This is not what happen in Russia and you know that. ROC Christians were told to get vaccinated. Churches were closed to limit spread of coronavirus. Social distancing was practiced.The Russian vaxx is also something completely different from the toxic soup they jabbed into everyone in the West. This infuriated western politicians at the time, remember? They wanted Russia and China to use Pfizer, Moderna, AZ, etc.
As for Patriarch Kyrill and Met. Hilarion: this was discussed in our churches at the time and my priest said to pray about it and follow your conscience. We are Orthdodox...we don't have a "pope" who tells us what to do.
You know Nikolai Romanov who before was a monk (Father Sergiy)??
He was anti vaccination misinformer. Romanov said that coronavirus doesn't exist, talked about the qr codes being signs of anti Christ, spoke about crazy conspiracies about worldcontrol. He told Russians not to get vaccinated, not to be afraid of death and kept his church and monastery open.. he had big following online
He was a dangerous man, several clusters of contaminations were linked to his church. Patriarch Kirill told him to close his church immediately because of covid. Romanov refused. The Roc ex communicated him. Then he entered his church anyway and squatted the building with his followers..
The Russian government sent the anti terror unit in, they captured him. He was sentenced to 7 years in prison on hate speech charges and because he incited suicidal behaviors.
This is how the Roc and Russia government dealt with dangerous anti vaccination people and their crazy theories. People here sound like followers of Romanov!!
Бывший схимонах Сергий получил новый тюремный срок
Суд в Москве приговорил бывшего схиигумена Сергия к 5 с половиной годам колонии за разжигание ненависти. Лишённый сана схимонах, которого в миру зовут Николай Романов, с учётом предыдущего приговора за склонение к самоубийству проведёт в тюрьме семь лет. Его помощник и пресс-секретарь Всеволод...