COVID: The PsyOp, The Aftermath & The Future

I completely agree with your sentiment that the real tragedy is the fact that there are real predators in the "Healthcare" industry and indifferent or misinformed masses whose choices have consequences(not just for them, but for everyone around them).
My thesis is that it comes from higher players that have already controlled the bureaucrats who in turn levy major requirements or make "policy" that advances the larger, elite goals. Mostly it is done through money and power. The hospital CEOs and doctors that are "in on it" are only go along, get along stooges - just like the politicians are. Very disappointing, to be sure, but technically not "out to get you" in the real, nasty sense. Just generally inertia driven and lacking the desire to have or apply principle. Or in the case of politicians, to apply party line or do the continued "us vs. them" nonsense narrative.
Of course, God will handle much of this how He sees fit. When you look at the history of the world, it's not as though a lot worse has happened, or "been allowed".
I disagree with this claim. IMO there has been much, much worse that happened in world history. The covid "thing" (for lack of a better word) was much more mild than most of human history.
I think the mentality of the modern person is so soft, the average person so unaware at this point, it can hardly be classified as tragedy in a sense, more like inevitability, I'm sorry to say. Does anyone agree?
Probably accurate - I sense I shouldn't make a definitive claim.

Modern mankind does seem to have grown "soft", at least in the Western world. We are so used to just going to a store, or on the internet, to get whatever we want. Be it health information or things we need to sustain life or even to sustain an easy life.

But the unawareness manifests in that most people don't even know what they need to get. The combination of "Ease" + "Ignorance" is not serving mankind very well at all at this point, it seems to me.
My thesis is that it comes from higher players that have already controlled the bureaucrats who in turn levy major requirements or make "policy" that advances the larger, elite goals. Mostly it is done through money and power.
It seems to me this is accurate. It is completely obvious by now to any cogent observer that the desires of the poor and middle-class voters in a democracy have ZERO effect on policy. This IS the data, whether we like it or not:

"Statistical analysis of this remarkable data set showed that the preferences of the poor had no effect on policy changes. This is not entirely unexpected. What is surprising is that there was no—zilch, nada—effect of the average voter. The main effect on the direction of change was due to the policy preferences of the affluent. There was also an additional effect of interest groups, the most influential ones being business-oriented lobbies. Once you include in the statistical model the preferences of the top 10 percent and the interest groups, the effect of the commoners is statistically indistinguishable from zero."

I disagree with this claim. IMO there has been much, much worse that happened in world history. The covid "thing" (for lack of a better word) was much more mild than most of human history.
That was a typo, my idea was clearly that "it's not as though a lot worse hasn't happened" ... because obviously it has. The point was that God is OK with letting us do our own thing and crush the "be fruitful and multiply" idea. There are tons of men that have no shot due to the current crop of women, and that had nothing to do with women's plans or anything remotely related. So for the time being, they suffer in large part due to a debased culture. But, they were born into a world where certain other things were possible (like living with and recognition of God), so there's that.
Sounds all too familiar.

During Winter, there isn't a lot of daylight. The Sun stays relatively low in the sky, and because of this our bodies don't make a lot of Vitamin D during this time. However, Vit. D is crucial for optimal immune function.

But do not fear - we can get Vit. D from food sources. One of the best, if not THE best, food source for Vit. D is cod liver oil. I take it almost daily, and have been doing so since before COVID came along in 2019. And in those 4+ (nearly 5) years, I have been sick only once.
Flu cases in Germoney over the last several years. Data is from the Robert Koch Institut, which is more or less like the CDC in the US. These are only reported cases.


What Happened Tyler GIF by Big Brother
Today a healthy-looking, sane-looking younger mother and her four healthy-looking young children, seemingly all within a year apart probably 4-8 years old, were walking back to their car from the shopping center and there was this 'get your flu shot' sign posted right in everyone's face, highly visible, where you couldn't miss it along your exit path.

The mother immediately ripped up the sign and threw it upside down in the bushes. The kids laughed and said what is that. She mumbled something about the flu and they all just carried on back to the car.

Scenes like this give me hope for humanity. I got a good chuckle out of that. This is a mother that is fed up with the psyop bull crap and doesn't want her kids seeing anymore medical propaganda.
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I was going to post this in the conspiracy thread, but it deserves to go here more so because it is directly related.

People who have received these injections are emitting signals registering as BLE MAC addresses. This is a short half hour documentary that covers the subject in its entirety:

"Blue-Truth Documentary: A Deep Dive into the Vaxxed Mac Address Phenomena"

They appear like the ones here:

"Hunting vaxxed at the little hotel"

This radioman gives a cliff-notes explanation of RF to those who are unfamiliar with how the human body is affected by it:

"Vax'd MAC addresses, why it shouldn't be possible and general knowledge"

Intro - 0:00
People Exhibiting MAC addresses - 16:00
Conclusion - 30:00 (below)

'Graphene oxide in the skin would be the only possible reason why people are transmitting, or it is "faking" a 2.4 GHz signal. How can you fake a digital millimeter signal? Perhaps frequency hopping. The skin is somehow able to transmit an EMF. RF is magnetic electricity, polarized electricity in the air. Very easy to broadcast this into the air. It would not be a device inside the body pumping out a millimeter wave making it outside the body. Something is faking a signal coming from these people's bodies.'

This is a possible method of how this is happening in these people:

On the skin there's a biofilm and synthetic hairs. Everyone has this. The biofilm is filamentous and looks like a cabling network. The synthetic hairs serve as antennas I think. The hairs penetrate the skin, piggyback hair follicles. That could be the connection between the body internals and externals (skin, air). Inside the body, what I think is going on is, the tissues are laced with nano and microwires with networks and sensors.
How they communicate I'm not sure but I think optical and terraherz frequencies are a good bet, looking at the science papers. It's true 2.4ghz doesn't travel in water as it is absorbed, but terrahertz might be capable and from what I said above, it doesn't have to. It can use the "cabling" to reach the synthetic hairs and transmit from outside the body.

There is also evidence of these signals remaining even after the person who died from the injections are buried under the ground. This is where it becomes a bit more unsettling:

"Bluetooth MAC signal emitting from dead vaxxed in graveyards"

And not to get completely conspiratorial, this is not my idea but it is horrifying if the premise is true:

"Jabbed lost souls trapped as "AI" NPC's in a video game"