COVID: The PsyOp, The Aftermath & The Future

@Blade Runner

You are a better judge of the study's findings than me.
They demonstrate that an enzyme in our bodies will reverse transcribe the mRNA from the injection into human liver cells DNA, in vitro (test tube/plate/etc). This sequence they were seeking in DNA from the mRNA injection was also known to travel to other organs, such as spleen and in the reproductive organs, but at low levels - something that was originally not supposed to be the case if you recall (it was supposed to stay in the muscle or locally). At a minimum, there is little doubt that it is possible at this point that it can become part of your DNA; whether it happens frequently or stays in cells forever or is inherited via the germ line (carried by sperm or eggs), no one will know unless they test the particular subjects in question over time. This is possible and may be done in the future, as well, if in an open and actually "scientific" society.
They demonstrate that an enzyme in our bodies will reverse transcribe the mRNA from the injection into human liver cells DNA, in vitro (test tube/plate/etc). This sequence they were seeking in DNA from the mRNA injection was also known to travel to other organs, such as spleen and in the reproductive organs, but at low levels - something that was originally not supposed to be the case if you recall (it was supposed to stay in the muscle or locally). At a minimum, there is little doubt that it is possible at this point that it can become part of your DNA; whether it happens frequently or stays in cells forever or is inherited via the germ line (carried by sperm or eggs), no one will know unless they test the particular subjects in question over time. This is possible and may be done in the future, as well, if in an open and actually "scientific" society.
Is there currently any way as an individual to test if we have been infected with the mRNA via shedding or sexual contact etc?
They demonstrate that an enzyme in our bodies will reverse transcribe the mRNA from the injection into human liver cells DNA, in vitro (test tube/plate/etc). This sequence they were seeking in DNA from the mRNA injection was also known to travel to other organs, such as spleen and in the reproductive organs, but at low levels - something that was originally not supposed to be the case if you recall (it was supposed to stay in the muscle or locally). At a minimum, there is little doubt that it is possible at this point that it can become part of your DNA; whether it happens frequently or stays in cells forever or is inherited via the germ line (carried by sperm or eggs), no one will know unless they test the particular subjects in question over time. This is possible and may be done in the future, as well, if in an open and actually "scientific" society.

It would be explosive if it went through the germ line, but I seriously doubt it reaches there.
Is there currently any way as an individual to test if we have been infected with the mRNA via shedding or sexual contact etc?
I don't know which of the sequences would best demonstrate this, but a combination or repeated testing with various PCRs or blots might be the case. I'll have to look into which they think are the most reliable. Not inexpensive, but I can't say it would cost a ton.
This is why I won't mock those who took the jab and harassed others who didn't. I pity them, honestly. I still have the fear in the back of my mind that I'll get a call one day and someone in my family has dropped dead like this, because they got jabbed. Somehow I feel that mockers find an early grave. It's disturbing.

But.... the stress these NPC's put the purebloods under (especially in Australia) did cause heart attacks to the unpoked as they (the vaxxer bunch) were all ok with putting us in camps etc.

Karma IS a bitch, no need to make fun of then indeed though but still worth reporting on. RIP
My friends putin now in vladivostok speaking at Eastern economic forum, eef a great forum like SPB and Valdai. Many representive from many countries, lot of interesting talks.

To enter EEF you need one pcr test, preferably with up to date immunization. To watch our leader Putin speak you need another pcr test, so two tests to keep everyone safe.

This is reminder to everybody to keep alert and ready to combat the virus

Picture this guy trollin'
My friend why you are calling me a troll.

People call me troll all the time but never call me wrong.

I don't care if your image of Russia is not same as reality. We Russians laugh about people like on this forum. It is so silly, you claim Russia for your own strange fantasies but never care to see if fantasies are correct.

My friends soon I will leave this forum. I come here to talk about Russia and learn from other people, hoping other people learn from me too.

But many people here not interested in this, they just want to live in a lie and use Russia for this lie.

Sometimes I hope anti-vaxxers on this forum will be in Russia when next pandemic come.

Because there is no better school then vocational school, and no better experience then real world experience. 😉

I pray for you all my friends.
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My friend why you are calling me a troll.

People call me troll all the time but never call me wrong.

I don't care if your image of Russia is not same as reality. We Russians laugh about people like on this forum. It is so silly, you claim Russia for your own strange fantasies but never care to see if fantasies are correct.

My friends soon I will leave this forum. I come here to talk about Russia and learn from other people, hoping other people learn from me too.

But many people here not interested in this, they just want to live in a lie and use Russia for this lie.

Sometimes I hope anti-vaxxers on this forum will be in Russia when next pandemic come.

Because there is no better school then vocational school, and no better experience then real world experience. 😉

I pray for you all my friends.
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My friend why you are calling me a troll.

People call me troll all the time but never call me wrong.

I don't care if your image of Russia is not same as reality. We Russians laugh about people like on this forum. It is so silly, you claim Russia for your own strange fantasies but never care to see if fantasies are correct.

My friends soon I will leave this forum. I come here to talk about Russia and learn from other people, hoping other people learn from me too.

But many people here not interested in this, they just want to live in a lie and use Russia for this lie.

Sometimes I hope anti-vaxxers on this forum will be in Russia when next pandemic come.

Because there is no better school then vocational school, and no better experience then real world experience. 😉

I pray for you all my friends.

Real world experience you say? What does that extent to in your case with the clown world fake English you're using?
My friends soon I will leave this forum....

The hilarious thing is that his “mistakes” in English are stereotypical to a T, as if gleaned from Rocky and Bullwinkle. I know lots of Russians and they don’t talk like this.
