Alex Jones Thread

Incredible, Alex is really looking bad here. He won't even let this brilliant man (never heard of him before) even finish his thoughts without complete derails, and yet he is still slaying it on the JQ. Alex is a full blown JQ denialist. Sad.

I think Alex is so set in his ways and has been The Boss for so long that he really can't take other people in if they don't fit directly into his ideas and narratives. He is a horrible listener and interviewer when he gets out of his comfort zone. As a result, instead of asking follow up questions on The Brother's profound insights and statements he just blows past them and changes the subject.
Incredible, Alex is really looking bad here. He won't even let this brilliant man (never heard of him before)

He's been around for about 15 years on the internet doing videos and commentary on the JQ. It's pretty funny that Stew so dramatically says he just became an American hero :D. He's been at this for a long time.
Don't like Alexs handling of this topic.

He pretty much says what we knew he would though... That he's not trying to single out one ethnic group.

He should have let him finish. My wife was listening in the car with me... She said "I wouldn't expect Alex to be so defensive about this... It's fairly obvious"

I appreciate Alex for what he's good on... But this is not a good topic for him and Brother Nathaniel is spot on.
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Looks like Alex Jones got wrecked so badly by Brother Nathaneal that he took the interview down on his website. His little schtick of distraction and hyperbole failed this time.

The Lord works in his own way. AJ knows what it is like to get the big "shut it down." That had to hurt. Maybe they got to him, but it should hurt the man to do it to another dissident.

Let's pray for him. If he comes around, it could be a huge win. The fight isn't over yet.
The Lord works in his own way. AJ knows what it is like to get the big "shut it down." That had to hurt. Maybe they got to him, but it should hurt the man to do it to another dissident.

Let's pray for him. If he comes around, it could be a huge win. The fight isn't over yet.
I think he's just trying to not get deplatformed after getting back on X.

And he's married to a Jewess If I'm not mistaken.

Eta... Frankly I'm surprised he even had him on. I wouldn't have ever said I expect that to happen.
I think he's just trying to not get deplatformed after getting back on X.

And he's married to a Jewess If I'm not mistaken.

Eta... Frankly I'm surprised he even had him on. I wouldn't have ever said I expect that to happen.

Yeah that's the odd thing, like he'll bring on people like Ye/Fuentes and Brother Nathaniel and then like, kinda try to deflect and shut them down and do the whole classical liberal "not all Jews" shtick, but he's still having them on and promoting them to all his viewers and he has to know that they're gonna be dropping JQ bombs. I'd like to give him the credit of trying to play both sides by quasi-gatekeeping while lowkey promoting these guys, but him removing the interview speaks to the contrary. God bless him but for Jones the line will always be drawn in front of discussing organized Jewry.
Yeah that's the odd thing, like he'll bring on people like Ye/Fuentes and Brother Nathaniel and then like, kinda try to deflect and shut them down and do the whole classical liberal "not all Jews" shtick, but he's still having them on and promoting them to all his viewers and he has to know that they're gonna be dropping JQ bombs. I'd like to give him the credit of trying to play both sides by quasi-gatekeeping while lowkey promoting these guys, but him removing the interview speaks to the contrary. God bless him but for Jones the line will always be drawn in front of discussing organized Jewry.
I'm sure he was told to remove it....

But you're right. He admits to knowing about all the things and agreeing with the overall points but won't repeat them himself.

He knows... I kinda give him some slack... But I wish he would have not talked over brother Nathaniel so much.
Here's the full video:

"Brother Nathanael eats Alex Jones for Breakfast"

Alex is clearly in this business for the money. He has a boomer mindset that doesn't allow him see racial realities for long-term peaceful solutions.

Some highlights:
-King Solomon was the first globalist 4:30
-China's economy run by jewish money 6:45
-jews going after the youth and the natural procreation 8:30
-Naming some names with classic Brother Nathanael jew accent 11:50
-Ivanka trump was born a jew from jew Ivana Trump 16:00
-Israeli terror tactics 18:30
-jews using Christ's name as a curse word 22:50
-Bro Nat schooling Alex Jones on jewish money power 25:30
-jews have to control the goyim 31:00
-Alex Jones shilling his flawed pro-humanity alliance 33:00
-Bro Nat saying the Khazarian history is a myth 34:00
-Bro Nat's "bible with brother" youtube channel removed because he's reaching the youth 35:00
-Election in 2024 rigged again 37:00
-"where there's nationalism the jew sinks down" 38:16
-Alex's stupid point on reaching out to everyone for his anti-transhumanist alliance 40:00
-"no such thing as a good jew" 41:10
-Alex's WW2 bs again with his grandfathers mythical stories 41:40
-Bro Nat rolls his eyes when Alex talks about "piles of bodies" and "Hitler glowing with satanic eyes"
-Bro Nat makes Alex look completely retarded at 43:00 and gets cut off educating him on some more realistic history than Alex is used to.

I've discussed it before. Alex claims to love history but he is no historian. His narrative is a convoluted take of post-WW2 lies coupled with 1990's conspiracies about interdimensional demons, not the learned spiritual understanding that Christ's apostles spread to their successors. Alex's point of view is that Hitler is the ultimate evil, and therefore the opposite of Hitler is the ultimate good. Fuentes even corrected him on this in one of their previous podcasts where he says that it is not about Hitler and the jews, but about Christ and Anti-Christ. He never once discusses nor can he comprehend the intricate European mindset of the changing 19th and early 20th centuries, and for all his alleged descendants from Europe (which is obvious because he's White) he does not understand the concept of the volk, which predates Hitler by several centuries at least, I would tertiarily argue several millennia.

The only net benefit for the various truth-seekers out there who do not want to have to filter through so much garbage is that Alex at least uses his platform to let these voices on, but as you can see in the last few minutes of this podcast he's showing the sped-up footage of Hitler at the 1936 Olympics where he was likely experiencing epilepsy petit mal, or the beginning symptoms of Parkinsons from one of his many WW1 injuries as a demeaning tactic to smear anyone who does not kowtow to agreeing that "Hitler is the ultimate evil." He plays the footage as he closes out Brother Nathanael talking because he can't let his "ultimate Hitler evil" narrative be destroyed by someone who is a more competent historian than he is.

Alex Jones' wife was jewish, his 3 kids are jewish, and as I posted earlier in the thread his whore 2nd wife is likely a jew as well. He's a professional bs'er. His formula is so recycled and exhausting: Get belligerent, Interrupt, interject BS, cut to break, pretend to misunderstand, make excuses, gaslight, interject more BS. Alex Jones is not racially educated, and this is an important component going into the future from this very moment, something that every jew and gentile must take into their hearts, not as a weapon of hatred, but as a knowledge of themselves, and it is the only way that there will ever be an understanding and a potential peace between all peoples, hard fought for, and achieved only when geographically separated in their own lands the way God intended.

This fat boomer cuckoldry makes me sick. I am glad that soon younger, stronger, and more virile minds will take over the reigns of truth and exposing lies, and not the empty, puerile meanderings of sentience which are getting more obvious every time this man opens his mouth.
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Here's the full video:

"Brother Nathanael eats Alex Jones for Breakfast"

Alex is clearly in this business for the money. He has a boomer mindset that doesn't allow him see racial realities for long-term peaceful solutions.

Some highlights:
-King Solomon was the first globalist 4:30
-China's economy run by jewish money 6:45
-jews going after the youth and the natural procreation 8:30
-Naming some names with classic Brother Nathanael jew accent 11:50
-Ivanka trump was born a jew from jew Ivana Trump 16:00
-Israeli terror tactics 18:30
-jews using Christ's name as a curse word 22:50
-Bro Nat schooling Alex Jones on jewish money power 25:30
-jews have to control the goyim 31:00
-Alex Jones shilling his flawed pro-humanity alliance 33:00
-Bro Nat saying the Khazarian history is a myth 34:00
-Bro Nat's "bible with brother" youtube channel removed because he's reaching the youth 35:00
-Election in 2024 rigged again 37:00
-"where there's nationalism the jew sinks down" 38:16
-Alex's stupid point on reaching out to everyone for his anti-transhumanist alliance 40:00
-"no such thing as a good jew" 41:10
-Alex's WW2 bs again with his grandfathers mythical stories 41:40
-Bro Nat rolls his eyes when Alex talks about "piles of bodies" and "Hitler glowing with satanic eyes"
-Bro Nat makes Alex look completely retarded at 43:00 and gets cut off educating him on some more realistic history than Alex is used to.

I've discussed it before. Alex claims to love history but he is no historian. His narrative is a convoluted take of post-WW2 lies coupled with 1990's conspiracies about interdimensional demons, not the learned spiritual understanding that Christ's apostles spread to their successors. Alex's point of view is that Hitler is the ultimate evil, and therefore the opposite of Hitler is the ultimate good. Fuentes even corrected him on this in one of their previous podcasts where he says that it is not about Hitler and the jews, but about Christ and Anti-Christ. He never once discusses nor can he comprehend the intricate European mindset of the changing 19th and early 20th centuries, and for all his alleged descendants from Europe (which is obvious because he's White) he does not understand the concept of the volk, which predates Hitler by several centuries at least, I would tertiarily argue several millennia.

The only net benefit for the various truth-seekers out there who do not want to have to filter through so much garbage is that Alex at least uses his platform to let these voices on, but as you can see in the last few minutes of this podcast he's showing the sped-up footage of Hitler at the 1936 Olympics where he was likely experiencing epilepsy petit mal, or the beginning symptoms of Parkinsons from one of his many WW1 injuries as a demeaning tactic to smear anyone who does not kowtow to agreeing that "Hitler is the ultimate evil." He plays the footage as he closes out Brother Nathanael talking because he can't let his "ultimate Hitler evil" narrative be destroyed by someone who is a more competent historian than he is.

Alex Jones' wife was jewish, his 3 kids are jewish, and as I posted earlier in the thread his whore 2nd wife is likely a jew as well. He's a professional bs'er. His formula is so recycled and exhausting: Get belligerent, Interrupt, interject BS, cut to break, pretend to misunderstand, make excuses, gaslight, interject more BS. Alex Jones is not racially educated, and this is an important component going into the future from this very moment, something that every jew and gentile must take into their hearts, not as a weapon of hatred, but as a knowledge of themselves, and it is the only way that there will ever be an understanding and a potential peace between all peoples, hard fought for, and achieved only when geographically separated in their own lands the way God intended.

This fat boomer cuckoldry makes me sick. I am glad that soon younger, stronger, and more virile minds will take over the reigns of truth and exposing lies, and not the empty, puerile meanderings of sentience which are getting more obvious every time this man opens his mouth.

Alex Jones is Gen X.
If it looks like a boomer, behaves like a boomer, and talks like a boomer, then it's a boomer. What's a couple years amongst friends?

@MusicForThePiano great Bro Nat breakdown and AJ vs JQ analysis.
The youngest Baby Boomer was born in 1964, and turns 60 this year.

AJ, according to Wikipedia was born in 1974, and will turn 50 this year. Childhood in late 70s, through the 80s is peak Gen X.
The youngest Baby Boomer was born in 1964, and turns 60 this year.

AJ, according to Wikipedia was born in 1974, and will turn 50 this year. Childhood in late 70s, through the 80s is peak Gen X.

