COVID: The PsyOp, The Aftermath & The Future

You're not really making sense.

Early Christianity had plenty of Mosiac Jews who followed the Old Law in addition to the New Law. Paul himself said this was fine:
"Is any man called being circumcised? let him not become uncircumcised. Is any called in uncircumcision? let him not be circumcised" (1 Cor 7:18-19)

Circumcision is the representation of the Old Law. One did not need it, but if it helped someone find God and Christ then it was good.

What was a problem were the Judiazers, who claimed that one needed the Old Law to find fulfillment in the New Law of Christ.

Thus, if Messianic Jews are of the first type, they are fine, like early century Jews in St. Paul's time, but if they are the latter type they are a problem.
Paul’s point in 1 Corinthians is that faith in Christ and spiritual fulfillment come not from the external acts of the Law but from the new life in Christ. Paul goes more in-depth in Galatians and Romans where he explicitly warns against circumcision and adherence to the Old Law as a means to attain salvation:

-Galatians 5:1-4: "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage... Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace."
-Romans 10:4: "For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth."

The Catholic and Orthodox positions emphasize that Jesus Christ’s sacrifice brought an end to the necessity of the Old Law for salvation. The circumcision and other Mosaic laws were fulfilled and superseded by Christ. As such Messianic jews who continue to practice the Old Law (including circumcision, dietary laws, etc.) are not fully embracing the freedom offered through Christ.

If Messianic jews maintain jewish rituals and customs as necessary for salvation even after professing Jesus as the Messiah they fall into the "error of the judaizers." They are effectively saying that faith in Christ alone is insufficient and that the Old Law is still necessary for spiritual fulfillment which is contrary to the Gospel of grace through Christ alone.

Messianic judaism is problematic because it represents a hybrid faith that attempts to blend jewish identity (which is tainted and not original Hebraic) with Christian faith and ethos, rather than fully embracing the New Covenant offered through Christ. The idea that one can be a jew and a Christian at the same time is theologically inconsistent with Christian doctrine.

Ultimately Messianic judaism even if viewed as the same as the early "jewish" Christians (various Iudean ethnicities, not all were Hebrew) is at odds with the heart of the Christian faith. In Pauline theology the Old Covenant has been fulfilled in Christ and Christians are free from the Mosaic Law. It's not as schismatic as cults like Mormons or JW's but it should not be promoted and jews who gravitate to this should recognize that they won't be able to hide in this "grey area" from their zealous cousins forever. What was transitional post-Christ in the first century does not apply to what is happening today in our post-Christendom context. Our backs are against the wall and every little group represents a splinter of decay that prevents the monolithic return of Apostolic authority.

All in all, I guess we're going to see what "Luna" ends up unveiling.
Which, whatever it is, will be a nothingburger. There are no real lists. They're all on it, and even if the public knew who all the powerful pedophiles were by confirmation from a controlled-media source, what would they do about it? They have sports and goyslop to glutton themselves with and porn to sever their souls with. Some lone misguided high-T males might make martyrs out of themselves taking out people who don't even matter to the integral power structure. It's all kabuki theater, especially anything related to human child sex trafficking, and all their pharmaceutical sorcery.

Until armed, organized moral men start publicly hanging Rothschilds and every official from the CDC/WEF/WHO nothing will change, they will keep poisoning people unabated. In the court of God's law, the verdict has been guilty for a long time without the sentence being carried out.
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If Messianic jews maintain jewish rituals and customs as necessary for salvation even after professing Jesus as the Messiah they fall into the "error of the judaizers."

IF is the question. This is a big question, and the only question that matters. We should be charitable until we know for sure. If they aren't judiazers, then there's no harm.

Ultimately Messianic judaism even if viewed as the same as the early "jewish" Christians (various Iudean ethnicities, not all were Hebrew) is at odds with the heart of the Christian faith. In Pauline theology the Old Covenant has been fulfilled in Christ and Christians are free from the Mosaic Law.

This is not totally accurate. Pauline law was to the gentiles. Peter's Law was to the Jews, and it was Peter who delegated Paul to the gentiles.

Peter sat at the tables with his fellow Jews and observed all Mosaic law. He did not say it was necessary for salvation, yet he did it anyways.

Hence why Paul said,

"Is any man called being circumcised? let him not become uncircumcised. Is any called in uncircumcision? Let him not be circumcised."

Depending on what one is called to do, one should respond; for some, circumcision will bring them closer to God and perfect their faith and love for Him, yet for others, it won't do anything.

Likewise, we can apply this logic across all of Mosaic Law, and, if one feels called to follow the Old Law, even knowing that it comes second to faith in Christ, they should still follow the Old Law.

It was as Jesus said, he came to fulfill the Law. Thus for someone to still follow the Old Law is in no contradiction with the New Covenant, just as Peter followed the Old Law until the day of his martyrdom.

So with these Messianic Jews, the verdict on them is out, however, at best, they are the same level as Protestants (no valid sacraments or Apostolic succession). They are still called by Christ and that counts for a ton. Their odds of success may be much lower than a typical Christian, especially an Orthodox, but, they are leagues above and beyond a regular Talmudic Jew (which are demon possessed).

In fact, if Messianic Jews get baptisms, that alone will protect them from most forms of demonic possession, which is major step forward towards joining the rest of the Church.

Yet if Messianic Jews are similar to Orthodox Jews, in that they insist on Mosaic Law for salvation, they are in deep error but still not as bad as regular Talmuds. They are to Christians as to what Samaritans are to Jews.