Alex Jones Thread

Nick Fuentes yesterday calling Alex Jones paid/fake opposition was a great move. The more the guys like Stew Peterson and Nick Fuentes and Keith Woods and TRS and Ryan Dawson can all chip away at Alex Jones, the better. The way Alex interviewed Stew on Monday was unprofessional and unserious. The amount of money he is getting under the table to push the Trump Israel-first narrative must be in the 7 figure a year range.
Nick Fuentes yesterday calling Alex Jones paid/fake opposition was a great move. The more the guys like Stew Peterson and Nick Fuentes and Keith Woods and TRS and Ryan Dawson can all chip away at Alex Jones, the better. The way Alex interviewed Stew on Monday was unprofessional and unserious. The amount of money he is getting under the table to push the Trump Israel-first narrative must be in the 7 figure a year range.

Yeah, the recent fuentes and stew peters appearances on infowars should end any and all assertions that AJ is a genuine truth teller / honest dissident / uncontrolled independent broadcaster etc. Maybe at one point in his career that could have been the case, but his aversion to engage with the subject of jewish power (and in fact constantly dodging, strawmanning, and equivocating away all dialogue about it) speaks volumes.

It is obviously a dangerous subject for any public figure to broach. But with all the momentum in the past year, from "death con 3" to "ban the adl" to now the majority of zoomers favoring hamas over israel, someone with AJ's reach and influence giving even a milquetoast acknowledgement about the jewish lobby could really drive the public conversation.

You could make a charitable case that just by AJ platforming these other people, he is voicing an opinion that he himself is afraid to state. But that doesn't seem to be the reality. To me, his refusal to look at / talk about the clearly jewish roots of all the social and political evils that he lectures against shows his true intentions.
Yeah, the recent fuentes and stew peters appearances on infowars should end any and all assertions that AJ is a genuine truth teller / honest dissident / uncontrolled independent broadcaster etc. Maybe at one point in his career that could have been the case, but his aversion to engage with the subject of jewish power (and in fact constantly dodging, strawmanning, and equivocating away all dialogue about it) speaks volumes.

It is obviously a dangerous subject for any public figure to broach. But with all the momentum in the past year, from "death con 3" to "ban the adl" to now the majority of zoomers favoring hamas over israel, someone with AJ's reach and influence giving even a milquetoast acknowledgement about the jewish lobby could really drive the public conversation.

You could make a charitable case that just by AJ platforming these other people, he is voicing an opinion that he himself is afraid to state. But that doesn't seem to be the reality. To me, his refusal to look at / talk about the clearly jewish roots of all the social and political evils that he lectures against shows his true intentions.
OR... You can simply take AJ for all the other things he says that are valid, and be aware of the JQ.

He doesn't harp on the Khazarian Mafia element of our body politics so he can teach more people...that are just not able to accept the entirety of the red pill all at once...

It could be that by continuing to be intellectually curious one sees more of the truth through AJ and gets to that conclusion thereafter.
Yeah, the recent fuentes and stew peters appearances on infowars should end any and all assertions that AJ is a genuine truth teller / honest dissident / uncontrolled independent broadcaster etc. Maybe at one point in his career that could have been the case, but his aversion to engage with the subject of jewish power (and in fact constantly dodging, strawmanning, and equivocating away all dialogue about it) speaks volumes.

It is obviously a dangerous subject for any public figure to broach. But with all the momentum in the past year, from "death con 3" to "ban the adl" to now the majority of zoomers favoring hamas over israel, someone with AJ's reach and influence giving even a milquetoast acknowledgement about the jewish lobby could really drive the public conversation.

You could make a charitable case that just by AJ platforming these other people, he is voicing an opinion that he himself is afraid to state. But that doesn't seem to be the reality. To me, his refusal to look at / talk about the clearly jewish roots of all the social and political evils that he lectures against shows his true intentions.
Nick reviewed Stew's interview on InfoWars and eviscerated Alex Jones for his performance. His repeated lies about the Hitlers, the ChiComs, the Holocaust, it gets so old.

Afterwards Stew had Nick on to talk about the interview. Here is a snippet of it.

This keeps coming up. My take, from reading Jones' repeated body language and posture when he interviews people like Stew Peters is that Jones obviously knows there is something here, but he is not prepared to talk about it.

e.g. Israel critic mentions Jewish dominance in an area of chicanery. Jones' response,

"Yes. No. Of course there are bad Jews, there are bad Muslims, there are bad Chinese. What I am saying is we need a new renaissance. A new Mangna Carta. A new human awakening to take down the globalists."

Chinese influence on the US is obviously minor, the same for any Arab influence. They are no doubt there engaged in chicanery. But it's more like theft and espionage. But with Jews - it's running things and shutting things down.

The question is why. Jones is obviously high level enough to have been approached. Yet despite the few videos, some of which are posted - Jones has not been a ZioShill in anywhre near the degree of Dan Crenshaw, ZioPence, Glenn Beck and other embarrassing figures. And he hasn't has a history of shutting people down who bring it up. He just says something like the above. And he's had more couter-semities on over the past few years than ever before. That doesn't make too much sense. Unless there is now a plan to allow a counter-semitic vanguard to arise and make them do a terrorism or something.

Also worth noting. A lot of people said Paul Joseph Watson was a Jewish shill on RVF. Yet there is an undercover recording of him saying "wipe Jews off the face of the earth" -

Watson does not deal with the Semitic issue, but he does edge close to it in his retweets. Some people are just not going to touch it, or even look at it. But all those people are falling down to boomer tier. I very rarely watch anything Jones and similar people produce now. There's a number of reasons, this elephant being one of them. But I don't know everything that has gone on behind the scenes. No one can say why he leaves this elephant in the room. But it doesn't mean he's necessarily a shill, and the evidence doesn't suggest that to me. The evidence suggests to me that he ignores it. That was my same take with Watson, on RVF, for the same reasons, and it turns out that was the correct take.
OR... You can simply take AJ for all the other things he says that are valid, and be aware of the JQ.

He doesn't harp on the Khazarian Mafia element of our body politics so he can teach more people...that are just not able to accept the entirety of the red pill all at once...

It could be that by continuing to be intellectually curious one sees more of the truth through AJ and gets to that conclusion thereafter.

Exactly. Jones did so much to wake me up on a number of subjects and noticed the avoidance of the big one.

It's odd to me that some of you would criticize Jones for avoiding the JQ, you do know that he would get JFK'd right?

Imagine knowing, deep in your gut, that you'd get taken-out if you touch that subject.

Jones has done his part and then some, he's largely irrelevant at this point, a money maker, and why not?

Nick Fuentes and the like are relevant are far as I can tell ( I'm too old to bother with this stuff, I'm done too ).

I watch MMA and it's a bit sad when you see a fighter is done, like Fedor Emelianenko, you can see the sharpness fading. Fuentes and others have probably learned a ton from Alex, just as modern fighters have learned a ton from Fedor. The torch gets passed on.

Look at this, never have I seen anything like this on a massive media platform, this is unbelievable.

Afterwards Stew had Nick on to talk about the interview. Here is a snippet of it.

Happy New Years!

It's odd to me that some of you would criticize Jones for avoiding the JQ, you do know that he would get JFK'd right?
I think it is fair criticism to point out Jones doesn't talk about this subject, no matter what. But if you want to go down this line of "it is too dangerous" then...

My problem with Jones isn't that he doesn't talk about it. It is that he flat out lies and I am sick of being lied to. Call them "satanic elites" like Putin does. But don't call them "the Chinese", "the globalist Nazi's" or even the most laughable "the Muslim's who control Hollywood". And stop spreading the Holocaust lies and thinking you are cutsey when someone brings up serious issues and then you turn and ask them if they "believe in the Holocaust". It is such a clown show. It is very low brow, predictable, and trash.

I know there are bad people in the world with well kept secret plans, but this video demonstrates how hard it is to tell and sell a compex lie with lots of moving parts (5D chess). In the video there is a simple scene between Zuckerberg and Gates in which they are attempting to "act" (i.e. lie), and due to their lack of acting talent and training the scene is basically unwatchable, much less is it believable (and no, they're not "reverse bad acting" which is even more difficult than regular straight forward acting). So this is something to consider when analyzing the behavior and words of these two polarizing figures, they are both horrible at acting, and hence lying.

I know he has gotten some big things right, but with regards to Alex, it is most likely that Alex is "just Alex." He seems to me to be emotionally winging it and I'm not sure if he even knows what he's doing most of the time. The Sandy Hook thing in particular makes me question his judgment. He's definitely not low IQ, but he's also not the sharpest tool in the shed. I also can't see a guy like him being easy to control in a 5D chess game, he wears his heart on his sleeve, shoots from the hip, and has unpredictable mood swings. The mood swing thing could however make him a naturally gifted actor capable of lying to our faces without us noticing, so that is something to consider.
I know there are bad people in the world with well kept secret plans, but this video demonstrates how hard it is to tell and sell a compex lie with lots of moving parts (5D chess). In the video there is a simple scene between Zuckerberg and Gates in which they are attempting to "act" (i.e. lie), and due to their lack of acting talent and training the scene is basically unwatchable, much less is it believable (and no, they're not "reverse bad acting" which is even more difficult than regular straight forward acting). So this is something to consider when analyzing the behavior and words of these two polarizing figures, they are both horrible at acting, and hence lying.

I know he has gotten some big things right, but with regards to Alex, it is most likely that Alex is "just Alex." He seems to me to be emotionally winging it and I'm not sure if he even knows what he's doing most of the time. The Sandy Hook thing in particular makes me question his judgment. He's definitely not low IQ, but he's also not the sharpest tool in the shed. I also can't see a guy like him being easy to control in a 5D chess game, he wears his heart on his sleeve, shoots from the hip, and has unpredictable mood swings. The mood swing thing could however make him a naturally gifted actor capable of lying to our faces without us noticing, so that is something to consider.
What about Sandy Hook did he say/do that was so egregious?

Don't tell me you believe the false statement said about him by the liberal judges and media...
What about Sandy Hook did he say/do that was so egregious?

Don't tell me you believe the false statement said about him by the liberal judges and media...
I don't believe anything except that he somehow got his as* handed to him on the subject. How do you even get involved with a school massacre of children in a negative light? I'm not sure what he did/said as I didn't pay attention. But I saw it on TV which means whatever he did, it's real, and it's "something" (according to MSM he was either claiming it didn't happen or it was a false flag). Even if that something was just running his mouth at the wrong place, at the wrong time, on the wrong subject. Like I said, he ain't the sharpest tool in the shed. He of all people should know that there are forces of power larger than him out there that are not to be messed with. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.

I know, he's a victim, he was framed, it was just bad luck. At some point there has to be logical consequences for one's actions and life choices. So you want to be a famous attention whoring millionaire who peddles supplements and "health" products while you sit there on your fat as* looking like you're about to keel over from a coronary? Well then, this is what you get.

And his whole Lizard People shtick is annoying too, show us proof, or shut up about idiotic stuff that can't be verified. When is the reservoir of attention and money filled? If you're serious, take your money, disappear, and work asymmetrically and anonymously underground to destroy the "elites" (who you won't name because you're a JQ denier who's married to a JAP) from some bunker in New Zealand. Direct a guerilla war against these "elites" that will cost you your life. But no, I think I'll just sit here screaming about gay frogs all the while knowing that my "life's work" hasn't moved the needle one inch. Great, thanks for a few red pills here and there, but now you can be quiet, pay your billion dollar fine for being an idiot, and leave us in peace so we can enjoy the decline.
I don't believe anything except that he somehow got his as* handed to him on the subject. How do you even get involved with a school massacre of children in a negative light? I'm not sure what he did/said as I didn't pay attention. But I saw it on TV which means whatever he did, it's real, and it's "something" (according to MSM he was either claiming it didn't happen or it was a false flag). Even if that something was just running his mouth at the wrong place, at the wrong time, on the wrong subject. Like I said, he ain't the sharpest tool in the shed. He of all people should know that there are forces of power larger than him out there that are not to be messed with. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.

I know, he's a victim, he was framed, it was just bad luck. At some point there has to be logical consequences for one's actions and life choices. So you want to be a famous attention whoring millionaire who peddles supplements and "health" products while you sit there on your fat as* looking like you're about to keel over from a coronary? Well then, this is what you get.

And his whole Lizard People shtick is annoying too, show us proof, or shut up about idiotic stuff that can't be verified. When is the reservoir of attention and money filled? If you're serious, take your money, disappear, and work asymmetrically and anonymously underground to destroy the "elites" (who you won't name because you're a JQ denier who's married to a JAP) from some bunker in New Zealand. Direct a guerilla war against these "elites" that will cost you your life. But no, I think I'll just sit here screaming about gay frogs all the while knowing that my "life's work" hasn't moved the needle one inch. Great, thanks for a few red pills here and there, but now you can be quiet, pay your billion dollar fine for being an idiot, and leave us in peace so we can enjoy the decline.

Jones never talks about lizard people... you underscored the "Sandy Hook thing" as a key reason to doubt his judgment and you don't even know what he said on the matter or anything about the controversy? Sounds like you just want to complain and criticize someone who for all their flaws put their name on the line for multiple decades while you've done... what to move the needle?
Jones never talks about lizard people... you underscored the "Sandy Hook thing" as a key reason to doubt his judgment and you don't even know what he said on the matter or anything about the controversy? Sounds like you just want to complain and criticize someone who for all their flaws put their name on the line for multiple decades while you've done... what to move the needle?

I don't believe anything except that he somehow got his as* handed to him on the subject. How do you even get involved with a school massacre of children in a negative light? I'm not sure what he did/said as I didn't pay attention. But I saw it on TV which means whatever he did, it's real, and it's "something" (according to MSM he was either claiming it didn't happen or it was a false flag). Even if that something was just running his mouth at the wrong place, at the wrong time, on the wrong subject. Like I said, he ain't the sharpest tool in the shed. He of all people should know that there are forces of power larger than him out there that are not to be messed with. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.

I know, he's a victim, he was framed, it was just bad luck. At some point there has to be logical consequences for one's actions and life choices. So you want to be a famous attention whoring millionaire who peddles supplements and "health" products while you sit there on your fat as* looking like you're about to keel over from a coronary? Well then, this is what you get.

And his whole Lizard People shtick is annoying too, show us proof, or shut up about idiotic stuff that can't be verified. When is the reservoir of attention and money filled? If you're serious, take your money, disappear, and work asymmetrically and anonymously underground to destroy the "elites" (who you won't name because you're a JQ denier who's married to a JAP) from some bunker in New Zealand. Direct a guerilla war against these "elites" that will cost you your life. But no, I think I'll just sit here screaming about gay frogs all the while knowing that my "life's work" hasn't moved the needle one inch. Great, thanks for a few red pills here and there, but now you can be quiet, pay your billion dollar fine for being an idiot, and leave us in peace so we can enjoy the decline.
Forgive me... But you're both factually wrong about many points here and at best Ignorant of what you're speaking about.

Not that you asked... But... Maybe inform yourself before making grand statements that discredit you're position....He covered some of the abnormalities on Sandy Hook (there were many things like people smiling one moment when no camera is on then crying, warning signs, ssri use ECT ECT ECT)... And never said it didn't happen. WE all did that with Uvalde too, and Las Vegas.

IF you actually knew what you were talking about...
You'd know that after Megan Kelly's hatchet job he went on to apologize many times and that he was never allowed to discuss what actually happened...rather issued summary judgements.

That whole thing was a media attempt to unplatform him and then that's the same method they used with Trump.

You're mixing Jones up with David Icke in the lizard people and giving yourself a mental purple nurple.

Your last sentence of the first paragraph is very obtuse. He's still participating and fighting in spite of bankruptcy... What are you doing?

Forgive me... But you're both factually wrong about many points here and at best Ignorant of what you're speaking about.

Not that you asked... But... Maybe inform yourself before making grand statements that discredit you're position....He covered some of the abnormalities on Sandy Hook (there were many things like people smiling one moment when no camera is on then crying, warning signs, ssri use ECT ECT ECT)... And never said it didn't happen. WE all did that with Uvalde too, and Las Vegas.

IF you actually knew what you were talking about...
You'd know that after Megan Kelly's hatchet job he went on to apologize many times and that he was never allowed to discuss what actually happened...rather issued summary judgements.

That whole thing was a media attempt to unplatform him and then that's the same method they used with Trump.

You're mixing Jones up with David Icke in the lizard people and giving yourself a mental purple nurple.

Your last sentence of the first paragraph is very obtuse. He's still participating and fighting in spite of bankruptcy... What are you doing?
I'm not the one claiming to be "doing" anything. Alex does all the claiming. So I don't know why you would come at me with the same old "what are you doing to change the world tough guy keyboard jockey" thing when I'm criticizing a celebrity whom I believe to be an "all about me," though well-intentioned grifter. Read my posts, I've given Alex plenty of props because he makes some great points, but ultimately I just see a man who is all talk with no meaningful action.

Alex goes on and on about demons and "grays" and "reptilians" and the supernatural in a way that is not helpful so please don't split hairs with me over "It's David Icke who is the Lizard People guy!!! Get yourself informed you boomer normicon!!!" And you don't need to explain to me how the media works or "what happened" to Alex. That was my point, "I saw it on TV (as did millions of normies) therefore it's real." It was a line from David Mamet's movie Wag The Dog and it was a joke. Alex played a stupid game, and one a stupid prize. I don't need to know the details because I know The Game is rigged and I knew that Alex's not so smart, over emotional mind would one day get him in trouble. No surprises there. No details needed.

Do a little research on other things a CIS poster says before you go off on one aspect of their thought process. I thought we were all supposed to be brothers here? When Alex starts posting here I'll be happy to engage him directly. But I'm sure he's too busy living the good life at Ruth Chris's steak house every night to engage us peons. Alex has been bloviating for decades about illegal immigration and it has done nothing but get worse. He goes on and on about government corruption and the corruption gets worse. So no, nothing he has SAID has moved the needle one inch. You of all people should know that it takes boots on the ground to get the job done. Alex hasn't organized one anti-zionist militia and he has not armed and funded a Minutemen style resistance at our southern border. In addition, the men that he has red pilled also haven't done anything except start more podcasts, so yes, spreading great ideas is great, but it doesn't slow the decline. At this point, the only thing that can do that is physical violence.