COVID: The PsyOp, The Aftermath & The Future

Here is some food for thought regarding the frequent claim that vaccinations saved the world from deadly viruses:
Granted, it's only saying that proper sanitation reduced deaths caused by infectious disease. It isn't technically saying that the proper sanitation reduced the occurrence of the infectious diseases themselves.
The early evening local news on BBC1, and the sacrament of the True Believers is being pushed yet again! Footage was shown of a vaccine clinic, and there were interviews with a number of otherwise normal, elderly people, who had well and truly bought into the narrative. These people are old enough to remember the flu epidemic of the late 60's and, when younger, may have spoken to people who lived through Spanish flu, so why did they fall for this?
Since living in the fear of losing my job due to my refusal to be a lab rat for big pharma, I'm a little less trusting of my neighbor these days. I don't like feeling that way, but so many people were happy to tell me that they'd be glad to see me get forced to get the experimental, rushed to market flu shot
I am sorry that happened to you. I voluntarily left my job in October 2020, but part of me has always wished I'd stayed on, to see if there was a jab mandate. And to make them fire me if there was.

But that was one of the few jobs in my life where management was actually good to me, so overall I'm glad I didn't do that.
Here is some food for thought regarding the frequent claim that vaccinations saved the world from deadly viruses:
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Granted, it's only saying that proper sanitation reduced deaths caused by infectious disease. It isn't technically saying that the proper sanitation reduced the occurrence of the infectious diseases themselves.

This is what I've always said here to people who think they can live like 200 years ago or just "off the land".

Giving up gas or electricity can be done without too much harm, but without running water in your house and without proper human waste disposal, things get very messy, very smelly and very dangerous (disease wise) within less than 2 weeks. Just the task of having to keep human waste indoors, or trying to go poop outdoors in the middle of the night becomes both challenging and disgusting. Multiple that situation across all members of your household, and you quickly realise what a huge health risk you have without running water.

People have no clue nowadays how much indoor running water and city wide sewer systems improved the entire condition of the whole human race, all over the earth.
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When covid first appeared, I was involved
in a twitter chat with the likes of Bronze Age Pervert, Nick Land, Zero HP Lovecraft etc. At that time the mainstream media were saying it was likely to just be the equivalent of a bad flu and why all the fuss?

It was the dissident right who were stoking the fear online initially, under the understandable assumption of “the regime is downplaying it, therefore it could be the real thing” combined with the likely fake footage of people collapsing in China. Mencius Moldbug went fully gay over Covid and I lost a ton of respect for him.

It was quite a confusing time initially, and I was quite thankful to find RVF as a lurker back then.
I found it interesting that the last big covid push that they were attempting about 2-3 months ago seemed to just fizzle out. They were putting out a bunch of fear mongering stories on MSM about "preparing for another wave", one of the places I deal with for work was doing company wide "PPE is available" bulletins, etc...

I was certain that I was going to have endure another clown show with hysterical gas station clerks yelling about masks, middle management covid Karens going on rampages and all that. I was mentally preparing myself for the inevitable interactions with these people, but nothing ever happened. In my area they all went fully nuts in 20/21, but this time, nothing. No masks, no security theater, no arrows on the floor telling you which way to walk in grocery store aisles. The only reminders that anything ever happened are the occasional senior citizen or McDonalds drive thru employee wearing a mask. Never hear about employers trying to force vaccinate employees anymore, all I see are ads for "new boosters" that are targeted at people who already went along with the first round of shots.

Not exactly sure what changed. Did people suddenly become less gullible? Did they decide to pull the plug on doing another full-on covid clown show? If so, why?

I know I'm not the only one here who believes the covid saga of 2020/21/22 was a dry run, a test, for something else. Perhaps to gauge how the populace would react to being placed under a martial law style lockdown. Maybe they already got the data that they were looking to get out of this particular experiment.
A snipped cross post of mine from RVF regarding others who have or have not been "red-pilled" after cornflake 19.

Yes I know people who have been woken up, big time.

Most people won't change their mind about past actions. It's too painful. Still, I have friends and colleagues who took the jab, now regret it, and won't take another one.

On cognitive change

Before criticising anyone based on their past mistakes, when they have changed their view, I would urge you to consider the immense cognitive dissonance and internal struggle anyone must go through when taking off the rose-tinted glasses when gazing into the mirror and seeing one's own, confronting reflection.

As noted previously...

...getting jabbed is the most powerful way to change someone's mind about the jab. Once irreversible action is taken, it is very VERY difficult for anyone to withstand the psychological burden of confronting their own failures without the option to change their decision. You cannot be de-vaxxed. Behavioural influence through irreversible commitment is the ultimate tool for unbreakable cognitive persuasion.

If you know someone (personally or in public) who got the jab and is having second thoughts, I suggest taking a minute before demonising them for their past mistakes and instead offer encouragement for their critical thinking and support for their personal courage to change.


BTW the above is not about me. I never got the clot shot. Yet I give genuine respect to my friends who have been able to change their mind and overcome such huge internal pressure to retroactively rationalise their decisions.


Moving on?

For your own mental health, I recommend to try letting go of any expectations for anyone to apologise for firing you, excluding or shaming you. Even your closest family and friends who shunned you before, and have now overcome their anxieties because they got the cornflake-19 and didn't die, are unlikely to ever bring up the conversation.

I still feel resentment at times. Yet not everyone has the spiritual, emotional, cognitive, financial, social and other resources necessary to see through such incredibly powerful mass manipulation and stand firmly against the powers that be and be willing to truly sacrifice meaningful things on a principle. While the success of the whole covid charade has admittedly been a significant blackpill about the state of humanity, having the above knowledge helps a bit with developing some empathy and reducing my own anger.

The fight continues

I do believe the worst is behind us for anything v-related. The legends that are purebloods have withered the worst of the storm.

That said, the war is FAR from over. Not only is climate the new covid, Vax Mandates still exist. Don't let anyone tell you to 'get over it'. Lockdown-related mental health conditions haven't gone away. Truama from separation and isolation remain. Almost every job in medicine/healthcare in Australia STILL requires the clot shot (!!). The fight continues. And it has been tough for many of us worldwide, including myself as documented here:


If you still want to persuade someone, I find these kind of mediums (short punchy videos) are the most effective, in a general sense. There are many ways to persuade, so I'm only talking about a blunt approach for the average person here.

Humour can also work:

Remember to keep your sense of humour in this clown world. Laughter does wonders :)


Thank God for my few brothers and sisters who have supported me throughout the past 3+ years. And even though I may not know you, the reader, if you have genuinely supported the cause for freedom, bodily autonomy and our God-given right to be free-thinking men, I offer my thanks, again. Lord give us strength to carry on.
When covid first appeared, I was involved
in a twitter chat with the likes of Bronze Age Pervert, Nick Land, Zero HP Lovecraft etc. At that time the mainstream media were saying it was likely to just be the equivalent of a bad flu and why all the fuss?

It was the dissident right who were stoking the fear online initially, under the understandable assumption of “the regime is downplaying it, therefore it could be the real thing” combined with the likely fake footage of people collapsing in China. Mencius Moldbug went fully gay over Covid and I lost a ton of respect for him.

It was quite a confusing time initially, and I was quite thankful to find RVF as a lurker back then.
Indeed. The whole thing really exposed a lot of weaknesses in certain "dissident right" spheres. All of the skepticism and critical thinking that they applied toward politics, the JQ, racial issues, and more fully went out the window when it came to the covid psy-op. You had Richard Spencer tweeting about reporting his neighbors to the police for having picnics, other groups calling people who were skeptical of the official story "conservative retards", talking about "horse paste" etc. Many were left with egg on their face because of this little chapter in history.

Whether certain folks are fed controlled, or just have plain old-fashioned bad judgement and instincts, they were exposed. Those are the only two excuses any dissident right figure has for pushing that crap when it happened. So it's either "fed" or "incompetency". Neither option is good. It may sound harsh to some, but I believe it to be true.

I remember when the online "guerilla" fear campaign started back in December 2019, it was obvious from the get-go that it glowed brighter than the sun. Video clips of bodybags piling up in the streets, etc. There was one clip in particular, and I'm sure some of you know which one I'm talking about, where a whole room full of about a dozen people were laying on the floor twitching and convulsing in unison like they were all having seizures at the exact same time. Really, really bad acting. Obviously staged. Once the MSM started picking up the fear campaign that spring, all of those clips suddenly stopped being posted, they vanished. I couldn't tell you where to find them now, yet we all saw them, for months. The elites handed off the fear mongering from the online guerrilla shill farms/bots to the regular media and the rest is history.

Real ones like Roosh, he knew from the start that something was up, and spoke about it plainly. His Roosh hour podcasts during that time really helped me get through those dark times. It was a very lonely time for people who could see the truth.

People can debate about whether it existed, what it was, what it did or didn't do to people. What is undeniable, however, was that it was obviously planned in advance, coordinated, and governments all over the world participated in the theater to varying degrees.
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Repost on the batch-dependent effects and fertility issues

The concept of unpredictable, non-standardised vaccine inputs (batches, storage, delivery etc) is critical to consider along the journey of untangling the complex and inconsistent output (variation in mass data reporting between countries, self-reported anecdotes, etc).

Here is commentary and a link to the article called 'Batch-dependent safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine'.


'Batch-dependent safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine'


Commentary here:


That said, understanding batch-dependent, delivery-dependent and other mediating variables will not provide a full picture of the actual impact of the clot shot, due to the incredible power of big tech online censorship*, silencing of medical professionals, data manipulation by governments etc:


Thus the unstandardised effects need to be considered amongst the broader context of silencing and misrepresentation from the 'approved' authorities.

Similarly, the huge increase in all-cause mortality is likely to be associated with a number of factors (lockdowns, anxiety, missed checkups, isolation, loss of work etc) in addition to the direct impact of the clot shot.

In any case, all factors point to a clear conclusion: top-down authoritarian control over our movements, health decisions, relationships, employment opportunities and access to information are at odds with human flourishing and must be resisted.

Summary of inconsistencies

There is strong evidence to show that fertility destruction and other ill-effects of the jab - both actual incidence and reported incidence - are highly inconsistent. This phenomenon can be explained by large variation in the following variables:

1 - company, version and batch,
2 - time since manufacture; consider RNA degradation
3 - vial preparation and delivery - e.g., shaking, dosage, aspiration and re-use,
4 - number of doses, time between doses, and time since last dose,
5 - genetic, environmental, lifestyle and health factors such as age, cardiovascular system, and other aspects of individuals' bio-medical conditions,
6 - post-jab detox processes, and,
7 - under-reporting of adverse effects.


>> "I personally don't know anyone who got badly injured by the jab, therefore it is safe, and your data is misinformation<<

Not only is this anecdotal response a reflection of broader statistical ignorance, it also shows ignorance of the huge variability in clot shot effects. This phenomenon can be explained by large variation in the variables listed above ( company, version and batch, etc etc).

>> "I'm not getting married because I can't find a pious woman who is unvaxxed" <<

I think this response is understandable, and in many cases being single is a better option than being married for the sake of it in 2023 and beyond. Yet for the most part, I remain largely unconvinced that this attitude of pureblood purity demands is a realistic or useful one.

Fertility-related worries are very important levers to pull when sharing the risk of clot shots with women or in general.

That said, FYI for guys here - while a pureblood woman would be the preferred choice, the absolute rejection of a woman for marriage and kids because she was vaxxed previously is not necessarily a realistic and reliable strategy in the longer-term, given the lack of choice in partners and huge variation in the above factors.

In conclusion, there is still hope guys!


Example sources, just on points 1-3:

Batch-dependent safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine;

^commentary on article;

The EMA covid-19 data leak, and what it tells us about mRNA instability;

Addressing the Cold Reality of mRNA Vaccine Stability;

One size does not fit all: The impact of primary vaccine container size on vaccine distribution and delivery;

Pfizer's 6-dose-per-vial OK boosts its supply numbers. The catch? Special syringes are required;

Virginia Kroger now says it administered ‘empty syringes’ instead of COVID-19 vaccines;
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I found it interesting that the last big covid push that they were attempting about 2-3 months ago seemed to just fizzle out. They were putting out a bunch of fear mongering stories on MSM about "preparing for another wave", one of the places I deal with for work was doing company wide "PPE is available" bulletins, etc...

I was certain that I was going to have endure another clown show with hysterical gas station clerks yelling about masks, middle management covid Karens going on rampages and all that. I was mentally preparing myself for the inevitable interactions with these people, but nothing ever happened. In my area they all went fully nuts in 20/21, but this time, nothing. No masks, no security theater, no arrows on the floor telling you which way to walk in grocery store aisles. The only reminders that anything ever happened are the occasional senior citizen or McDonalds drive thru employee wearing a mask. Never hear about employers trying to force vaccinate employees anymore, all I see are ads for "new boosters" that are targeted at people who already went along with the first round of shots.

Not exactly sure what changed. Did people suddenly become less gullible? Did they decide to pull the plug on doing another full-on covid clown show? If so, why?

I know I'm not the only one here who believes the covid saga of 2020/21/22 was a dry run, a test, for something else. Perhaps to gauge how the populace would react to being placed under a martial law style lockdown. Maybe they already got the data that they were looking to get out of this particular experiment.
My thoughts as well. As The Madness progessed, I began to see the whole thing as a compliance test, which the general public failed, and failed badly. The man in the street has been exposed as gullible, and easy to manipulate, with so called "common sense" proving to be anything but common.

Where I am, TPTB are still doing their best to try and instill fear and panic into the populace.
These people are old enough to remember the flu epidemic of the late 60's and, when younger, may have spoken to people who lived through Spanish flu, so why did they fall for this?
These are the people most likely to die of some kind of flu or cold -like illness, so they are exactly the ones who should be scared.

People have no clue nowadays how much indoor running water and city wide sewer systems improved the entire condition of the whole human race, all over the earth.
I find myself thinking about this all the time. Running water is one of the key achievements of the modern world. You know what was a game-changing invention? The water fountain. The guy who invented it was working at a factory. There was an outbreak of dysentery in said factory. He thought to put a little motor on the spigot with which everyone was drinking water. This put a stream out so nobody had to actually suck the spigot itself anymore. The spread of dysentery was reduced. So the guy went off and started a water fountain company. If I recall correctly, that was Halsey Taylor.
These are the people most likely to die of some kind of flu or cold -like illness, so they are exactly the ones who should be scared.

I find myself thinking about this all the time. Running water is one of the key achievements of the modern world. You know what was a game-changing invention? The water fountain. The guy who invented it was working at a factory. There was an outbreak of dysentery in said factory. He thought to put a little motor on the spigot with which everyone was drinking water. This put a stream out so nobody had to actually suck the spigot itself anymore. The spread of dysentery was reduced. So the guy went off and started a water fountain company. If I recall correctly, that was Halsey Taylor.
Yes, I know that, but my people used to made of sterner stuff, and didn't run around like frightened children. During the epidemic of the late 60's, people just took it in their stride. What took place during The Madness, in the UK at least, was not the sort of reaction that I expected, nor the type reaction that would have resulted in the past. We get flu here every winter, and everyone just gets on with life.
The experience of one ordinary person, who trusted our so called leaders and experts:

I do feel sympathy for people like her, she’s probably just done what she’s been told her whole life and for such people this is a bitter pill to swallow. Realising the powers that be are capable, and even revel in, manipulation, deceit and evil, is a bitter pill to swallow. Especially bitter when forced upon you so suddenly, I was lead gently along the path from the milk of normie conservatism to the rich meats vended by terminally online autistic schizoids. By the time covid appeared, I was equipped to recognise it.

It seems she has been humbled and accepted it, and begun to change her worldview. I find it hard to sympathise with people who are basically still establishment mouthpieces.