Alex Jones Thread

Cross post via the Tucker Carlson thread.

This is going to break the internet.

This was a great interview.

Although it got a little bit long by the end and was fairly unstructured, they discussed some edgy topics that very few people with such reach can or will discuss.

I'm sure someone can pick out lesser-known people that are far better at pointing out the deeper causes of our problems, some potential solutions etc. I look forward to hearing more from these voices too. Yet these people don't have the sheer reach and influence that Alex and Tucker have.

Anyway, I think it is inspiring that these two guys have the energy to still be going. Alex is a supreme orator and entertainer, and Tucker is a top statesman, with a refreshing sense of humour. Two very different personalities, with different roles to play, that combine well within the format of an interview.

In this interview they discussed plenty of interesting topics, including the predictive power of analysing globalist planning, the decline in birth rates especially of heritage Americans, manipulation of security-safety fears to control the masses, and, even the beauty and wonder of the human experience and the absolute need for humility under God.

The Entertainment

Of the many highlights, here are some of my picks purely for entertainment purposes:

Starting around 20:30 - the discussion about anti white politics and the reasons...

culminating at @21:55 when Tucker says "Can I just say, the phrase 'cucked husbands' is the best"

Joe Rogan Lol GIF by UFC

@ 47:25: Tucker's paraphrasing of the chooz' aggressive-victim shtick.

Guys, he knows

The One Where Estelle Dies Episode 15 GIF by Friends

And @ 39:50 - a replay of Alex's tirade against B Stelter

Awesome Tommy Boy GIF
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Geopolitics according to Alex "ChiComs run our government" Jones:

There are tons of Chinese influenced in Hollywood. Seriously you're not suggesting there isn't?

Yes the Khazarian Mafia is the head.

But pretending like they didn't reshoot portions of Top Gun because of Taiwanese flags or the Peter Jackson film Mortal Engines, which was straight up Chinese garbage.
If you took 100 people and put them in a room with Alex Jones for an hour versus putting them in a room with Brother Nathanael or EMJ for an hour, the people in the latter room would start working together to fix society, at least internally with themselves spiritually first.

The only thing we can do is pray that Jones gives up his little niche in the economy of being the worlds highest paid conspiratorial schtick and truly starts to help people out, lest he fall further into Icke territory.
The Alex Jones thing is going to be an odd step. I don't know if he is a paid gatekeeper or just trying to save his own skin and not tell the full truth, I guess at the end we will find out and it doesn't matter. EMJ and Brother Nathanael, for all their good, are out of their element. Time moved way past them, their spiritual guidance is great, but the satanic elites, along with technology has proven many of their talking points on mass immigration and multi-culturalism to be outdated.

I cheer for all three of them, because they help wake up blue pilled conservatives to further right ideas. I also fear them, much like Trump, because if they can drag them further to the right, but pin them on really outdated talking points, then in the end it does us no good.

So, eventually Alex Jones will either be pushed further to the right, along with his crowd, or they will move without him and he will be irrelevant, or society will crumble. One of those three things will happen and likely in the next 5 to 10 years.

We know that Jones knows the truth, he spoke more hardcore red pill 20+ years ago. Why he has reverted back to GOP talking points like the "Chinese are controlling DC", I don't know. I guess it doesn't matter. Soon Trump will be gone, either next year or by 2029, and then all bets are off. Where Jones goes after this doesn't matter much. Where his new growing crowd does go, does matter. Do they go further to the right to Nick Fuentes and then eventually groups like Patriot Front, NJP, and Nordic Resistance? Do they just stick with new GOP talking points and the west collapses from mass immigration and the satanic elites?

We will find out and likely very soon. I can't say if Jones is good or bad right now, but he has some big decisions to make and I wouldn't bet on him making the right one, he has had his chance and has failed so far.
There are tons of Chinese influenced in Hollywood. Seriously you're not suggesting there isn't?

Yes the Khazarian Mafia is the head.

But pretending like they didn't reshoot portions of Top Gun because of Taiwanese flags or the Peter Jackson film Mortal Engines, which was straight up Chinese garbage.
One movie v. 60 years of destroying our culture, our people, and our country is not a real comparison.
I get that. Imagine, If you will, a world where both things are true simultaneously.

That's the case here.
If China influences our movies to not look like the bad guy, our society is mostly intact.

If the satanic elites influence everything on TV so our people are brainwashed into destroying everything good, in a very highly coordinated and timed effort, this is a level of evil of no comparison.

Like I said above, Alex Jones has a tough choice ahead of him. Or well, maybe he doesn't, maybe he just counts his money and doesn't care. But either the right wing will move on past him, with him or without him, or the country will collapse. Staying at the GOP/Trump/Alex Jones talking points isn't even going to buy us one more minute and the number of blue pilled conservatives that need to be awaken is very small. It only takes the top 15% to 20% of men to organize and retake the country, those numbers are already there. The slow to the game blue pillers that Alex Jones still shocks are not needed at all, so all in all, he isn't serving a purpose for much longer.
I think we'll see who is whom when the Israelis lash out and the Iranians or ME otherwise respond. I think that day is coming much sooner than people think and conflicts such as Russia/Ukraine and China/Taiwan are already long into their stories and grinding resolutions, where most eyes are currently. I'm going to make a prediction that Q1 2024 (maybe in March? or latest April) we see some really big geopolitical stuff that shakes the "world economy."
If China influences our movies to not look like the bad guy, our society is mostly intact.

If the satanic elites influence everything on TV so our people are brainwashed into destroying everything good, in a very highly coordinated and timed effort, this is a level of evil of no comparison.

Like I said above, Alex Jones has a tough choice ahead of him. Or well, maybe he doesn't, maybe he just counts his money and doesn't care. But either the right wing will move on past him, with him or without him, or the country will collapse. Staying at the GOP/Trump/Alex Jones talking points isn't even going to buy us one more minute and the number of blue pilled conservatives that need to be awaken is very small. It only takes the top 15% to 20% of men to organize and retake the country, those numbers are already there. The slow to the game blue pillers that Alex Jones still shocks are not needed at all, so all in all, he isn't serving a purpose for much longer.
You might want to look into what TikTok pushes on the children of the West compared to what it pushes on the children in China.
I get that. Imagine, If you will, a world where both things are true simultaneously.

That's the case here.

There's absolutely no comparison between the size and type of influence that China has over the film industry and that of its actual owners!! Conflating the two is being in complete denial of that basic fact.

Furthermore, when China censors Hollywood, it is mostly for a good reason, as they are aware of the subversive nature of that medium and popular culture in general. China's censorship code is virtually the same as that the Catholic Legion of Decency imposed on Hollywood since the 1930s after bringing the movie industry to its knees. That code was eventually broken in the 1970s through the rise of Jewish power and the subversion of the Catholic Church post-Vatican II. This morality code included:

- no homosexual acts or promotion of homosexuality through homo main characters
- no glorification of crime and criminals
- no pornography or graphic sex

The Chinese government has banned all depictions of gay people on television, as part of a cultural crackdown on “vulgar, immoral and unhealthy content”.

Chinese censors have released new regulations for content that “exaggerates the dark side of society” and now deem homosexuality, extramarital affairs, one night stands and underage relationships as illegal on screen. Last week the Chinese government pulled a popular drama, Addicted, from being streamed on Chinese websites as it follows two men in gay relationships, causing uproar among the show’s millions of viewers.

The government said the show contravened the new guidelines, which state that “No television drama shall show abnormal sexual relationships and behaviours, such as incest, same-sex relationships, sexual perversion, sexual assault, sexual abuse, sexual violence, and so on.”

China bans depictions of gay people on television

Content that ‘exaggerates dark side of society’ is banned from TV – from homosexuality to adultery

One side is actively promoting porn, sexual promiscuity and degeneracy, crime (see rap music) through its outright ownership and control of cultural products, in order to socially engineer and weaken the culture, while the other side is blocking it in order to protect their culture from active subversion... Do you see the difference here?

The worst part of this is that Alex Jones knows this, very well. He is however actively concealing this reality because he has long sold out for his 30 pieces of silver. In his old age he has become fat and morally corrupt.
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There's absolutely no comparison between the size and type of influence that China has over the film industry and that of its actual owners!! Conflating the two is being in complete denial of that basic fact.

Furthermore, when China censors Hollywood, it is mostly for a good reason, as they are aware of the subversive nature of that medium and popular culture in general. China's censorship code is virtually the same as that the Catholic Legion of Decency imposed on Hollywood since the 1930s after bringing the movie industry to its knees. That code was eventually broken in the 1970s through the rise of Jewish power and the subversion of the Catholic Church post-Vatican II. This morality code included:

- no homosexual acts or promotion of homosexuality through homo main characters
- no glorification of crime and criminals
- no pornography or graphic sex

China bans depictions of gay people on television

Content that ‘exaggerates dark side of society’ is banned from TV – from homosexuality to adultery

One side is promoting porn, sexual promiscuity and degeneracy, crime (see rap music) through its outright ownership and control of cultural products, while the other side is blocking it. Do you see the difference here?

The worst part of this is that Alex Jones knows this, very well. He is however actively concealing this reality because he has long sold out for his 30 pieces of silver. In his old age he has become fat and morally corrupt.
Thank you for saving me a post.
There's absolutely no comparison between the size and type of influence that China has over the film industry and that of its actual owners!! Conflating the two is being in complete denial of that basic fact.

Furthermore, when China censors Hollywood, it is mostly for a good reason, as they are aware of the subversive nature of that medium and popular culture in general. China's censorship code is virtually the same as that the Catholic Legion of Decency imposed on Hollywood since the 1930s after bringing the movie industry to its knees. That code was eventually broken in the 1970s through the rise of Jewish power and the subversion of the Catholic Church post-Vatican II. This morality code included:

- no homosexual acts or promotion of homosexuality through homo main characters
- no glorification of crime and criminals
- no pornography or graphic sex

China bans depictions of gay people on television

Content that ‘exaggerates dark side of society’ is banned from TV – from homosexuality to adultery

One side is promoting porn, sexual promiscuity and degeneracy, crime (see rap music) through its outright ownership and control of cultural products, while the other side is blocking it. Do you see the difference here?

The worst part of this is that Alex Jones knows this, very well. He is however actively concealing this reality because he has long sold out for his 30 pieces of silver.
AJ has called out Jews repeatedly. He said as much during this interview that there's no way they didn't know about what's going on.

They guy is literally the most attacked dude, censored, and financially penalized dude, other than Trump, on the fricken planet.

Calling him sold out for 30 sheckels, from a nameless, faceless dude on the Internet is just keyboard warrioring with out skin in the game.

There can be internal subversion and external subversion at the same time.

I don't understand why people are stuck on an either or mentality.

I also agree that Jews are by far more insidious.

I am just taking the approach that he knows what can and can't be said to keep the message digestible for people on the edge of the Overton window.
AJ has called out Jews repeatedly. He said as much during this interview that there's no way they didn't know about what's going on.

The guy is literally the most attacked dude, censored, and financially penalized dude, other than Trump, on the fricken planet.

Calling him sold out for 30 sheckels, from a nameless, faceless dude on the Internet is just keyboard warrioring with out skin in the game.

There can be internal subversion and external subversion at the same time.

I don't understand why people are stuck on an either or mentality.

I also agree that Jews are by far more insidious.

I am just taking the approach that he knows what can and can't be said to keep the message digestible for people on the edge of the Overton window.

He is not just concealing the truth, he is actively lying by saying things like China owns Hollywood or the Saudis own the banks.

He has been allowed to make tens of millions, lives in a mansion, is literally married to the tribe, and works with ZOG kingpins, who actually own part of his media empire:

They will still bring him down a notch or two, but not after they let him amass a huge fortune. That is how high-level gatekeeping works.
You might want to look into what TikTok pushes on the children of the West compared to what it pushes on the children in China.
This happens with all countries and media outlets. They change our cartoons when they are produced for other countries to not offend them. Rightfully so, they are offensive.

I can't say China is a friend, they are a thorn in the side of the satanic elites, though I am not sure if they are a legit thorn or more controlled opposition thorn. But they are not my enemies. My enemies are the satanic elites who have destroyed the once beautiful Christian west and turned it into a satanic tower of babel.