COVID: The PsyOp, The Aftermath & The Future

It was incredibly disappointing watching covid happen and so many people fall for it. Seeing through the narrative was not difficult if you had some basic understanding of hand washing, "the flu" and "the cold." I'm uneducated, but I do read and that alone gave me enough information to know that most people's arguments in favor of the lockdowns were based on exaggeration or outright lies from the news media.

Since living in the fear of losing my job due to my refusal to be a lab rat for big pharma, I'm a little less trusting of my neighbor these days. I don't like feeling that way, but so many people were happy to tell me that they'd be glad to see me get forced to get the experimental, rushed to market flu shot that I now wonder how long I could last if the day comes that people are willing to throw me to the Gulags for believing in Christ. Or maybe even just that men have a prostate, women have a uterus, who knows...
Pretty good high-level summary of the way things are in current year. I wouldn't worry about not being "educated." I'm conversational in several foreign languages, have read many of the classics in Russian, German, and French, have a pretty good knowledge of history and geography and so on and I don't think I'd be considered "educated" in the way the word is used nowadays either. Being educated was probably good back in the bad old patriarchal days when an educated man could speak French and read at least Latin if not also Greek, and it implied an ability to think for yourself based on what you had learned. Nowadays being "educated" has more to do with the ability to ignore your lying eyes and adhere to a certain set of rigid beliefs dictated to you from above: COVID, the LGBT stuff, white bad/black good, Russia bad/Ukraine good, etc.
It seems to me like globohomo completely won with the fraudvirus scam. They got Blormf out of office with it, they instituted permanent vote by mail, ballot harvesting, and electronic voting machine fraud, they bankrupted tons of small and medium size businesses who leaned Republican, they printed $11 trillion and gave most of it to their friends and allies, and they got to field-test both how compliant the world's population would be and kill off a whole bunch of people. Sure, they ultimately backed off before instituting vaccine passports (for now), but these globohomo meta-narratives are structured with many purposes and objectives in mind, and they succeeded beyond their wildest imagination I think.
It seems to me like globohomo completely won with the fraudvirus scam. They got Blormf out of office with it, they instituted permanent vote by mail, ballot harvesting, and electronic voting machine fraud, they bankrupted tons of small and medium size businesses who leaned Republican, they printed $11 trillion and gave most of it to their friends and allies, and they got to field-test both how compliant the world's population would be and kill off a whole bunch of people. Sure, they ultimately backed off before instituting vaccine passports (for now), but these globohomo meta-narratives are structured with many purposes and objectives in mind, and they succeeded beyond their wildest imagination I think.

They didn't get 100% of what they wanted, but they got 80%. It was a major victory for them.

However, people are still assuming the vaccines are designed to kill. We had no idea if they were or were not. They may have just been a compliance test, and those who took the vax will be spared from some other elimination style problem or bioweapon in the future.

I didn't take the vax because I did not trust the overlords, but that doesn't mean the overlords thought they would get a one-hit depopulation victory with COVID. It very well could have been planning for something even bigger down the road.

At the same time, if a mass die-off accelerates going towards the 7-year mark (which is what the old test time for vaccines were) because the vax was in fact designed to kill or just dangerous due to incompetence, it wouldn't surprise me at all.

If a die-off occurs then it will be a major blow to globalist power because they just nuked their most loyal NPCs. It would be an own_goal of epic proportions. Globalists would deserve to lose afterwards.
They didn't get 100% of what they wanted, but they got 80%. It was a major victory for them.

However, people are still assuming the vaccines are designed to kill. We had no idea if they were or were not. They may have just been a compliance test, and those who took the vax will be spared from some other elimination style problem or bioweapon in the future.

I didn't take the vax because I did not trust the overlords, but that doesn't mean the overlords thought they would get a one-hit depopulation victory with COVID. It very well could have been planning for something even bigger down the road.

At the same time, if a mass die-off accelerates going towards the 7-year mark (which is what the old test time for vaccines were) because the vax was in fact designed to kill or just dangerous due to incompetence, it wouldn't surprise me at all.

If a die-off occurs then it will be a major blow to globalist power because they just nuked their most loyal NPCs. It would be an own_goal of epic proportions. Globalists would deserve to lose afterwards.
I'm unsure as to what I would grade their attempt, but I must be honest, as an American (however small a minority guys like us are here at our little forum), I was massively disappointed by the common response. That is, I didn't realize the extent to which people follow the crowd, are fearful, defend normie-ism, or at least I didn't expect that degree of ejecting important principles of life.

I see this situation as the Orthodox both/and. They were checking all sorts of things with this attempt, but remember a lot of times it's not as planned out as our brains can retrospectively analyze it, though that type of chaos does carry many associations. To me, the most likely explanation is that they were checking to see if something they wouldn't be able to do in a legit controlled experiment (or it would take too long with too few people) would work in general as a gene therapy, in order to use for further applications. If that works, great, then we can do other things. If people die, meh, we also win. But we need to find out if this can actually work in some fashion (for longevity treatments, for other uses, etc). Oh, and by the way, we're also going to get huge sums of money for doing it.

I tend to think that the establishment of the dissidents isn't as important of a priority for the powers that be, as they'd much prefer a greater number of NPCs to just die (realize that most people who are on the dole for entitlements are going to be closer to NPCs anyway), so they can possibly get away with some balance sheet chicanery and after adding inflation, maybe pull through this demographic crisis. Either way, this is the first step in a wave of successive shocks to the system, or crises, all of which will continue that downward trend of the US longevity (insert country) curve, which started downwards in 2020, but the "experts" still can't figure out why. Even if higher quality, sovereign people remain, I'm sure they believe that controlling them in some fashion will not be difficult.
They didn't get 100% of what they wanted, but they got 80%. It was a major victory for them.

However, people are still assuming the vaccines are designed to kill. We had no idea if they were or were not. They may have just been a compliance test, and those who took the vax will be spared from some other elimination style problem or bioweapon in the future.

I didn't take the vax because I did not trust the overlords, but that doesn't mean the overlords thought they would get a one-hit depopulation victory with COVID. It very well could have been planning for something even bigger down the road.

At the same time, if a mass die-off accelerates going towards the 7-year mark (which is what the old test time for vaccines were) because the vax was in fact designed to kill or just dangerous due to incompetence, it wouldn't surprise me at all.

If a die-off occurs then it will be a major blow to globalist power because they just nuked their most loyal NPCs. It would be an own_goal of epic proportions. Globalists would deserve to lose afterwards.
Yeah, even pre-covid, non MRNA vaccines cause autism, cancer, autoimmune and neurological disorders and other problems. All of those problems have skyrocketed as we vaccinate more and more. All they have to do is decrease fertility and increase mortality by a few percent, hurt peoples long term health and vitality, and they get what they want out of it. It's just another attack vector for their replacement/depopulation scheme.

Look at the Amish, who don't vaccinate. They are healthier overall, and have a much higher fertility rate.
Yeah, even pre-covid, non MRNA vaccines cause autism, cancer, autoimmune and neurological disorders and other problems. All of those problems have skyrocketed as we vaccinate more and more. All they have to do is decrease fertility and increase mortality by a few percent, hurt peoples long term health and vitality, and they get what they want out of it. It's just another attack vector for their replacement/depopulation scheme.

Look at the Amish, who don't vaccinate. They are healthier overall, and have a much higher fertility rate.
One of the things I love is being able to entertain ideas and with our crowd, also having moved over from the place, we can ask questions like the one I'm about to ask, without censure or fear from emotional reaction - which is the fear implicit in the question. Have you all ever thought that given all we did in trying to help, warn, or protect others - and so few were willing to listen - that it's not really all that tragic or bad if a change in longevity were to occur? Big picture, we lived on the high hog for years. You all may know I'm trained in medicine and helped people, still help people, advise others, but a lot also don't listen to me (and didn't). I don't wish any evil on anyone, but there are consequences to life and not being aware. For me, the tragic thing is more that there are other humans that are so indifferent about their fellow man - not that life expectancy might go down 3-5 years. Or that parents are so stupid that they may have injected, or been indifferent to, injections on their children. But again, you're always directly advantaged or hurt by your parents in a similar fashion.

Of course, God will handle much of this how He sees fit. When you look at the history of the world, it's not as though a lot worse has happened, or "been allowed". I think the mentality of the modern person is so soft, the average person so unaware at this point, it can hardly be classified as tragedy in a sense, more like inevitability, I'm sorry to say. Does anyone agree?
Have you all ever thought that given all we did in trying to help, warn, or protect others - and so few were willing to listen - that it's not really all that tragic or bad if a change in longevity were to occur?

I don't wish any evil on anyone, but there are consequences to life and not being aware.

I think the mentality of the modern person is so soft, the average person so unaware at this point, it can hardly be classified as tragedy in a sense, more like inevitability, I'm sorry to say.
Simply put, you can't save someone from themselves. You get clients(in medicine, in sports training, even teaching, etc.) that wanna talk the talk and pay you to talk it with them, but won't put in the work. You got friends and family members who make mistakes that you wanna protect them from, but they have their own will and their own inner demons to fight and you just have to accept that. It's hard, even heartbreaking, to watch but that's part of being tough enough to live a rich, full life. And there have been times that you've done that to the people you love, too. Some may not be tough enough to live a rich, full life and sadly those are exactly the types to get so scared of the flu that they'll take anything if it promises protection.....

I completely agree with your sentiment that the real tragedy is the fact that there are real predators in the "Healthcare" industry and indifferent or misinformed masses whose choices have consequences(not just for them, but for everyone around them).