Alex Jones Thread

Either you tell the truth, or you obfuscate and misdirect people for large profit. They have their choice to tell the truth, or they can continue to lie and push for mass third world immigration and 80-hour work weeks while they live high off the hog.
You know there's a Bruce Lee saying " Absorb what is useful, discard what is not, and add what is uniquely your own"

That's how one should view these people.
Unrelated to Alex Jones, but related to InfoWars team.

Edit. More story on what happened can be found here:

Alex makes it sound like this wasn't a political hit job, but instead a random jogger on a crime spree. The DA of Austin refuses to prosecute criminals, so it's entirely possible. Either way, very sad and upsetting news. Disgusting situation all around. Prayers for Mr. White.