews and mongrels, some literally glow others just have a touch of glowstick. It is so obvious what's going on. Infiltrators purposely poisoning Christian morals and European Christian brotherhood with hate and division:
Martinez Perspective - confused non-white. Gypsy Crusader - non-white boogaloo patsy. Handsome Truth - wog jew. Adam Green-burg - jew. Robert Sepehr - a jew who made holocaust movies with his jew dad Ben-Hur Sepehr before he all of a sudden started "teaching whites" about Vril society and other blasphemous junk. 95% truth, 5% deception style, in the end its still a lie. These jews are a clever piece of work, and our brethren are ridiculously naïve.

Here's what will happen in one or two generations if the jews are not kicked out of Russia, or at least returned to a shtetl. The Orthodox Christians and all the genetic Russians, will become a minority at the rate the Chabads are breeding and importing the surrounding Asiatics. This Orthodox safe haven will be neutered, and then they will dispose of the church and render the Russian people serfs forever, confused and miscegenated while the Chabad continue looting everything. That is not speculation, that is the fate of all White Christian nations who don't control their own people, and remove the cancer from their society, and it's all on a timeline of inevitability.

Ultimately, these criticisms are not trite. Russia is European and belongs with the rest of the European peoples in a grand European continent that gives men the higher ideal of living which it once had. It is then the Christian European's duty to rid his people and his neighbor of the ones who seek to harm and destroy them. We are bound to our family, kin, nation, race of nations, and faith, the same way every other race on this earth is bound to their own, by God's design.
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To follow up with what @scary_robot_music asked about alcoholism, there is evidence that much of the liquor there has been tampered with to create a falsity of alcoholism and suicide when it is in reality poisoning.
I'd be interested to hear more about this. I know I've heard of several cases of outright poisoned vodka and samogon killing dozens or more in small town Russia. That said, I think of "normal" hard liquor as poison. It doesn't occur naturally, has to be distilled, and it's obvious to me that God never intended it for human consumption. The idea that you'd need a conspiracy to somehow make it even more poisonous for it to have its desired effect seems strange. Just make it available and cheap and people will drink themselves to death on their own, ruining their life and that of their family and especially their children on the way. Works even better if you provide all the typical worldly distractions from God and family. I saw this everywhere, constantly, when I lived in Russia and Ukraine.

Maybe this is another thing that's gotten better in Russia, like the murder rate apparently has, but when I lived there there were millions of children in orphanages. The heartbreaking thing is that supposedly most of them had living parents. The parents were just drunks to the point that they couldn't be trusted to even remember to feed their children, even if food was available.

I already disliked alcohol before I moved to the FSU. I developed a bitter hatred for it while living there, which I suppose comes through when I write about it. Hopefully Russians (and Ukrainians) really are starting to finally see it for what it is and reject it.
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Internet seems to breed bitterness...different in real life, indeed, many Americans are not hateful towards Russia, quite the opposite. I often get asked where I grew up and get all kinds of positive reactions, people trying to say simple things in Russian, etc. The small percent of trouble people are brainwashed or on the payroll.

But at the same time American Anglos and other Western Euros view Russians as inferior race, just like they see everyone else but themselves. That's why I am done with America. Colonialist, imperialist, racist country, to think of it, the center of globalism. Everyone should leave Russia and BRICS countries alone and focus on own stuff and homelands. All these wannabe colonizers like that russophobic dude on here say they want to marry women of other races only...well if that's not globalism and a form of colonialism I dunno what is. Moving to places with American money and bringing unaffordable housing and American or Euro way of life is the same thing too, destoying native cultures, whatever bad and imperfect they might be, still better than globalist uniform culturless world. People want anglicized globalized world, global Babylon, where they can own a house without being a citizen or where they can easily become citizens, easy flights back and forth, and then, when global elites go crazy, say there is nowhere left to run.

Hitler had the race views down to science including about Russia peoples and people in Russia know what threats exist in the West to them, they won't be deceived by sweet talking again. That is the reason Putin got public support for the war.
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Thank you for pointing out something that can easily be misconstrued. Let's dig into each one because I don't see many people offering evidential refutes. Personal flaws are irrelevant because we all have them. Contrarily, Putin is well-spoken, well-educated, physically fit, understands geopolitics, understands military strategy, and allegedly understands Christian theology to some extent of being able to identify homosexuality as a deviancy and comprehending the need for a Christian moral ethos in a nation, something many world leaders are incapable of. This is not completely so as later I will show his neophyte understanding of Christianity. I could list praises for any human cognizant of these things, but what I am getting at is if Putin is truly against international jewry, then how long will it take for him to expel his embedded nest of parasites? He's won't because he's not against it.

Does he preside over Christians better than other leaders? What little comparison we currently have to assess this metric. There are no world leaders that are preparing for the successful posterity of Christians, let alone Europeans. The mass murder of 400,000 plus of white Orthodox Christian Ukrainians and Russians is a heavy cross to bear for any Christian. Meanwhile their women and children become prostitutes for the throngs of the dark continent and objects of sacrifice for occult rituals by jews. If anything it would seem that Christian blood will exhaust itself on this earth under these rulers, in the same slow and malodorous manner it has been for most of the last century. Zelensky and Putin are both pro-zionist. The objective of the war is to ethnically cleanse the natives of their respected lands. The Greater Israel (Yinon Plan) project is the end goal.

Here's a legitimate criticism at Russia's leadership. What is Putin doing for the children of all the Christians currently alive with his current agenda? Christian children that are living and breathing, and I'll extend to this to account for the children that have not been born yet to European Christians? I am not *putting* this on him alone personally, but with the amount of wealth and power he wields, he certainly could make a difference. He is stigmatizing and isolating the rest of Europe with his anti-colonial virtue-signaling. What are all the hyperviolent Africans, Muslims, Asiatic hordes, and mystery meat going to do to the children of the Europeans who they believe are simply the evil "Anglo-colonialist" that allegedly kept their people down for centuries? They will kill them! Yes colonialism had its evils, but the entire premise of colonialism was a jewish impetus to procure labor and riches of other resource-rich lands that happened to have human tribes, or from other vastly different civilizations like Vedic India and the Manchu's China. The narrative of "Africa can't be free unless colonialism ends, and needs reparations" is a short-sighted stunt designed to galvanize the schism between the races, not foster their cooperation. The complete reversal of colonialism, in the eyes of the Africans and the other swarthy peoples, has been predetermined to siphon Europe to its death of resources, whether that be minerals, women, or expelling their unwanted demographics of their own populations there, all courtesy of the jews.

Even with ignoring western Europe, what is he doing for the future children of the ethnic Russians and all Orthodox Christians in Eastern Europe by fostering a multi-cultural and multi-racial state with parallel communities of vastly different belief systems living in close proximity? The Cossacks and the Kulaks were one thing, they were both Slavic Russians who just lived different agrarian and migratory lifestyles. The demographics of the full extent of Russia today encompass a highly different makeup. As Chateau Heartiste so eloquently used to say, diversity + proximity = war.

"Russia is controlled by jews"

Skip to the time marks to see what I say because the video is not the best quality, and repeats at some parts, yet these clips are hard to find.
The connections self-admitted by a jewish rabbi starts at 04:45 in the video.
He starts shilling the vaxxes after 08:30.
He equates communist ideology with Christianity at 13:00. He even states that the way Lenin was put in a Mausoleum was no different than the saints.
Immediately after this blasphemous comparison, it shows the Orthodox churches being destroyed by Lenin's directive to the Politburo.
Starting at 20:00 a Chabad rabbi explains the connection between the Mossad and the "jewish" underground in Russia
Around 25:00 the same rabbi explains how the USSR "changed," and a video-in-the-video shows how under Gorbachev the Soviet Union opened its jails in early 1990 and let all the jewish criminals emigrate to the United States.
At 32:49 This rabbi talks about the jewish Oligarchs partying in Russia who control the economy
At 43:35 some newscaster lies about the Islamic population in historical Moscow but it shows the footage of the mosque there overflowing, another clear sign of jews controlling a white Christian country is by how many Muslims are present living in it.

Continuing with what @LaAguilaNegra has posted in addition to the Chabad connection, when the leader of South Africa's propaganda for exterminating the white Boer farmers, Julius Malema, is supporting Putin, it begets cognitive dissonance in me to accept this man as a savior for Europe, and even more-so as the best leader for Christians in this world, when I've see videos of what the mindless zulu-descendants have done to white farmers as part of this propaganda. If one of us had a five year old son who had his head shoved into a cooking pot and his entire face boiled off where he then died of both drowning in said boiling water burning his insides coupled with the shock of blood loss, simply because he was white, I think it would hit harder to see the long-term implications of these wartime alliances with strange bedfellows. That instance was only one of countless atrocities committed by these riled up mobs of atavists who can only see the world in black and white. Not hearsay, not someone talking on an online comment, not a book quote, and not a jewish movie, there are videos and images taken in some of these murderous instances that fragments the very soul to witness them.

Here is another legitimate criticism, in the very least, skepticism. Economics, while I am not elevating other systems above Russia's, I am looking at the probable disaster that could happen here:

"Russian Central Bank greenlights digital ruble"

Are the Russian people now sheep being led into a literal digital gulag? These RT pundits don't touch on the dangers and pitfalls of fake digital zeros that can and will be tracked, logged, restricted, erased, confiscated at will. Will cash rubles be done away with like there is a push for in the west? The golden future will go to hell. Central Bank Digital Currency is a one world debt system. The people running Russia are in on the Davos plan and Agenda 2030 one way or another.

And another criticism for this supposed Christian homeland. Any one of us could be thrown in jail for criticism of the Red Army, Holohoax denial, "Anti-semitic Biblical" criticism. Any group that is considered white nationalist is banned by law, smeared with insults, and any such organization must undergo (((denazification))). The FSB tortured and murdered Tesak even after they imprisoned him.

Perhaps if Putin went full Hitler, not the fictional version of Hitler in the post-war narrative, but the European crusader, there would be more of a pull for Europeans to come to their homelands and embrace Europa and their own histories, and therefore every country in the world would eventually "become great again," including the lands of the heathens for themselves, because the environments would be naturalized. This is the truthful side of propaganda, it can be used for good, but I don't see it anywhere. The natural growth of a man from family and faith out of a community extends to a nation, and then to a race. Only some men ever reach that point. Instead he is playing off the fates of entire generations of White Christian Europeans while attempting to keep his Russia safe from merely the globohomo rot of its western counterpart, but not the jewish poison which will ultimately be the downfall of the ethnic Russian's descendants. I don't see a dynasty coming out of his plans, merely playing off all my enemies enemies against one another to survive from them a little bit longer. The minute he would even shadowban jews from key positions, or hire Orthodox Christians first and not allow jews to continue operating in their influential roles in the government and the economy, even without any kind of public system that made it a law like Hitler did, they would kvetch so loud the world would go deaf. They would complain the microsecond one of their eldritch Chabad-Lubavitch bloodsuckers doesn't get to extract it's monthly quota of fresh organs from Ukrainian or homeless children.

But he is not pro-European, and that is a legitimate criticism. He believes the eastern version of the fable of the WW2 myth where the Red Army "liberated" Europe and propagates this as policy. At least in the neutered US you can't go to jail for knocking the spittoon of judeo-masonic propaganda. I guess he never read Hellstorm or any of the testimonies of the Polish, Romanian, or German survivors of the biggest rape in history. In the video below, he shows his contempt for Poland's envoy to Germany during the 1930s when the Madagascar plan rears its ugly head again. Finally a safe place for the jews of the world where they have no one to swindle but themselves, but Putin isn't having any!

"Putin is upset about the "Anti-Semitic" Madagascar Plan, lies about the Raping Red Army"

To follow up with what @scary_robot_music asked about alcoholism, there is evidence that much of the liquor there has been tampered with to create a falsity of alcoholism and suicide when it is in reality poisoning.

The first law Mr. Putin signed when he entered the Russian presidency was granting legal immunity to Yeltsin's family and all jew oligarchs who plunged Russia into misery and raped its people for the entirety of the 1990s. Unfortunately, most Russians whose living standards lie well below most western poverty benchmarks, are completely unaware of the enormous riches their leaders and presidents have collected at the expense of their own people. Except they are not their own people.

"Russian jewish Congress to Combat Anti-Semitism"

This group of talmudic viziers that surround Putin will most certainly not desire an Orthodox Theocracy, or even a symphonic Orthodox Church & Federation State government, let alone a white majority Russia! The Church is strong there now, but these jews have deep memories, something they know to use against their enemies by making them forget history. When the Church is strong, the jews are weak. There is no balance in that relationship, because they are mortal enemies. This is not a criticism of the Russian people nor their country, just the same parasites in charge of it since the 1917 revolution. I'd be right at home in Russia under Ivan the Fearless.

This one was hard to watch, but all the lies must be exposed. I used to think it was just Adam Green who was a crypto-jew, but this is the first time I've seen Brother Nathanael acting repulsively jewish.
"Adam Green and Brother Nathanael discuss Putin's connections to Chabad-Lubavitch"

A brief side-note not to detract too much from the Russia topic, Adam Green is a jew pretending to be a Nordic. And he has a good portion of people turning Antichrist and attacking their own brothers over it. His main gig is to hate on Christ and anyone reading the Bible and he stirs his followers up to hunt "christcucks". He is a brother war preacher. Most certainly an agent. He interviews Rabbi's. Only jews have those type of mafia connections. No Christian ever interviews actual jewish mystic rabbis and talks to them liker they know them personally. Its ridiculous that any Christian would fall for these sneaky tactics. His physiognomy is jewish, but the behavior and sermon he propagates is jewish to the core.

All the popular alt-rightist "white leaders" who teach the 'pagan' nationalists are jews and mongrels, some literally glow others just have a touch of glowstick. It is so obvious what's going on. Infiltrators purposely poisoning Christian morals and European Christian brotherhood with hate and division:
Martinez Perspective - confused non-white. Gypsy Crusader - non-white boogaloo patsy. Handsome Truth - wog jew. Adam Green-burg - jew. Robert Sepehr - a jew who made holocaust movies with his jew dad Ben-Hur Sepehr before he all of a sudden started "teaching whites" about Vril society and other blasphemous junk. 95% truth, 5% deception style, in the end its still a lie. These jews are a clever piece of work, and our brethren are ridiculously naïve.

Here's what will happen in one or two generations if the jews are not kicked out of Russia, or at least returned to a shtetl. The

Ultimately, these criticisms are not trite. Russia is European and belongs with the rest of the European peoples in a grand European continent that gives men the higher ideal of living which it once had. It is then the Christian European's duty to rid his people and his neighbor of the ones who seek to harm and destroy them. We are bound to our family, kin, nation, race of nations, and faith, the same way every other race on this earth is bound to their own, by God's design.

We will fight wars against European NATO stuff and invaders.
We will never be Europeans.
We will fight as many wars as necesssy to keep Europe in check at our borders.

All this talk is really about taking our wast lands, most of which happen to be in Asia, which begins after Ural mountains and our natural resources wanted by strapped for land, lacking resources Europe.
Europe won't have an inch of that land, neither it will subvert and alter Russians to alien to us "europeanness".
Hitler already tried that, what you posted is about the same as content of propaganda fliers they dropped from planes in Russia. He failed, NATO will fail too.

Yeah, sure you dislike Putin, what you say here gets one prison time in Russia as extremism. Putin = Israely agent is just one of the many tales spread by Ukrainians.
Putin already proved he is good by severing most relations with Europe. He is wanted by Haague court, enough proof to me he did not betray Russia.

Europe will soon collapse, in my view, well I hope refined "superior" Euro folks run to Latin America, not to Russia then. Its cold and brutal in Russia, big bad mosquitos, ticks and biting flies, and Asian people all over, one of whom happens to be Russia's Minister of Defence, and racism towards them is prohibited and severely punished by law in Russia. Those who want to plant division in Russia are better off in their refined, beautiful and completely fascist Europe.
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