Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

I also want to add that a lot of the anti-Russian sentiment just frankly seems extremely stupid. The tone often seems to be "You THINK Russia is good, but DID YOU KNOW that ACTUALLY a lot of Russians DON'T GO TO CHURCH?!?!"
What is your expectation of Russia? What standard are you holding them to? Russia will always have problems, but they are at least trying to push back against the worst excesses of the West. That's why people incline to supporting them. They have problems, but they have virtually no Western corporate influence left (after sanctions), severely restricted Western NGOs, banned significant amounts of Western media, outright banned the LGBT movement, and so forth. They have problems, but they are pushing back. That's better than almost any country I can think of.
Also, their birth rate is still quite bad, but they are trying harder than probably any country in the world at this time to improve it. Russian demographic policy has been extremely active in its support for increased Russian birth rate. This of course completely nullifies the notion that "the Russian government wants Russians replaced"....Putin has many times said increasing the Russian birth rate is the most important task facing the entire Russian government.
Russian birthrate is going down.. In 2023 there were less births then in 1999, the previous record low

Russia need a complete rejuvenation of faith and policy..Led by its leaders, this is not working.
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Russian birthrate is going down.. In 2023 there were less births then in 1999, the previous record low
View attachment 9825

Russia need a complete rejuvenation of faith and policy..Led by its leaders, this is clearly not working.
How does this compare with the birthrate of non-Russians who are squatting in the current Russian Federation? A tactic that western governments use is to guilt-trip it's own people into having fewer children for ridiculous political propaganda reasons, or just not breeding altogether, then gaslight them into accepting male foreigners to "fix" the birth rate issue (the people have no choice really, it's forced upon them without their representation). This also only happens in historically White nations where jews and dark heathens have a seething demonic hatred and phobia of White babies.
I find it quite doubtful that he is actually Russian. Maybe I'm wrong. I am actually Russian, but also American; I'm a dual citizen with experience in both countries since I lived in Moscow. So that's a full disclaimer on my identity, in case anybody wanted to say "He doesn't know what he's talking about, he's a Westerner!"

Saying "the power structure in Russia isn't controlled by ethnic Russians" is false. Virtually all Russian elites are ethnically Russian. Yeah, you can find an ethnic Muslim in there too if you look, but I just don't understand the point of this argumentation.
Russia has Muslim and other minority regions. In contrast to the West, most of those minorities actually just live in their traditional homelands; not that many of them live in ethnic Russian towns. You will get some though in the biggest cities, which is pretty much just Moscow. If those people aren't from Russia itself, then they're at least almost 100% of the time from the Soviet Union. Uzbeks, Kazakhs, etc., all of them speak Russian and Russians are used to these groups and have lived alongside them literally for centuries.
As for Jews, Russia today has the lowest proportion of Jews that it has had at any point in the last several centuries. The Russian Tsardom/Empire used to be the main global homeland for Jews (most especially in what's now Western Ukraine) , but since the fall of the Soviet Union the majority of Russian Jews have emigrated either to Israel or the US. The number of Jews left in Russia is very small. Since Jews tend to be wealthy everywhere, yeah, sure, you can find a wealthy Jewish businessman in Russia if you look, but if you think Russia's problem with Jews is anything close to the West, then I don't even know what to say at that point. There's no comparison at all. I think some of the commentary here is just coming from a couple people who for some personal reason must just hate Russians. It has happened before, that if a person is of some form of Eastern European descent that has historical conflict with Russia, it wouldn't be surprising.
I similarly doubt that you are Russian, I saw posts of you before saying that you are American studying Russian. So in short one of America Russia lovers. Hey its good that you take interest in my country but don't post nonsense for your own agenda.

As for the anti-semitism in your post, when Russia was plundered by the globalists patriotic Jewish Russians were vital in getting things back together. Jewish Russians are everywhere in the Russian government and they are just as Rossoyanin as other ethnicities living the Federation.

Russia current Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin is Russian Jewish. In fact out of the 13 Russia Prime Ministers since 1991 6 have been Russian Jews, Primakov, Mishustin, Fradkov, Kirilenko, Gaidar.

Putin said this when he awarded posthumusly the Order of Russia to Ghadzimagomedov in 2022. He died fighting neonazis in Ukraine.. This is what Russia stand for multicultural, multiethnic, multiconfessional. No room for racism, antisemitism and nationalism. Only Russia patriotism.


Like they say, one picture speaks more than a thousand words.

This is a display with Central Asian/Muslim migrant children in Northernmost Russian province Murmansk Oblast, traditionally all-White region, population is mostly all Russian plus some small numbers of Finnish type people.

It says "We are the future of the [Russian] North"
by "The government of Murmansk Oblast"
They're not even hiding. Government is openly saying they will replace Russian Whites.

The main problem with "power structure in Russia" is that it's not controlled by ethnic Russians.
People with Russian names are often not Russian, there're tons of Jews in the highest echelons of Russian government who got russified names but if you look at their mother's or father's surnames straight Israel there. I seriously doubt Putin has as much power as he's ascribed, rather it's various clans that control everything, some of these clans are asian some jewish, though I suspect the ultimate puppeteers are the ZOG.
Right now lots of various incompetent or Russophobic churkas/chuchmeks in the government. Recently Putin had said that it's a good thing that Muslims are moving into Moscow region en masse and that Muscovites enjoy this.
Basically, it's a done deal, they're openly using Euro-American model of replacement of White population now.
Brother the immigrants are coming its best we have peace with it..

What else can we do?

The face of Russia is changing .. it is adapt or wither away. So in my opinion we must educate new immigrants, impose our beliefs and way off living on them. It might take 1 or 2 generation but it can work. We live in global world we cannot close the curtains and stay inside the house all day.

This is from Surgut, I was raise not too far away.. Just a small town, 400 000 inhabitants. Then I read in the news that there are almost 60 000 immigrants living in Surgut. That is not Russia citizens with other ethnicity, this is immigrants without Russia passports.

I read that the Russia government is working on roads to general amnesty.. It's a flood but what can we do? We make the best out of it.

Brother the immigrants are coming its best we have peace with it..

What else can we do?

The face of Russia is changing .. it is adapt or wither away. So in my opinion we must educate new immigrants, impose our beliefs and way off living on them. It might take 1 or 2 generation but it can work. We live in global world we cannot close the curtains and stay inside the house all day.

This is from Surgut, I was raise not too far away.. Just a small town, 400 000 inhabitants. Then I read in the news that there are almost 60 000 immigrants living in Surgut. That is not Russia citizens with other ethnicity, this is immigrants without Russia passports.

I read that the Russia government is working on roads to general amnesty.. It's a flood but what can we do? We make the best out of it.

You glow like hell.
You glow like hell.
Yes brother everybody that doesn't say the things you want to hear about russia is fake.

Are you Russian? Do you speak Russian? Do you go to Russia? Do you know Russia people?

I predict 3 out of 4 nos.. just like everybody else here. Weird Americans that build a fantasy image of Russia in their heads. Now there is a person that know more then them and they can't handle it

Here are proofs on Russia amnesty. Minister if Business Maxim Reshetnikov says Russia needs more workers, the proposals are in the article.

For the Russia experts that can't speak Russian.

This is my last post on this forum I am not interested in having to debate with nonsense posters. People that get mad because my experience and knowledge don't equate with silly fake expectations.

Bye bye everybody.
This is my last post on this forum I am not interested in having to debate with nonsense posters. People that get mad because my experience and knowledge don't equate with silly fake expectations.

Bye bye everybody.

I similarly doubt that you are Russian, I saw posts of you before saying that you are American studying Russian. So in short one of America Russia lovers. Hey its good that you take interest in my country but don't post nonsense for your own agenda.

As for the countersemitism in your post, when Russia was plundered by the globalists patriotic Jewish Russians were vital in getting things back together. Jewish Russians are everywhere in the Russian government and they are just as Rossoyanin as other ethnicities living the Federation.

Russia current Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin is Russian Jewish. In fact out of the 13 Russia Prime Ministers since 1991 6 have been Russian Jews, Primakov, Mishustin, Fradkov, Kirilenko, Gaidar.

Putin said this when he awarded posthumusly the Order of Russia to Ghadzimagomedov in 2022. He died fighting neonazis in Ukraine.. This is what Russia stand for multicultural, multiethnic, multiconfessional. No room for racism, countersemitism and nationalism. Only Russia patriotism.

View attachment 9826

You did not see me say "I'm American studying Russian" because such a statement from me doesn't exist, because that's not true. I don't study Russian because I've spoken it from birth. As for me being American, I did openly state that I'm American in the beginning of my statement. I am American. I'm also Russian. I'm a dual citizen.
You are either lying or, to be charitable, misremembering, if you think you've seen me claim other identities. I know who I am and thus I know that your suggestion is wrong.
If you really are Russian and I offended you by suggesting that you're not, then I apologize. Если это так, я Вас прощаю и прошу от Вас прощения. Я вижу, что Вы православные тоже...лучше чтобы православные не ссорились между собой. Желаю тебе здоровья и благополучия.
Yes brother everybody that doesn't say the things you want to hear about russia is fake.

You didn’t reveal anything. You just said anybody can be Russian, migrants can be taught to be Russian, and Russia needs migrants.

All of this is false and part of the leftist consensus around the world.

The number one complaint in Russia is the stagnation of wages. Everything happening around the world, Russia included, is literally textbook problems. Easily solvable but some Jew is happy with the status quo and making things worse.

You can easily find out of the importance of blood by going on google and typing in “what’s it like being mixed race In [Country]. These poor souls, even though naturally born citizens, are just unable to connect with their culture. Now imagine having completely foreign blood.

Assimilation is sort of possible in ideal circumstances, with particular people, and with certain national ideas. Not something you want to experiment with for funsies.

You have to be a complete moron to think Muslims look upon the whites and think White people can provide them with some kind of a traditional sanctuary where they can practice their traditional Islam. Every Muslim knows White people are nothing more than prostitutes and marks as far as they’re concerned. This sentiment can easily be researched, including Russia.

If anything Russia is a sanctuary for liberal Muslims and Muslim druggies who eventually will get home sick and condemn the land that “led them astray from allah”.
Then this then that, what happens when I say Putin will be president before Biden does? Then what?

Sorry, I missed out.

Russian birthrate is going down.. In 2023 there were less births then in 1999, the previous record low
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Russia need a complete rejuvenation of faith and policy..Led by its leaders, this is not working.


Russia has one of the highest fertility rates in Europe at 1.83, if not the highest today.

The birthrate is lower today because of the echo from the disastrous 1990s - there were a lot fewer people born in that decade, and now this population cohort is in its prime child-rearing years. That is why the global birthrate is experiencing a drop.

Your 100% concern trolling act is wearing thin.

Russia has one of the highest fertility rates in Europe at 1.83, if not the highest today.

The birthrate is lower today because of the echo from the disastrous 1990s - there were a lot fewer people born in that decade, and now this population cohort is in its prime child-rearing years. That is why the global birthrate is experiencing a drop.

Your 100% concern trolling act is wearing thin.
So angry again brother, are you part of the weirdo Americano group who now deny official Rosstat statistics because it don't fit the agenda?

Please provide me the statistics from Rosstat that say Russia have tfr of 1.83

Good luck with that my friend 😀

Here in the real world without American themepark fantasies we know its very different.

'MOSCOW. Feb 16 (Interfax) - Natural population decrease in Russia slowed by 17.4% in 2023 compared with 2022, to 495,200 from 599,600, the State Statistics Service (Rosstat) said.

The number of births fell 3.2% to 1,264,900 from 1,306,200 and the number of deaths 7.6% to 1,760,200 from 1,905,800.

Natural population decrease in 2022 was down 42.5% in comparison with 2021, to 599,600 from 1,042,700.

Rosstat has said that according to a preliminary estimate, Russia's population excluding new territories had fallen to 146.204 million by the beginning of 2024, from 146.447 million at the start of 2023.'

Less births then in 1999. Never been worse.
Russian demography is currently recovering, the devastating trends from the 1990s have been reversed. All indicators of social decay (abortions, crime, alcoholism, AIDS etc) have come down quite sharply, and the trend is still ongoing. The OP does not mention ththis.
I have read this entire thread.

Lots of nonsense posted, again with the theme of weirdo Americano themepark fantasies.

This one. Std problems in Russia is getting worse, much worse again. In Corona time government close the brothels, degenerates now have unprotected sexparties at home.. All the sex diseases now back.

From Rosstat 2022 report, syphilis +71%, hepatitis C +42%, HIV +20% also. Other Stds similar numbers.

This is reality of Russia. I say this again we need a total rejuvenation of the faith and the country.

I have read this entire thread.

Lots of nonsense posted, again with the theme of weirdo Americano themepark fantasies.

First of all....just a few hours ago in this thread you posted you were quitting this forum and said goodbye, yet here you still are annoying everyone with your pro vaccine and pro globohomo crap opinions.

Second of all, if you read this entire thread you will see that your views are shared by almost nobody here.

You are wasting your time here....and you sound like a sock puppet of the "cognitive dissonance 73" and "RickJames" trolls that were banned a few months back
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The family should be basis of society.

Without family there is nothing. In russia the institution of family is breaking down.

Here is an study from 2021.. It writes about children growing up in one parent households. This study is from the Russian Ministry of Labour and social Protection.

The percentage of children living in one parent household has increased from 21 percent in 2002 to 38.5 percent in 2021.

We need laws to stop the breakdown of the family.

Absolutely nothing compared to America and probably the same as EU.

Russian birthrate is going down.. In 2023 there were less births then in 1999, the previous record low
View attachment 9825

Russia need a complete rejuvenation of faith and policy..Led by its leaders, this is not working.

Link or source to this chart? And even if true it's still rather unimportant, total births do not matter as much as True Fertility Rate, which is births per woman. If TFR stays high eventually it goes exponential over successive generations.

I have read this entire thread.

Lots of nonsense posted, again with the theme of weirdo Americano themepark fantasies.

This one. Std problems in Russia is getting worse, much worse again. In Corona time government close the brothels, degenerates now have unprotected sexparties at home.. All the sex diseases now back.

From Rosstat 2022 report, syphilis +71%, hepatitis C +42%, HIV +20% also. Other Stds similar numbers.

This is reality of Russia. I say this again we need a total rejuvenation of the faith and the country.

This is a pathetic argument, please tell your Talmudic masters in DC to come up with better arguments, lol.

According to your own source,

The incidence of acute hepatitis has sharply increased (+ 45%). Especially — hepatitis A, which in a month fell ill with about 300 people (an and a half times growth) and hepatitis C — plus 42%, about 100 people. Hepatitis B incidence increased by 11%. A minimum of 2.6 thousand people fell ill with syphilis in Russia — this is 71% more than in the first month of 2022.

Ooooooo, 300 people got Hep A and 100 people got Hep C!!! Sound the alarms Russia is dying!!! That's a 45% increase goy, don't you know, get rid of Putin now!! Oh vey!!

Now compare this to America or EU, these are childs play numbers.
Absolutely nothing compared to America and probably the same as EU.

Link or source to this chart? And even if true it's still rather unimportant, total births do not matter as much as True Fertility Rate, which is births per woman. If TFR stays high eventually it goes exponential over successive generations.

This is a pathetic argument, please tell your Talmudic masters in DC to come up with better arguments, lol.

According to your own source,

Ooooooo, 300 people got Hep A and 100 people got Hep C!!! Sound the alarms Russia is dying!!! That's a 45% increase goy, don't you know, get rid of Putin now!! Oh vey!!

Now compare this to America or EU, these are childs play numbers.
Sammy when I confront his weirdo Americano never been to Russia themepark fantasy image of Russia

'Look at Europe, they have more Stds'

OK my friend now we look at Europe.

A total rejuvenation of the Russia people and spirit is necessary.


Also whats with all the antisemitism?? Russia is a place for all faiths as long as the believers are proud Russians following the law and contributing to the country.

You say you support Russia and at same time you make anti Semitic remarks.. Those two don't go together brother.

Americano themepark fantasy moment.

People like Russia because they are against LGBTQfownvoirenirjnveiurcnvercnoerihbfnouherbvfwrfjnri

The problem with west is the LGBTQoikdnwcjinwrciuruncriebuvoeirbfhlrwiubfpworufhwpoiefjwpeofpuwinfwi

If we didnt have LGBTQcoiwnciounwrocunwrbiubcoriybvurinvoirybfowrubfriubfw nobody would care about Russia as a model Because they are a wreck. Even though Russia is Europe and should be in all western institutions. US+EU+Russia together ruling the world.
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Sammy when I confront his weirdo Americano never been to Russia themepark fantasy image of Russia

'Look at Europe, they have more Stds'

OK my friend now we look at Europe.

A total rejuvenation of the Russia people and spirit is necessary.

View attachment 9837

Also whats with all the countersemitism?? Russia is a place for all faiths as long as the believers are proud Russians following the law and contributing to the country.

You say you support Russia and at same time you make anti Semitic remarks.. Those two don't go together brother.

Americano themepark fantasy moment.

This is the source of the graphic above, from an article by Radio Liberty, a 100% glowie outfit:


This new "Russian"poster went out of his way to crop out the source of his graphic, as you can see in the original, he cut off the bottom legends out of his graph!... Now why would he go through the trouble of hiding his source?

Verdict: 100% concern troll.

The real story is that Russia is the opposite of the situation in the West going from sky high social problems (alcohol, drugs, abortion, crime etc) to moderate and still improving, while the West is going down the tubes:


On the HIV front, interestingly enough Russia may just test for HIV differently than other nations and is able to detect it better than other nations. At least, that's what their Health Ministry claims.

Russia accounted for 3.9% — the world's fifth-highest share — of the 1.5 million new HIV cases reported around the world in 2021, the data platform Statista said last Thursday, citing the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).

The alarming figures are “yet another propagandist provocation directed against our country,” Russia’s Health Ministry said in a statement.

The ministry praised Russia’s expanding HIV testing coverage as “one of the world’s highest,” which “allows us to obtain the most objective data.”

“Despite the obvious successes of Russian medicine, we increasingly observe attempts to falsify statistical data on the situation with HIV in our country,” the ministry said.

Calling the UNAIDS and ECDC data “arbitrarily and tendentiously interpreted,” it claimed that Russia’s total HIV infections have decreased by more than 30% from 2018 to 2021.

Russia has more than 850,000 people currently living with HIV, or less than 0.6% of the population, the ministry added.

It's an interesting subject as to what's actually going on, but utterly irrelevant to the big picture. It's still just a minority (homosexuals) who suffer from this problem.