Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

Any Russia hatred from the shills only means Russia is doing the right thing :)👍
Makes me more confident Putin did not sell out to the globalists.
Sometimes I doubted Putin and wondered if he cucked, when vax mandates were going, or when Donbass seemed to be abandoned in 2016, but clearly he is holding the line.
Putin is good at playing pretend, but he can reverse quick when it's the right time.
He took big risks defending Donbass - but he went ahead and did take that risk. I just wish it was done in 2014 when it could be almost painless
Does anyone know vax uptake in Russia and if they has had excess deaths since mandates began? It would go in Putin's favour if those Sputnik jabs were not the toxic gloop imposed on the West.
WC - Would Convert (her)

The guy who've been saying that on Telegram, that she had secretly converted Putin to Islam, he poses as early Donbass fighter and Russian nationalist living in Canada but I had been suspecting that's Ukraine-run or Canadian intel channel. There had been fake channels posing as pro-Russian, they do some very non-obvious and clever subversion work. One of them eventually got doxxed as transgender from Belarus who moved to the States
Have you noticed that 90% of the time Putin or Russia does something, it's always good news.
Quoting Graham Chapman from that Monty Python sketch: "This is getting rather silly now!"

Let's debunk some of the common myths spread by Russian online trolls:

1. "Russia is a very safe country , unlike the West"
Are you serious? Does this even deserve an answer?
The homicide rate per 100,000 inhabitants is 6.8 in Russia.
The rate in Sweden is 1.1, in the UK is 1.2 and in France is 1.1.
Even in Rwanda (on the African continent) the rate is 3.6...significantly lover than Russia's 6.8.

I think we can all agree which countries are statistically safer. You are nearly 6(!) times as likely to be killed in the supposedly "White and European" Russia than in the "multicultural" UK and France. You are nearly twice as likely to be killed in the supposedly "White and European" Russia than in the Black African Rwanda. Interesting, isn't it?

2."Unlike the West , Russia has high birtrates"

The Birthrate in Russia in 9.22
in Comparison, the figure in the US is 12.22, the UK 10.80, France is 11.56...

3."At least in Russia, those birth were all to native couples, as there is no immigration to Russia."

Wrong. The Russian Federation has received (both in number as well as in percentages ) more immigrants than most western countries.

11.6 million foreign-born residents. (The UK is 9.4, France 8.5).

4."At least in Russian, those are all Christians, as there are no Muslim in Russia."

Wrong again. There are 14 to 16 million (!) Muslims in Russia - 10-12% of the total population.

In the UK there are 2.2 million Muslim folk (barely 3.3% of the population.) and in France there are 5.72 million (8.8%)

Considering that large percentage of birth in Russia are to Muslim mums...please explain: how is exactly Putin "saving Christianity" in Russia?We are curious.

4."Russia is a Christian nation and Christians in Russia are very religious"
And how do we measure that?By weekly worship attendance, right? let's see what the staistics say:
Weekly worship attendance :
In Canada 20%, US 36%, Mexico 45%, Ethiopia 82%.
The UK 8%, France 12%, Sweden 6%
Russia is 7%...roughly on par with the very secular Sweden.

4."At least in Russian, those are all Christians, as there are no Muslim in Russia."

Wrong again. There are 14 to 16 million (!) Muslims in Russia - 10-12% of the total population.

In the UK there are 2.2 million Muslim folk (barely 3.3% of the population.) and in France there are 5.72 million (8.8%)

Considering that large percentage of birth in Russia are to Muslim mum...please explain: how is exactly Putin "saving Christianity" in Russia?I am curious.
4."At least in Russian, those are all Christians, as there are no Muslim in Russia."

Wrong again. There are 14 to 16 million (!) Muslims in Russia - 10-12% of the total population.

In the UK there are 2.2 million Muslim folk (barely 3.3% of the population.) and in France there are 5.72 million (8.8%)

Considering that large percentage of birth in Russia are to Muslim mum...please explain: how is exactly Putin "saving Christianity" in Russia?I am curious.

5. (After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence)
"Ermmm...Well, At least the Muslims in Russia are all peaceful, unlike the ones in the West!"
Are you being serious?
Wrong again. Most people would agree that Chechnians -on average- more problematic than any other group within the Ummah. (know, technically Chechnians are "home-grown" in Russia but that is besides the point). Yes, the Chechnyans are "whitest" people of Earth (these are the real proverbial Caucasians, not WASP-y folks int he US) - and also the most tribalistic in addition to being Islamic extremists - a very unique (and in this case seemingly dangerous) combination.
It is very telling that even the Russian government gave up on pacifying them - after two bloody, unsuccessful wars in Chechnya in the 1990s. putin eventually decided it was better to pay off the strongest (and most corrupt) warlord (Ramzan Kadirov) in that region.

Apparently even other group of Muslims have their own issues with this group:

Would you really want these guys coming to your town?:

I think we'll rather have the Pakistani Uber drivers in the UK, Algerian shopkeepers in France, Belgian-Moroccan accountants in Belgium or Somali medical student in Sweden, Yemeni gas station owners in the US. Russia can keep their own Muslims, thanks very much.

6. "At least there are is no LGBTQ-propaganda in Russia"
This statement may have some truth to it. However, you need to be really naive to believe there are no LGBTQ-people in Russia. We can assume there are some, perhaps in the closet, even in a place like Russia. Particularly since the statistics have already confirmed: Russians aren't exactly beacons of Christian morality...

7. "There is no drug problem in Russia, only in the US."
Wrong. Russia has had a massive drug problem, ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. There is no end in sight...

8. "You dirty, lying f****** American Neocon/Israeli Jew/Ukranian Fascist/Polish/ Latvian/Estonian Nationalist/Georgian Chauvinist/Turkish Muslim etc etc!"
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Now that your lies have been exposed, you result to name-calling. Shame on you. This conversation is over.

Your lies don't stand up to scrutiny. The truth is here for everyone to see.

Have a nice day.
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@cognitive dissonance 73 - What is your specific problem with Russia? And what are your general positions?

You have started an argument with yourself. I don't think there is anyone here that is as reactionarily pro-Russia as you appear to be anti-Russia.

I am aware there are people who want to paint pictures of Russia that are more rosy than reality. I've posted some of the data you have posted here to them, and never did it descend into anything like this to-and-fro argument you've constructed.
@cognitive dissonance 73 - What is your specific problem with Russia? And what are your general positions?

You have started an argument with yourself. I don't think there is anyone here that is as reactionarily pro-Russia as you appear to be anti-Russia.

I am aware there are people who want to paint pictures of Russia that are more rosy than reality. I've posted some of the data you have posted here to them, and never did it descend into anything like this to-and-fro argument.

I posted facts, backed up by reliable sources...not an opinion. These facts debunked the lies spread by Russian trolls. What exactly is your problem?
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I posted facts, backed up by reliable sources...not an opinion. What's your problem?

I am not querying the facts. Though there is more to Russia's Muslilm population, as the are typically very different in nature than many Muslims who have immigrated to Europe.

I asked you what is your specific problem with Russia? From the wording of your posts it seems you have a deep hatred of the country.
I am not querying the facts. Though there is more to Russia's Muslilm population, as the are typically very different in nature than many Muslims who have immigrated to Europe.

I asked you what is your specific problem with Russia? From the wording of your posts it seems you have a deep hatred of the country.
Quoting statistics mean something is personal?
Quoting Graham Chapman from that Monty Python sketch: "This is getting rather silly now!"

Let's debunk some of the common myths spread by Russian online trolls:

1. "Russia is a very safe country , unlike the West"
Are you serious? Does this even deserve an answer?
The homicide rate per 100,000 inhabitants is 6.8 in Russia.
The rate in Sweden is 1.1, in the UK is 1.2 and in France is 1.1.
Even in Rwanda (on the African continent) the rate is 3.6...significantly lover than Russia's 6.8.

I think we can all agree which countries are statistically safer. You are nearly 6(!) times as likely to be killed in the supposedly "White and European" Russia than in the "multicultural" UK and France. You are nearly twice as likely to be killed in the supposedly "White and European" Russia than in the Black African Rwanda. Interesting, isn't it?

2."Unlike the West , Russia has high birtrates"

The Birthrate in Russia in 9.22
in Comparison, the figure in the US is 12.22, the UK 10.80, France is 11.56...

3."At least in Russia, those birth were all to native couples, as there is no immigration to Russia."

Wrong. The Russian Federation has received (both in number as well as in percentages ) more immigrants than most western countries.

11.6 million foreign-born residents. (The UK is 9.4, France 8.5).

4."At least in Russian, those are all Christians, as there are no Muslim in Russia."

Wrong again. There are 14 to 16 million (!) Muslims in Russia - 10-12% of the total population.

In the UK there are 2.2 million Muslim folk (barely 3.3% of the population.) and in France there are 5.72 million (8.8%)

Considering that large percentage of birth in Russia are to Muslim mums...please explain: how is exactly Putin "saving Christianity" in Russia?We are curious.

4."Russia is a Christian nation and Christians in Russia are very religious"
And how do we measure that?By weekly worship attendance, right? let's see what the staistics say:
Weekly worship attendance :
In Canada 20%, US 36%, Mexico 45%, Ethiopia 82%.
The UK 8%, France 12%, Sweden 6%
Russia is 7%...roughly on par with the very secular Sweden.

4."At least in Russian, those are all Christians, as there are no Muslim in Russia."

Wrong again. There are 14 to 16 million (!) Muslims in Russia - 10-12% of the total population.

In the UK there are 2.2 million Muslim folk (barely 3.3% of the population.) and in France there are 5.72 million (8.8%)

Considering that large percentage of birth in Russia are to Muslim mum...please explain: how is exactly Putin "saving Christianity" in Russia?I am curious.
4."At least in Russian, those are all Christians, as there are no Muslim in Russia."

Wrong again. There are 14 to 16 million (!) Muslims in Russia - 10-12% of the total population.

In the UK there are 2.2 million Muslim folk (barely 3.3% of the population.) and in France there are 5.72 million (8.8%)

Considering that large percentage of birth in Russia are to Muslim mum...please explain: how is exactly Putin "saving Christianity" in Russia?I am curious.

5. (After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence)
"Ermmm...Well, At least the Muslims in Russia are all peaceful, unlike the ones in the West!"
Are you being serious?
Wrong again. Most people would agree that Chechnians -on average- more problematic than any other group within the Ummah. (know, technically Chechnians are "home-grown" in Russia but that is besides the point). Yes, the Chechnyans are "whitest" people of Earth (these are the real proverbial Caucasians, not WASP-y folks int he US) - and also the most tribalistic in addition to being Islamic extremists - a very unique (and in this case seemingly dangerous) combination.
It is very telling that even the Russian government gave up on pacifying them - after two bloody, unsuccessful wars in Chechnya in the 1990s. putin eventually decided it was better to pay off the strongest (and most corrupt) warlord (Ramzan Kadirov) in that region.

Apparently even other group of Muslims have their own issues with this group:

Would you really want these guys coming to your town?:

I think we'll rather have the Pakistani Uber drivers in the UK, Algerian shopkeepers in France, Belgian-Moroccan accountants in Belgium or Somali medical student in Sweden, Yemeni gas station owners in the US. Russia can keep their own Muslims, thanks very much.

6. "At least there are is no LGBTQ-propaganda in Russia"
This statement may have some truth to it. However, you need to be really naive to believe there are no LGBTQ-people in Russia. We can assume there are some, perhaps in the closet, even in a place like Russia. Particularly since the statistics have already confirmed: Russians aren't exactly beacons of Christian morality...

7. "There is no drug problem in Russia, only in the US."
Wrong. Russia has had a massive drug problem, ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. There is no end in sight...

8. "You dirty, lying f****** American Neocon/Israeli Jew/Ukranian Fascist/Polish/ Latvian/Estonian Nationalist/Georgian Chauvinist/Turkish Muslim etc etc!"
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Now that your lies have been exposed, you result to name-calling. Shame on you. This conversation is over.

Your lies don't stand up to scrutiny. The truth is here for everyone to see.

Have a nice day.

Quoting statistics mean something is personal?

You started a large argument with yourself. No one brought up any of the things you mentioned. I am not making an argument against what you linked to. But from your posts, it seems you have a deep-seated hatred of Russian. I am asking you what you think of Russia. You have avoided the question twice, while I have answered yours twice.

It's your wording. Stuff like this:

"Ermmm...Well, At least the Muslims in Russia are all peaceful, unlike the ones in the West!"
Are you being serious?

Multiple times throughout your post, that seem resentful and hysterical.
No, but leaping into action over a comment praising Putin with a dossier of statistics that you presumably have saved in a word document, and constructing a weird strawman dialogue makes it seem like a personal vendetta.
Yesterday a troll (whom i won't name) accused me of not providing sources to back up my statements. Now, the facts are there, yet some of you are still upset. So, point proven. The truth really hurt some of the readers here. May I also ask: why do some of you love Putin and Russia so much...since you claim none of you are trolls paid by the Kremlin?
Yesterday a troll (whom i won't name) accused me of not providing sources to back up my statements. Now, the facts are there, yet some of you are still upset. So, point proven. The truth really hurt some of the readers here. May I also ask: why do some of you love Putin and Russia so much...since you claim none of you are trolls paid by the Kremlin?

The sun, the guardian, and "dw" are not considered neutral sources on this forum
Yesterday a troll (whom i won't name) accused me of not providing sources to back up my statements. Now, the facts are there, yet some of you are still upset. So, point proven. The truth really hurt some of the readers here. May I also ask: why do some of you love Putin and Russia so much...since you claim none of you are trolls paid by the Kremlin?

I don't love Putin. I told you I am familiar with the information you posted. I am familiar with social problems in Russia.

The issue is not the information, but the nature you have posted them in. You posted to another member as if he was an idiot dog. Now you have posted a lengthy screed that is hysterical. It's oozing with passive-aggressive statements or something an erm akshuly internet athiest would write.

I have answered all your questions. Now answer - why do you feel the need to post such a diatribe against Russia?
Quoting Graham Chapman from that Monty Python sketch: "This is getting rather silly now!"

Let's debunk some of the common myths spread by Russian online trolls:

1. "Russia is a very safe country , unlike the West"
Are you serious? Does this even deserve an answer?
The homicide rate per 100,000 inhabitants is 6.8 in Russia.
The rate in Sweden is 1.1, in the UK is 1.2 and in France is 1.1.
Even in Rwanda (on the African continent) the rate is 3.6...significantly lover than Russia's 6.8.

I think we can all agree which countries are statistically safer. You are nearly 6(!) times as likely to be killed in the supposedly "White and European" Russia than in the "multicultural" UK and France. You are nearly twice as likely to be killed in the supposedly "White and European" Russia than in the Black African Rwanda. Interesting, isn't it?

2."Unlike the West , Russia has high birtrates"

The Birthrate in Russia in 9.22
in Comparison, the figure in the US is 12.22, the UK 10.80, France is 11.56...

3."At least in Russia, those birth were all to native couples, as there is no immigration to Russia."

Wrong. The Russian Federation has received (both in number as well as in percentages ) more immigrants than most western countries.

11.6 million foreign-born residents. (The UK is 9.4, France 8.5).

4."At least in Russian, those are all Christians, as there are no Muslim in Russia."

Wrong again. There are 14 to 16 million (!) Muslims in Russia - 10-12% of the total population.

In the UK there are 2.2 million Muslim folk (barely 3.3% of the population.) and in France there are 5.72 million (8.8%)

Considering that large percentage of birth in Russia are to Muslim mums...please explain: how is exactly Putin "saving Christianity" in Russia?We are curious.

4."Russia is a Christian nation and Christians in Russia are very religious"
And how do we measure that?By weekly worship attendance, right? let's see what the staistics say:
Weekly worship attendance :
In Canada 20%, US 36%, Mexico 45%, Ethiopia 82%.
The UK 8%, France 12%, Sweden 6%
Russia is 7%...roughly on par with the very secular Sweden.

4."At least in Russian, those are all Christians, as there are no Muslim in Russia."

Wrong again. There are 14 to 16 million (!) Muslims in Russia - 10-12% of the total population.

In the UK there are 2.2 million Muslim folk (barely 3.3% of the population.) and in France there are 5.72 million (8.8%)

Considering that large percentage of birth in Russia are to Muslim mum...please explain: how is exactly Putin "saving Christianity" in Russia?I am curious.
4."At least in Russian, those are all Christians, as there are no Muslim in Russia."

Wrong again. There are 14 to 16 million (!) Muslims in Russia - 10-12% of the total population.

In the UK there are 2.2 million Muslim folk (barely 3.3% of the population.) and in France there are 5.72 million (8.8%)

Considering that large percentage of birth in Russia are to Muslim mum...please explain: how is exactly Putin "saving Christianity" in Russia?I am curious.

5. (After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence)
"Ermmm...Well, At least the Muslims in Russia are all peaceful, unlike the ones in the West!"
Are you being serious?
Wrong again. Most people would agree that Chechnians -on average- more problematic than any other group within the Ummah. (know, technically Chechnians are "home-grown" in Russia but that is besides the point). Yes, the Chechnyans are "whitest" people of Earth (these are the real proverbial Caucasians, not WASP-y folks int he US) - and also the most tribalistic in addition to being Islamic extremists - a very unique (and in this case seemingly dangerous) combination.
It is very telling that even the Russian government gave up on pacifying them - after two bloody, unsuccessful wars in Chechnya in the 1990s. putin eventually decided it was better to pay off the strongest (and most corrupt) warlord (Ramzan Kadirov) in that region.

Apparently even other group of Muslims have their own issues with this group:

Would you really want these guys coming to your town?:

I think we'll rather have the Pakistani Uber drivers in the UK, Algerian shopkeepers in France, Belgian-Moroccan accountants in Belgium or Somali medical student in Sweden, Yemeni gas station owners in the US. Russia can keep their own Muslims, thanks very much.

6. "At least there are is no LGBTQ-propaganda in Russia"
This statement may have some truth to it. However, you need to be really naive to believe there are no LGBTQ-people in Russia. We can assume there are some, perhaps in the closet, even in a place like Russia. Particularly since the statistics have already confirmed: Russians aren't exactly beacons of Christian morality...

7. "There is no drug problem in Russia, only in the US."
Wrong. Russia has had a massive drug problem, ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. There is no end in sight...

8. "You dirty, lying f****** American Neocon/Israeli Jew/Ukranian Fascist/Polish/ Latvian/Estonian Nationalist/Georgian Chauvinist/Turkish Muslim etc etc!"
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Now that your lies have been exposed, you result to name-calling. Shame on you. This conversation is over.

Your lies don't stand up to scrutiny. The truth is here for everyone to see.

Have a nice day.

The homicide rate in Russia and the US is exactly the same though. (6.8) And as with the US it completely depends on where you live. Moscow and SP are generally safe for example. Jamaica 52, South Africa 42, Mexico 28, Brazil 22, for reference.
Quoting Graham Chapman from that Monty Python sketch: "This is getting rather silly now!"

Let's debunk some of the common myths spread by Russian online trolls:

1. "Russia is a very safe country , unlike the West"
Are you serious? Does this even deserve an answer?
The homicide rate per 100,000 inhabitants is 6.8 in Russia.
The rate in Sweden is 1.1, in the UK is 1.2 and in France is 1.1.
Even in Rwanda (on the African continent) the rate is 3.6...significantly lover than Russia's 6.8.

I think we can all agree which countries are statistically safer. You are nearly 6(!) times as likely to be killed in the supposedly "White and European" Russia than in the "multicultural" UK and France. You are nearly twice as likely to be killed in the supposedly "White and European" Russia than in the Black African Rwanda. Interesting, isn't it?

2."Unlike the West , Russia has high birtrates"

The Birthrate in Russia in 9.22
in Comparison, the figure in the US is 12.22, the UK 10.80, France is 11.56...

3."At least in Russia, those birth were all to native couples, as there is no immigration to Russia."

Wrong. The Russian Federation has received (both in number as well as in percentages ) more immigrants than most western countries.

11.6 million foreign-born residents. (The UK is 9.4, France 8.5).

4."At least in Russian, those are all Christians, as there are no Muslim in Russia."

Wrong again. There are 14 to 16 million (!) Muslims in Russia - 10-12% of the total population.

In the UK there are 2.2 million Muslim folk (barely 3.3% of the population.) and in France there are 5.72 million (8.8%)

Considering that large percentage of birth in Russia are to Muslim mums...please explain: how is exactly Putin "saving Christianity" in Russia?We are curious.

4."Russia is a Christian nation and Christians in Russia are very religious"
And how do we measure that?By weekly worship attendance, right? let's see what the staistics say:
Weekly worship attendance :
In Canada 20%, US 36%, Mexico 45%, Ethiopia 82%.
The UK 8%, France 12%, Sweden 6%
Russia is 7%...roughly on par with the very secular Sweden.

4."At least in Russian, those are all Christians, as there are no Muslim in Russia."

Wrong again. There are 14 to 16 million (!) Muslims in Russia - 10-12% of the total population.

In the UK there are 2.2 million Muslim folk (barely 3.3% of the population.) and in France there are 5.72 million (8.8%)

Considering that large percentage of birth in Russia are to Muslim mum...please explain: how is exactly Putin "saving Christianity" in Russia?I am curious.
4."At least in Russian, those are all Christians, as there are no Muslim in Russia."

Wrong again. There are 14 to 16 million (!) Muslims in Russia - 10-12% of the total population.

In the UK there are 2.2 million Muslim folk (barely 3.3% of the population.) and in France there are 5.72 million (8.8%)

Considering that large percentage of birth in Russia are to Muslim mum...please explain: how is exactly Putin "saving Christianity" in Russia?I am curious.

5. (After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence)
"Ermmm...Well, At least the Muslims in Russia are all peaceful, unlike the ones in the West!"
Are you being serious?
Wrong again. Most people would agree that Chechnians -on average- more problematic than any other group within the Ummah. (know, technically Chechnians are "home-grown" in Russia but that is besides the point). Yes, the Chechnyans are "whitest" people of Earth (these are the real proverbial Caucasians, not WASP-y folks int he US) - and also the most tribalistic in addition to being Islamic extremists - a very unique (and in this case seemingly dangerous) combination.
It is very telling that even the Russian government gave up on pacifying them - after two bloody, unsuccessful wars in Chechnya in the 1990s. putin eventually decided it was better to pay off the strongest (and most corrupt) warlord (Ramzan Kadirov) in that region.

Apparently even other group of Muslims have their own issues with this group:

Would you really want these guys coming to your town?:

I think we'll rather have the Pakistani Uber drivers in the UK, Algerian shopkeepers in France, Belgian-Moroccan accountants in Belgium or Somali medical student in Sweden, Yemeni gas station owners in the US. Russia can keep their own Muslims, thanks very much.

6. "At least there are is no LGBTQ-propaganda in Russia"
This statement may have some truth to it. However, you need to be really naive to believe there are no LGBTQ-people in Russia. We can assume there are some, perhaps in the closet, even in a place like Russia. Particularly since the statistics have already confirmed: Russians aren't exactly beacons of Christian morality...

7. "There is no drug problem in Russia, only in the US."
Wrong. Russia has had a massive drug problem, ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. There is no end in sight...

8. "You dirty, lying f****** American Neocon/Israeli Jew/Ukranian Fascist/Polish/ Latvian/Estonian Nationalist/Georgian Chauvinist/Turkish Muslim etc etc!"
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Now that your lies have been exposed, you result to name-calling. Shame on you. This conversation is over.

Your lies don't stand up to scrutiny. The truth is here for everyone to see.

Have a nice day.

👀 You can't be serious. All quotes from Wikipedia, The Sun (sensationalist IQ 80 tabloid), Guardian, DW, The Conversation, 😄 and similar leftist/globalist propaganda flagship outlets. Kek.

Wikipedia (which makes up 80% of your sources) is NEVER cited as a credible source, not only because it is a leftist propaganda site whose main objective is to spread globalist indoctrination.
If you try to cite Wikipedia in a more serious setting, academic or the like, you will be immediately dismissed as a charlatan, for reasons that don't need to be stated.

You can cite those same sources to "prove" that mRNA therapy is "safe and effective", that "anti-vaxxers" are criminals who deserve to be locked up, that people are dying from climate change, and similar bull from their ((owners)).

I wonder why there are no articles from more serious sources 🤔 Interesting. That says a lot.

Yesterday a troll (whom i won't name) accused me of not providing sources to back up my statements. Now, the facts are there
Ad hominem attacks are the last resort of the desperate.

In any case, a nice display of the insane propaganda that Babylon is currently running against the topic subject. If you really believe these sources and consider them "facts", then you have much bigger problems than Russia.
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There is one more commonly spread lie from trolls - that id did not debunk yesterday as this would have caused some of the pro-Putin troll to have a stroke (and would have probably get me banned from there.). But the truth needs to be said. Don't shoot the messenger.

Lie spread by Russian trolls:
"There is lots of people with HIV in the West, because you got too many Blacks, junkies, hookers and gays. We don't have this problem - HIV does not exist in Russia."
Now, Ivan...this is probably the biggest lie you have ever told and we are not going to let you get away with it.
Ivan, Russia may not have many Black folks but must have a lot of the other three, otherwise how would you explain the statistics?
Russia has a serious problem with HIV, It has had for a very long time.
1.50% (!) of the people living in the Russian Federation live with HIV. (For comparison the US and France the rate is 0.40%, the UK and Sweden 0.20%).
What may be even more shocking to some of the readers here that Russia's HIV rate is the same as that of Liberia and Sierra Leone.
In fact - in many supposedly countries that are looked down upon by some of the readers here - such as Thailand, Cambodia, Papua New Guinea, Burundi, Chad, Ethiopia, Brazil, Senegal, Somalia etc - have lower rates of HIV than Russia.

Actually, before you say it's biased, the Wikipedia article quotes the CIA's World Factbook as the source. (You can access the link) No, it's not biased. Younger readers may not remember this, but the same source warned the world of the shockingly high HIV rates even back in the mid-1990s - when (the younger readers won't remember the Clinton-Yeltsin era) the US-Russia relations were actually fairly decent at the time. (Also, the source also acknowledges that Ukraine's rate is also high - 1.10%)
We know that prostitution is widespread in Russia (even with protection, more partners mean more chance of getting infected)
We already discussed yesterday that IV-drug abuse is rampant in Russia. Rehabilitation facilities are minimal. Harm reduction is practically non-existent - in fact, the Russian government has outlawed NGOs that tried to help IV drug users to have access to clean needles.
As you see from the evidence, the Russian government denies there is a problem.

Also, the silence from the Russian orthodox church on this matter is deafening - while abroad Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Buddhist etc organizations provide lots of genuine work on helping the rehabilitation of former drug users. (One can only wish the russian orthodox church was as active in the field of helping the poor and the needy as they are in field of politics)

I guess some of you will look at those Svetlanas, Irinas and Natashas a bit differently after this. If you still insist on marrying one, don't play Russian roulette (no pun intended) with your health. Make sure she gets tested. This would also show her real attitude.
While a lady from Liberia or Sierra Leone (countries with same rates of HIV as Russia) would actually see this as a positive - as this shows her future husband is a responsible and caring man.
Not so much with a Russian women. it is guaranteed she will make a scene. (In thick Russian accent: "Test for HIV? What do you think I am?!". Don't be a beta simp, going into long explanation. Stand your ground. "You are from Russia. That's enough reason for me to ask you to get tested." That will shut her up immediately. But You should also ask yourself whether you really want to marry a woman with such attitude (arrogant, prideful and ignorant) ? Choose wisely, gentlemen...choose wisely.

The state healthcare facilities in Russia are really third world level, that's probably needless to say.

The bottom line is : ignore the Russian propaganda. Russia is a poor, dysfunctional third world country (don't let the abundance of natural resources fool you) that is currently trying to overtake the world to bring the attention away from its internal problems. The online troll paid by the Russian government are also there for that purpose.

Comparing Russia with the a country of the same rate of HIV (Liberia) - having visited both countries I can reassure you that the average Russian does not live much better than the average Liberian. The Russian propaganda rarely shows you the "other side" or Russia, away from the touristy areas or away from the world of wealthy "oligarchs" . (On a subjective note: Don't have an intention to visit neither of the said two countries again - but visiting Liberia was a more pleasant experience than visiting Russia).

Again, don't shoot the truth-teller. Do your own research if you don't believe the sources I provided you with.

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