COVID: The PsyOp, The Aftermath & The Future

brother they are just trying to keep everybody safe.

better safe then sorry right?

in russia it is the same.. when we had the spief in saint petersburg in june this year all attendees needed pcr testing 24 hours before opening.. same with the brics games..

there is no malevolence just precaution.


Brand new user troll is also trying to plant bait in the Russia thread here

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guys nice forum you have here. i am a long time follower, russian orthodox by birth.

got covid years ago.. couldn't breathe thought I was about to die.

i am not here to convince anyone..but for those outside the collective west that are interested in updating your covid vaccine.. russia has a new updated convasel vaccine apparently super effectieve, 85 percent.. it is called convasel.. in russia it comes with permanent registration so if you need papers you are good.

thanks everybody.


Brand new user troll is also trying to plant bait in the Russia thread here

weird to see all these members here calling me a troll for getting vaccinated.. i am in my 50s and had a very bad experience with covid in 2021..what's your problem with that?

this is supposed to be an orthodox board.. do all of the orthodox on this board realize that patriarch kirill has been vaccinated several times? that vladimir putin has been vaccinated 4 times? that metropolitan hilarion has on several occasions urged people to get vaccinated or face exclusion? (something i don't agree with)

maybe that's something to think about ..

oh and i have to post links because if not i am a troll

weird to see all these members here calling me a troll for getting vaccinated.. i am in my 50s and had a very bad experience with covid in 2021..what's your problem with that?

this is supposed to be an orthodox board.. do all of the orthodox on this board realize that patriarch kirill has been vaccinated several times? that vladimir putin has been vaccinated 4 times? that metropolitan hilarion has on several occasions urged people to get vaccinated or face exclusion? (something i don't agree with)

maybe that's something to think about ..

oh and i have to post links because if not i am a troll

weird to see all these members here calling me a troll for getting vaccinated.. i am in my 50s and had a very bad experience with covid in 2021..what's your problem with that?
Re-read the thread title.

maybe that's something to think about ..
No. Maybe this is something to think about:

oh and i have to post links...
You are posting article links from 2021. Again, read the thread title.
weird to see all these members here calling me a troll for getting vaccinated.. i am in my 50s and had a very bad experience with covid in 2021..what's your problem with that?

this is supposed to be an orthodox board.. do all of the orthodox on this board realize that patriarch kirill has been vaccinated several times? that vladimir putin has been vaccinated 4 times? that metropolitan hilarion has on several occasions urged people to get vaccinated or face exclusion? (something i don't agree with)

maybe that's something to think about ..

oh and i have to post links because if not i am a troll

Dang you're right! Headed to CVS in the morning.
You are posting article links from 2021. Again, read the thread title
strange answer.

putin is suddenly not quadruple vaccinated because the article was written in 2021?

same for patriarch kirill, metropolitan hilarion and the rest of the kremlin and roc?

i said this in another thread already.. this is a weird board.. you guys have stitched together a fantastical image of russia and the roc which has no relation to reality.

anyway while you are living in this themepark world russia is moving ahead..

russia is in the process of developing a vaccine against cancer! russian scientists leading the herd as usual.. remember russia was also the first country that developed a vaccine against covid.

strange answer.

putin is suddenly not quadruple vaccinated because the article was written in 2021?

same for patriarch kirill, metropolitan hilarion and the rest of the kremlin and roc?

i said this in another thread already.. this is a weird board.. you guys have stitched together a fantastical image of russia and the roc which has no relation to reality.

anyway while you are living in this themepark world russia is moving ahead..

russia is in the process of developing a vaccine against cancer! russian scientists leading the herd as usual.. remember russia was also the first country that developed a vaccine against covid.

The Russian vaxx is also something completely different from the toxic soup they jabbed into everyone in the West. This infuriated western politicians at the time, remember? They wanted Russia and China to use Pfizer, Moderna, AZ, etc.
As for Patriarch Kyrill and Met. Hilarion: this was discussed in our churches at the time and my priest said to pray about it and follow your conscience. We are Orthdodox...we don't have a "pope" who tells us what to do.
strange answer.

putin is suddenly not quadruple vaccinated because the article was written in 2021?

same for patriarch kirill, metropolitan hilarion and the rest of the kremlin and roc?

i said this in another thread already.. this is a weird board.. you guys have stitched together a fantastical image of russia and the roc which has no relation to reality.

anyway while you are living in this themepark world russia is moving ahead..

russia is in the process of developing a vaccine against cancer! russian scientists leading the herd as usual.. remember russia was also the first country that developed a vaccine against covid.

No one cares if you had the deadly holocaust murder flu.

No one cares that took the snake oil unsafe and ineffective injections.

And, no one cares if you believe any leader ((actor)) took the snake oil.

Welcome to the Forum.
Does anyone have videos or clips of the Covid "safety guidelines" that were played nonstop in places like grocery stores?

I have to assume this was a nationwide thing. I remember my local grocery store repeating something to the effect of "Dr Anthony Fauci has stated that you must do x y and z to prevent spread of Covid 19..." over and over for months and months. I fear all the evidence of what actually happened during Covid may not be archived.

In my area we had radio commercials, each one had the same propaganda message but spoken by a person with a different accent. One with a black guy, one with a Hispanic woman and my with like a hillbilly souther farmer accent. I used to hear them at the gym and wonder if anyone actually fell for that crap....
weird to see all these members here calling me a troll for getting vaccinated.. i am in my 50s and had a very bad experience with covid in 2021..what's your problem with that?

this is supposed to be an orthodox board.. do all of the orthodox on this board realize that patriarch kirill has been vaccinated several times? that vladimir putin has been vaccinated 4 times? that metropolitan hilarion has on several occasions urged people to get vaccinated or face exclusion? (something i don't agree with)

maybe that's something to think about ..

oh and i have to post links because if not i am a troll

You are on the wrong forum.
Nobody here will listen, or agree with you, by pushing these views.
brother they are just trying to keep everybody safe.

better safe then sorry right?

in russia it is the same.. when we had the spief in saint petersburg in june this year all attendees needed pcr testing 24 hours before opening.. same with the brics games..

there is no malevolence just precaution.

Better safe THAN sorry. But that might've just been a Freudian slip.
strange answer... this is a weird board.. you guys have stitched together a fantastical image of russia... russia is in the process of developing a vaccine against cancer! russian scientists leading the herd as usual...
strange JQ kremlin watch small Christian board in US cause putnim feel bad for litler jews as told to tucker... putnim and russos suck muzzie-jew hybrid phalic... but get small time JQ tranny in kiev that smart, great "investment" for Russia who great jew and muzzie immigrant-homo friend