COVID: The PsyOp, The Aftermath & The Future

Yes, I know that, but my people used to made of sterner stuff, and didn't run around like frightened children. During the epidemic of the late 60's, people just took it in their stride. What took place during The Madness, in the UK at least, was not the sort of reaction that I expected
This is all so true for us here across the pond, too. It is interesting how quickly a cultural shift can be made with just a year or so of propaganda. It's only fall and more people are starting to wear masks again...

So basically every single thing they did, the jabs, the lockdowns, the economic measures, the witch hunts, the censorship, it was all a huge mistake. And they killed a s...-ton of people in the process with probably millions more waiting in the wind. And they're like: "Oooops, my bad, we made a booobooo.... but hey, no hard feelings right?"

Honestly I cannot express my sentiment verball here without getting tossed off this forum, but you can probably empathize....
It was incredibly disappointing watching covid happen and so many people fall for it. Seeing through the narrative was not difficult if you had some basic understanding of hand washing, "the flu" and "the cold." I'm uneducated, but I do read and that alone gave me enough information to know that most people's arguments in favor of the lockdowns were based on exaggeration or outright lies from the news media.

Since living in the fear of losing my job due to my refusal to be a lab rat for big pharma, I'm a little less trusting of my neighbor these days. I don't like feeling that way, but so many people were happy to tell me that they'd be glad to see me get forced to get the experimental, rushed to market flu shot that I now wonder how long I could last if the day comes that people are willing to throw me to the Gulags for believing in Christ. Or maybe even just that men have a prostate, women have a uterus, who knows...
Early on during the panic I sat down reading a few medical studies on flu, colds, other respiratory infections and the new "virus". Read CDC guidelines on how to declare someone dead from corona, it was complete bogus. Came to the conclusion there was a scamdemic and, in the worst case, a new strain of common cold going around. I was mid-travel when it all happened and continued traveling (domestically) throughout the whole thing. Luckily, I had met a couple of people sharing my views very early on.

Had not worn masks, never injected anything. Walked into stores all over the country being the only person or one of the few who weren't masked, had been almost physically attacked once, but mostly was left alone. Ever since I pretty much feel outside of society, can't erase the memories of everyone complying from my head, it was like seeing a zombie land. Decided to leave the country for good.
Personally, I was disappointed with the results of the COVID vaccine. I was promised that the purebloods would inherit the earth; instead we have to make-do with simply turbo-cancers and a 400% spiking mortality rate of the vaccinated or whatever.

Oh well.

With that said, it was eye opening the extent to which normies believe official propaganda, to the extent that they were willing to get injected with a wholly experimental, untested mRNA vaccine. To see the herd behave in such a matter was shocking, and it has increased my distrust in mankind substantially. And then, like brainless robots, they simply downloaded the next NPC update and moved on to the next scam with zero introspection and nothing learned from the experience.

Shocking, honestly. The biggest danger to humanity is the NPC.

It was incredibly disappointing watching covid happen and so many people fall for it. Seeing through the narrative was not difficult if you had some basic understanding of hand washing, "the flu" and "the cold." I'm uneducated, but I do read and that alone gave me enough information to know that most people's arguments in favor of the lockdowns were based on exaggeration or outright lies from the news media.

Since living in the fear of losing my job due to my refusal to be a lab rat for big pharma, I'm a little less trusting of my neighbor these days. I don't like feeling that way, but so many people were happy to tell me that they'd be glad to see me get forced to get the experimental, rushed to market flu shot that I now wonder how long I could last if the day comes that people are willing to throw me to the Gulags for believing in Christ. Or maybe even just that men have a prostate, women have a uterus, who knows...
Well said.

To me, it was a grand exposé of how easily man follows the narrative presented to him, which seemed a grand exaggeration from the beginning. I remember walking in a fully deserted capital, no one on the streets. Getting fined by the police for walking the streets at the wrong time without a mask. People shouting at me that I needed to wear a mask in the supermarket.

It made me lose the last faith I had in "politics," "police," "media," and "the science."

They didn't win it back; none take any responsibility for the decisions they made.

My trust grew in the people close to me, in God, in scripture, in my own eyes, observations, and thoughts.
Based on what evidence?
Sorry or the late reply - I found this out over two years ago.

Signs and symbols run the entire World - whether people can accept that it's irrelevant.


Them poses are all masonic hand signs and gestures that they have to do to signal to each other -


And you don't get to work for the "Establishment" unless you are in their club. Once in there it's for life.

Masons take a blood oath.

Most of these so called "Doctors" and Alt-Media personalities popped up at the time of the lockdowns to play the "hero" and be on our side. They tell parts of the truth, mixed in with fear-mongering lies to keep the "Conspiracy Theorists" distracted and away from the final pill - The Lord God above.


Same model, different era.

They all stick in the same circles - their is no truth in them, none. Their god is Lucifer the light bringer.


No doubt the Masonic gatekeepers will down vote or even report this post just as before on RVF.

May God reveal the truth to those who want to see it.